By Jukit Babalu
En route to the Kojanimo ~Tweedledee,
Teardrop Valley, Bopland,
Doobywop Star Cluster
Welcome to my lair. Don`t fret, I leaped the moat instead of through their hoops.
Bienvenido a mi guarida. El traste de Don`t, yo salté el foso en vez de por sus aros.
Accueillir à ma tanière. L'irritation de Don`t, j'ai sauté le fossé au lieu de par leurs cerceaux.
Heißen Sie willkommen zu meinem Unterschlupf. Don`t Bund, bin ich der Stadtgraben statt durch ihre Reifen gesprungen.
欢迎来到我的兽穴。唐 ` t 烦恼,我跳过壕沟,而非通过他们的箍。
मेरे छिपने की जगह स्वागत करता हूं । डोंगरग. ढ़ 291व्यक्ति टी. चिढना, मॅँ की खाई leaped करने की बजाय उनके माध्यम से आड़ी ।
私のねぐらへようこそ。 ドン ' tフレット 私がその代わりにそれらのたがを通って堀を跳び越えた。
Receba a minha toca. O traste de Don`t, saltei o fosso em vez de por suas argolas.
Добро пожаловать в мое логовище. Дон `t раздражение, я прыгал ров вместо через их обручи.
Dare il benvenuto al mio covo. Don`t logora, ho saltato il fossato invece di attraverso i loro canestri.
Hils velkommen til min hule. Don`t gnaver, sprang jeg voldgraven i stedet for gennem deres hoops.
Verwelkom naar mijn hol. Don`t erger u, sprong ik de grachtin plaats van door hun hoepels.
Χαιρετίζω τη δική μου Lair. don't fret, Ι leaped το moat αντί της μέσω των στεφάνες.
If you also have a hushmail address and send an email to my
hushmail address, th email is encrypted and cannot be read by
anyone. If you dont have a hushmail address and send me an email,
it can be intercepted and read by others. If you have a song that
you feel should be listed, then let me know the artist and name so
it can be reviewed. Ditto for conspiracy sites, errors,
suggestions, complaints. Regardless of content, I`d be pleased to
receive your email.
One Record (dollar)
First time readers please note that I take a few grammatical
shortcuts, eg "the" becomes "th", and "because" becomes "cuz". There
are also many new words, eg "yes" becomes "c". See th new word Rock
dictionary in chapter 6 and a more complete explanation on other pages. Sorry
but due to this huge blog`s ever-enlarging nature, time does not permit
the pages to be numbered. However, locating a new or old
article/update is fairly easy, just click edit/find, then type in one or more
words that you think will be found in the article, click "next"
and you`ll be automatically taken there, provided you are in th right chapter. Locate all 8 chapters by clicking them at bottom left. Note that th only way i can publish without drama is to maintain alot of empty space between pics.
Review this blog at =
Firstly, I want to CHONNIE (thank) the folks who did their best to disseminate this blog. But I`m still not getting the quantity of readers needed to stop the NWO dead in its tracks. Its mostly my own fault for being a feral black sheep living in th future.
I`m speaking factually not pessimistically when I say that disgusting lazy spammers peddling worthless trash have all but ruined the once mighty net. Even though I`m not selling anything, nor do I ask for donations, when I send out emails I`m sure they wind up unread in people`s spam section so I cant reach people that way.
Many people are like hermit crabs, they venture out of their shell, read this story and hastily retreat pronto back in their shell without telling anyone else what they had read for fear that a poltergeist will suddenly appear from nowhere and blow goober dust up their nose.
The reason they dont tell others is because by doing so, they would be forced to admit they are living a lie. No one likes to be made to look like a fool, least of all by the person looking back at them in the mirror. So in their eyes I`ve become the GREAT PERVERTED UNWASHED OGRE who has become their object of scorn. Thanks to the internet, for the FIRST time in history we have, or should I say had? a chance to be free but few gave 2 hoots. Once an animal has been in a cage for so long, even if you open the door and set it free, it will still not run away in a big hurry. It cant, its noggin has been permanently damaged.
The once in a millennia chance to attain freedom is passing by with nary a hoot from the slaves. But wait, this is changing in a BIG hurry.
Here are the cold hard facts for you; the cirrhotic unskilled rabid scum of the ages = the cursota, have tortured/poisoned the people from birth resulting in a degenerated race of weak petrified constipated automatons who are in constant need of medical attention and who rather enjoy being enslaved. However, day by day more and more zombies are spitting out th verbal/physical poisons thanks to the impeccable conspiracy netsites listed on another page in this chapter. Even if the patriot movement sweeping the world now beats the cursota, and I`m relatively CERTAIN it will, after the new leaders are in place, I think there`s a chance that we`ll be emotionally back to where we started from in the first place with the same old strangling numbing unwritten/written rules:
1. Almost certainly we will all be expected to continue wearing sackcloth which is one primary FOUNDATIONAL STONE of everyone`s anxiety/insanity. Many folks just cant understand this. They need to live in a nudist colony for awhile until they get bored, as I did, of staring at naked flesh all day long. After awhile it becomes as exciting as looking at a naked fish so its obvious the cursota DID NOT make nudity illegal to save us from becoming "perverted", but to drag us over their chariot wheels.
Let me make one thing absolutely clear = I aint gonna be forced to wear religious sackcloth and walk around pretending I`m ashamed of my body when I aint. I wont be called a "pervert" or a "child molester" for doing this when I aint. I rather like every inch of my own lean vegetarian frame an I aint gonna lie to myself, kiss some religious pervert`s ass, and don sackcloth as if to prove I`m ashamed, fretful and deranged like most of the other slaves. This proud slave is free upstairs, STONE FREE JACK. And I aint a changin fer NOBODY.
I`m not gonna be like th cursota in any way, shape form or manner. I`m not gonna sing walk think or talk like them. I`ll maintain my saneness high up on a bean stalk that they will be too petrified to climb. One other thing = even if they fill my brain with numbing microchips, force me to eat GM food on a microwave oven, and make me repeat the lord`s prayer 50,000 times, when I recover I`ll be EXACTLY th same as I was before = get it thru yer cracked feo obese retarded head = you wont get me to be ashamed of my genital and breast areas nomatter WHAT you do.
2. The same old debilitating chalk (sex) and drug restrictions may be in place, in other words the state and NOT the parents will have the final say regarding their kid`s chalkily/drug conduct resulting in the same old high rate of youth suicide worldwide. From day one we are taught to cover certain "disrespectable" bodily areas and avoid certain "harmful" drugs. A THOUSAND TIMES WHY? LISTEN UP... Sex/drug restrictions make it possible for the cursota to maintain their parasitic niche by FRAMING AND/OR SHAMING true freedom fighters or others trying to get elected, or political leaders worldwide NOT being politically correct thus making them "perverts" in the public`s eye, which in turn justifies invading their country to, SMILE "restore democracy freedom and respectability". If this were widely known, not one person would join the USA military and their dominance would be over. You say if I dont provide you with visual proof of this you`ll forever consider me as being a "terrorist" and go back reading your Ernest Lemmingway novel? Well, because I`m feeling pissed today, here`s the video proof = "the Panama Deception". Scroll to the 1:22.12 mark and hear Larry Birns from the Council on Hemispheric Affairs if you want to immediately increase yer stress level and use that as an excuse to go back to sleep on your bed of nails.
Hear also Jackson Browne`s "till I go down" in the video;
Till I go down I'm not gonna shut my eyes Till I go down I'm not gonna shut my eyes I've already seen the lies On the faces of the men of war Leading people to the killing floor Till I go down I'm not gonna shut my eyes No no Till I go down Till the world stops spinning around Till I'm six feet under the ground Till there's no sound Till there's no pain I'm gonna swing this chain Till I go down I'm not gonna shut my mouth I'm for the truth to come out About the leader with the iron will And his allegiance to the dollar bill Till I go down I'm not gonna shut my eyes Till I go down
Demonstrating their virtual stranglehold on your mentality is the fact that very few or no one would consider either a nude president or a colorfully dressed one as being "respectable". In other words, whether or not someone is respectable depends entirely on the length of his hair or style of clothing, not whether or not he`s true blue. Wearing a hippie shirt is the fastest way I know of to NOT get elected. There is nary a person that I know of today in the truth movement, big business, or the political arena who dresses in a colorful manner and in turn this all but forces small business owners worldwide to dress the same or lose all their customers.
3. The same old madisonian fairy tale that there must be an all-powerful big army state to govern and tax the people so as to "protect" them from destroying each other may be in place. We must not allow a new crew of libertarians, despite the fact that they may THINK they`re true blue and have the answers to it all, to inadvertently rename and reinstate the same old doomed to fail system as before. In other words, warmongers, big sugar mills/cattle farms/sex restrictions/high taxation/oil refineries must go.
Despite an elected freedom fighter`s best courageous ORIGINAL intentions, unless a NEW fair system is developed, the political/banking/sociological/court system we have in place today will erode freedom AGAIN little by little, by ill-design, and eventually self-destruct ~ even if it was`nt purposely designed to do just that, its structural defects will ensure it does eventually. You need positive proof? Look at America`s democratic system which took roughly 230 years to become almost entirely eroded. Still not convinced? Look at the "new" intellectual wasteland, disguised as the European Union. Its certain that few even gave my own political system, Bopagy/Bopperism, a second thought before they retreated back in their cubby hole to watch Noriega and Lee Oswald being demonized for the 756th time.
4. The same old cities may be there with the same old spirogyracated council`s charging the same old ever-increasing fees for public utility services. Just as if we needed them in the first place and water-powered free energy producing machinery was just a pipe dream. There`s no one out there with the cojones to be the first to demolish a big city relocating the inhabitants to the countryside giving them a piece of ground where they can be trained to be self-sufficient and independent of the state/church. The ponds in the game, AKA the slaves, disguised as "publically educated citizens", may be forced to work longer and longer hours to pay for their elected official`s ever-increasing foreign travel fees to discuss new ways to cattle prod the slaves into believing that unless higher taxes are levied, economic chaos will result. In other words, after 230 MORE years, someone may need more mun to employ a 7th bodyguard. The politician with the biggest choreographed "doomocratic" tale to tell always gets elected. The DNA of mankind has become "citified" meaning that people have finally learned how to relish being the hosts of parasites.
5. The same old dung-laden cattle corrals, disguised as "public schools", may be teaching the same old anti-knowledge knowledge.
6. Because most everyone`s musical DNA has been degenerated BEYOND BELIEF, the same old suicidal guanozicated anti-music music may be played on the radio/net, for a fee of course. Even if there`s folks playing good music on the net, having to pay ever-increasing licensing fees to broadcast will ensure that they are forced to sell out to ultra-wealthy cirrhoticists who will eventually see to it that only guanozicated trash gets played inbetween endless numbing commercials/news. Unless a song is disgustingly schmaltzy, has a dead beat, is sung by high pitched feminized boys due to fluoride and dozens of other toxins, or is gratingly raspy resembling the sound of a cane car being dragged sideways across a rusted railroad bridge, it will not be admired by the youth who are trained from day one to punish themselves and be uncomplaining subservient unmelodic useful idiots.
On a final note, some of you older readers may wonder why I keep trying to resuscitate a gravely ill horse. Can`t you hear th jukelos (winds) of freedom roaring thru th forest canopy?
** I thought I had been exposed to every zombie capable of telling lies with a straight believable face. Then I saw oba-a-a-ma give a speech with his calm reassuring fatherly demeanour and could`nt believe my eyes. The first thing I said was "he looks like a computor, with every wrinkle and expression on his face programmed to deceive. As I watched him smiling and being humble just like a benevolent human I began to laugh uncontrollably. One would never suspect in a thousand years that this computor with a human face had dozens of trojan horses and viruses on its hard drive which were spreading and infecting humanity, especially Indigenous Peoples. It was a flawless performing computor, complete with invisible makeup concealing th hundreds of pits on its monitor.
Note that this computor was, SMILE, "elected" because he was BLACK and thus capable of convincing some braindead or corrupt African leader to permit a military base/gold mine etc there.
This master computor could say "there are miniature dragons swimming in your blood stream right now" and th audience would gasp. He could say he was a Beatle fan and the audience would sing "we luv you ya ya ya, we luv you ya ya ya, with a prez like you, we really are so glad".
He could turn water into wine, spray it on their noses and they would be licking it off each other.
Soon my laughter turned somber. I`m not the only one who has eyes that see.
BOPPERISM/BOPAGY is the only hope for a world gone mad, but with an actor like this on the stage, is there any hope that assassination plotters from JFK to Waco to Murrah to 9-11 will be brought to justice, or valid 1950-60s Rock an Roll returning and finding a home in mainstream consciousness?
The last update was on Aug 22-2010 (this may be th last update for awhile, so keep up to date and see =
** Time to rejoice, Alex Jones, of, has got the scum by th balls and is not lettin go! He has his hordes of "info-warriors" type in certain words in th google search engine all at one time which propels him to the most visited site in order to get his messages across! Slowly but surely, hour after hour, he forces th "tip of his spear" in towards th heart of these NWO homicidal maniacs disguised as "benevolent government". I`m waiting with great anticipation to see th BLUE blood spurt!
** After years of searching, i finally found one of our 3 lost Tonkilus (Bopland National Anthems). Listen for free now while th iron is hot! On google search the Cadillacs "rock and roll is here to stay". Click th 4th choice "rock roll is here stay, rapid search - 308 files". Then type in the files tube search bar "rock roll is here stay, cadillacs. Then click th 2nd choice (4
The last update was on Aug 22-2010 (this may be th last update for awhile, so keep up to date and see =
** Cohuttas, beware of with alan watt. I`m 95% convinced that, word for word he`s possibly th champion.... deceiver of th lot. Nevertheless, hear this pommy talk via his free audio downloads so you can get a feel of what a real champion disinformation expert sounds like. He`s never but never rude to anyone he talks with which adds th toxic red herring on th cake. But wait, what good is a cake without sugary reverse psychology icing? = He has said something like "first they convert certain designated programmable stooges into instant internet patriot stars by providing them with startling revealing information that is sure to make a big splash when they "heroically" release it. Then later on, at a certain critical time, they can then easily "guide" th lemmings over th cliff".
My guess is that he is a very high ranking member of some royal/banking family bloodline. His ruse is that 98% of th time he says things that immediately gain th trust of all patriots.
There are at least 6 reasons why i think he`s a pathologicasystapistamistic cursotic PPP (pusillanimous poltroonish prisoner), flibbergistocratic, meatarichumpistodiated, guanozicated eater of dead decaying flesh. I`d love to explain this in detail but doing so would just educate them and make it harder for me to see thru them th next time.
Oh by th way, th Beatles R & R, but not classical guitar, will be freeing ojay for centuries to come and that drives th cursota BERSERK. Because R & R, unrestricted free love and vegetarianism are capable of destroying these spiro gyras in their putrid artificial niche, they wage endless war against th three. How does THAT mess yer cluttered mind up? Ah.... i just get off watching those little girl playhouses fall. OOPS, there goes another one.
** After years of searching, i finally found one of our 3 lost Tonkilus (Bopland National Anthems). Listen for free now while th iron is hot! On google search the Cadillacs "rock and roll is here to stay". Click th 4th choice "rock roll is here stay, rapid search - 308 files". Then type in the files tube search bar "rock roll is here stay, cadillacs. Then click th 2nd choice (4
** More major evidence of the ancient doctor/church/state`s biblical agenda to degrade fruit, in this case highly valuable cancer-curing GRAPES, back in 1861. See = "Here is more major evidence" in chapter 3.
** added to list of recommended websites.
** AND added to list of recommended videos an netsites. There are hundreds of pertinent free videos to watch.
** AND added to list of recommended websites.
** added to recommended list of netsites.
** For about the 7th time, Jeff Rense/Alex Jones review has been "reconfigured" again. See below.
** reinstated to recommended list of netsites. But WHY when formerly I had a few doubts about Jeff`s sincerity? So you can see for yourself, weigh th evidence an make your own decision. After listening to him chat with Argentinian Adrian Salbuchi, one of the bi-lingual unheralded giants of intellect, it became plain to see that Jeff is surely for real and that I have most certainly made an error in judgement. My apologies to Jeff.
Having said this, its vital to see the outrageous slandering videos about Alex Jones on Rense`s site ASAP which, for the life of me, I dont understand. Jeff openly slapping Jones? But why?
Its easy to misjudge Alex because of his rude habit of loudly interrupting people and saying things like "I`m red blooded cuz I like to hunt and fish", which insinuates that vegetarians who dont hunt and fish are NOT red blooded, and "god bless you" regularly, which creates a direct conflict of interest to scientific non-worshippers of the popular religions, and his habit of verbally "punishing" folks who smoke reefer, eg Willie Nelson.
How many of you could stand the heat th way he does if th gov. were blowing hot air at you 365 days a year?
Alex does`nt smoke and probably does`nt watch porn, so the question is, would he defend your legal right to do so? But why should Boplanders concern themselves with this, when, in the Bopland Federation, each individual family and not the state determine what is proper sexual/drug conduct? Alex knows the ship is sinking and so his heated screaming and ranting is understandable and surely designed to awaken as many folks as he can while there is still time. His remarkable videos have enlightened millions including myself. So for all of you who think BOPPERISM--BOPAGY is a joke, at this particular point in time, July 2010, its vital for you to ride on BOTH of their ships, an just absorb the remarkable things they both say. Jeff Rense is a self-proclaimed vegan like myself. Much more on this in the recommended netsite section further on.
** Attention me cohuttas, one of the most elite net sites on the entire net, is in the process of closing down due to a lack of funds. Can any of you provide a donation to the owner, Billy Vegas? Its a fact that if every school student in the world was required to view every one of Billy`s videos, youth suicide would immediately stop, smiles would return to their faces, war would cease, and the inhuman creatures scorching this planet would go in hiding and never be seen again. Billy`s "problem" is that he is an unheralded video genius, but only in th eyes of the few who can see, and who are not afraid to face the truth. Yes its sad but true, we live in a world crawling with decomposing grim pod-like creatures disguised as "charitable healthy humans".
Cohuttas, or first time readers of this blog, are you brave enough to want to live in the future, be set free, regain your youthful sanity, and redeem your soul even if you lose every friend you ever had, your bed mate, and maybe your job by doing this? In other words, are you a needle in a haystack who wants to actually feel the Earth move under your feet? Then arise like hungry lions and ride the ball of fire as it peeks over the horizon and laugh. The truth will set you free. Being in control of your own destiny is more important than fame, the super bowl, knickers, gold carriages and captain kangaroo. Why not assist the brave few who, against all odds, have been fighting for your right to smile?
** The top 13 teeraleers of all time based solely on th number of listed Cherilaylas = see Trunk Of Harbitweezity in chapter 7.
** The death penalty can be given out for a series of, count `em, 68 crimes in China, 28 of them non-violent. In addition to these, I propose that 11 more crimes be added to the list in our carefree heavenly Western Societies. Find in chapter 2 = question for you servo
** Here`s one reason why many men have been tranformed into meek lard-gutted blobs which permits th cursota to "crush them under their chariot wheels with their NWO" without fear of retaliation; = "232 Toxic Chemicals in 10 Minority Babies" "Laboratory tests commissioned by Environmental Working Group have, for the first time, detected bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic component and synthetic estrogen, in umbilical cord blood of American infants". ** added to list of recommended websites.
** AND added to list of recommended videos an netsites. There are hundreds of pertinent free videos to watch.
** AND added to list of recommended websites.
** added to recommended list of netsites.
** For about the 7th time, Jeff Rense/Alex Jones review has been "reconfigured" again. See below.
** reinstated to recommended list of netsites. But WHY when formerly I had a few doubts about Jeff`s sincerity? So you can see for yourself, weigh th evidence an make your own decision. After listening to him chat with Argentinian Adrian Salbuchi, one of the bi-lingual unheralded giants of intellect, it became plain to see that Jeff is surely for real and that I have most certainly made an error in judgement. My apologies to Jeff.
Having said this, its vital to see the outrageous slandering videos about Alex Jones on Rense`s site ASAP which, for the life of me, I dont understand. Jeff openly slapping Jones? But why?
Its easy to misjudge Alex because of his rude habit of loudly interrupting people and saying things like "I`m red blooded cuz I like to hunt and fish", which insinuates that vegetarians who dont hunt and fish are NOT red blooded, and "god bless you" regularly, which creates a direct conflict of interest to scientific non-worshippers of the popular religions, and his habit of verbally "punishing" folks who smoke reefer, eg Willie Nelson.
How many of you could stand the heat th way he does if th gov. were blowing hot air at you 365 days a year?
Alex does`nt smoke and probably does`nt watch porn, so the question is, would he defend your legal right to do so? But why should Boplanders concern themselves with this, when, in the Bopland Federation, each individual family and not the state determine what is proper sexual/drug conduct? Alex knows the ship is sinking and so his heated screaming and ranting is understandable and surely designed to awaken as many folks as he can while there is still time. His remarkable videos have enlightened millions including myself. So for all of you who think BOPPERISM--BOPAGY is a joke, at this particular point in time, July 2010, its vital for you to ride on BOTH of their ships, an just absorb the remarkable things they both say. Jeff Rense is a self-proclaimed vegan like myself. Much more on this in the recommended netsite section further on.
** Attention me cohuttas, one of the most elite net sites on the entire net, is in the process of closing down due to a lack of funds. Can any of you provide a donation to the owner, Billy Vegas? Its a fact that if every school student in the world was required to view every one of Billy`s videos, youth suicide would immediately stop, smiles would return to their faces, war would cease, and the inhuman creatures scorching this planet would go in hiding and never be seen again. Billy`s "problem" is that he is an unheralded video genius, but only in th eyes of the few who can see, and who are not afraid to face the truth. Yes its sad but true, we live in a world crawling with decomposing grim pod-like creatures disguised as "charitable healthy humans".
Cohuttas, or first time readers of this blog, are you brave enough to want to live in the future, be set free, regain your youthful sanity, and redeem your soul even if you lose every friend you ever had, your bed mate, and maybe your job by doing this? In other words, are you a needle in a haystack who wants to actually feel the Earth move under your feet? Then arise like hungry lions and ride the ball of fire as it peeks over the horizon and laugh. The truth will set you free. Being in control of your own destiny is more important than fame, the super bowl, knickers, gold carriages and captain kangaroo. Why not assist the brave few who, against all odds, have been fighting for your right to smile?
** The top 13 teeraleers of all time based solely on th number of listed Cherilaylas = see Trunk Of Harbitweezity in chapter 7.
** The death penalty can be given out for a series of, count `em, 68 crimes in China, 28 of them non-violent. In addition to these, I propose that 11 more crimes be added to the list in our carefree heavenly Western Societies. Find in chapter 2 = question for you servo
** I thought I had been exposed to every zombie capable of telling lies with a straight believable face. Then I saw oba-a-a-ma give a speech with his calm reassuring fatherly demeanour and could`nt believe my eyes. The first thing I said was "he looks like a computor, with every wrinkle and expression on his face programmed to deceive. As I watched him smiling and being humble just like a benevolent human I began to laugh uncontrollably. One would never suspect in a thousand years that this computor with a human face had dozens of trojan horses and viruses on its hard drive which were spreading and infecting humanity, especially Indigenous Peoples. It was a flawless performing computor, complete with invisible makeup concealing th hundreds of pits on its monitor.
Note that this computor was, SMILE, "elected" because he was BLACK and thus capable of convincing some braindead or corrupt African leader to permit a military base/gold mine etc there.
This master computor could say "there are miniature dragons swimming in your blood stream right now" and th audience would gasp. He could say he was a Beatle fan and the audience would sing "we luv you ya ya ya, we luv you ya ya ya, with a prez like you, we really are so glad".
He could turn water into wine, spray it on their noses and they would be licking it off each other.
Soon my laughter turned somber. I`m not the only one who has eyes that see.
BOPPERISM/BOPAGY is the only hope for a world gone mad, but with an actor like this on the stage, is there any hope that assassination plotters from JFK to Waco to Murrah to 9-11 will be brought to justice, or valid 1950-60s Rock an Roll returning and finding a home in mainstream consciousness?
** In case there is STILL someone reading this who thinks that certain Yankee/Pommy Rock star deaths, eg John Lennon and many others, mentioned on another page, were all "unfortunate accidents or coincidences", th following video should educate =
Don`t think I`ve forgotten ~ "Cambodia`s lost rock and roll"
** I list and dedicate a song for all you religious folks reading this = find "in my life" in chapter 5.
** How and why women`s lib and a lack of quality R an R helps create serial killers. Find in chapter 5 = here`s proof indicating Don`t think I`ve forgotten ~ "Cambodia`s lost rock and roll"
** I list and dedicate a song for all you religious folks reading this = find "in my life" in chapter 5.
** R an B cover songs of "knock on wood", 1979-2000s, and "top R an B singers 1980s thru 2009", are mentioned solely to demonstrate th methodology used by th cursota to corrupt Rock. See th ceremonial music video section in this chapter for th full skinny or just type and search = "is mentioned"
** releases a hilarious new video "1984 big brother burgers". See the video section or click here =
** John Pilger says via and uruknet "On 25 April, the day before I flew out of Australia, I sat in a bar beneath the great sails of the Sydney Opera House. It was Anzac Day, the 95th anniversary of the invasion of Ottoman Turkey by Australian and New Zealand troops at the behest of British imperialism. The landing was an incompetent stunt of blood sacrifice conjured by Winston Churchill, yet it is celebrated in Australia as an unofficial national day. The ABC evening news always comes live from the sacred shore at Gallipoli, where, this year, as many as 8,000 flag-wrapped Antipodeans listened, dewy-eyed, to the Australian governor general, Quentin Bryce, who is the Queen’s viceroy, describe the point of pointless mass killing. It was, she said, all about a “love of nation, of service, of family, the love we allow ourselves to receive. [It is a love that] rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. And it never fails. You’ll be a man, my son. Of all the attempts at justifying state murder I can recall, this drivel of DIY therapy, clearly aimed at the young, takes the blue riband".
See also my comment =** Astounding James Traficant video found. See th Patriot video section.
** New ASIAN/LATINO R an R videos added. See the Video section in this chapter.
** 11 Valid Reasons why I DON`T attend street protest marches against Obama/Rudd`s NWO:
1. I became permanently disillusioned when my biology teacher could`nt answer these questions satisfactorily: Why is it Christian Westerners walk around every day with a dirty asshole, the result of using toilet paper instead of water to clean their fanny? Why is the cost to purchase a toilet paper making machine too expensive for even a relatively rich person? Why did someone see to it that only ill-designed toilets without a water sprayer were tenaciously marketed and forced on the public? Why do they either hasten or worsen a piles condition?
2. I fell in a coma from trying to decide who I`d rather caress with an ugly stick first, Rihanna, Beyonce, Daddy Yankee or the Black Eyed Peas.
3. I`m still recovering from banging me head on the hood of me new tinny death-trap, err.... I mean compact car while ripping out the emission control devices.
4. Why would any real man protest against the "National Women`s Organization"?
5. I would protest but I`m scared they`ll begin monitoring my property from the eye in the sky and discover that I`m growing ubangi plants without obtaining the required permit.
6. Basketball players like myself dont protest because we became lifelong basket cases, err... I mean basketball players due to the fact that everything we really wanted to do in our childhood was illegal or frowned upon.
7. I might scuff up me blue suede shoes in a street march
8. You say that street marches have been responsible for removing dictatorial bosses from power since antiquity? Try telling THAT to my wife
9. I find myself down with the flu in the shaman`s office reading a Good Housekeeping magazine on days I had planned to attend a street march.
10. My teeth cracked an fell out from using fluoridated toothpaste and now when I scream "Obama`s a totalitarian" it sounds like "humanitarian".
11. I never got over being severely disciplined by church elders for placing a cow chip in the tin cup as it was being passed around during services.
** New laws governing husband and wife relations on their property to be enacted. Home surveillance audio devices would record all husband an wife conversations to ensure that men who antagonized their wives were treated as misfits subject to punishment and rehabilitation or military conscription. Find = governing husband in chapter 5
** added to recommended netsites Apr 17th. On this netsite, see one of the ultimate professional disinformation specialists himself, Lary King, interviewing Country music icon, Willie Nelson. Willie says "the twin towers were imploded" (controlled demolition), something that even many 12 year olds know, and yet King tries to refute this! A must see video! See for yourself how and why many Americans, but not the rest of the world, remain confused on 9/11. ** This site is up an running again following a few technical an other dramas. Many new live net links have now been added for your convenience. Copy an paste the entire site in a memory stick so you can have it for reference in case it becomes forever banned or goes down again.
** Th song "dont fear th (grim) reaper" 1976, contributed to th demise of Rock an ushered in th depressing "head in th mud" era. Edit/find = reaper
** In 1968, the year Martin L. King was murdered, The Rock an Roll Slave Rebellion was peaking and winning th hearts of th people. As a result of this, th death knell was sounding for th establishment. They had to do something quick of face defeat, so they made th movie "wild in th streets" an recorded th song "shapes of things to come" by max frost an th troopers. They were created solely to degrade th Rebellion in th eyes of those over 30 years old. Edit/find = coined from
** Found = One reason why they demonized non-addicting reefer via th media. White sugar is a major ingredient in cigarettes! Edit/find = white sugar is one
** John Pilger updates th 3rd world war. Yes you read that right.
** Airport security needs to be tightened up. Edit/find = airport security in chapter 4
** OPEN LETTER to secret agents/spooks/mercenaries. Edit/find = secret agents in chapter 5
** New major Oz and other netsites fighting the NEW WORLD ORDER
** The CONSPIRACY against IODINE to ensure world ill-health
** See telling how prison authorities are apparently trying to kill inmate patriot extraordinaire, SHERRY JACKSON, one of the heroes of AARON RUSSO`S spectacular film
** major new report on toxic PERCHLORATE found in breast milk
** report on toxic BROMIDE found in vegie oils
**Theory that ALEXIS ARGUELLO`S death was murder not suicide
** Statutory rape and the legal AGE OF SEXUAL CONSENT in the 17-
** Protecting against SWINE FLU etc using Lugol`s an other iodine
** SOYBEANS contain "compound 1080", used as a bait poison to kill
** How FLUORIDE destroys iodine/vitamin C resulting in a ruined
immune system
** The staged "Gulf Of Tonkin" incident that started the VIETNAM WAR
** Why PHTHALATES in plastic/vinyl products destroy SPERM and
feminize males
** MICHAEL JACKSON assassination update
** hidden RFID CHIPS found in gillette products to spy on us
** DMSO, the 1800s cure-all invention you`ve never heard of
** The IATROGENIC cause of PINK DISEASE {infant COT DEATH related
illness} was discovered in 1947, but even in 1956, the US medical
establishment maintained the cause was "uncertain".
** VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY found in sunny hot climates HAHAHA, laugh
it up gang
** DMSO, the full skinny as to why the FDA/AMA sabotages its use.
** The availability of LEGUMES declining slowly
** MSG, the "miracle" food additive for those who want to be
"pleasantly plump" with 47 layers of grrrr...gristle! Rejoice, now
you can make love to 2 ojay (people) at th same time without either
one knowing the other is there! Avoid disappointment, order a
trainload of it today while supplies last!
** GARDEN WATER HOSES tested and found to supply LEAD, an
"essential" biodegradable dietary mineral HAHAHA! So rejoice, now
there`s no need to drink costly battery acid anymore to get your
minimum daily requirement!
** LYRICS to the BEATLES "while my guitar gently weeps"
** GORE VIDAL says "everythings wrong on wikipedia"
** FOUNDING FATHER traitor, JAMES MADISON, ruined th YANKS first
Constitution, th ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, by removing its
priceless freedom clauses that th Yanks had fought and died for a
mere 4 years earlier.
** GEORGE CATLIN quote on American Indian honesty 1800s.
** The illegal ATO in Oz has proclaimed that FLIES working in
restaurants as "waitresses" must pay income taxes like the other
slaves. The FLIES are still protesting this decision by flying up
the NOSES of restaurant patrons. Rudd has declared a national
emergency an posted troops in the restaurants. But even though he
offered a $310,000 reward days ago to anyone who will smack them,
its still a standoff with the reward being unclaimed. The situation
was so tense that Rudd has taken refuge in a submarine until the
FLIES can be subdued.
** Telstra telephone company forces Oz customers to pay bills
every 30 days instead of 90 days AFTER much of telstra was sold to
private interests. Heroically, telstra rewarded these schmaltzy
customers for not protesting en masse to these crippling laws by
creating new jobs to boost the economy thus helping to lower the
high rate of suicide, err.... new jobs that is for those living in
the American/Oz colony disguised as the "Philippines". To verify,
just dial "technical support" an say "consultant" 10-50 times to
the irritating computer.
** The BIG LIE = George Washington was NOT the first USA president.
** Iraq Veterans against the War added to recommended netsites** added to recommended netsites
** Max Igan ( says the tax rate in Oz was a mere 2.5% in 1920. Why so
low a rate? Methinks there were plenty of tough unfluoridated,
uninsecticided, unfeminized healthy ballzy down-homey hombres who
would have rubbed their noses in coprolite if they had tried to
enforce a higher rate. High tax rates contribute to crime. As late
as 1987 few Aussies even bothered to lock their doors but they made
the same mistake as theYanks/Brits an failed to notice the hidden
creeping "onslaught of rot" disguised as the GST (gangster serpent
tax), which took 90 years to finally crawl thru the grass unseen to
seriously bite an infect the people.
** Attention cohuttas (musical pals), 2 new easily rhymed words
were added to the Rock dictionary:
marvagay/gay/marvagaylic/gaylic/= heaven/heavenly (from Marvin
Gaye) kittitee/teel/kittiteelic/teelic (angel/angelic = from Kitty Wells).
When composing rues (lyrics) use these and the other easily rhymed
words in the new Rock dictionary an be amazed when your song is
listed in this blog an spreads like wildfire. Note that this blog
usually does`nt list songs mentioning words borrowed from inferior
religions, eg
angel/heaven/church/meat/eggs/leather/suede/steak/ivory, nor overly
depressing sob songs written only for sensationalism purposes. Yes
I know, this excludes hundreds of songs but so be it. They should
be re-recorded using the new words whenever possible. Words like
"wedding/marry" are OK because one can an should get married
privately via a riki tiki tavi (wedding ceremony ~ from Donovan)
among friends in a great suaray (celebration party) where your best
friend announces you "Charlie and Shirley"(man and wife ~ from the
Rolling Stones`drummer Charlie an Shirley Watts who were married in
1964, one of the longest rock star marriages as of today 2010).
There is no official marriage certificate and the state is not
informed. Alternately, if one gets a wallop out of
chains/taxes/official certificates, contact a yakalinquentic
** More new Rock dictionary words/phrases designed for
robbijo = let`s get together (from Robert an Johnny)
c = yes (from Chuck Willis)
ojay = people/populace (from the O`Jays)
riki tiki tavi = a Bopland marriage ceremony (from Donovan)
** Thoughts by patriotic senior policeman after reading the first
few pages of this blog:
"I need to catch this terrorist right now today"
After reading a few more pages;
"I need to catch this terrorist by tomorrow"
After a few more pages;
"I think I need to catch this simpleton, at least by next week, if
I can find the time"
After a few more pages;
"Man what a raving goofball, I would`nt waste me time tryin to
catch this idiot"
After a few more pages;
"Aawgh me glasses haven`t been cleaned in days an I`m not takin the
time to clean `em now!
After a few more pages;
"Its 3am an I gotta get up at 8 to prepare for my son`s wedding, an
this idiot won`t stop ranting an raving".
After a few more pages;
"Betcha his mama never wiped his ass right"
After a few more pages;
"I find it too hard to believe this nonsense but at least he can
spell half right"
After a few more pages;
"He`s dumb but I think one, and one thing only he says might be the
After a few more pages;
"Why did`nt I take notes from the beginning?"
After a few more pages;
"if I run out of coffee I`ll never forgive Mary"
After a few more pages;
"So that`s why I`m so bloody tired all the time!
After a few more pages;
"I`m gonna arrest the quack who removed me gall bladder, me
daughter`s wisdom teeth and Mary`s appendix".
After a few more pages;
"There better be paper in me bloody printer"
After a few more pages;
"Never mind the printer, just copy and paste the whole blog in open
After a few more pages;
"Paste it in bookmarks before you lose it, oh god no no I`ve
already pasted it there twice"
After a few more pages;
"Taxes? I`m payin full taxes while the state rewards the church but
not me, even though they risk absolutely nothing?
After a few more pages;
"I always thought there was something pathogenic about women`s lib"
After a few more pages;
"Oh no its 8am, my son`s wedding can wait! (Hey mister policeman,
when you finally see your gun is pointed in the wrong direction,
then we could use a little help)
** Excerpt Bob Dylan`s "master`s of war"
"And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave
`Til I'm sure that you're dead"
** Excerpt Donovan`s "Riki Tiki Tavi" (Original Version)
(Every)body who read the Jungle Book knows that Riki tiki tavi's a
mongoose who kills snakes
(Well) when I was a young man I was led to believe there were
to kill my snakes for me
(ie the) church ie the government ie the school
(but when I got a little older) I learned I had to kill them myself
Better get into what you gotta get into
Better get into it now, no slacking please
United Nations ain't really united
And the organisations ain't really organised
People walk around they don't know what they're doing
They bin lost so long they don't know what they've been looking for
Well, I know what I'm a looking for but I just can't find it
I guess I gotta look inside of myself some more
Riki tiki tavi mongoose is gone
Riki tiki tavi mongoose is gone
Won't be coming around for to kill your snakes no more my love
Riki tiki tavi mongoose is gone (me = to Bopland?)
** Found = Gogi Grant teerin (singin) "suddenly there`s a valley",
a cherilayla (song) about Bopland`s Teardrop Valley in the 1950s.
Sorry, but I exercise "writer`s privilege" now an then an besides,
I can dream can`t I?
"When you've climbed the highest mountain
When a cloud holds the sunshine in
Suddenly there's a valley
Where the earth knows peace with man
When a storm hides the distant rainbow
And you think you can't find a friend
Suddenly there's a valley
Where friendships never end
Touched only by the seasons
Swept clean by the waving grain
Surveyed by a happy bluebird
And kissed by the falling rain
When you think there's no bright tomorrow
And you feel you can't try again
Suddenly there's a valley
Where hope and love begin"
** The death of Sam Cooke ~ chapter 1 of 5 ~ Interview with Erik
Greene ~ "The whole scenario was a set-up".
** Gandhi quote via;
"Government control gives rise to fraud, suppression of Truth,
intensification of the black market and artificial scarcity. Above
all, it unmans the people and deprives them of initiative, it
undoes the teaching of self-help…I look upon an increase in the
power of the State with the greatest fear because, although while
apparently doing good by minimizing exploitation, it does the
greatest harm to mankind by destroying individuality which lies at
the heart of all progress…We find the general work of mankind is
being carried on from day to day be the mass of people acting as if
by instinct….If they were instinctively violent the world would end
in no time…It is when the mass mind is unnaturally influenced by
wicked men that the mass of mankind commit violence. But they
forget it as they commit it because they return to their peaceful
nature immediately the evil influence of the directing mind has
been removed….A government that is evil has no room for good men
and women except in its prisons.Civil disobedience becomes a sacred
duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt. And a citizen
who barters with such a state shares in its corruption and
Every citizen is responsible for every act of his government…There is
only one sovereign remedy, namely, non-violent non-cooperation.
Whether we advertise the fact or not, the moment we cease to
support the government it dies a natural death….My method is
conversion, not coercion, it is self-suffering, not the suffering
of the tyrant….(my note = this is Gandhi at his brilliant best = he
means its better to suffer a little bit, for example by removing
all your mun from a bank and denying yourself the interest earned,
than it is to openly throw coercive stones at the tyrant) I hope
the real Swaraj (self-rule) will come not by the acquisition of
authority by the few but by the acquisition by all of the courage
to resist authority when abused. In other words, Swaraj is to be
attained by educating the masses to a sense of their capacity to
regulate and control authority…. Civil disobedience is the
assertion of a right which law should give but which it
denies…Civil disobedience means capacity for unlimited suffering
without the intoxicating excitement of killing….Disobedience to be
civil has to be open and nonviolent….Disobedience to be civil
implies discipline, thought, care, attention…Disobedience that is
wholly civil should never provoke retaliation….Non-cooperation and
civil disobedience are different but [are] branches of the same
tree called Satyagraha (truth-force)…. Coercion cannot but result
in chaos in the end….One who uses coercion is guilty of deliberate
violence. Coercion is inhuman….Non-cooperation with evil is as much
a duty as cooperation with good… Nonviolent action without the
cooperation of the heart and the head cannot produce the intended
result….All through history the way of truth and love has always
won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can
seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always".
MAHATMA (MOHANDAS) GANDHI was India`s beloved vegetarian
spiritual/political leader and humanitarian, 1869 - 1948. He helped
free the Indian people from British rule thru non-violent
resistance. The Indian people called Gandhi "Mahatma", meaning
Great Soul. At the age of 13 he married a girl of 10 named
Kasturba. They were to remain married their entire lives. He became
one of the most respected spiritual and political leaders of the
Twentieth Century. The above seminal quote will strongly influence,
or even form part of the bedrock foundation, for Bopland`s Chawadi
(constitution) when it is written. = "Just an old man in a loincloth in
distant India: Yet when he died, humanity wept." This was the
observation of a newspaper correspondent at the death of Mahatma
Gandhi. The tragedy occurred in New Delhi as the gaunt old man
walked to a prayer-meeting and was engulfed by one of history's
great ironies - a life-long pacifist and promoter of non-violence
struck down by an assassin's bullet.
Gandhi's violent death came just months after the realization
of his long sought-after goal - the independence of India from
Great Britain. It was a bittersweet victory for Gandhi because
along with India's independence came the partitioning of the sub-
continent into two separate states - Muslim-based Pakistan and
Hindu-based India - an action he thoroughly opposed".
Almost every Westerner laughs
at Mahatma dressed only in a loincloth. Why? For the same reason
why people who dont wear religious sackcloth, disguised as
"clothing", are considered perverted trash an a "threat" to
children/society. They`ve been hoodwinked into believing this
ballyhoo from day one. Little do they know that their laughter
unequivocally demonstrates the long degenerative slide of humanity
into depravity/insanity. This reminds of the similar downhill slide
of Rock an Roll, which ran concurrently with this anti-sexual
ballyhoo brigade of bilderbergered bigots, from the early 1900s to
today. Because Rock was busting their needles, there was no safe
way for the parasite to draw blood from the ojay (people) anymore.
So thanks to a billion dollar propagandy media explosion, righteous
melodious Rock became associated with "juvenile delinquency". The
more they denigrate real Rock, the higher the youth suicide rate
goes. Much more on this on another page.
** Teeraleer (singer) Marvin Gaye, when he was murdered by his
yockomo (father), apparently owed 1.6-1.8 million in back
government taxes which were levied illegally. There is no law in
America requiring one to pay income taxes. This ax hanging over his
head undoubtedly contributed to his anxiety/tension which in turn
contributed to the tension between him an his father. Marvin was
not a chalkitizzy (homosexual). When Boplanders hear the word
gay/marvagay/marvagaylic/gaylic, they correctly think of Marvin/Sam
Cooke or any other happy heavenly zimmeristic (optimistic) person.
Briefly, the cursota (cirrhotic unskilled rabid scum of the ages)
deliberately corrupted the word gay in order to subliminally
convince the sheeple (thats us) that its better to be stiff,
institutionalized and ornery rather than being gay, self-taught and
carefree. The cursota`s motto, "its better to feel pain than
pleasure", has been shoved in our consciousness time an time again
since antiquity by meatarichumpistodiated parasitic rejects with
names like galen/hippocrates/abraham lincoln/lyndon johnson.
** I mockingly propose a new law that would incarcerate/fine
parents who took too much time changing their infant`s diaper. To
find th article, click edit/find, then type in "diaper", click
"next" and you`ll be automatically taken there. Or if you`re
skilled you can copy an paste this report in Writer,
then click edit--find and replace--type in "diaper" an you`ll be
automatically taken to the page. The font size can also be enlarged.
** The cursota`s "golden rule" was created to give great importance
to a worthless ground pebble by associating it with a meaningful
phrase th christians/cursota pretend to be th authors of. Just as
if we needed them to tell us what we would have intrinsically
known, provided we were not driven morosely mad by being forced to
sit in rigid anti-sexual church/state ballyhoo chairs for 12 years
beginning at age 6. However, our definition of "golden rule" is
"itchycoo rule" (from th Small Faces) or self-governing rule
(Gandhi called this "swaraj") that will come as a result of the
courage of all rockeonies (musicians) willing to resist authority
when abused. In this blog you will meet some of them.
** Is anyone still hoping to sign up with a big music mogul to
become a big wealthy Rock star? Tommy James` new shocking
autobiography, "Me the mob and the music" reveals that Morris Levy,
Tommy`s twell (record) producer, owed him a big BIG mess of mun =
ROYALTY RATE HE OWED ME THAT MUCH." Was Tommy "rewarded" for
revealing this to us by his exclusion from the R an R hall of fame?
Who gives a good hoot? Tommy`s in our Trunk of Harbitweezity, the
"politically incorrect" home of real rockeonies.
** Excerpt Rolling Stones "street fightin man"
Hey! Think the time is right for a Palace Revolution
But where I live the game to play is Compromise Solution!
Well then what can a poor boy do ~ except to sing for a
Rock an Roll Band ~ cause in sleepy London Town
There`s just no place for a Street Fighting Man! No!
** Sporting event nude streakers would be encarcerated an have all
their fat removed via a liposuction surgical operation. Then it
would be canned and sold as "dork an beans" instead of pork an
beans. Other expendable parts of their body, eg gall
bladder/tonsils would be removed, canned an sold as "dorkshire
pudding" instead of Yorkshire pudding. You can quickly locate th
article by clicking edit/find, then type in yorkshire. Its right
after the elephant copulating foto an the new proposed diaper law.
** Found = Michael Jackson`s anti-war video
** Proposed new law will severely punish, via CANING, bare-back
girls sunbathing in Big Sur National Park, California, and the boys
who stare at them. The number of strokes depends on the length of
time of the infraction.
** On Mar 22-10 Grand Ole Opry member, Charlie Daniels, said "We no
longer have a representative government; we essentially have a
dictatorship that is willing to force their will on us regardless
of what we want. This is the most despicable act ever perpetrated
on the American public by the most dishonorable congress we've ever
had. I have always had unfailing faith in the American ability to
persevere, to bounce back and overcome almost anything, but people,
this health care bill will change America into something that will
resemble a police state. America is on it's way to becoming the
largest banana republic on earth".
** asks = "Was there a cover up in Michael Jackson`s
death? Michael Jackson received the fatal dose of Propofol through
an IV in his leg, and law enforcement believes Dr. Conrad Murray
may have tried covering it up ... this according to law enforcement
sources and an anesthesiologist who reviewed the case.
Dr. Murray told cops he administered only a very small amount of
Propofol -- 2.5ml shortly before Jackson died. But Dr. John
Dombrowski, a noted anesthesiologist and member of the board of the
American Society of Anesthesiologists who reviewed the file, tells
TMZ that 2.5ml couldn't put Jackson to sleep, much less kill him.
Indeed, the Coroner's report notes the level of Propofol found in
Jackson's body was equivalent to that found during "general
anesthesia for major surgery."
A small, empty, 20ml bottle of Propofol was found in the bedroom,
but there was a secret compartment in a nearby closet that could be
the key to the prosecution's case. Several days after Jackson's
death, law enforcement found numerous bottles of Propofol in that
closet, including a large, empty, 100ml bottle with a large tear in
the rubber stopper.
CNN says "nearly eight months after Michael Jackson died due to
"acute Propofol intoxication," the singer's personal physician Dr.
Conrad Murray has been charged with involuntary manslaughter by the
Los Angeles District Attorney's office for his role in the King of
Pop's sudden death on June 25th, 2009. In a press release, the
D.A.'s office writes that Murray "did unlawfully, and without
malice, kill Michael Joseph Jackson … in the commission of an
unlawful act, not a felony; and in the commission of a lawful act
which might have produced death, in an unlawful manner, and without
due caution and circumspection." If found guilty, Murray faces a
maximum four-year prison sentence". Why did it take 8 months to
figure this out? To give his supporter`s time to cool off and not
question this ridiculous slap on th wrist? This stinks. When Alexis
Arguello was found suspiciously dead, the investigation was over in
2 days.
** Found on = "Today's pop music is filled with
symbols and messages aimed to shape and mold today's youth. Apart
from the occult symbolism discussed in other articles, other parts
of the elite's agenda are communicated through music videos. Two of
those parts are transhumanism and the introduction of a police
state. We'll look at the way those agendas are part of the acts of
Rihanna, Beyonce, Daddy Yankee and the Black Eyed Peas". Read my
comment after the article =
** Proposed new laws will govern nudity/brother and sister sleeping
arrangements in th family home, eg police would be required to
inspect th bathroom door lock weekly and if its found to be faulty,
a penalty would apply. Click edit/find = pig by th nose in chapter 5
Reinforcements on th way ~ I cher (pray)
Recommended netsites: If these netsites are all new to you, begin by going first to any one of th following: or
With th informed, brave, gritty, walking encyclopedia and oratory master, Alex Jones. He`s the only talk show host who can give a ten minute speech equivalent to a college education. He`ll get you updated on th cursota`s NWO in a roaring big hurry, but remember, I dont unequivocally know if he`s on our side. I cannot fully endorse Alex Jones for the following 3 reasons:
1. Jeff Rense has suspicions about his sincerity. See th slap against Jones on This being said, Rense`s slap against Jones seem outrageously shallow and based on untested theories/conjecture, not provable facts.
2. My feelings are hurt cuz Alex stopped me from making comments on his netsite. However I don`t really hold this against him and neither should you. Alex has a hard enough time converting "useful idiots" as it is. Although I am sincere, my revolutionary comments would, I think, be like throwing a crow bar into the rising patriot movement mechanism. In other words, I think Alex has a much better chance to convert the tortured ojay (populace) than I would. I`m just too far out in left field and there`s not a chance that I will say "may god bless you" which bolsters the popular hypocritical religious leaders, want to make abortion illegal as if the state had any right to do this in the first place, sponsor worthless gold, play guanoza (anti-music music), or ridicule someone who smokes harmless reefer, anytime within the next 10,000 years. Rock is my god, and his name is Jaggebar and he resides in Bopland an that`s that. I`ve got to be me regardless. Its not my fault if 99.99% of th ojay can`t understand what i say. Th only person i have backing me is "common sense", and he dont advertise or send me mun. Moreover, although I wasn`t born with a golden spoon in my mouth, i would positively refuse any offer by ANYONE wanting to make a monetary donation to me. I ask only for your mental support, that`s all.
3.The protocols of the learned elders of zion, protocol # 12, among others which proclaims = "I BEG YOU TO NOTE THAT AMONG THOSE MAKING ATTACKS UPON US WILL ALSO BE ORGANS ESTABLISHED BY US, BUT THEY WILL ATTACK EXCLUSIVELY POINTS THAT WE HAVE PRE-DETERMINED TO ALTER". In other words, we are to be led down murderous dead end roads by the cursota via "controlled opposition propaganda". Now i will elaborate on this protocol guano; I think that there`s a 90% chance that Alex is on our side, that`s why I list him as th first one to educate you. So jump on his ship immediately and SUPPORT HIM monetarily or in any way you can! There is small time left!
See also an view the free videos with Eustace Mullins-David Icke an many others. Or see some of the creme de la creme FREE PATRIOT VIDEOS listed about 2 pages below.
Note that I am NOT affiliated in any way, shape, form or manner with any of these patriot netsites.
Beware of other websites not listed here that may very well be run by the cursota (cirrhotic unskilled rabid scum of the ages). But why in the jack
(world) would the cursota want to run a netsite that appears to be
on the side of the patriot truth movement? In other words what`s
the point of providing mental ammo to your opponent who is trying
to defeat you? This scenario explains why; suppose there are two
netsites that have become the leaders of the freedom movement
thanks to their informative news etc. Each of the two netsites has
millions of followers hanging on their every printed/spoken word.
Now suppose one of the two netsites is controlled by the cursota,
and the other one really is a netsite composed of legitamate true
freedom fighters opposed to the cursota`s nwo{new world order}. How
can the cursota neutralize/sabotage the offensive power of the real
patriot netsite? Its not that hard to do, just begin bad-mouthing
them until the sheeple get scared an "run back in their pen". Now
once the sheeple are safely locked inside, and the real patriot
netsite is shut down, the netsite that all the sheep thought was
going to free them begins to sabotage itself and creates a
"national emergency" of some sort such as a killer flu. Now the
sheep will be without a righteous leader and thoroughly
disorientated tripping over themselves trying to find somebody to
protect them from this "killer flu". In the resulting mass
hysteria, they will gratefully accept the vaccinations/medicine
that will eventually slowly kill them and wreck their immune
system, as well as the immune systems of their offspring for
generations to come {Dr. Stan Monteith/radio liberty}.
One thing is certain, if you lead the protest group or make the video, you won`t have to ponder the leader`s true intentions. But remember, we`re almost out of time. They want to cripple th net like they did R an R. Make a copy of this blog so if it is deleted by someone, and stays off the net for 3 months, you can simply re-post it but please credit me as being th original author.
*** ~ With Alex Jones ~ Pertinent free daily online radio show live from Austin, Texas. His startling "must see" videos are ubiquitous on utube. Alex says "we`re th tip of th spear" and this is true. Time to rejoice, he`s got the scum by th balls and is not lettin go! He has his hordes of "info-warriors" type in certain words in th google search engine all at one time which propels him to the most visited site in order to get his messages across! Slowly but surely, hour after hour, he forces th "tip of his spear" in towards th heart of these NWO homicidal maniacs disguised as "benevolent government". I`m waiting with great anticipation to see th BLUE blood spurt!
*** and With th brave unvarnished Ernie Hancock from Arizona. Superior ad-free radio show "declare your independence" = "I remember for 100 years we have fought these "machines", and after a century of war, I remember that what matters most is ~ we are still here! ~ let us make them remember ~ we are not afraid!". Support this man now or suffer later.
Note: After some strange computer glitch or th like, I am now permitted to comment on their forum.
Take a tip, this is a "no holds barred" free talk radio show the way its supposed to be. Please donate to them so they dont have to interrupt th show with commercial breaks. Relevant topics include circumcision--incest and other highly controversial topics others wouldn`t touch with a 40 foot bamboo pole.
Conspiracy videos, movies and documentaries exposing the secrecy behind the institutions of global control. Subjects such as the Illuminati New World Order, government conspiracies, secret societies, one world government, suppressed technologies, UFOs, the 9/11 conspiracy, private monetary control and more are revealed within.
Unfortunately, this site is currently frozen!
With Billy Vegas ~ check the immaculate free videos especially "we
are the ones we have been waiting for" with Howard Beale/Peter
Finch = see "network" on utube also.
More of his "must see" videos found on utube include:
1984:big brother burgers ~ Obama and the War Criminals ~ Why Resistance Is Essential ~ How You Ended The War ~ The Uprising! ~ Who owns you ~ How To Create An Angry American ~ The Militarization of Our Police ~ Smokers Are Terrorists ~ Simple Card Tricks for War ~ Torture: “John Yoo’s Greatest Hits.
With Sakerfa. Massive Superlative site countering ballyhoo via "de-programming" education.
With Max Igan ~ Time to rejoice, a main vine Aussie video producer has joined the info war.
Superb Anti-NWO netsite with news-videos not found on the main media ballyhoo network disguised as "your local TV".
With Kurt Annaheim ~ Check his blog about land ownership and see th mind-boggling new alternative energy products being offered to us.
Will this new netsite be the one to beat in Oz? Update = This site is currently down.
Pertinent libertarianistic news/free videos from California
With Lew Rockwell ~ "the reality of the state is that it is a
looting and killing machine, so why do so many people cheer for its
expansion? Indeed, why do we tolerate its existence at all?"
*** ~ With Alex Jones ~ Pertinent free daily online radio show live from Austin Texas. His startling "must see" videos are ubiquitous on utube.
With David Icke ~ Don`t miss his "get off your knees" speeches if he comes to your country.
With John Pilger ~ See his free videos now while you still can.
With Luke Rudkowski ~ "be the change you want to see in this world".
With Sheriff Richard Mack ~ A must read/wakeup call for all freedom loving police.
With Michael Rivero ~ check the incredible news.
Slap women`s lib with the Canadian Jew ~ Henry Makow.
Fabulous news not commonly heard
Neil Young lists hundreds of anti-cursotic songs and videos
With Ian Crane ~ See his shocking videos and commentary
*** Charlie Sheen (he does`nt have a net page but you can hear his
9/11 commentary via David Icke/Alex Jones/others}
Insightful radio show with the renouned Christian, Dr. Stan Monteith.
With Katherine Albrecht ~ Informative news about microchipping us.
Refreshing Oz alternative news/radio site slapping the official "spin doctors".
Architects an engineers for 9/11 truth" ~ Bopland`s future techies?
With Adrian Salbuchi ~ See his many utube videos, eg 2010 forecast
No true Boplander will relax until Ed and Elaine Brown/Irwin
Schiff/Sherry Jackson an the other falsely arrested patriots are set free.
The legendary Irwin Schiff gives away his entire writings!
With Jesse Ventura ~ Is it just me or can anyone else see him
wearing our colorful Bopland sapote {flag} which says "go man go
Pertinent news covering th entire globe.
With Jeff Rense. Superior up to date pertinent news and a free radio show. However, one thing remains unclear, why did/does he slap Alex Jones?
Pertinent up to date world news especially regarding the Middle East. They have quoted freedom fighters, eg John Pilger.
See th enlightening and heartening videos by freedom fighters such as Larken Rose, one of th very few patriots on th net who can educate in a roaring hurry.
See th enlightening and heartening videos by freedom fighters such as Larken Rose, one of th very few patriots on th net who can educate in a roaring hurry.
Iraq veterans against the war ~ Over 1,700 Members, 61 Chapters,
in 48 states. For all you ojay who maintain that all Americans are
evil; see with your own two eyes the class of unbribable
jukistocrats {ambassadors} who would also be guiding Bopland`s
armed forces.
Oath keeping patriots defending the Constitution ~ They can`t save
America without your help ~ "orders we will NOT obey":
1. We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people.
2. We will NOT obey orders to conduct warrantless searches of the
American people
3. We will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as "unlawful
enemy combatants" or to subject them to military tribunal.
4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a "state of
emergency" on a state.
5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that
asserts its sovereignty.
6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus
turning them into giant concentration camps.
7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any
form of detention camps under any pretext.
8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any
foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to "keep
the peace" or to "maintain control."
9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the
American people, including food and other essential supplies.
10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the
people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their
government for a redress of grievances.
Don`t forget to check out their links. MONETARILY SUPPORT an spread
the word an write their netsites on paper mun, after all it is
worthless trash. These netsites cannot effect change alone, an are
basically powerless if the majority let their inability to face
reality stand in the way of their online schooling.
* "The US vs John Lennon" ~ Especially see the part where John accuses Jerry Rubin of lying. There are hundreds of other informative videos to watch free.
* "We are the ones we have been waiting for" with Billy Vegas;
* "America freedom to fascism" with Aaron Russo;
* "The Obama Deception" with Alex Jones;
* "The World Order" with Eustace Mullins;
* "The war on democracy" with John Pilger;
* Adrian Salbuchi - 2010 Forecast: "Transition from Globalization
to World Government -1 of 3"
* "The Calling" with Aussie Max Igan
* "The 2 sides of Barack Obama" John Pilger
* Project Camelot interviews David Icke
* John Perkins on American Foreign policy - Democracy Now
* The Panama Deception (with Jackson Browne Song)
* James Traficant`s hearing; railroaded, Janet Reno.
This video, and other Traficant videos, demonstrates unequivocally that America`s political system has been eroded due to its ill-design, and that a new system must replace it. Said another way, th reason why th gutless wonders, disguised as "congress", railroaded James was simply because, unlike themselves, he was unafraid of th cursota and was determined to expose them. Says Traficant via "It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congressional session, June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate the Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States?" . . . Their lust is for power and control. Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations. . . . The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government.. . . Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) "hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a "beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn't have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves", the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks/forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers. Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the people have exchanged one master for another. This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed knowledge" of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough. Now it's easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt. Why don't more people own their properties outright? Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less? We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it. America has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your Country". End of quote.
I maintain that th cursota, who plan centuries ahead, deliberately saw to it that there were "self destruct" flaws written in both th Articles of Confederation an th Constitution when they were written, so that they could continue their psychopathic scheme of building countries up so they can bring them down in a neverending boom and bust vicious cycle. Furthermore, gloom an doom economists say over an over that America can`t be saved because "it can never pay back its national debt". Whoooa dad get it straight, why don`t you say this instead "because America was hijacked by treasonists, and created paper mun out of thin air (fiat mun), then stole th mun from th slaves via illegal income and other taxes, THEY ARE NOT obligated to pay it back. Therefore there is no real debt. You cant pay back something that never existed anyway, even if you wanted to! Nothing from nothing leaves nothing! But wait, even if you backed up th fiat paper mun with valueless gold in a big guarded vault somewhere in Fort Knox, would th mun THEN have value? In other words if I bought a bag of lentils from you in your grocery store on credit but then discovered they were cow chips, would I be obligated to pay you back? HAHAHA.
* "1984 Big Brother Burgers" =
listen just click your mouse or copy and paste in TOP bar of utube or a search engine):
A special CHONNIE {THANKS} to all you Boppers for putting these Cherilaylic videos on UTUBE. I hope to meet you all someday so I can hear your words and see your faces.
If you click one of these videos an it won`t play, its because utube has removed it for one reason or another. However, if you return on another day, usually a substitute will be there. Click on
pics to make bigger.

Elvis Presley "If I can dream (live)" HULLY (jan) 8-1935

The real Buddy Holly Story 1 of 10 Ooby (feb) 3-1959 Holly Valens Bopper
Richie Valens "come on lets go" (not live)
Big Bopper "chantilly lace" (lip sync video)

Eddie Cochran "come on everybody" (live 1959) Pony (mar) 10-1938

Roy Orbison "pretty woman" (live) Rink (apr) 23-1936

Maybelle Carter "wildwood flower" (live) Shake (may) 10-1909 (click on pic to make bigger)

Charlie Feathers "good rockin tonite" (live) Shimmy {jun} 12-1932
Bill Haley "the saints rock and roll" (live) Shout (jul) 6-1925

Bill Pinkney "up on the roof" (lip sync) Stomp
(aug) 15-1925

Patsy Cline "walkin after midnite" (lip sync) Twist (sep) 8-1932

John Lennon "imagine" (live) Ubangi (oct) 9-1940

Hank Ballard "teardrops on your letter" (record) Loochie (nov) 18-1927

Skeeter Davis "the end of the world" (live) Wiggle (dec) 30-1931

Rock-a-bye day (Kid`s day) Wiggle (dec) 31:
7? year old boogie woogie piano player with the Jive Aces (live)
3 year old vandella ~ Katie Sweet "I luv ta rock" (record) = removed by utube!
13 year old Frankie Lyman (kootie = young boy rocker} "why do fools
fall in luv" (live)
12 year old? Vandella Brenda Lee "rock the bop" (record)
9 year old Eva "love story" (live)
Davis Sisters "rock-a-bye-boogie" (record) cherilayla (song} our
kid`s day yehooti is named after this.
Unknown vandella (young 6 year old? girl rocker) "lipstick on yer
collar" (live cover)
Amazing 6 year old kootie guitarist (live)
11 year old Mojo Myles "what`d I say" (live)
9 year old Mikayla Roach "orange blossom special" (live)
14 year old yodeler Tiffany Jo Allen (live)
7 year old fiddler Laura Watson (live)
8 year old Quinn Sullivan with Buddy Guy (live)
Beasty Day Yehooti Cherilaylas {100 point songs}:
Clarence Frogman Henry "aint got no home" (record)
Warren Smith "miss froggie" (record)
Frogmen "underwater" (record with slide show)

Herb Alpert an the Tijuana Brass "the lonely Bull" (live)

Melanie (Safka) "Alexander beetle" (live)
Everley Brothers "on the wings of a nightingale" (live)
Rolling Stones "walkin the dog" (live)
Rufus Thomas "walkin the dog" (live)

Slim Harpo "I`m a king Bee" (45 RPM record)
Howlin Wolf "smokestack lightnin" (record)
Al Jolson "when the red red Robin" (live)
Bobby Day "rockin Robin " (78 RPM record) 1958

Sid King and the 5 Strings "purr Kitty purr" (record)
Lynyrd Skynyrd "free bird" 1 of 2 parts (live)
Memphis Minnie {with Kansas Joe} Frankie Jean 1930 (record)

Michael Murphy "wildfire "{pony} (lip sync)
Chubby Checker "pony time" (45 rpm}
Elvis Presley "sand castles " (record)
Andy Starr and his Rockaway Boys "dirty bird" (45 rpm?)
I`ll wait til she`s asleep, remove the goose and...

Tarheel Slim "wildcat tamer" (45 rpm)
Gene Vincent and the Blue Caps "wildcat" (record)
Wolfman Jack Interview
Kid Thomas "wolfpack" (45 rpm with slideshow)
Did I hear ya say no?

Trashmen "surfin bird" 2008 (live 2008)
No No u`ll have to stand in line

Sonny Boy Williamson II "the Goat" (record with slide show)
Buck Owens "monster`s holiday" (record with line dance slide show)
John Zacherley "monster mash" (live ~ apparently John was 92 years
old when this was recorded) Boris Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers "monster mash" (45 rpm mono)
John Zacherley "dinner with Drac" (45 rpm )

Billy Ford and the Thunderbirds "monster R an R" (45 rpm ~ 1 of 3
Bopland`s National Tonkilus)

Danny and the Juniors "rock an roll is here to stay" (live ~ 2 of 3
National Tonkilus)
Cadillacs "rock and roll is here to stay" (record ~ 3 of 3 National Tonkilus)
After years of searching, i finally found this lost Tonkilu (a Bopland National Anthem). Listen for free now while th iron is hot! On google search the Cadillacs "rock and roll is here to stay". Click th 4th choice "rock roll is here stay, rapid search - 308 files". Then type in the files tube search bar "rock roll is here stay, cadillacs. Then click th 2nd choice (4
If you cant locate it, click "zoom" (live)
John Fogarty "long dark road" and "no more" (live)
Bobby Darin "splish splash" (lip sync)
Ray Stevens "the streak" (record with video show)


Z Z Top "jesus just left chicago" (live 1982)
Rolling Stones "faraway eyes" (lip sync)
Springfields "silver threads an golden needles" (record)
Roy Orbison "mansion on the hill" (record with slide show)
Charlie Pride "crystal chandelier" (lip sync)
Kingston Trio "greenback dollar" (record)
Paradons "diamonds and pearls" (45 rpm)
Dion "Donna the prima donna" (record)

Dave Clark Five "anyway you want it" (record)
Crystals "he`s sure the boy I love" (record)
Teen Queens "2 loves and 2 lives" (record)
Wynona Carr "ding dong daddy" (record with slide show)
Santo and Johnny "sleepwalk" (lip sync)
Danleers "one summer night" (record)
Al Ferrier "No no baby" (apparently 45 rpm)
Elmore James "dust my broom" (record with fotos)
Fats Domino "natural born lover" (record)
Kitty Wells "makin believe"1955 (live 1955)
Margaret Lewis "shake a leg"1959 (record ~ with Mira Smith on
guywires (guitar)
Wanda Jackson "sparklin brown eyes" (lip sync)
Ron Holden "my babe" (record)
Jim Croce "I got a name" (live)
Larry Donn "honey bun" (live)
Big Joe Turner "honey hush" (45 rpm)
Jackie Wilson "no pity in New York city" (live)
Lavern Baker "substitute" (lip sync with video)
Sonny Burgess "my buckets got a hole in it" 1957 (from a 78 RPM
Crosby Stills Nash Young "lets impeach the president" (live 2008)
Lary Verne "mister Custer" (lip sync with video}
Coasters "Charlie Brown" (lip sync with video)
Bobby Goldsboro "muddy mississippi line" (lip sync with video)
Clyde Mcphatter "deep sea ball" (record)
Abba "chiquitita" (live?)
Don`t fret your pet toad will return

Tommy James and the Shondells "I think we`re alone now" (live 2005)
Bobby Hendricks "cast your vote" (record ~ the inspiration for Bopland`s flag) Video removed! Substitute = "itchy twitchy feelin"
Wish I woud`ve thought of that. Dont this beat all?
Rockin Rebels "wild weekend" (45 rpm)
Lary Williams "slow down" (record)
Lonesome Drifter "aint got nothin but the blues" (record)

Fabulous Thunderbirds "aint that tuff enough" (record)
George Thoroughgood live at Hampton Beach Casino "little girl" why is this video moving so bloody slow?
Kingston Trio "where have all the flowers gone" (record)
Verdelle Smith "tar and cement" (record)
Red Ingle and the Natural Seven "she`l be comin around the
mountain" (record 1948)
Marvellettes "when your young and in love" (record)

Baron Lee and the Blue Rhythm Band "reefer man" 1932 (record)
Jim Stafford "wildwood weed" (live)
Cab Calloway "kickin the gong around" (live? 1932)
Cab Calloway "reefer man" (live? with video}
Trixie Smith "Jack I`m mellow" (record with prohibition slide show
~ small laws are pieced together into huge tyrannies)
Cab Calloway "are you all reet" (record)
Smiley Lewis "shame shame shame" (45 rpm)
Ganimian and his Orientals "come with me to the casbah" (record)
Mae Glover "shake it daddy" 1920s (record)
Hasil Adkins {one man band} "no more hot dogs" (record)
Silas Hogan "I`m gonna quit you pretty baby" (record 1962)
Carpenters "solitaire" (record)
Jimmy Soul "if you want to be happy" (record)
Sorry but you`d have to remove that long tooth first

Gene Pitney "town without pity" (record)
Henry Gray "they raided the joint" {he`s been playing the blues for
at least 62 years and was 83 years old when this was recorded LIVE.
One of the last raw 1950s Blues legends still alive. Put your
screen on full. Would someone please give this report to him?}
Piltdown Men "Brontasaurus stomp" (45 rpm)
Bob Seger "long twin silver line" (record with train show)
O`jays "love train" (record with video)
Stanley Brothers "ridin that midnite train" (record with old train
show) 1940s)

Jody Reynolds "endless sleep" (record)
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band "mister Bojangles" (45 rpm)
Showmen "it will stand" (record)
Yikes Mcgee "the liar" {live about Bush}
Commander Cody an his Lost Planet Airmen "everybody`s doin it" (lip sync with video}
Bobby Bare "Marie Laveau" (live 1980)
Tommy Tutone "8675309" (live)
Bryan Adams "run to you" (lip sync with video)
Sonny and Cher "but you`re mine" {record ~ very poor sound}
Little Richard "tutti frutti" (from a 78 RPM record 1957)
Ronettes "be my baby" (45 rpm Phil Specter`s wall of sound)
Lary Williams "bony moronie" (45 RPM)

Elizabeth Johnson "be my kid blues" 1920s (record with
Allman Brothers "midnight rider" (live 2003)
Hank Swatley "oakie boogie" (mono 45 rpm record)
Little Richard "long tall Sally" (from a 78 RPM record 1957)

Little Richard "keep-a-knockin" (from a 78 RPM record 1957)
Little Richard "good golly miss Molly" (live 1972 ~ put ear by
Ike and TinaTurner "I been lovin you too long" (live)
Buddy Knox "hula love" (lip sync)
Bruce Springstein "no retreat no surrender" (record)
Del Shannon "runaway" (record)
David Ray "lonesome baby blues (45 rpm record with a bass treble knob, not some silly graphic equalizer)

B B King "the thrill is gone" (record with Lucille his guy wires)
Hank Snow "I`m movin on" (live 1958)
Its a Beautiful Day "white bird" (record)
B. Bumble and the Stingers "nut rocker" 1962 (45rpm)
Ronnie Milsap "smokey mountain rain" 1980 (he is blind ~ 45 rpm record)
Ernie K-Doe "te-ta-te-ta-ta" (45 rpm)
Gene Pitney "that girl belongs to yesterday" (record )
Hank Williams "I`m so lonesome I could cry" (78 RPM record)
Lloyd Price "lawdy miss clawdy" (78 RPM ~ with info telling how
certain needles will ruin 78 records)
Alley Cats "puddin n` tain" (45 rpm record)
Eternals "Babalu`s wedding day" (record?)
Warren Smith "ubangi stomp" (45 rpm)
Alberta Hunter "you can`t tell the difference after dark" (record
Wynona Carr "please mister jailer" (45 rpm 1956)
Doobie Brothers "music is the doctor" (lip sync)
Kitten "he taught me to yodel" (record}
Mickey Hawks "screamin mimi G" (45 rpm)
Homer Henderson "Lee Harvey was a friend of mine" (lip sync with
video of a young Oswald? ~ "they say he shot the president but I
don`t think he did" ~ neither do millions of others Homer)
Bobby Fuller "I fought the law" (lip sync mid 1960s)
Grass Roots "lets live for today" (record)
Chuck Jackson "any other way" (record)
Tommy Cash "6 white horses" (live)
Cecil Moore and the Diamondbacks "stormy" (record)
Papa Lightfoot "mean old train" (record)
Junior Parker "stand by me" 1960-61 (Finally a pristine 45 rpm
record found on utube enabling us to hear the beauty of unblurred
mono subtle sounds. But if this had been a pristine 78 rpm, the
sound would have been about 30-50% more naked and beautiful. The
introduction of stereo and 33 rpm contributed to Rock`s demise. I
like to listen to music via a 4 inch speaker which produces a
tight, but not too tight, "inside a telephone booth" sound. I
dislike 3.5 or 5 inch speakers. Somebody removed this! Substitute = "taxman"
Tracy Pendarvis "belle of the suwannee" (record with slide show)
Peter Paul and Mary "puff the magic dragon" (live)
Wilson Pickett "land of 1000 dances" (live 1966)
Quotations "I wonder why" (record ~ barbershop quartet music with
zip (no instruments)
Jerry Rafferty "shipyard town" (record with slide show ~ when I
first heard this in 1988, when Rock had one pinkie sticking out of
the casket, I remember trying in vain to tune this in with a
portable TV antenna/radio hanging on a tree 60 miles away from an
AM station. Around that time most of the AM stations had gone, or
were going bust, or been converted to FM which drove another nail
in Rock`s coffin due to FM`s inferior stereophonic "blurrier"
shotgun sound).
Laura Lee Perkins "don`t wait up for me" (live 2008 ~ she was 69
years old)
Jimmy Reed "I`m the man down there" (record)
Jimmy Rogers "rock this house" (live 1997 the year he died of
cancer ~ he was 73 years)
Shadows of Knight "Gloria" (45 rpm)
Dusty Springfield "little by little" (lip sync)
Swingin` Medallions "double shot" (record)
Tampa Red "when you were a girl of seven" (record 1936)
Jerry Lee Lewis "me and Bobby Mcgee" (live 1983)
Jimmy Vaughn "down with big brother" (live 2008)
Mae West "I`m no angel" (78 rpm 1933)
Georgia White "get em from the peanut man" (78 rpm apparently with
a non-electric wind-up record player)
Etta James "I`d rather go blind" (record)
Stan Freberg "sh`boom" 1954 (record)
Jimmy Castor Bunch "the Bertha Butt boogie" (record with slide show)
James Brown "lost someone" (live at the Apollo 1963 but only with
Eric Clapton "blues Power" (live 1985)
BB King ~ Eric Clapton ~ Buddy Guy ~ Jimmy Vaughn "rock me baby"
Jim Morrison "touch me babe" (live)
Janis Joplin "piece of my heart" (live)
Zimmers "my generation" (live ~ the world`s oldest Rock band)
Linda Brannon "anyway you do" (record)
Canned Heat "lets work together" (live)
Jackson Browne "runnin on empty (live 1979)
Cookie and the Cupcakes "Mathilda / I cried" (record 1959)
Dire Straits "walk of life" (live 1985)
J.Geils Band "lookin for a love" (live 1979 )
Wayne Cochran "trilogy" (live)
Trade Martin "spend your life with me" (record)
Georgia Satellites "keep your hands to yourself" (live)
Leadbelly "gallis pole" (record ~ inspiration for our Bill of
Moody Blues "tuesday afternoon" (live 1970)
Tom Petty "the waiting" (live 1985)
Alabama "mountain music" (live)
Jeannie C Riley "Harper Valley PTA" (live)
Johnny Rivers "Memphis" (live)
Mitch Ryder "Jenny take a ride" (live ~ he was 64 years old)
Sam and Dave "hold on I`m comin" (live with Booker T and the MGs)
Booker T and the MGs "green onions" (live)
Jack Scott "oh little one" (record)
Eddie Shaw and the Wolfgang "got my mojo workin" (live 2009 ~ he
was 72 years)
Shirelles "will you still love me tomorrow" (live)
Carly Simon "you`re so vain" (live)
Wild Jimmy Spruill "hard grind" (record)
Rod Stewart and Tina Turner "hot legs" (live)
Stoneman Family "goin up cripple creek" (live 1960s)
Ernest Stoneman "all I got`s gone" (1928 record with flood video)
Spinners "rubberband man" (live)
Four Tops "I can`t help myself" (live)
Supremes "someday we`ll be together" (lip sync)
Sweet Inspirations "sweet inspiration" (record)
Johnnie Taylor "part time love" (record 1963)
Betty Boop with Cab Calloway "minnie the moocher" cartoon video
Jive Aces "boogie woogie country girl" (live in Russia)
Stoney Mountain Playboys "stoney mountain boogie" (record)
Gid Tanner and the Skillet Lickers "soldier`s joy" (record 1929
with video)
Riley Puckett "the cat came back" (record 1920s with video)
Patsy Montana "back on Montana plains" (record 1939 ~ the first
female to have a million seller record)
Ralph and Carter Stanley (Stanley Brothers) "mountain dew" (record
1940s with old moonshine still show)
Laurel and Hardy "harmonica scene" (video 1937)
Osborne Brothers "rocky top" (live 1967) "once I had a girl on
rocky top, half bear and the other half cat"
Boogie W Kings "boogie woogie country girl" (live)
Johnny Amelio "juque" (record)
Bob Dingus "step it up an go" (record)
Delmore Brothers "I`ve got the railroad blues" (record 1930s with
steam train show)
Bill Haley "yodel your blues away" (record 1949)
Maddox Brothers and Rose "I`ll make sweet luv to you" (record 1952
"look at that moon")
Credence Clearwater Revival "rollin on a river" (live 1969)
Blues Image "ride captain ride" 1970 (lip sync)
We`re callin everyone to ride along ~ to another shore
We can laugh our lives away ~ an be free once more
No one heard them calling ~ no one came at all
`Cause they were too busy watchin those old raindrops fall ~ no
drama, with each passing day, more an more Boppers are watchin
Bopland`s Zimmeristic sun set instead of the raindrops. Chonnie
(thanks) for the ammo cohuttas (musical friends). At Bopland, we`ve
set a table just for you.
Shelton Brothers "sittin on top of the world" (record 1935)
Clarence Ashley "Corinna Corinna" (record 1931)
Sweet Emma Barrett "I aint gonna give nobody none of my jellyroll"
(live 1960 she was 63).
Song included because:
1. It proves that some other female besides Katie Webster can play
the boogie domino (piano).
2. It highlights the fact that, even if she was 40 years younger,
no radio/TV bigwig of today (or even the past for that matter)
would show the slightest interest in her. Why? Th tune was black
risque jazzy R & B performed by a wampinette (girl rocker) who
obviously was enjoying her sensual life in the honkytonks instead
of being somebodie`s tax paying slave. In her face is written 51
years of playing domino (she began playing at the age of 12) in the
little smoky rundown barrelhouse beer/logger shacks (beer barrels
were sometimes used as tables) where usually only blacks went. Th
foundation/face of Rock is so crumbled an pitted today that most
Rockeonies (musicians) haven`t the remotest idea of what
constitutes the proper framework of a cherilayla (a 97-100 point
song). Instead, they actually imagine that, because thousands of
spectators in the audience are standing up and screaming at their
concerts and millions are buying their guanoza (horrid music) by
the trainload, that they are rock nobility instead of haggis (rock
3. It demonstrates perfectly the ugly anti-sexual goody two shoe
downhill slide of Rock/R& B from 1960 to the present, and the
"amalgamation" of jukin downhomey blacks into rigid white
christianized/moslemized squeaky-clean "bowling society". Chuck
Berry`s "sweet little sixteen" 1958, has been transformed into
"sour little perverted 16".
4. Amusingly, it also demonstrates perfectly, despite the contrary
rues (lyrics), why certain erotic women like to tease/belittle
their potential dandies "to turn them on". Lyrics like "now your
jellyroll might be fine but it aint as good as mine" was bound to
attract males like inga paterna trees attract beetles.
Tiny Davis "race horse" (risque record 1949 vocals/trumpet)
Harry Roy an his Orchestra "my girl`s pussy" (record 1931)
Bill Haley "teenager`s mother" (record 1956)
Beachboys "surfin USA" (live)
Tom Jones "I who have nothing" (live)
Doris Day "teacher`s pet" (record with slideshow)
Title track from her 1958 film with Clark Gable. Peaked at # 56 in
1958. Although its just a simple pop song, it demonstrates
perfectly th effectiveness of th cursota`s anti-sexual
psychological NWO program to make us feel ashamed of sex, thus
making us more moldable/suicide prone/feministic/psychotic, and it
highlites th cursota`s 52 year sabotaged downhill slide of Rock
from 1958 to th present as well. As you can see by th rues
(lyrics), nobody gave a hoot if a teacher and a student dated or
made spooh (love) in th 1950s. Today if a teacher even touched a
student in first world slave plantations disguised as "modern
societies", th student would scream bloody murder and he`d be
fired/fined/jailed, labeled a pedophile on th front pages of
newspapers, and put on a net data base so communities could
"protect their children". Th cursota know all too well that feeling
shame is a bizarre contagious quirk of th human herd. It just takes
one certified harvard nincompoop or dopey popey with ulterior
motives an a big mouth to shame th entire "monkey see monkey do"
herd into believing that its perverted for teachers and students to
date one another. This helps protect their fascism disguised as
corporatism. They now have DNA degenerated corporatized noggins and
proudly display their insanity on their steel-studded face
glimmering like a piece of flotsam in a stagnant pool by a nuclear
plant. You need proof? Just watch most music videos of today and hear the
screeching un-rhythmic beatless whining guanoza (music). As these wealthy
"useful idiots" play, look at th glassy-eyed "oh my god" beaming
blushing jubilant faces of th chicks in th audience and see if that
does`nt make you get out a map pronto or punch a hole thru the wall.
Teacher's pet ~ I wanna be teacher's pet
I wanna be huddled and cuddled as close to you as I can get
(That's the lesson we're guessin' you're best in)
Mmm, teacher's pride ~ I wanna be teacher's pride
I wanna be dated, paraded, the one most likely at your side
(Ya got a burnin' yearnin' to learn)
I wanna learn all your lips can teach me
One kiss will do at the start (are you really?)
I'm sure with a little homework
I'll graduate to your heart (to your heart)
Teacher's pet ~ I wanna be teacher's pet
I wanna take home a diploma and show Ma that ya love me, too
So I can be teacher's pet long after school is through
(Oh, teacher's pet) Mmm, mmm
(You wanna be teacher's pet) Ahh Ahh
(You wanna be huddled and cuddled as close to him as you can get)
I wanna learn all your lips can teach me
One kiss will do at the start
I'm sure with a little homework
I'll graduate to your heart
Teacher's pet (you love the teacher), I wanna be teacher's pet
I wanna take home a diploma and show Ma that ya love me, too (Wow!)
So I can be teacher's pet (yeah!) long after school is through
(Teacher, teacher she loves you)
Here`s another video proving that no one cared if teachers and students dated from the cave man days to 1993, the year Bill Clinton became president;
De Castro Sisters "teach me tonite" (record 1950s)
TEACH ME TONIGHT (Sammy Cahn / Gene DePaul) Jo Stafford - 1954 Janet Brace - 1954 Dinah Washington - 1954 Helen Grayco - 1954 De Castro Sisters - 1954 Tommy Sands - 1957 Blossom Dearie - 1958 Red Garland - 1958 Brenda Lee - 1960 George Maharis - 1962 Sammy Davis Jr. - 1965 Sarah Vaughan - 1978 Cheryl Ladd - 1979 Al Jarreau - 1981 Diane Schuur - 1985 Cleo Laine - 1988 Anne Murray - 1993 Also recorded by: Nat King Cole; Etta James; Marvin Gaye; Count Basie; Joe Williams; Boots Randolph; Jimmy McGriff; Four Freshman; Mary Wells; Buddy Greco; Oscar Peterson; Natalie Cole; Liza Minnelli; Tito Puente; Toni Tennille; Freda Payne; Phoebe Snow; Errol Garner; Ella Fitzgerald; Major Harris; McGuire Sisters; Kim Weston; Peggy Lee. Did you say that I've got a lot to learn Well don't think I'm trying not to learn Since this is the perfect spot to learn Teach me tonight Starting with the ABC of it Getting right down to the XYZ of it Help me solve the mystery of it Teach me tonight One thing isn't very clear my love Teachers shouldn't stand so near my love Graduation's almost here my love You'd better teach me tonight I who thought I knew the score of it Kind of think I should know much more of it Off the wall, the bed, the floor of it Hey teach me tonight What I need most is post graduate What I feel is hard to articulate If you want me to matriculate (get qualified to enter college) You'd better teach me tonight What do you get for lessons Teach me... come on and teach me... teach me tonight"
Michael Jackson "Earth song anti-war".
Charlie Daniels "long haired country boy" (live late 1970s)
Sonny an Cher "I got u babe" (live 1965)
Fontane Sisters "seventeen" (record) reached #6 in 1955
Abba "SOS" (lip sync on Dick Clark show)
Bob Wills "sittin on top of th world" (live 1930s)
Bobbettes "Mr. Lee" (live)
Marvellettes "please Mr. postman" (live)
Gene Chandler "duke of earl" (live)
Five Satins "in the still of the nite" (lip sync)
Kinks "ape man" (live 1970 ~ Pommies singing about Bopland, but
they just forgot to sing the last line correctly = "I want to sail
away to a Bopland shore and make like an ape man". Uh ohhhh, I may
be in big trouble now.
"In man's evolution he has created the cities and
the motor traffic rumble, but give me half a chance
and I'd be taking off my clothes and living in the jungle
'Cos the only time that I feel at ease
Is swinging up and down in a coconut tree
Oh what a life of luxury to be like an ape man
I think I'm so educated and I'm so civilized
'Cos I'm a strict vegetarian
But with the over-population and inflation and starvation
And the crazy politicians
I don't feel safe in this world no more
I don't want to die in a nuclear war
I want to sail away to a distant shore and make like an ape man"
Pixies Three "442 glenwood avenue" (record 1960s)
Norma Tanega "walkin my cat named dog" (live 1966)
Bobby Rydell "volare" (live)
Gary Stites "lonely for you" (record)
Duke Robillard an th pleasure Kings "my plea" (record 1983)
Richard an th young Lions "open up yer door" (live)
Lonzo an Oscar "charming Betsy" (live 1950s)
Jerry Irby "49 women" (record 1950s)
Walter Brown "jellyroll rock" (record 1958)
Buffy Sainte-Marie "universal soldier" (record 1960s)
Bunker Hill "hide an go seek pts 1-2" (record 1962)
Linda Laurie "Ambrose part five" (record 1959 ~ apparently she also sings th bass part!)
Spyder Turner "stand by me " (live 2007 ~ he was 60 years old)
Stevie Wonder "a place in th sun" (live 1960s)
"when times are bad an yer feelin sad
I want u to always remember ~ there`s a place in th sun
where there`s hope for everyone"
Th following is mentioned solely to demonstrate how th cursota slowly corrupted authentic Rock/R an B, beginning in earnest around 1970:
First find and play any 1979-2000`s chick cover song of Eddie Floyd`s "knock on wood" on utube. Then type something like "100 fabulous R and B songs from 1980 to 2009" and play that. Then note th following:
First find and play any 1979-2000`s chick cover song of Eddie Floyd`s "knock on wood" on utube. Then type something like "100 fabulous R and B songs from 1980 to 2009" and play that. Then note th following:
1. On th "knock on wood" cover video they copied a genuine R an B song.
2. Most probably th teeraleer (singer) is a young knock-out chick with a sexy figure just as if this had anything at all to do with how good a song is.
3. Then they probably would have added erotic eye-catching colorful fiery graphics around her as if this could make a song score more points.
4. Then they probably would have changed th beat to half disco and half Rock to try to convince th slaves that this was real Rock instead of an aberrant hybrid. Songs like this thruout th 1970s had three main phases:
1. To gradually corrupt an change 100% gritty rock into 50% "glitter" hollywood rock or "half rock and half guanoza".
2. Th cursota knew that if an when enough slaves would begin buying this glamorous guanoza, which they surely did due to a big dollar ad campaign etc, then acceptance of th second phase of their covert war to bury real Rock would be a cynch.
Now this 50% half rock hybrid was mated th second time to 75 - 100% squeaky-voiced guanoza, eg techno rock/heavy metal/ska/funk/hip-hop/electro/new wave/mod/rap/thrash resulting in th birth of a defected baby with a 3rd leg extending from th navel. At this time, for all practical purposes, Rock had been disabled. But this STILL did`nt satisfy th cursota who knew that authentic unadulterated Rock had th capability to expose them an their NWO. Rock must be buried so deep that even a Cat D-9 bulldozer could`nt unearth it. Th purpose of these first 2 phases was to prepare/condition th slaves to think that their next lab created defected monster with a fist-sized gangrenous growth on its nose, was ravishingly beautiful. Slave acceptance of this hybrid would NOT have been possible without th first two indoctrinating phases.
3. Th 3rd an final phase consisted of mating all these scarred music genres with "unisex" rock producing th final gangrenous hybrid called schmalt, a particularly nauseating type of beatless characterless genderless whining guanoza characterized by eunuchinized males singing with high pitched voices almost EXACTLY like females. If you close your eyes and listen to this schmalt you will sometimes not be able to determine th gender of th teeraleer (singer). In fact all th teeraleers sound basically th same so if u`ve heard one u`ve heard them all. To verify click an play again th other 1980-2009 R an B video you had found mentioned above. But if you are prone to fits of laughter or rage then don`t play it, you may have a fatal heart attack or destroy your house.
Their plan to corrupt th musical DNA of th slaves succeeded. Rock was now buried so deep that few could find it even if they wanted to. This is just ONE out of DOZENS of ways that they employed to cripple Rock which was th voice of the Slave Rebellion. Read th full skinny on another page. To verify hear th real "knock on wood" by Eddie Floyd below and 3 more authentic R an B songs after it by Lillian Offitt/Bull Moose Jackson/Bobby Moore. Pay close attention to th correct beats. But remember, some who hear them for th first time might like th 100% pure schmalt better! This is a very good test to see how "programmed" one is or to see how many intrinsic musical bones one has. For now, I temporarily rest my case.
Eddie Floyd "knock on wood" (record 1966)
Lillian Offitt "miss u so" (record 1957)
Bull Moose Jackson "big ten inch" (record 1952)
Bobby Moore "searchin for my luv" (record 1965)
Little Peggy March "boy crazy" (record 1963 ~ She was 15 years)
Walter Egan "magnet an steel" (live 1978)
Exile "I wanna kiss u all over" (live 1978)
Jay Ferguson "thunder island" (record 1978)
Irvin Russ "crazy alligator" (record 1959)
Phil Spector`s wall of sound (see th inside of his recording studio ~ live with th Ronettes/Crystals)
Edsels "rama lama ding dong" (live)
Orlons "knock knock" (record 1964)
Phil Spector`s wall of sound (see th inside of his recording studio ~ live with th Ronettes/Crystals)
Edsels "rama lama ding dong" (live)
Orlons "knock knock" (record 1964)
ASIAN ROCK AN ROLL SECTION: Unlike symphonic music, here`s proof that Rock is the universal language which was VOLUNTARILY accepted by everyone except th church/state and captain kangaroo. Rock, not war machines, was th real "shot heard round the world". In the 50-60s R an R was tearing up th planet and undermining th church an state`s grim agenda worldwide. Rock was changing their motto "punish yourself an stay warlike" to "free yourself and stay carefree". I heard some pretty good Rock bands when I was in smoggy Manila and Indonesia. In Indonesia I watched a good tidy street band being "shadowed" by a cop to make sure their words and beat was "politically correct". This is th country that will EXECUTE you for having a handful of harmless reefer. Small wonder that many Indo Rockers moved to Holland in th 1950s. Indo Rock is a well known Rock genre flourishing between 1955-65 introduced by Dutch immigrants with an Indonesian heritage.
During th cold war Soviet authorities said jazz was a seditious (disobedient) music an banned it. Ditto for Iran. In Japan an elsewhere, to avoid suspicion/unrest/emigration, apparently they employed a more subtle way to destroy it by simply discrediting it. To give some idea of th power of Rock, 760,000 guy wires (guitars) were made in Japan in 1965, a record that has yet to be broken ( Contrary to belief, the NWO was, for all practical purposes, in effect at this time as every country on Tusi (Earth) did their best to eliminate it. I befriended one of th men who was responsible for preventing Rock from entering Honduras. He seemed to enjoy being a slave of the state. Self-punishment is also universal. More on this on another page.
Ernie Djohan and Old Friends "cryin time" (Indo Rock 2003)
Lydia an th Melody Strings "heartbeat" (Indonesia/Holland record 1959 ~ a Buddy Holly cover)
Crescendos (Singapore) "the boy next door" (record )
Naomi an th Boys (Singapore) "happy happy birthday baby" (1965 record)
Tidbits "never my luv" (Singapore 12-13 year old girls ~ record)
Heather (Batchen) "daydreaming" (14 year old girl ~ recorded in Singapore 1966)
Reynettes "rescue me " (Hong Kong girl group 1966)
Kingsmen "hitchhike" (Philippines 1963 ~ claim to be first band to play Beatles)
Rocky Fellers "little darlin" 1960 (Philippines 6-10 year old lead singers on Dinah Shore show ~ how many of you thought this was another young black kid band from th East Coast? Dinah says "R an R really gets around dont it".
Ernie Djohan and Old Friends "cryin time" (Indo Rock 2003)
Lydia an th Melody Strings "heartbeat" (Indonesia/Holland record 1959 ~ a Buddy Holly cover)
Crescendos (Singapore) "the boy next door" (record )
Naomi an th Boys (Singapore) "happy happy birthday baby" (1965 record)
Tidbits "never my luv" (Singapore 12-13 year old girls ~ record)
Heather (Batchen) "daydreaming" (14 year old girl ~ recorded in Singapore 1966)
Reynettes "rescue me " (Hong Kong girl group 1966)
Kingsmen "hitchhike" (Philippines 1963 ~ claim to be first band to play Beatles)
Rocky Fellers "little darlin" 1960 (Philippines 6-10 year old lead singers on Dinah Shore show ~ how many of you thought this was another young black kid band from th East Coast? Dinah says "R an R really gets around dont it".
Poppy an her Popcats "please help me I`m fallin" 1961 (Indonesia/Holland ~ record)
Jimmy Green "last date" (record prob 1960s ~ Indonesia/Germany ~ Indo Rock ~ I cried when I first heard this)
Tielman Brothers "rock it up" 1959 (Indonesia/Holland ~ live on German TV ~ Andy Tielman plays th guy wires (guitar) BEHIND HIS BACK an upside down while standing on th bull (bass) ~ 1st time I ever saw this)
Hot Jumpers "lets rock little baby" (record ~ Indonesia/Holland)
Hurricane Rollers "once" 1959 (record - Indonesian/Dutch)
Sky Devils "Jakarta Reunie Hoevelaken" 2008 (record ~ Indonesia/Holland)
Black Jags "red river rock" (live 2008 ~ not sure if this is Indo-rock) Removed by youtube!
Henry Sahilatua and Old Friends "blue eyes crying in th rain" (live 2003 Indo Rock)
LATINO ROCK SECTION: Unlike symphonic music, here`s more vivid proof of th universal voluntary acceptance of Rock by young people.
Keith Colley "enamorado" (record 1968)
Herb Alpert an th Tijuana Brass "a taste of honey" (Mexico record 1965)
Keith Colley "enamorado" (record 1968)
Herb Alpert an th Tijuana Brass "a taste of honey" (Mexico record 1965)
Rio Rockers "Mexican Rock an Roll" 1958 (record)
Baja Marimba Band "ghost riders in th sky" (Mexico Record)
Baja Marimba Band "ghost riders in th sky" (Mexico Record)
Rockin Devils "bule bule" (live 1960s)
De Castro Sisters "teach me tonite" (Cuba/Dominican Republic record 1950s)
Perez Prado "cherry pink and apple blossom white" (record Cuba 1955 mambo)
Richie Valens "la bamba" (Mexico record)
Richie Valens "la bamba" (Mexico record)
Oh Brother... Oh Brother! Your invite on the ICH comment blog wooed Yours Truly over here... I ain't closin' this tab but for when the box freezes and then it's to restore the session... Bookmarked the site PDQ and sharin' with others around me ASAP. :)
ReplyDeleteOnly heard "Walkin' my Cat Named Dog" exactly once and always wanted it back... Been singin' the snatches as-retained to myself for forty years now... Cats is majik, you know.
Thanks to you, got that one back and a whole lot more.
And to think that this is only the first page... Yes, yes and ten thousand times yes again to what is being done here. You are surely from Heaven; the Natural Human Harmony you uphold right here in plain view synonymizes with that, which proves it out - else I'll eat every "Funny Hat" (Indigenous American Medicine/Mojo Hat) I have ever worn.
Keep on keepin' on. With you, my brother. Heaven reliably prevails on her childrens' behalf where the Other Faction swears there is No Hope®.
Illegitemii non cartborundum, is all. Do not allow That Sort to wear you down, disrupt you, counterintel you in any way. Surely for you as for meself, John 8:32 is Just All Right in spirit and in truth. You got that right here, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
With abiding respect,
Rev. C. Walking Turtle M., Authorized Pope
(as are we all)
First Peoples' Church of the Forbidden Truth
"John 8:32 is Just All Right by ME!"
(A Global Funny Hat Medicine Society affiliate
and ICKR Curmudgeonry Licensure Center)
Good post.Thank you!
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