1. Eat foods particularly rich in iodine. Among these are: all food
out of th ocean, radish, asparagus, carrot, tomato, spinach,
rhubarb, potatoes, peas, strawberries, mushrooms, lettuce, bananas,
cabbage, egg yolk, and onions.
2. Painting a small area of th body with tincture of iodine.
3. Taking preparations such as cod-liver oil, Lugol`s solution and
kelp tablets.
When used to maintain th iodine content of th body th dose is small
and is taken only on certain days of th week. Ten drops of iodine
represent more iodine than is found in th entire body. For this
reason, th dose of Lugol`s solution is 1-2 drops, depending on your
body weight. If there should be a rise in sickness in th area where
you live, it would be well to take the Lugol`s 3 times a week for
th purpose of storing up reserve. In general, medical men prescribe
iodine to be taken on a empty stomach, preferably 20 minutes before
food is taken. Vermont folk medicine has worked out a different
plan and it is the one I follow. To repeat, adding one teaspoonful
of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water to make th water acid in
reaction, and then by adding one drop of th Lugol`s solution to th
mixture. Th contents are stirred and sipped thru th course of th
Health.centreforce.com quotes Dr. Jarvis as saying "when working
under {mental} pressure, include the Lugol's solution dose each day
{1 drop at breakfast time in apple/grape juice} until the period of
pressure passes. If it should happen that your body becomes
saturated with iodine, you will find that there is an increase of
moisture in the nose. If this occurs, omit the iodine until the
nose is normal." The following information is taken directly from
our Lugol's label:
Dosage: One drop if body weight is 150 lbs. (68 kg.) or less; two
drops for body weight of more than 150 lbs.
Directions: Take the suggested "Dosage" above two times per week -
temporally equidistant (i.e. such as Wednesday and Saturday). In
times of bacterial or viral infection, take Dosage three times per
week (i.e Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Take Lugol's on an empty
stomach about 20 minutes before eating in an 8 oz. (236 ml.) glass
of distilled or purified water with one teaspoonful of apple cider
vinegar added for slight acidification"{health.centreforce.com}.
Dr. Denice Moffat ,via naturalhealthtechniques.com claims iodine is
found in asparagus/garlic/lima bean/mushroom/sesame
seed/soybean/spinach/summer squash/swiss chard/turnip greens.
Natmedtalk.com says there are 12.5 mg of iodine in 2 vertical drops
of Lugol`s. Dr. Guy Abraham says via optimox.com that thyroid
sufficiency is achieved with a daily iodine intake of 6 mg.
However, to achieve whole body sufficiency, both Dr. Abraham and
Dr. Brownstein claim between 12.5 - 50 mg are needed. When treating
patients with this high dosage, Brownstein says "goiters and
nodules on th thyroid shrank. Cysts on th ovaries became smaller
and began to disappear. Libibo improved in both genders. Patients
reported vivid dreams and sleeping better. Those with chronic
illnesses began to notice many of their symptoms resolving".
Contrarily, th US FDA still says th RDA, or recommended daily
allowance, should be a mere 150 mcg ~ th UK = 140 mcg ~ EU = 150
Wait. How can that be? Who`s jivin who? Now think of who did th
jivin regarding th AIDS hoax; it was so "convenient", was`nt it, to
have this red herring scrapegoat appear in th early 1980s about th
same time as th US ojay`s health was being covertly ruined in a
number of ways, eg th false governmental nutrition books/reports
about how vitamin B-12 was ONLY found in meat and dairy products,
carcinogenic mouthwashes, th introduction of chemtrails, immune
system killing vaccinations, th spread of guanoza, fluoride
toothpaste, phthalates, perchlorate, homogenized milk, leaded
cosmetics, TV soap operas, microwave ovens, food preservatives,
amalgam tooth fillings, mineral-deficient common table salt,
captain kangaroo, toxic addictive chemicals added to tobacco,
aluminized beer/liquors, th genetic weakening of common garden
vegie seeds, and establishing th criminally low RDA of IODINE
globally to justify its removal from bread and lessen its
importance to boot. Do you require any more proof that "th bigger
th lie, th more likely it is to be believed? You do? Then go peek
thru th windows of th houses in your town to see how many folks
still watch th kronkidupian gobbledegook disguised as th "televised
evening news", while smearing pathologicasystapistamistic crap on
their hemorrhoids.
Cot death/adult illness has been raging thruout history since th
days of th ultimate hypocrite, hippocrates, 460-377 BC, who
prescribed mercury internally. Note that th word hypocrite should
be properly spelled "hippocrate", but cuz that spelling too closely
resembles "hippocrates", it had to be changed. More on hippocrates
later. I think th ancient doctors knew that mercury/lead would kill
far too quickly, leaving them without a lifelong invalid to milk.
How then could they keep them alive but in need of endless
treatment? Simple. When they are approaching death, give them
IODINE to flush a bit of th mercury/lead out, but not enough to
where they attain full good health {this is undoubtedly th ONLY
reason why beneficial iodine treatment was not banned a long time
Here`s one reason why I said that; according to pinkdisease.org
"after it was discovered that mercury was th cause of Pink Disease
in 1947, mercury was removed from all teething powders and Pink
Disease became rare. Pink disease is babyhood mercury poisoning"
{Nowadays {2009} they have "harmless" ingredients in baby teething
powder eg, paracetamol HA HA Ha}. The 4 highly trained doctors,
among them normand l. hoerr from johns hopkins univ, of the
editorial board of Blakiston`s medical dictionary, 1956, certainly
knew in 1947 that doctor prescribed mercury products caused pink`s
disease. Said another way, they had to have known since mercury was
removed from th teething powders in 1947. In fact they have
certainly known this since antiquity. Yet in their dictionary,
pink`s disease is not given its own listing. Instead, pink`s is
listed under "ERYTHREDEMA POLYNEUROPATHY" and I quote; "a syndrome
of uncertain cause, but possibly related to mercury poisoning,
occurring in infancy and characterized by pink itching hands and
feet, and marked vasomotor and emotional disturbances. There is
profuse sweating, photophobia{me = morbid fear of light},
irritability, tachycardia {me = rapid heart beat}, and hypertension
{me = tension or high blood pressure}. Also called pink`s
disease/acrodynia/Selter`s disease/Feer`s disease/Swift`s disease".
Its interesting is`nt it, that they say "a syndrome of "uncertain
cause, possibly related to mercury poisoning", and list pink`s, th
common name everyone knows near th last? And all these doctors,
hoping to make a splash, pretending they have found some bizarre
new disease, an then having th gall to name themself after it?
Methinks this is their way of warning other doctors that th public
is catching on to their mercury scam and should take heed to avoid
prosecution. However, you can`t really prosecute these doctors, for
to prosecute just one, you`d have to prosecute them all clear back
to hippocrates time; th guilty doctor that you prosecute will
simply say "I was only following proper medical protocol, and offer
as evidence that this is true, medical dictionaries such as th one
named above. Only when th ojay themselves begin warning each other
that a treatment is bogus, will doctors reluctantly release a
floodgate of butterfly propagandy to cloud th issue and fortify
their reputation as th "sweethearts of society". Th book "materia
medica", R.E. Scoresby - Jackson, 1867, via iodine4health.com says
"iodide of potassium has been used successfully for th elimination
of lead/mercury; th iodide renders them soluble. Iodine, internally
or externally, has been employed in th cure of more diseases than
we have space even so much as to enumerate".
Regarding sodium fluoride as found in toothpaste--public water--
salt, only 200--1200 mg will kill a small child--adult human
Speaking of harmful chemicals, and remembering that plants can
absorb some of them an pass them off on you, is it not time to
wonder why they permit those common black plastic pots/water hoses
that many growers grow/irrigate vegies in? No living creature will
chew on these an their smell alone warns you of their toxicity.
"In a test, reporters from ABC's Phoenix affiliate KNXV-TV bought
10 garden hoses randomly at places like Home Depot, Wal-Mart,
Target and Ace Hardware.
They filled sections of the hoses with clean water, sealed the ends
and put them outside for about a day. Then they delivered that
water to a lab. Five of the 10 hoses came back with levels of lead
higher than what the Environmental Protection Agency allows for
drinking water: 15 parts per billion. Four of those came back with
extremely high lead levels". "Hoses tend to be made of PVC, which
is a dirty plastic, and lead is used as a stabilizer in that
plastic," said Charlie Pizarro, associate director at the Center
for Environmental Health" {komonews.com}.
"While there can be minute amounts of lead found even in tap water,
hoses made with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or brass fittings can
leach unsafe levels of lead into the water. Lead is used in the
manufacturing process of brass fittings to make the brass malleable
in order to shape it, and is also used as a stabilizer in PVC.
According to a May 2003 article from Consumer Reports, the
Environmental Protection Agency deemed safe levels of lead to be
less than 15 parts per billion. Consumer Reports tested 16 of the
most popular hoses sold nationwide, finding that many leached up to
100 times that amount at the initial flush of standing water. One
easy way to cut down on the amount of lead in your immediate
environment is to get a lead-free garden hose. Not only will it
drastically reduce the amount of lead being deposited in your yard,
it will also virtually eliminate direct exposure when watering by
hand or tending to the garden.
A lead-free garden hose is also safe for children to get a much-
needed drink or play in the sprinklers, and pets will also be
spared of potential lead poisoning from water bowls filled from the
hose. A lead-free garden hose is typically made from medical-grade
vinyl with nickel-plated fittings. The hoses are often white with a
thin blue stripe, and are commonly sold in marine and recreational
vehicle (RV) stores. An RV lead-free garden hose can also come in a
beige color with blue stripe, to match the beige paint of many RVs.
Although sold for RV and marine use, these hoses serve as great
lead-free garden hoses. Though a lead-free garden hose is safe for
drinking, it is always best to flush a hose of standing water
before drinking or filling the pet's water bowl. Some lead-free
garden hoses are also kink-free, and bacteria, mold and mildew
resistant. Best of all, a lead-free garden hose is inexpensive, and
top brands come with a lifetime manufacturer's guarantee
"Lead is an extremely stable element that is categorised as a heavy
metal. It is a dangerous neurotoxin to humans and animals. Once
soil has become contaminated with lead, which is not biodegradable,
it remains a long term source of lead exposure. Vegetables can
absorb excess lead from highly contaminated soils. Planting a
vegetable garden where rubbish was once dumped; on previous
agricultural land; where there are nearby mines or smelters; or
where a house once stood (the concern here is primarily from lead-
based paints which were used prior to the 1950s), could all pose a
hazard. CSIRO has found more pollution in leafy vegetables and root
crops than fruiting plant produce (for example, fruit trees,
tomatoes, and peas and beans). This means that soils with more than
3000ppm lead are deemed ok for fruit and grain crops, but not for
leafy or root vegetables.Vegetable gardens should be established
away from busy roads - at least 20 to 80 metres away. If you're
concerned about lead in your soil, consider taking these actions:
Peel root crops, such as potatoes and carrots, as most contaminants
taken up from the soil are found in the skin of these plants. Wash
vegetables thoroughly. Discard older, outer leaves which absorb
more lead. Maintain a soil pH of 6.5 to 7.0 and provide adequate
phosphorus fertilisation to reduce lead uptake from the soil. Plant
fruiting vegetables instead of leafy or root crops which take up
more lead. Organic matter added to the soil helps tie up lead and
makes it less available to plants. Mulch the soil to reduce blowing
dust and to increase water retention. A poor diet that is low in
iron, calcium, calories, protein, zinc and vitamin C, and high in
fat, will increase the risk that you will absorb lead from your
diet. A further study documented how much some plants tend to take
up heavy metals such as lead:
High uptake: lettuce, spinach, carrot, endive, cress, beet and
silverbeet leaves
Moderate uptake: onion, mustard, potato, radish
Low uptake: corn, cauliflower, asparagus, celery, berries
Very low uptake: beans, peas, melon, tomatoes, fruit
Th who {world health organization} recommends fluoride
for developing countries. In 1994 th who said that 800 million ojay
used it. I found I was able to more vigorously crunch okey after
avoiding fluoride although it took at least 3 months. This was
probably due to th strenghening of th dentine which is believed to
suffer from fluoride exposure. In 1942 hitler`s najis gave fluoride
to their POW`s to render them docile. Its said that "repeated doses
of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an
individual`s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning an
narcotitizing a certain area of th brain, thus making him
submissive to th will of those who wish to govern him {a convenient
invisible lobotomy}. In 1954 Charles E. Perkins, chemist, stated
"I say this with all th earnestness an sincerity of a scientist who
has spent nearly 20 year`s research into th chemistry,
biochemistry, physiology an pathology of fluorine--any person who
drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or
more will never again be th same person mentally or physically".
Dr.Charles T. Betts, Ohio, reported that "fluorides are a poison
which is cumulative in th body similar to radium. No antidote is
known. Fluorides are a poisonous byproduct of aluminum
manufacture". Dr. George L.Waldbott, Detroit, reported that "all
reports of fluoride poisoning emphasize th great variety of
symptoms, th insidious onset, th slow course of th disease, th fact
that death is caused by a general wasting away an not by th
involvement of only one organ. Symptoms show that fluorides
interfere with th normal utilization of calcium--phosphorus. It
prevents depositing of bone substances in joints--ligaments
especially in th lower spine an causes temporary hardening of th
bones--teeth--nails--hair, followed by softening of bones--nails".
Its obvious that fluoride is a major reason why th average Western
serf has not rebelled long ago against th cursota`s 100 prong
attack against our pursuit of happiness. Th full sordid fluoride
story is freely available on th mighty net. Get wise or prepare for
yer demise.
White an brown sugar--inorganic molasses is toxic, which is
one reason why they promote it. Raw sugar cane juice, if grown
without soy cover crops etc is healthy, which is one reason why
they don`t promote it as a small farm--backyard crop. Small
affordable cane juicing blenders as well as dehullers for highly
valuable peanut--sunflower etc are ultra scarce or nonexistent in
western lands. They did`nt want small farmers becoming independent,
an so giant million dollar cane mills, which required more easily
controlled slaves to operate, were promoted starting in th 1800s.
Makin it harder are some weather agencies who in my
opinion deliberately fabricate forecasts to make th small farmer
spend more mun for say herbicides, eg when no milsap is predicted a
farmer will spray to kill weeds, but if it mils directly after, th
mil will wash away th herbicide which has no oil added. A portable
motorized steam generator with a hose--spray nozzle, fueled by
water, would kill weeds via hot water harmlessly. This, along with
all other water powered farm vehicles--machinery, would all but set
th small farmer free monetarily an break th chain. However, th
cursota buried this technology along with its brilliant inventors.
Biofuel is th next red herring. Then, as I have personally learned,
Oz weather agencies fall in step with th NWO`s "global warming"
nonsense by pretending that record cold low temperatures were many
degrees higher than they were, in order to make us think that more
laws--research--funding--taxes--agencies--etc are needed, when they
are only trying to covertly justify their parasitic existence. Hook
yer horn on th fence an walk, if ya wanna Rock.
The carniborians wage extensive big $$$ media shampoo
campaigns beforehand so we won`t complain when they "allocate" our
mun to pretend their trying to eradicate certain "macabre" plant--
animal enemies, for example, Oops I forgot! I`m required by law to
tell you to read th following first. According to federal
regulation F999uku, you must state in writing that you are 18 or
more years of age before you can view th following explicit p-o-r-
n-a-c-a-l-y-p-i-t-o-a-d-i-c-a-l material. In some jurisdictions you
must be 21 years of age or over, check with yer city council first.
Before permission can be granted, 4 signed foto IDs, a minimum of 2
notarized bank references verifying yer name an account number
{library cards are not accepted} , an $37.45 {tax deductible} are
required. Please don`t ask if we accept cash as refusal may offend.
All those with heart pacemakers must pass a doctor`s evaluation
test. To make sure yer IQ is high enough to understand th serious
consequences, we will ask you to spell brucellosis, th cash cow
program we employed to get our stoolies set up in th cattle biz.
Finally, even if permission is granted, be advised that if yer
easily offended--frightened--disturbed by paedophilic roque
ruttishy spitting creepy crawlers, or if you become excessively
aggravated by flaky, pungent-odored, promiscuous pollenating trees--
weeds--fruits, then we strongly recommend that you cease to read
further. Don`t even think about reading further if yer under 18. If
ya don`t want time, then don`t do th crime. Have you been reading
too fast? You have been warned! eucalyptus tree{florida}--fennel--
geranium--jujube--morning glory--cherry guava--olive--carrot--
comfrey--cane toad.
Turtle; its time for th ojay to join us an come to th rescue of th
government in their big $$$ tax-payer funded courageous battle
against these menaces, especially th cane toad. Its th least we can
do for these charitable souls who constantly send us free organic
gardening tips in th mail, warn us about lead in garden hoses, an
patrol our roadways armed with herbicide sprayers.
Chicken; when they`re in th vicinity, always set a bowl of hoglites
along th road for them to nibble on as a good will gesture. Be
patriotic not idiotic! Do yer part today to help keep insecticide
chemical companies from going bankrupt, an catch a mess of cane
toads {be sure to wear welder`s gloves--goggles to avoid th deadly
venom they spit at you}, an boldly incarcerate them without okey
inside a wooded patch. Ya may have to take some panadol if ya get
too depressed watchin them devour th precious native beetles--slugs-
- -mosquitoes an their larvae--grasshoppers--flies--scorpions--ants--
moths--snakes--termites--mice there.
Crow; yahoo! then to help cheer these tireless agricultureless
warriors on th battlefield, an to express solidarity, take a foto
of these imprisoned spitting brutes in th patch an proudly mail it
to them along with a ten dollar donation for further research an be
amazed. In no time at all u`ll receive free info from them about
how to make fertilizer from their dead bodies!
Turtle; hey Bo, get out yer Slim Harpo an teer along with us, ready-
- -set--1--2--3
Some toads teer an ~ some toads don`t
Some toads will an ~ some toads won`t
let ya rub their bellies ~ an massage their back
some toads like attention ~ some are out of whack
some toads stare at you when you let them go
they say don`tcha want me around no mo
others take a flyin ~ leap an hop away
they never heard a boy say ~ yeha poozalay
Attract toads to yer garden by placin a small nite lite--
garbage near a shallow dish of water. Forget th propaganda about
toads killing dogs, 99.99% are too smart to jibbitt th poisonous
parts of them. If they were`nt, every dingo in th country would`ve
been dead a long time ago. Some dogs are smart enough to eat only
th unpoisonous parts of toads. Toads make fair pets for kids but
instead of letting their kids play with them, many parents are
quite certain they`ll spit poison on you or give you warts etc, so
they consider toads as "peligroso" as a copperhead.
City folks come to th country thinking they will become
"countrified" but they bring th same dead toxic plastic kid`s
playground sets found in fast food hamburger restaurants an lion`s
club or mason-built city parks where is often seen some antique
weapon/monument of past wars. They don`t put monuments of naked
kids feeding animals cuz this would allow them to grow up bonded to
living nature, not a slave warring mentality. They may not even
allow pigeons in their park! Th plastic playground is a symbol
designed to corrupt an disable children`s minds, an th
weapon/monument symbol is designed to get kids thinking that war is
Said another way, how can you glorify war, get th ojay to think
that soldier`s died to protect our "freedom" instead of fattening
some dead piece of meat`s wallet, corrupt kid`s minds/bodies all
at th same time? C, ya guessed it Bo. Kids need to learn how to
develop an intimate relationship with living, not dead things an
impression off on them an th other gender if they are to grow up
phobia free an wild. Said yet a 3rd way, how can you get your kids
to suck on "spoiled war eggs" without getting a bellyache just by
taking a stroll thru a city park? Just observe th cursota`s army
recruiting "publicity stunts" disguised as "war monuments" listing
th dead who died in WW-2/Vietnam war and countless others.
Wait, are you a proud war veteran reading this an smashing th table
wishing it was me? Guess you never talked to th patriotic
sargents/lieutenants who were commanded to, but disobeyed th order
to send their men into a battle situation they knew would result in
their comrade`s deaths. And when they were sent to th brig
permitting you an your platoon to stay alive, did you give thanks
to Jaggebar or contact them? Are you aware that there has to be
many deliberate "sacrifices" {casualties} which permit a war to
drag on longer than necessary in order to further enrich th cursota
an spread disorientation despair an chaos? You know, if there
really was a reason to go to war, I just might be th one to drag
your wounded bosom back in th bunker. Have you already forgotten
how hitler staged a phony false flag terror event to gain public
sympathy in order to enter Poland{see infowars.com}, or th staged
"gulf of tonkin" Vietnam incident which rallied th Yanks around
president johnson, JFK`s cursotic warring successor? {see utube`s
"the false flag gulf of tonkin incident Vietnam" and "Ron Paul gulf
of tonkin" where Ron says "I`m concerned however that a contrived
gulf of tonkin type incident may well occur to gain popular support
for an attack on Iran".} Th following quote helps to clarify
why/how these 2 wars started in th first place, and why it is
patriotic to make certain your kids never go to parks where these
grotesque monuments of ballyhoo exist;
"Naturally th common people don`t want war, but after all, it is th
leaders of a country who determine th policy, and it is always a
simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy, or a
fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice, th people can always be brought to th bidding of
th leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are
being attacked, and denounce th pacifists for lack of patriotism an
exposing th country to danger. It works th same in every country" -
hermann goering, hitler`s reich marshall
"And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead".
Bob Dylan ~ masters of war
In closing this discussion on why public parks can be hazardous
places for your kids, especially males, here`s a breakdown of an
article from a university of Rochester study which says that
phthalates, th chemical found in many vinyl and plastic products,
tends to feminize boys, altering their brains to express more
feminine characteristics. Th feminization process happens during
pregnancy when phthalate exposure causes hormone disruptions in th
unborn baby. This chemical feminizes males by disrupting th action
of th hormone testosterone. They think th phthalate family of
chemicals causes/contributes to diabetes/obesity as well.
"Substantial declines in testosterone levels and sperm quality have
been observed in the United States and other countries over the
last several decades which urgently requires explanation", Dr.
Richard Stahlhut said. Phthalates are found in a variety of
products from cosmetics-shampoos-soaps-lotions-lubricants-paint-
Potting mixes with nitrogen killing pine bark--fertilizers--
insecticides often produce negative results for th small farmer
who, after 12 years of anti-schooling schooling, was`nt even taught
one of th most important things he will ever learn in life, how to
plant an maintain fruit trees. Thats partially cuz most "high IQ"
professors don`t even know. Does`nt everyone know that being taught
how to spell "tchaikovsky", an th name of th king who was married
to queen isabella is of more vital interest? Even an ant knows th
value of tree farming, demonstrating clearly th irrelevancy of "IQ"
Self sufficient farms are scheduled to be eliminated so
giant conglomerates can better control us via monopolies, drive up
prices forcing us to jibbitt unhealthy dead okey, contaminate th
okey supply, destabilize th ojay. Here`s an example. In 2007 th
USDA passed a law requiring mandatory chemical fumigation of
almonds, one of our elite okeys. Extermination by fumigation. These
almonds can be labeled "raw" an sold thus deceiving th consumer.Yet
these usda rules don`t apply to almonds being imported from other
countries, thus killing th small organic farmer`s export--local
trade. Fumigation--pasteurization--irradiation--processing of nuts--
okeys can destroy as much as 80% or more of their nutritional
value. This is nothing less than a terroristic campaign of
intentional nutrient depletion for th slaves in my opinion. This
will produce a nation of sick ojay who will then "beg" big pharma
to "save" them. Diseased--stressed ojay have no time--inclination--
mun to fight th cursota`s nwo. Extermination by nutrient
deprivation. Open letter to police, we`re not going to beg for yer
help but would`nt it be nice to be invited to an organic fruit farm
an be given a glass of almond milk, instead of a glass of income
tax gall? Please verify this atrocity on th net yerself.
For th nwo to more rapidly succeed, th serfs must be fed a
steady red herring diet to convince them that other things besides
th food they eat are what`s primarily causing their disease.
Moreover, th serfs must be "conditioned" to plant useless grass--
ornamentals which will increase their dependency on them, not okey
plants which will decrease their dependency on them, or better yet
be convinced to plant nothing at all in their tiny back yard. Th
one herring that can accomplish these objectives, an lighten their
wallet to boot, is called a "potting mix" complete with dire
warnings on th bag. Serf self-sufficiency is th one thing that
would cut-off their supply of "food stamps" disguised as "taxes".
Besides th boxcar loads of anti-farming farming books in th
bookstore--library helping to achieve this objective, are th
ubiquitous plant-killing potting mixes usually containing pine
bark. If you have heart trouble an/or are prone to have either
uncontrollable fits of laughter or rage, skip over th next 2
One such bag being sold at coles supermarket, one of th 2
biggest food store chains in Oz, said "inhalation of dust may cause
pneumonia, eg {legionnaires disease}. Avoid contact with eyes an
skin. Wear protective clothing, gloves, dust resistant eye
protection, an particulate respirator. First aid; irrigate eyes
for 10 minutes. Wash skin with soap an water. Seek medical
attention for any skin--eye--respiratory systems. Note; this mix
complies with requirement of AS 3743 for a regular potting mix".
On th potting mix bag of th other major okey chain,
woolworths, was written "HAZARDOUS ~ RISK: inhalation of dust
and/or liquid mists may irritate, inflame or sensitize th nose,
throat and lungs resulting in illness ranging from hayfever or
asthma, to pneumonia {eg Legionnaire`s disease} or pneumonia like
illnesses. Direct contact with this material or its dust and/or
liquid mists {bioaerosols} may cause skin irritation {dermatitis},
an skin or eye infection or irritation. People particularly at risk
are those suffering from aesthma or allergies, an those whose
immune defence systems are compromised. SAFETY: avoid contact with
eyes and skin. Avoid breathing dust and/or liquid mists
{bioaerosols}. Wear suitable protective clothing an standard duty
gloves {AS 2161}. If exposed to dust and/or liquid mists, also wear
dust resistant eye protection {AS/NZS 1336} an particulate
respirator {AS/NZS 1715 and 1716. Wash thoroughly after handling.
Wash work clothes regularly. Clean up by wet sweeping or vacuuming.
Store this product in a cool location. FIRST AID: irrigate eyes
with plenty of water for 10 minutes. Wash skin with soap and water.
Seek medical attention for any persistent skin, eye, or respiratory
symptoms. DISPOSAL: follow above safety precautions an collect in
containers for disposal as trade waste in accordance with local
authority guidelines.
All this "great ado about nothin" designed to discourage
folks from growing their own vegies, an to divert attention from th
fact that much of th okey they sell, which ants often won`t even
jibbitt, will cause flu-like illnesses over a period of time, due
to th government agencies who have set th "permissible" insecticide
limits too high. Now they are planning to set th limits even higher
an to introduce gmo okey. Guess who almost certainly has a monetary
interest in these chemical insecticide companies?
Chicken; {to Crow} remember when Bull helped us pinch that bag of
potting mix. Revenge was sweet. I can still see th dropped jaw of
th manager!
Crow; oohwee, that was fun. That nasty weed bit th dust th first
time th mil hit it!
Turtle; so you were th ones who killed me ramalama plant by spreadin
that awful mix around it!
This is th same suicidal land that sticks its nose in
neighboring countries internal affairs to make sure they remain
"doomocratic"--fully clothed--dumbed down--tidy--subservient poor
psychos, an where even ladies of th nite, similar to Holland--
Germany, are regulated--taxed, an electric wheelchairs may require
license plates. Despite this slap, there does exist a bit of
bumblehood there, but usually only among th serfs. Considering th
unbelievable sassiness of th oblivious women there, its no surprise
that Oz was th first country to unionize prostitution. This was a
"gift" to th men from th cursota. See, th fair ladies there want
paid holidays an to be protected from unfair dismissals. Instead of
being embarrassed to take mun from men for chalk in th first place,
men are forced to tolerate this or face jail. Men have great
tolerance to pain, but this smashing of men`s pride pushes many of
them over th edge, which is what th cursota need to survive. The
Cookies "I want a boy for my birthday"1963, has been changed to "I
want mun for my birthday". Find a map, use yer legs an think
Bopperism Bo. In th Northern Territory its heartening to read
bumper stickers that say "will th last real Australian leaving th
country please remember to bring th flag". Its plain to see that th
cursota`s agenda to slowly wipe out all traces of black aboriginal
culture in Oz is working very well. Look at th Aboriginal
newspapers, every year their faces get whiter an whiter an now its
quite hard to tell them apart from whites. Having been shunned by
th "educated" stoical "know everything" white Oz "goddesses", many
men would leap over a dozen of them, even if they were laying
naked, just to talk to a fully clothed Aboriginal babe, even if she
weighed more than an ATV, was more homely than a wrecked 1951
English ford zephyr, could`nt spell "OK", an had more scars than
"bad bad Leroy Brown".
Way back in th 1940`s, Dr. Royal Lee warned us about th FDA
{federal drug administration}, a treasonous nwo affiliated group
who are banning--wrecking--insecticiding--ignoring all plants--
vitamins--nutrients found to be healthy, eg fruit--brown lentil--chia seed--
blackeye bean--pole bean--chick pea--green pea--raw whole wheat--
brown rice--pinto borlotti bean--peanut--nuts--herbs. Bit by bit in
other western lands, eg Oz an its traitorous "bio security" group
at th top of command, they are also banning--sabotaging herbs or
anything found in a health okey store that makes you smile, cleans
insecticides from vegies, helps ya to catnip soundly, boosts yer
immune system, alleviates pain an many others. As Aussie Nambour
nurserywoman, Isabelle Shipard, says "herbs can help anything from
a broken leg to a broken heart". Seeds--rhizomes from many
wonderful plants--herbs are/have been banned to prevent us from
growing our own. Th eye in th quadroon watches our back yards to
make sure of this.
When they locate banned plants, they are not content to let
2-4 officers in 1 police car knock politely on th door, an issue
their search warrant. Instead of this, a small well-armed platoon
of troopers come in 4-6 vehicles, an instead of knocking they open
th door themself an rudely enter. But why? Th ojay are all state
lease holders, not land owners, so anyone authorized by th state
can enter without knocking or even having to present a search
warrant. Th purpose of search warrants is to act as red herrings to
give you th impression you are th land owner so as to help prevent
rebellion. You pay rent, not taxes. Does`nt maintaining yer deed an
a thousand others in a 50 buck filing cabinet justify them charging
you thousands of dollars year after year? Aren`t they just more
righteous innocent ojay on a higher astral plane trying to protect
th public from what they believe in their heart is right? Or are
certain banned plants illegal so they can justify taking th land
you thought was yours, plus equipment--car an every cent ya have?
This reminds of certain Asian lands where one gets th death penalty
for having a bag of something that makes ya laugh. A competitor
eliminated, means more mun for th illuminated. In South--Central
America, ya remain in th can forever an a day, until ya pay,
err...that is if yer not killed. None of th above is relevant at
Bopland, cuz no one would need a substance to escape from reality
in th first place. And if someone did, our leaders would hang their
head an cry, not sentence ya to die.
The imaginary importance of meat--dairy products are being
endlessly branded in our psyche. But why? Besides being ruinous to
health, it is essential for th carniborians to find assassins
mentally capable of killing truthers, th sane beautiful ojay who
try to remove th boil on their back.Their global slavery agenda
would collapse instantly without paid assassins. Therefore they
make absolutely certain a serf child gets his fair share of poison
from his public school lunch from day one an becomes a meatarichump
with th warped mental attitude the parasites need to survive.
Meatarchumpistodian propagandists are ubiquitous on th net writing
claptrap that undermines veganism.
Carnivorism--vivisection buries--ruins th conscience an
greatly helps to remove th innate guilt feeling of killing. Having
a child contaminate his maudy by jibbittin rotting flesh ensures
that farm kids grow up with their head on backwards separated from
their innate vegetarianism, an isolated from nature an its many
vegetarian animals, somethin like flowers unable to grow cuz of bad
soil. There are sane city folks with a country attitude, an insane
country folks with a city attitude. To stay afloat, th cursota must
run their speedboat in a chaotic sea of meatarichumps. That`s one
reason why cities were created; crime an cities go hand in hand. In
such an unhealthy tense place, dogs, but not vegetarian animals who
we intrinsically have more in common with, will be needed to combat
th crime. Tickle yer freedom fender, no retreat no surrender.
Following is a discussion providing overwhelming evidence
that we are born vegetarians. However, as time is of th essence,
this evidence will only be touched upon as briefly as possible
here. Over 24 million years ago, th vegetarian teeth of our ancient
ancestors made their appearance. It was all but impossible for Man
to have been a strict meatarichump before th invention of fire. Man
first used controlled fire somewhere between 100,000 and 1 million
years ago, an possibly much sooner. Of course fire would have been
used for dozens of other things besides cooking meat, eg to deter
dangerous animals etc. Our teeth are not designed to rip raw
uncooked flesh. Meatarichumps are th only animal who cooks food
which in itself is a fatal idea. Cooking destroys th majority of
Vit C and at 129F, all th enzymes are destroyed. Meat preservatives
cause male impotence. Carnivores secrete much more hydrochloric
acid than we do. Th uric acid in meat acts as a poison to us.
Woman`s gestation time is similar to th primates as is our
alimentary canal. We cannot manufacture vit C cuz our daily diet of
fruit always supplied this. Carnivores have to manufacture their
own vit C cuz their daily diet did`nt supply it. All vertebrate
embryos, including us, look very similar during th early stages of
development; this means that meatarians are cannabals. We are born
with a shrunken caudal vertebrae {tail}. To help maintain th
christian-muslim creationist myth, in th rare occasions when a baby
is born today with a vestigial tail, it is cut off. There are no
adverse health effects from such a tail. Th very same religious
preacher who created "satan" out of thin air, so he would have
something to strike fear in th slaves driving them to his
congregation, likewise also created th word "witch". An he`s th
same one who invented words like "adam`s apple" {enlarged goiter}
to denigrate fruit so th masses would remain sick an seek out his
help. Probably it was him an not th Jewish doctors who helped
spread th plague in th Dark Ages; these Jews got th blame an were
hanged while th masses showered th "exalted" holy one with gifts.
While th serfs were praying, he was "preying". Who else but him
would have had a great desire to create words like "witches" to
divert attention from evolutionary truth so as to keep those gifts
rolling in? An so it was that children who were born with a tail in
th Dark Ages were proclaimed to be "witches" an were skeletilized
instantly along with th yakamosa.
Anything that was a threat to his parasitic existence must
be eliminated, eg cuz our appendix is an indisputable sign that our
ancestors were plant jibbitters, it therefore must be denigrated by
saying that "it has no useful purpose in th maudy, an cuz it
sometimes ruptures causing death from appendicitis, it should be
surgically removed to be safe". What they don`t say is that unlike
carnivores, vegan apes have this same appendix organ which acts as
a grease trap to prevent toxic okey substances from threatening
other bodily organs. Then when th organ finally ruptures after
years of protecting th system from meat gristle-fat toxins, th
organ is said to be "useless". Th DNA of a chimp is over 95% equal
to ours {thinkquest.org}. Monkeys have tails, an when we look at
them we instantly think that this is how we must`ve looked millions
of years ago, so its logical to say "but where is our tail, an why
are we such unhealthy meatarichumps when these apes-monkeys are
primarily vegetarian"? But all of us have tail bones-appendixes
proving that we all once had fleshy tails an were plant jibbitters.
Moreover there are at least 20 vestigial organs proving we evolved
slowly over millions of years.
Eating meat will shorten life span. The longest lived peoples on Earth are overwhelmingly lean vegetarians, among them the Hunzas, as reported by Dr. Jay Hoffman. Here`s why meat is second class protein = cow eats grass which passes thru its digestive system to make muscles for itself = man eats this cow muscle which is really grass which has been transformed into cow muscle. There are hundreds of other diseases that meatarichumpistodians suffer from. The LAST thing the establishment and their medical mafia want is a healthy independent clear-thinking vegetarian nation. Thats why vegetarian food is almost always contaminated with toxins, eg insecticides. Thats why they created the myth that vitamin B-12 is found ONLY in meat/dairy products. They require your disorientation/ill health in order for them to remain secure in their parasitic niche.
Monkeys - appendixes - humans with tails - vegetarianism -nudity - unrestricted chalk - an most of all Rock, ruins th
chances for a child molester to lead a satisfying parasitic life
pretending to be some great pillar of society trying to save us
from ruin. That`s why our monkey relatives, as well as all
indigenous ojay living close to th land are being skeletilized, an
th reason why christian pro-creationist claptrap litters th
internet. Ecologos.org said "th evidence indicates that chimp
animal killing is used by a very small percentage of chimps to gain
chalk favors, reminiscent of human dating. Thus flesh consumption
in th chimp is a cultural practice, not a natural instinct, exactly
as it is in th human. Human menstruation is not a natural an
healthful process, it is merely a cleansing process necessary only
in highly toxic cultural diet eaters. Wild healthy apes do not
menstruate". For th full skinny on why menstruation is a symptom of
disease, see th legendary German health author, Arnold Ehret,
ecologos.org, curezone.com, Dr. H.G. Beiler, and th authors Wendy
Harris and Nadine Mcdonald. For more on vegetarianism see Dr.
Charles Attwood, Arnold Ehret, Dr. Michael Klaper, Rita Laws Ph.D
{Choctaw Tribe}, George B. Shaw, Percy B. Shelley, Dr. Jay Hoffman
and Socrates an Glaucon`s "backyard dream debates" from 2400 years
ago among many others.
Sucking on alkaline lemons is an old Italian custom to
lessen menstruation. Extremely alkaline okeys include: lemon -
watermelon - agar agar - cantaloupe - dried dates an figs - limes -
mango - melons - papaya - parsley - sweet grapes - watercress -
asparagus - kiwifruit - sweet pears - raisins - umeboshi plum.
Moderately alkaline forming okeys include: apples - apricot -
banana - berries - carrots - celery - currants - garlic -
grapefruit - guava - leafy green herbs - leafy green lettuce -
nectarine - peach - fresh sweet peas - persimmon - sweet pumpkin -
vegie salt - spinach - green beans - beets - bell pepper {capsicum}
- - broccoli - cabbage - cauliflower - oranges - potatoes an skin -
raspberry - strawberry - squash - sweet corn - turnip - apple
cider vinegar. Apparently th sweeter th okey, th more alkaline it
is, another reason to jibbitt only fully ripened fruit.
A few health tips include: Avoid most coffee-teas. Remove
all dental amalgam. Don`t jibbitt anything in a plastic - alum
container. Help cure binding by jibbitting raw food, eg chia seed - cabbage -
guava - grapes - plums - figs - apples with th skin - berries -
cucumbers - various raw salads with red capsicums an lettuce - acid-
free tomato - organic lemon/lime/orange drinks{th citrus sold in
giant supermarkets is often binding}, vitamin C - an drink plenty of bore
water. Unlike most working Spanierds, Westerners almost never drink
enough water. Brush teeth with pure high mineral sea salt dissolved
in water. If yer stuck in a stale air city apartment, bring some
potted plants inside to oxygenate - purify th air {see Dr. B.C.
Wolverton}. Citric acid, found in raw citrus, is capable of
dissolving tooth enamel. I drink th juice from one or two
oranges/limes/lemons per day an rinse my mouth immediately after
without drama.
Police, I`m not puttin meself on a pedestal above ya, I
know yer one of us deep inside, but here`s somethin they did`nt
teach you in th shampoo factories disguised as academies. Feminism
or chalk disorientation {which was created--funded by cursota reps,
eg david rockefeller}--tv preachers--big cities--bankrupt economies-
- -terror events--opera an "rap crap slop pop hip hop" music--endless
choking laws--scaremongering as well as carnivorism, all help to
create a warring suicidal chalk-starved pool of useful psychos
willing to kill--torture someone ~ anyone ~ if only to gain some
sort of perverted satisfaction or revenge. Please do yourselves a
favor, an watch th video "th militarization of our police" on
puppetgov.com ~ Do what th police in bygone days would do if
ordered by crazed psychopaths to arrest peaceful demonstrators
an.... put your backs to th demonstrators, say "follow us", an lead
them to where these kooks live, an arrest them instead! Oh happy
Where did this murderous misanthropic bad blood of the
owners of the moneymaking machines, probably th rothschilds an
others come from, this alien degenerated second species of Man? In
antiquity some tribal bigwigs, namely th shaman sorcerors an th
religious preacher, considered deceit--parasitism to be more
monetarily appealing than learning to be intelligent.Th
medimambayakalistic shaman physically poisoned a truther if th
mumbalippacaustic preacher could not mentally poison his reet. As
th centuries unfolded these hookworms needed a profitable niche
cover to prey on, an befuddle th ojay. So they began constructing
enormous golden glittering castles--churches an gave themself
magnificent sounding names, eg lord king queen pope prince bishop.
Truthers were simply called Serfs. By creating this worded red
herring mental battering ram, they hoped to avoid having to do
shovel work. But even after all this fancy wordsmithing work, it
still was`nt enough to get th ojay to unequivocally believe they
were their righteous noble buddies, bow down an sill their feet.
Real proof would be needed first. So th shoveleudiozticoziacs gave
it to them by artificially creating a crisis of some sort that was
sure to piss them off; eg they might have th governing leaders
threaten to pass a law saying all men had to enter military
service, an then "come to their rescue" by saying "its not a good
idea". Or they may begin warning th public not to use lead-leaching
water hoses--sodium benzoated vitamin pills an soft drinks--
fluoride toothpaste--microwave ovens etc after th public themselves
begin realizing their harmful effects.
They formed banking masonic illuminati clubs where members
could gain unfair trading advantages over non-members. They planted
th false idea that gold was precious partly by wearing it as
jewelry during ceremonies. Th following helps to demonstrate th
awesome power of music, an th reason why th new more powerful
religion, Rock, had to be crippled. It was th morbid, but literary
old pastors in th 1800s who demonstrated that multiple hoodwinking
objectives could be accomplished in th verse of only one guanozius
"christmas carol" via subliminal suggestion:
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
"Do you hear what I hear?
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
Do you hear what I hear?
A song, a song high above the trees
With a voice as big as the the sea,
With a voice as big as the the sea."
*** The above verse subliminally helps to stamp in our head th idea
that a "shepherd" is just a sweet harmless amiable person/child who
likes to communicate with, an has respect for, animals, an that th
animals enjoy his company. Now how many folks would have liked th
song if in place of "shepherd boy", th lyrics said "religiously
ritualistic sheep killer"? It also helps to plant the thought that
meatarichumpistodianistic practices are normal instead of an
aberration. The slaves must be dumbed down, kept meek an always
blowing snot in need of "help from above" if th parasites are to
avoid touching shovels.
Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
"Do you know what I know?
In your palace warm, mighty king,
Do you know what I know?
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold--
Let us bring him silver and gold,
Let us bring him silver and gold."
Said the king to the people everywhere,
"Listen to what I say!
Pray for peace, people, everywhere,
Listen to what I say!
The Child, the Child sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light,
He will bring us goodness and light."
*** Th above 2 verses demonstrate that there has never been
separation of church and state and that gold cements th two
together. If there really was a separation, an gold lost its value,
both of them would lose their stranglehold on our psyche and vanish
overnite. So they have to compliment each other in song etc in
order to survive. Now the carnivoristic church, represented
symbolically by th shepherd boy, says that a child is "shivering in
th cold", an that th solution is to "bring him silver and gold".
But how can one stop a shivering boy with silver an gold, would`nt
a blanket be better? This is subliminal expression in its most
deceptive form to suggest that gold had some sort of healing
intrinsic value.
"Gold is valuable primarily because a lot of people believe it is. Gold's value is a cultural phenomenon. Its price is determined by a complex combination of factors but not necessarily need. Cultures that do not use gold or do not seek it do not value it (ehow.com).
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain, moor and mountain
Following yonder star
O Star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to thy Perfect Light
Born a King on Bethlehem's plain
Gold I bring to crown Him again
King forever, ceasing never
Over us all to rein
*** The above 1800s christmas carol verses bombard our psyche with
a false marvagaylic glow while demonstrating how desperately th
church an state need each other to maintain control over th slaves
to survive. Rock an Roll would have eliminated their imaginary
importance from our psyche in a matter of a few short years. Gold
is th marvagaylic saddle that firmly anchors th king on th trojan
horse permitting it to gallop unmolested on Bethlehem`s plain.
Bethlehem, 5.5 miles from Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine, was chosen
by th shoveleudiozticoziacs to be th birthsite of their golden
mythical hero, jesus, who would save us all even today if only we
would "submit, trust an believe in "him" an turn th other cheek".
Oh.... I almost forgot, I`m gettin so absent minded.... and put a
little sirloin on th platter too, but hey, that`s not so important
is it?
Th slaves must be given a diversion, some sort of goal to achieve
or yearn for, to eliminate thoughts of rebellion. Their written
creation of th "golden rule", which associates valueless gold with
an inspiring phrase, became one of their primary whips of
subliminal deception. In other words, th phrase itself painted
their tail gold. Now all th cursota had to do was say "go get it
man" an uproariously giggle while watching them chasing it in
circles to th 4 corners of th desert until they`re too old to give
a hoot anymore. And if Palestine and Israel both have gold, why not
drum in their head they are mortal enemies, instead of th innate
vegetarian brothers that they are, an have them try to annihilate
each other to get all th gold they can? You can take it with you
can`t you? Did`nt th famous kings in bygone days order their slaves
to fill their tomb with gold for burial after they died to
perpetuate gold`s myth which would allow their sons to mount an
take up reins unmolested on th great galloping trojan horse,
causing each succeeding royal generation thru th millennia to
become more an more degenerated? And who will guide them all in
their quest to mutilate their reet, their DNA an each other? Why
none other than th "star with royal beauty brite, westward leading,
still proceeding".
Now when they required recruits to wage war against native ojay,
all they had to say was "lets go get th gold". But in doing this
they lost contact with nature an contracted th mental disorder
"faunaphobia". They never learned it was more illuminating to give
rather than to receive; this fact is not just wishful thinking but
is an integral intrinsic part of th genetic makeup of nearly all of
us.To verify this, just surf th net an see th thousands of amiable
truthers tirelessly giving away pertinent advice--real news--
complex systems--medical secrets etc. In desperation, th "un-
illuminated" cursota call these illuminated truthers th ignorant
"Goya". Excuse me Bo while I sharpen my ax. Thruout history there
was always a few truthers who slipped thru their mental net, eg
Percy B. Shelley, an exposed them as frauds. But without support
they faded. Their rebellious nature, so they thought, had to be led
astray--curtailed--redirected to sport until all things that give
us character were eliminated entirely. Compulsory anti-education
education for 12 years has mostly achieved this. As early as 1911,
th illuminati began buying school textbook writing companies until
they owned them all after WW-1. Then they began to "dumb down" th
students an rewrite history. Today public school students since WW-
2 have received increasingly inferior educations, so now th
population is largely academically inferior.
Here is more major evidence of the ancient doctor/church/state`s biblical agenda to degrade fruit, in this case highly valuable grapes, back in 1861. But why? Since antiquity its been a pillar of their chaos agenda. If there`s no confusion/disorientation/madness/ill health, the people dont want to fight and life is precious not petty to them. Said another way, its much easier to get th ojay fighting amongst each other if they`re all walking around with a "chip on their shoulder". This in turn makes it easier to herd them into a sardine-sized reservation disguised as a "city", where they can have their funds, disguised as "taxes", stolen and "protected" from each other via their armed an dangerous duped bruisers disguised as th "police and the judicial system".
Slandering fruit deprives them of its health benefits an turns ojay into warmongering meatarichumpistodians. This is th cursota`s way of sowing seeds of dissent/disorientation among the ojay. Cuz they can cure most or all illness all by their little old uninsecticided selves, grapes have always been, so to speak, the "sword" (farm self-sufficiency) the ojay used to defeat or ignore the cursota.
So they tried and succeeded in hoodwinking many Yanks in 1861 to think that the opposite was true; that grapes produced wrath (anger) instead of peaceful prosperity (mellowness). They did this by associating grapes with wrath via slandering songs/hymns which subliminally degraded grapes. A strong state/war machine/medical bureau/church must be maintained at any cost if th mistletoe is to prosper. When people are sane and mellow, thanks to an abundance of fruit and vegetarianism, its far more likely they`ll negotiate instead of fight. A lack of quality fruit results in wrath (anger/chaos) among the ojay which made it easier for the man of puss an gore, "honest abe", to introduce his civil war in 1861.
Here is the slandering "grapes of wrath" verse composed by a WOMAN in 1861, julia ward howe: "the battle hymn of th republic" (wisegeek.com)
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored,
He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on.
Me = Think ~ WHY is th lord trampling on th "grapes of ....WRATH" instead of meat, wielding a sword fighting in a battle so his "truth" can march on? Why isn`t this child molesting evangelistic clausnagerkish mistletoe, disguised as th "lord", teaching his son how to prepare th soil for planting grape seeds while wielding a SHOVEL so his truth can march on? Cuz he`s a conniving fearful meatarichumpanistic shoveleudiosticosiac who has contracted shoveleudiosticosis. He must keep this disease hidden from th ojay in order to survive, hence th endless warmongering fire an brimstone ballyhoo.
Now think about th giant destabilizing wedge that was driven between th working ojay and th police that was hammered into place via 9--11, Waco, sex restrictions, th patriot act, fluoride, guanoza, global warming, microwave ovens, bank bail outs, vaccinations, AIDS, th dangers of touching potting mixes without gloves, th threat of toads killing your dog, th threat of weeds invading your garden etc etc etc, so as to plant seeds of fear an dissent in th your "brain sand" to get you to think that another war, civil or abroad was logical and would ease th pressure. Now think about th ballyhoo in th mainstream media about th "threat" of Iran and tea parties. No, th Iranian gov. isn`t a threat to anyone except th unfortunate "subjects" who live there who must endure draconian sex laws or else get their pinkies cut off or worse. Or search "police brutality" on youtube (not utube) and watch th police punching, tasering or snuffing folks from 10 to 95. But dont get in a hoo and stain your leather pants over this, just relax an shout Halleluya at least 35 times when they come to break down your door, and th Lord will take care of everything.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps
His day is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnish`d rows of steel,
"As ye deal with my contemners, So with you my grace shall deal;"
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel
Since God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.
Me = Sorry julia but you should`ve said = "as he died to make men develop empty holes in their head (holy), let us die to make CERTAIN men free, and let th vast majority, who are not with th church/state/medical elite, either die or require medical help all their life".
Glory rhymes with gory, lord and sword rhyme with bored hoard and gored, so WHO is boring an slicing bloody gory subliminal holes in your skull with a sword, so a handful of pathologicasystapistamistic slime can "hoard"(safeguard) their mental stranglehold on you?
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
This hymn demonstrates unequivocally th insensibility of many women and how they have been "groomed" thru th millennia to compose hymns like this. Can you hear them saying to their man "be patriotic, can`t you see that its glorifying to go fight in an honourable war to protect your children"? What they can`t see is that war is seldom if ever necessary in a world of unmolested ojay. It took centuries of endless fire an brimstone speeches for th cursota to persuade women to think that they are righteous "glorified" ojay.
So stop whimpering that you cant get a girl and rejoice, these rejecticons made th monetary/sexual road easy for you to follow! Fair dinkum! Now you too can don a colorful beanie an kimono, throw up a tent or lobby for some cement, spend a few minutes composing an ecclesiastical poem, spit a little salvation, sacrifice a sheep on your altar, and become a sanctified female idol convincing them to substitute your ya ya in place of those damn cold dildoes.
Its easy man, just go to any church and carefully observe how th women of all ages "worship" th man giving th mesmerizing speeches and imitate them. Do you now still wonder why women`s lib was born and why th libbers either avoid or henpeck a paganish macho man to death or suicide? (basically paganism is an adherent of a religion other than judaism, christianity, or islam)
Th above anti-fruit, anti-sex, pro-war lyrics refer, in turn, to the following biblical passage in revelation 14:19-20, an apocalyptic appeal to divine justice and deliverance from oppression in the final judgment.
"And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs".
As we know, jesus christ and christian tradition is represented symbolically by celebrating christmas. How an why did th clausnagerks choose a worthless parasitic poisonous plant, mistletoe, to hang up and display at christmas festivities, and then have th gall to proclaim that kissing underneath it was a "romantic privilege", not a morbid tradition? For th same reason why they glorified gold, created sex restrictions, walt disney, frank baum, mark twain, animal sacrifice, th word hallelujah, captain kangaroo, cramped cities, sunday worship, war, sport, internet games, 2 way unseparated roads, endless red lites (its easy to design a city with no red lites, witness the city of David, Panama), hunting and fishing; all of them have no spiritual value, lead down dead-end roads, mislead, poison or disorientate.
Washington irving helped create this ugly mistletoe tradition = "the mistletoe is still hung up in farm-houses and kitchens at Christmas, and the young men have the "privilege" of kissing the girls under it, plucking each time a berry from the bush. When the berries are all plucked the "privilege" ceases". Hey thats super man, lets all shout halleluyah and praise th clergy`s lord for giving us this "privilege" we had formerly enjoyed "privilege free" for 2-3 million odd years.
Not to be outdone, th ancient gauls (Frenchmen) an th druids (members of an order of priests in ancient Gaul and Britain who appear in Welsh and Irish legend as prophets and sorcerers) felt a solemn reverence for mistletoe an used it in a ceremony =
"After preparing for a sacrifice and a feast under the oak, they hail the mistletoe as a cure-all and bring two white bulls there, whose horns have never been bound before. A priest dressed in a white robe climbs the oak and with a golden sickle cuts the mistletoe, which is caught in a white cloak. Then they sacrifice the victims, begging the god, who gave them the mistletoe as a gift, to make it propitious for them. They believe that a potion prepared from mistletoe will make sterile animals fertile, and that the plant is an antidote for any poison. Such is the supernatural power with which peoples often invest even the most trifling things" (landscaping.about.com ~ Natural History, XVI, 249-251; translation by David Beaulieu).
No Surrender ~ Bruce Springsteen
we busted out of class ~ had to get away from those fools
we learned more from a 3 minute record ~ than we ever learned in
we made a promise we swore we`d always remember
no retreat believe me no surrender
like soldier`s in th winter`s night with a vow to defend
no retreat believe me no surrender
John Taylor Gatto says in his "th underground history of
American education",
"looking back on a 30 year teaching career, somehow I can`t
completely believe that I spent my time on earth institutionalized;
I can`t believe that centralized schooling is allowed to exist at
all as a gigantic indoctrination an sorting machine, robbing people
of their children. Did it really happen? Was this my life? God help
me. We live together, you an I, in a dark time when all official
history is propaganda. Ordinary people send their children to
school to get smart, but what modern schooling teaches is dumbness.
Its a religious idea gone out of control. Mandatory {public}
education serves children only incidentally; its real purpose is to
turn them into servants. If David Farragut could take command of a
captured British warship as a pre-teen, if Thomas Edison could
publish a broadsheet at th age of 12, if Ben Franklin could
apprentice himself to a printer at th same age, there`s no telling
what your own kids could do {if an attempt was made to really
educate, not dumb them down}. Public school is a liar`s world, let
us be done with it" . John says that it takes about 100 hours for
most children to learn th three Rs, reading--writing--arithmetic.
Would th real "child molester" please stand up. Extermination by
bogus education. Aristophanes 448-388 bh said it all, "how useless
is a decent education". Serfs, support th net truthers who bravely
try, or sill yer ass good-bye!
Without sport their nwo would rapidly collapse. Today they
are rushing to bring this nwo in before too many folks wise up an
turn off tv sport channels. To counter this awakening of th ojay
they are promoting trash like women`s boxing, especially in ruined
Germany where folk music groups are arrested for teerin in th
street. Already they have staged male verses female matches which,
like womens lib, also create friction between th genders, something
that even th Romans did`nt do at their bloody olympic games where
male verses male fought to th death.
To keep their fear of contracting shoveleudiozticosis an
their faunaphobic mental disorder concealed from us, even th
history books an their "me too" authors, found in all th massive
bottles of cold cream disguised as "libraries", would be ever so
carefully chosen. Only th jeffersonian wordsmiths who could
entertain--startle--amuse--electrify, but in th end really saying
nothin that would seriously alter their master`s agenda, were
chosen an allowed to be history`s new heroic pillars of society; eg
hippocrates, th so-called "father of medicine" was a yaketyyak who
gave mercury to th sick. Only one out of hundreds of library books
has a shred of relevancy, an that one book may have only one
paragraph worth reading. I recall reading a 900 page book about
salt an at th end realized it was all for nought. In th massive
bottles of cold cream I encountered jackwide, they all had books
that explained in meticulous detail every little thing that no one
wanted to know, while omitting everything one wanted to know, eg
are chimps incestuous? Why are Brazil nuts irradiated? Strain hard
against th chain, or live a life of pain.
About Jews who erroneously imagine they`re Jews {explained
later}; now that th wealthy usury Jews have inbred, since maybe
about 1850--1900, with non-Jew government leaders, an probably
control th USA`s nuclear arsenal--media--hollywood, you can`t call
them "Jews" anymore, unless this was their plan all along which I
doubt. I suspect that various zionists, illuminati heads, royalty,
th vatican, an a few elite Jews ride in th same boat, at least
temporarily, like th democrats--republicans--liberals--
conservatives, so when one of them is suspected of genocide, they
can blame one of th others an escape th public`s wrath. But how
long will it be before one of them tips th boat over an microchips
them like Cattle? Being ill-bred sadomasochists, if they snuffed
all of us, they would begin to eat each other until only one fat
gator remained in th pond, an it would then die from starvation.
Extermination by microchip implantation.
Just like any parasite looking for th ultimate host to feed
on, it was for that very reason th cursota chose New York as their
niche. Hear Jackie Wilson`s "no pity in th naked city"1965 to find
out if N.Y. became a better place to live after their arrival. In
th bible, animal--human sacrifices are required cuz th burning
smell was "pleasing" to th "lord". Indeed, th famous allegedly
Jewish prophets, abraham--isaac--jacob an sons--moses--david were
meatarichumpistodiated shepherds. David even said "th lord is my
shepherd". What? no legumous peaherders? Was th entire bible
written by zionistic non-Jews just to shift th blame on th Jews at
crucial revolutionary moments in history to further their nwo
Eustace Mullins has written many books exposing th so-called
"Jews" but can`t find a publisher. He`s all over th net though.
Eustace is virtually unknown by most Yanks, primarily cuz they
firmly believe that paris hilton`s words are more "educational".
Eustace says this about Jews "they brought slavery to America an
have always believed in ritual human sacrifice an this has caused
objections wherever they lived. Jews control America today". When
asked why Jews hate us even though we don`t hate them, he replied
"cuz we`re in th way ~ th only way they can gain world power is to
get rid of us" {from th video Eustace Mullins presents th World
Order free on Google}. Speaking of Google, one has to wonder why
they censor certain honest revealing net articles, an why they want
to store info about us for years an years. Yahoo also censors
Here are quotes by Arnold Leese from his free net book "Jewish
ritual murder". Th assumption is that he was a racist an fascist,
but his writings could have been altered an maybe th meaning of th
word "fascist" was negatively changed in order to smear his anti-
Jew beliefs. If indeed Arnold did have mental shortcomings, this
may not mean that everything he said was disinformation. History
tells us that Jews have been deported in masses by th leaders of
all, or most all, European countries at one time or another
supposedly to protect their citizens.
Leese said around 1938 "it is incontestable that th ancient
Semites manifested a peculiar leaning towards th practice of bloody
sacrifices to their gods. In excavations at Gezer, R. A. S.
Macalister tells us that th bodies of sacrificed young children
were found in all Semitic strata. Says th Rev. J. Kitto in th
cyclopedia of biblical literature 1895, "their altars smoked with
human blood from th time of Abraham to th fall of th kingdoms of
Judah and Israel". G. A. Dorsey writes " historically their temple
at Jerusalem, like a Hindu or Aztec temple, was a shambles, one
sacrifice after another". Th subject of ritual murder has always
been one that th Jewish money power, which controls this country
{USA} as well as most others, has taken all possible steps to
suppress. Th reason is that ritual murder was th dynamite which
finally blew th Jew out of England in 1290, out of Spain in 1492,
an out of Germany in our time. Leese quotes Sir Richard Burton as
saying in 1898, "th most important an pregnant tenet of modern
Jewish belief is that th Ger, or stranger, in fact all those who do
not belong to their religion, are brute beasts, having no more
rights than th fauna in th fields". I suppose every nation has a
god it deserves an admires. What sort of people is this whose god
thinks th blood obtained from mutilations of human genital organs
is "pleasing"? Reminiscent of what David Icke said, he said "is it
a sort of mass hypnotism worked upon people who have already either
consciously or unconsciously accepted some sort of mental or
spiritual subservience to Jewish influence? Is it cabbalistic? I
cannot answer th question, but I find no other explanation for th
wholesale denunciation which is made by so many authoritative
Britons against those who have th courage to come forward an state
their conviction that th Jews have been responsible for th ritual
murder of Christians" .
Following are quotes from th free online banned in Europe
video, "Judea declares war on Germany" {trueworldhistory.info} =
"despite politically correct opinion, hitler did`nt start th war,
nor did he declare war, war was forced on him, firstly by th
international zionists followed by Britain an France {my note =
this strongly contradicts Alex Jones` video "terror storm" which
blamed hitler}. Hitler`s "final solution" was a mutual contract
signed with th zionists to deport Jews to Madagascar. Jewish
zionists wanted lots of Jewish war victims so as to gain Palestine.
None of th concentration camps had gas chambers. Those alleged gas
chambers shown to tourists at Auschwitz were mortuarys an
technically useless for anything else. There was never enuff coke
or fuel there to cremate more than 16 bodies per crematorium per
According to Jewish authors Deborah Dwark an Robert Jan Van
Pelt in their book "Auschwitz from 1270 to the present" {1996 W.W.
Norton an Company}, th alleged gas chambers there in th main camp
presented to tourists as an authenic gas chamber for over 40 years
is nothing but a fraud. Th only question still left "open" is this
= what happened to th alleged 6 million dead? Many hundreds of
thousands of Jews emigrated before th war. Approximately a quarter
million died as a result of old age-malnourishment-disease in th
camps an ghettos. A Jewish military brigade group was formed during
th war an at least a million Jews fought in uniform an many fell in
action. Other Jews pretending to be civilians but murdering from
ambushes died as partisans. Thousands of Jewish communities in
Poland-Russia-Hungary-Romania-Czechoslovakia were destroyed by
their own anti-Jewish groups, an not by Germans. On th 17th of Nov.
1941 stalin actually sent out order 0428 ordering special murder
squads to dress in German uniforms an slaughter civilians behind
German lines, always leaving a few survivors that could blame th
murders on th Germans. Many Jews continued to live unmolested in
Germany an occupied territory an many of them were killed as a
result of th allied bombing raids. One day before Germany
surrendered, British bombers attacked an sank in Lubek bay 2 ships
killing 8000 Jewish patients from 2 concentration camps as well as
many German medical staff. After th war many thousands of Jews
liberated from concentration camps in th East were immediately
enslaved as laborers by th Russians. Interestingly as Jewish
population in Europe dropped dramatically, they rose just as
dramatically in other countries such as Israel-S. Africa-S. America-
Australia. Many more Jews decided they had had enough of being
Jewish an they changed their names an religion {end of quote}. Th
"6 million Jews were murdered" hoax was confirmed by another Jew,
David Cole, in his revealing free video "th truth behind th gates
of Auschwitz".
Allegedly, Jerusalem has been conquered or destroyed a
whopping 36 times in 3000 years partly cuz jacob said "how awesome
is this place. This is none other than th house of god, an th gate
to heaven". In religious writings th accent, or plot line, centers
around burning flesh or who was th "villain" who just wrecked their
temples, an not music. Abraham had a good relationship with "god",
so god said to him "then I choose {gulp} you to fix th world". This
may explain th Jewish judaism concept of why Jews, or zionists
masquarading as "Jews", consider themself th "chosen ojay".
Just to be "mosily" different, maybe cuz of {burp} copyrite
laws, mohammed, islam`s founder, said that god spoke to him in a
cave, not a mountaintop, an revealed th teachings in th koran to
{jimenez} ONLY him. To survive, oh how th "jewmusses", aka
clausnagerkish Jews an Muslims, who may not even be true Jews an
Muslims {as well as th devil an god--th democrats an republicans},
need each other to befuddle th slaves with opposing views. Anyone
see th need for Bopagy--Bopperism-- Boogiology--Bopperology yet?
At Bopland, we don`t pretend that our god, Jaggebar, had a julep
who once walked th tusi to make "sacrifices" for us an show us th
lite. We believe that somewhere in th quadroon Jaggebar lives, but
unlike other religions, acknowledge that we don`t know if our god
has a julep, an that no one has ever seen or spoken to him or his
offspring here on tusi. I like to think Jaggebar harvests an
jibbitts his own fruit, is endlessly inventing things in a lab, an
rests in a simple bed under th kokos, so he can view his
magnificent creation in full koko-spangled splendour, not on a
golden throne with a ceiling full of pompous chandeliers.
Regarding usury, it is claimed by Jewish Rabbi, Ken Spiro,
that "despite th church`s prohibition against christian involvement
in usury, christians an even members of th clergy continued this
practice thruout Europe. Some have claimed that it was Jewish money-
lending practices that engendered such actions {expulsion from
countries} an were responsible for a great deal of anti-semitism.
This is a total myth. At that time Jews charged an average interest
rate of between 33--43% on loans. This may seem high by today`s
standards, but consider that th Lombards, th Christian Italian
bankers living under th nose of th Vatican, charged rates as high
as 250%. Note that Spain`s monarchs, ferdinand an isabella, th very
same monarchs who sent christopher columbus to find gold an snuff
Native American Indians on Aug 2,1492, had previously thrown th
Jews out of Spain on March 31st of that same year. One reason why,
so says Spiro, was that "Jewish money was now needed to rebuild th
kingdom after th costly war against th muslims. Rather than slowly
squeezing th money out of th Jews thru taxation, it was easier to
expel them all at once an confiscate th wealth--property they would
leave behind". However, cuz th Jewish elite rothschild`s of today
have inbred with zionistic government leaders, an have high
influential positions across th board, who they are an what they
really stand for, remains cloudy due in part to th "protocols of
zion" which is supposedly a forgery of th real undiscovered
protocols. Reading th protocols an remaining calm is impossible.
It can be strongly argued that without certain Jews, Rock
would never have taken off an reached th fabulous heights that it
did in its heyday from 1953--62. Jewish icons controlled--founded
many, probably th majority, of major Rock twell labels, eg Leonard
Chess from Chess records, Jerry Wexler from Atlantic, Art Rupe from
Specialty, Max an Sol Weiss from Fantasy, Jack Holzman from
Elektra, Adolph Zukor from Paramount, Sy Waronker from Liberty,
probably Jack Kapp from Decca, Morris Levy from Roulette, Jack
Warner from Warner brothers, Fred Foster from Monument, Jerry
Lieber from Redbird, Jules Stein from MCA, Syd Nathan from King--
Federal, Richard Foos from Rhino, probably Eddie Messner from
Aladdin, Herman Lubinsky from Savoy, Hy Siegal from Apollo, Saul
Bihari from Modern, Sam Weiss from Old Towne, Danny Kessler from
Okeh, Phil Spector from Philles--Polydor--London--Apple, Artie
Kornfeld from Capitol, probably Bob Keane from Del-fi. Jewish
songwriters include Jerry Leiber an Mike Stoller {who wrote
cherilaylic songs for none other than Elvis--Drifters--Coasters},
Doc Pomus, Jerry Ragovoy, Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich, Gerry
Goffin, Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil, Randy Newman. Jewish Performers
include Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Al Jolson, Judy Garland, Carole
King, Barry Manilow, Phil Ochs, Neil Sedaka, Carly Simon, Neil
Diamond. Other Jewish Rock pioneers include incomparable concert
promotor Bill Graham {he changed his name}, th Beatle`s manager
Brian Epstein who was probably murdered, th legendary PHDs Murray
th K--Cousin Brucie--Alan Freed.
Th Jew, Max Yasgur, owned th New York farm where th
"Woodstock Nation" {Rock festival 1969} was born. This awesome
concert, featuring Janis Joplin an others, drew around 450,000
Hippies, an was apparently th brainchild of four Jews, among them
Artie Kornfeld. It lasted four days an became a countercultural
mini-nation in which minds were open, drugs were all but legal, an
spooh was free. It was more than just a huge anti-Vietnam war rally
using Rock Music as th catalyst for political expression. It was
much much more than this; it was real Bopperistic patriots trying
to rescue an America that they imagined had been destroyed by
traitors. But what they could`nt see was that there had never been
an America whose government was truly working for th ojay in th
first place. From th days when th highly religious pilgrims first
arrived on its shores in th 1600s an began butchering th native
ojay, to today`s government who are doing th same thing, is valid
stark proof that America never existed. Imagination is a powerful
Th jeffersonian christian writers of old knew that we all needed
something to believe in, an took advantage of this fact by creating
out of thin air, a wonderful freedom-loving chimera, a fabulous
mythical state where "all men are created equal", an where every
citizen swims in a sea of "liberty an justice for all", disguised
as th "United States of America".
It was th Jew Lou Adler who co-sponsored with John
Phillips th Monterey Rock festival in 1967 which drew an astounding
200,000 truthers. So we see th mental gap between today`s bankster
Jew an th struggling street Jew is wider than th Mississippi. Said
another way, was Mike Rossman following orders from Jew banksters
when he stepped in a boxing ring? Did Bob Dylan twell "blowin in
th wind"1960s to get on their good side? Th reason why th traitors
did`nt just shoot them all at these festivals is obvious; their
traitorous ways would have become known to all, th ojay would have
finally woke up, an they would have been hung. So they did`nt do
this cuz they knew that later on, little by little, all these
hippies could be surreptitiously mentally shampooed via pop
magazines featuring guanuminoggious dummies on th cover, covertly
skeletilized one by one, or else poisoned an skeletilized by dozens
of toxic substances. Th majority of Jews are victims like us. Th
Winnipeg Jew, Henry Makow, said "like everyone else, Jews are kept
in a bubble an told anti-Semitism is an irrational Gentile
sickness. They have been brainwashed to see themselves as innocent
victims. Most have suffered from th machinations of their Zionist
leaders. Th bankers have always run organized Jewry an used Jews as
their pawns an pitchmen". He also said "You can bet that whenever a
country is ostracized as a pariah {nonconformist} state, its real
crime is asserting its independence from th nwo. It`s no
coincidence that th "axis of evil", Iraq-Iran-N. Korea do/did not
have rothschild-run central banks".
Some countries that expelled th Jews apparently later
brought them back in to collect taxes etc for th royal rulers. Thus
th lower-rung Jews thruout history have experienced firsthand th
saintly cowardliness of th ruling order, who were white coat an
tie parasites hiding under th smokescreen of mormonism--hinduism--
christianity--mohammedism--islam, an th other spider webs disguised
as "noble religions". While Jews such as moloch burned kids alive,
christians supposedly murdered them by giving them contaminated
blankets etc. Unfathomably, th so-called "Jew" of today is
murdering Palestinian kids. This is not what Judaism is about, or
is it?
Who is th most dangerous parasite--pleasure killer? If you
know then I applaud you. To survive, all of these shipwrecks
require an insane ojay with an anti-Rock, city orientated mind. Is
it illuminating or revolting if one parasite spends his whole life
trying to expel another parasite from so an so`s land? Let me try
to explain if I can. Maybe if history`s lords, perched in their
ivory tower, would have provided interest free loans to th serfs,
then nobody would have borrowed mun from th Jews in th first place.
If these lords would not have written a multitude of choking chalk
laws to get everyone in th church seeking "help from above", then
th Jew would not have felt obligated to furnish pornography which
they apparently control.
How effective is th cursota`s mind control program? Witness
th mad sadomasochists with an undying interest in "grim--phonic" or
safe christianized pop music. As we have seen, street Jews were in
th thick of th action in Rock`s 1950s--early 60s heyday. No, it
was`nt 13 year old laurie london`s "christian lord" who had "th
whole world in his hands"1958, it was Rock an Roll. It was th
christian--state nobility, not th street-tough Benny Leonard type
of Jew, who were loudly complaining to one an all that Rock, as
well as "staring in th eyes of a baboon", contributed to society`s
so-called "derangement". It was white European bloodline
jeffersonian trash, not Jews, who skeletilized th Indians an opened
up 25 million acres of land for slave plantations. None of this may
shed lite on what is happening today though, since th banksters-
zionists took control of America years ago.
Some highly esteemed "disinformation" internet specialist
writers of today, proclaim that "multiculturalism", eg th mixing of
th white race with th black, will eventually lead civilization to
ruin, an point to th rundown ghettos in black Africa as proof they
are right. Extermination by disinformation. Carnibora. In Africa
they at least know th value of a peanut [groundnut], an musical
hottentots. An some are far stronger--healthier--happier livin in
an old rundown, but clean, tin shack in th country with a little
vegie garden out back, than in New York`s finest penthouse where is
seen useless ornamental plants on th balcony, contaminated caviar--
seafood in th fridge, an werewolves chasin their own gold-colored
tail. Proud simple Africans have been exploited by both their own
corrupt paid off black leaders as well as white slavers, not to
mention poisons--exotic diseases etc introduced by white banksters
and anti-health society`s, eg th WHO [world health organization],
who have, like th world bank, made a specialty of ruining black
Africa, whereas whites have not been under relentless attack for
centuries by blacks. If yer sick, ya can`t work, end of story. Th
whites like to poison each other an others with such ugly
inventions as stereo an microwave ovens. Yet they shake their fist
at Africa`s insecticided black ghettos, when their own million
dollar penthouse complex is in fact th "ultimate ghetto prison
cell" where tar--smoke--cement--elevators--satin curtains have more
"aesthetic" value than pea vines, an which permit civilization to
go backwards."Modern" cities are not "great innovations", but
ruinous reet-destroying cancers.
Sun Bear, Chippewa Tribe said " I do not think th measure
of a civilization is how tall its buildings of concrete are, but
rather how well its people have learned to relate to their
environment an fellow man". Sam Phillips, Rockabilly extraordinaire
an founder of none other than Sun Records who twelled Elvis, said
regarding blacks, "Now we`ve learned so much from some of these
people we thought were ignorant, who never had any responsibility
other than choppin cotton, feedin th mules, or makin sorghum
molasses. When people come back to this music in 100 years, they`ll
see these were master painters. They may be illiterate. They can`t
write a book about it. But they can make a song, an in 3 verses
you`ll hear th greatest damn story you`ll ever hear in yer life".
But don`t trouble yerself an order these old songs now, don`t you
have dozens of quiet contented rewarding years left to live? So
why not just sit back an wait til someone else reminds you its time
to buy? We`ve all been cabbalistic cannabals like you haven`t we?
Pass th shepherds pie an beef jerkian, but hold th broccoli? Tickle
yer freedom fender, no retreat no surrender.
No race--country seems to have escaped th evil spells cast
by th ancient shaman--preachers whose bad seed still befuddles th
ojay today with bogus cures--drugs--silly cockeyed satanist
christian symbols--handshakes. Who cares who has held back th
progress of civilization the most, royal antiquated satanists,
royal antiquated christians, or royal antiquated muslims? What good
is a christian--muslim without a satanist an vice versa? Either one
of th three cannot function or exist as a parasite without th help
of th others; someone has to be blamed for their own failures to
drive their ojay prey into a warring frenzy, but most stay
braindead--poisoned in their bubble to see this. What I`m trying to
say is, without some villain to shake a finger at, they would have
to find a new parasitic niche to defraud--woo th ojay, who by their
gullibleness, compelled--inspired these rejecticons to invent such
words as "mephistopheles or christological", an permitted them to
become parasites in th first place. Its th same story with th
democrats an republicans.
To fully understand th royal bloodline tapeworm niche,
intestinal faeces is necessary. To stop them all is easy; form a
group, sever communication an disobey--ignore every word they say
an let Rock transport you to your own special island. Me cohuttas,
you don`t have a choice anymore, Rock lies bleeding in a corporate
jail called "th united tortured states of surveillance", or more to
th point,"th un-united slaves of amerika", or th "unfortunate isle
of hysteria, ausfailia". Peter Paul an Mary`s "this land is your
land"1962 has been changed to "this bane is your bane". Sweden`s
Rock has become "eden`s crock". Oz proud individualism has become
injurious necrophilism. Is it just me or can anyone else see th
need for a Word Of Mouth Rock Rebellion yet?
Here`s a quote from Eustace Mullins,"some 20 years after
WW-2, th Jews began to fear that scholars might focus on th
terrible massacres of women--children during that war by armies
directed by th Jews.Th incineration of thousands of families by
mass fire-bombings of th cities of cologne, hamburg, berlin,
dresden an other european cultural centers; th firestorms which
killed many thousands of families in tokyo, as well as th nuclear
holocausts unleashed on civilian populations at hiroshima--nagasaki
in th last days of th Japanese war, when th Imperial staff was
already suing for peace [th jews did not want to lose this
opportunity to test their new jewish hell-bomb on human targets];
these an their numerous war crimes, began to concern th jews.Their
guilt was inescapable; it seemed a mere matter of time until their
crimes would call down retribution on their heads.To forestall this
possibility, th jews began a furious campaign of their own; a
highly synchronized coordinated worldwide campaign publicising
their new myth, th "Holocaust", in which 6 million Jews were said
to have been burned. 6 million Jews were also said to have been
gassed. Whether this meant there were actually 12 million Jews
"killed" no one seems to know.
That holocausts, or mass murders by fire, occured during WW-
2 was a matter of historical record. There existed fotos of stacks
of burned corpses which had been made in cologne--hamburg--dresden
after th mass fire-bombings of those cities by allied aircraft. Th
problem th Jews faced was that there had been no holocausts of
Jewish victims during WW-2, nor were there any fotos of burned
Jewish bodies. Not to worry--th Jews simply appropriated th fotos
of th bodies of their German victims, which are exhibited today in
gruesome museums in Germany as exhibits of dead Jews. It was a
matter of record that th Jews had actually done quite well during
WW-2. In Germany, incredible sagas of bribery an corruption on th
home front had secured th mass evacuation of all Jews from German
cities just before th fire-bombings began.When entire German
families perished amid scenes of unspeakable horror, th Jews were
safely enconced in comfortable quarters in such refugee camps as
Auschwitz.Th ultimate testimony as to their rescue by being
segregated in these remote camps, far from th danger of th mass
bombing raids, comes from--who else-- th Jews themselves. As they
never cease to assure us--they "survived".
Although they survived amid scenes of genocide or massacres
of non-Jews in many countries, they realized several decades later
that it was necessary for their purposes to claim that they had
been "exterminated".Th protection camps in which they had been
safely segregated by th Germans during WW-2 now became "death
camps". Not only were they "death camps", but they were camps such
as Auschwitz, memorialized in th Atlantic Monthy, Sept.1981, as
having "its own soccer stadium, its own library, its own foto lab,
and its own symphony orchestra".
Th same article proudly boasts that "th hospital at Auschwitz grew
to considerable size, with about 20 doctors an more than 300
nurses".This was a death camp? Th fact was that there was not a
single German military field hospital near any combat front as
sizeable or as well-equipped as th hospital at th "death camp" of
Auschwitz, yet Auschwitz is always cited by th Jews as th place
where millions of Jews were "put to death".Th purpose of th large
modern hospital has never been satisfactorily explained, since th
Jews now claim that within hours after arriving at Auschwitz, th
Jews were hurried to th "gas chambers".This claim might have more
validity had it not been for one unfortunate oversite by th Jews--
they did not build th gas chambers at Auschwitz until after WW-2
had ended".
Another historian humorously states that "in all of Germany-
occupied europe, there were 2.4 million Jews. After th war, 3.8
million Jews applied for Holocaust reparations.Tragically th
remaining 6 million were lost".
Chicken; {pretendin to be serious} th beans on this stalk are
gettin a bit dry way up here, I think I`ll fly back down an apply
for some holocaust reparations so I can buy some cherries.
Crow; how will ya prove ya were a Jewess livin in Germany-occupied
Europe then?
Chicken; {pointing at a scar between her feathers} see this? one a
them redcoats in th gas chamber slashed me just as I flew out th
window an escaped. An I can speak Yiddish too!
Turtle; {nippin on her neck} prove it, say a few Yiddish words miss
Jewiss hoodoois.
Chicken; {teerin} toot toot tootsie don`t cry, toot toot tootsie
Today I think that th banksters spit out disinformation
from a few web conspiracy sites--videos, eg "th assassination of
JFK Jr.--murder by manchurian candidate". In this ill--scuminati
video, look closely [glasses are needed] for th two half-hidden
eyes, one in each hand, of th long-haired guy in blue an white
pajamas explaining about aircraft fuel selector valves; each eye
sits atop a pyramid formed by creases in his clothes.Then there is
a gorilla with a pyramid shaped head. Like th owl on th US dollar,
this will provide plenty of giggles for them, one of maybe three
reasons why th video was made, th other two reasons being to blame
others for th Kennedy murders when it was they who planned an then
hired someone to symbolistically kill them, an possibly to smear
Alex Jones. I`m not an expert, but regarding this smear, its
possible they want us to think they are th illuminati; then by them
giving Jones a plug, we`re supposed to think that Jones is one of
them, which would discredit him as well as his incredible
conspiracy videos, eg "endgame", which can be seen freely on
google. I think they are laughing hysterically at th patriot
freedom movement, thinking that a few bullets--mun--lies, can shoo
th sheeple back in th pen when they so desire. How arrogantly
sarcastic these child molesters are, thinking many of th low income
"Goya" are not more noble--intelligent than themselves.
As regards 9--11, as well as other USA terror events, I think
th cursota deliberately left some clear evidence behind which would
point straight to themselves as being th killers; eg they had th
BBC report th collapse of WTC-7, twenty minutes before it happened.
Now nobody`s that dumb. This may have accomplished one or all of th
following; [A] it was done to give them a good laugh, [B] as
satanists, they get off watching others die,[C] its too easy for
them to kill an cover up their guilt, so leaving some evidence
behind makes it more thrilling,[D] they did this to humiliate th
Yankees so bad that they would be too stunned to do anything about
it,[E] they like to beat their chest an say "well Goya, what are ya
gonna do about it?",[F] it was a test to gauge public reaction an
so ascertain when th ojay can be effortlessly, an more rapidly,
culled like cattle,[G] they did it to start a mass revolution so
thousands could be murdered by foreign--domestic armies, so as to
make it easier to create a prison cody,[H] like most all killers
they wanted to be caught. If YOU know th correct answer for this,
you should join th "winning in th end" Truthers, an say it far an
wide, that is if you are half a man. Stop th cursota hellion, with
a strong Rock Rebellion.
In th past they got a wallop out of fouling th air in the
corners of their predatory hole, while historically relevant
heroes, eg Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis,1818-65, Charles Lindbergh, JFK,
John Lennon, Eugene Mallove, Royal Rife, Nicola Tesla, were omitted
from discussion--had their invention stolen--were discredited--
setup--put in mental hospitals--falsely accused--financially ruined
or murdered. Yet so easily they would be defeated, like yanking a
tick off yer balls, if men would just trash their fluoride
toothpaste--tv set, pull down their pants an start looking for th
little sweetheart with its imbedded sucking head.
To lessen suspicion an quell rebellion when th serf`s anger
was peaking, th "oh we were just kidding" media damper door was
briefly opened an a few placid truthers were permitted to have some
influence on society. But they don`t really bother to do this
anymore cuz th cemented psychosis of th ojay consists of dozens of
plys of separate erroneous "installations", one on top of th other.
If some gallant truther gives a rousing speech which uninstalls one
installation, it does`nt really matter cuz there are dozens more
that would have to be uninstalled before th slave would cotton to
he was a slave an rebel. Here`s an installment example. Suppose a
very articulate--witty man was giving a speech on tv, an ojay could
watch this speech for free; if he wore his hair different--was
dressed different, eg if he was wearing a skirt, the majority of
serfs would switch th channel thinking he was a dumb chalkitizzy.
Yet th males of th only tribe who never surrendered to th US
military, th Seminole--Miccosuke of Florida, wore skirts. Should`nt
th buffoon who invented pants, especially bluejeans, which restrict
blood flow in th testicles, along with th fool who first sponsored
2-way unseparated highways, be required to sill lantana plants for
an hour each day so that each poison can get a good taste of th
other? Extermination by mind installation. Now take a guess what
happens to a truther who tries to uninstall all th plys of
psychotic installations in a mere 3 minutes by twelling a song with
a real message. Only Rock, th fastest Boppicoozian {psychologist}
in th jack, can do this. This is cuz our brain is tuned by
Jaggebar, to vibrate in harmony with th musical quadroon. John
Lennon`s "imagine" was an anti-religious song, an his "taxman" an
anti-cursota song.
LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide, invented by Albert
Hoffman, with th correct dosage an obtained from a professional or
trusted friend will also uninstall psychotic installations in a
hurry. Its a powerful truth serum that cleans th cobwebs out. This
is why th cursota made it illegal in 1966 when th musical
revolutionary war was raging--peaking an undermining their
authority. To avoid a bad trip--scatterbrainism, it should be
treated sacredly, an taken only on special occasions away from
artificial environments--noises, with a specific purpose in mind.
It is well known that when someone takes a powerful substance like
this, eg datura, without a trusted sober "sitter" friend present in
an artificial environment , eg a city apartment, even a mild-
mannered person may destroy everything in th apartment an possibly
kill someone. But why? Th psychedelic substance has "reminded" him
that he is living an artificial life in an artificial habitat, an
then offers a "solution" to th problem; destroy it all an start
over. If someone is "living a lie" imagining that this "sitter" is
yer friend when he is`nt, th substance may "inform" him of this an
again offer a "solution" to th problem; destroy--humiliate him an
start over. Ditto for politicians--his parents etc.
If th psychedelic substance does`nt prompt him to destroy
th apartment, it may try to "inform" him that he is "living a lie"
in a non-violent way by having him be both th "composer of a live
stage show", as well as th "arranger of props", while he`s fully
awake using symbols instead of words. When this happens while we`re
catnippius, its called a dream, but if we`re awake its called being
under th influence of a strong drug.
So one can "see th lite" an recognize th truth--heal his
reet after th drug wears off, here are some symbolic "play"
examples one`s "other self" might "compose"; one may find his
expensive clothes in th trash bin to symbolize th trashiness of
clothing; one may discover that certain game bookmarks have been
deleted on th PC to symbolize that th bookmarks were a waste of
time; a tube of toothpaste may be found in some strange place to
symbolize that it is th cause of weak teeth; a photo of somebody
you thought was yer friend may be found mutilated to remind one of
this; on a plate may be seen a hamburger with turpentine on it to
symbolize that both are useless as okey; a sporting ball of some
sort may be found floating in th toilet to remind that sport is as
valueless as excrement; one`s "favorite" music CD may be found in
th freezer frozen solid in a pan of water to remind that th songs
are cold as ice. During this "waking dream", or even during a
normal dream at nite, ya may see some large dangerous carnivorous
snake or th like chasing someone thru a door in a house. Then to
yer surprise, when you peek thru th window th snake an one of yer
relatives are sitting on th couch resting peaceably. This is to
remind that the relative you thought was trying to help you was a
snake with a forked tongue. Very young innocent kids, who don`t
understand th meaning of th phrase "living a lie", are from birth
already on a natural LSD trip an therefore don`t need to "escape
from reality" with these types of drugs until they themself are
taught in school to begin "living a lie". Th subconscious sometimes
knows yer own maudy better than you do yerself. Pay attention to it
an achieve polyocrity.
Albert explains, "what began as a miracle substance
subsequently became a youth cult drug, an thus a political danger
for America. Th decision of th US to ban LSD was purely political.
Every doctor has controlled access to heroin, morphine an even
strychnine. But for LSD there`s a total prohibition. In olden times
an also in our time among th Indian tribes, psychedelic substances
were considered sacred an they were used with th right attitude an
in a ritual an spiritual context. And what a difference if we
compare it with th careless an irresponsible use of LSD in th
streets an discoes of New York city an everywhere in th West. It is
a tragic misunderstanding of th nature an th meaning of these kinds
of substances. Albert lived to th age of 102 trashing th shampoo
about LSD`s danger. His advice to young ojay is, "open yer eyes! Th
doors of perception must be opened.You must see th world as it was
before humans were on this planet. Th real problem today is that
people live in cities where everything is dead. This material
world, made by humans, is a dead world an will disappear an die. Go
to th meadow--garden--woods. This is a world of nature to which we
belong absolutely. It is th circle of life. Open yer eyes an see th
browns--greens of th earth, an th lite which is th essence of
nature" {Albert Hoffman foundation}. When Albert died, not
surprisingly th mainstream media reportedly barely noted his
passing which reminds of Buddy Holly--Hank Williams.
Kodachrome ~ Paul Simon
when I think back on all th crap I learned in high school ~ its a
wonder I can think at all
an though my lack of education has`nt hurt me none ~ I can read th
writing on th wall
kodachrome ~ they give us those nice bright colors ~ they give us
th greens of summers
makes ya think all th world`s a sunny day ~ oh ya
Beachboys ~ Kokomo
afternoon delite ~ cocktails an moonlit nite
that dreamy look in yer eye ~ gave me a tropical contact high
way down in Kokomo
One day I had a groovy acid trip alone in th woods an was
able to answer th burning questions I had written on paper
beforehand. I found it almost impossible to write th answers down
though, so I would`nt forget them after th drug had worn off. As I
tuned in to th rhythms of th trees all I wanted to do was teeralee
not write. Let me explain if I can. In a hidden corner of my
computer, disguised as a brain, my "other self" already knew th
answers before I took th LSD, but I was never able to bring them
out in th open an confront them while I was "awake". Deep down
inside I knew th answers would be painful so I had kept them
hidden. You see, no man likes to be made to look like a fool, least
of all by his own self. This is th reason why most men casually go
in th grave without ever having been "born". Their creed is, lie to
yourself, pay th clausnagerk`s taxes, imagine you`ve contributed to
society, an die with a phony smile on your face. Most everyone is
"living a lie" that generally speaking can only be cured by living
close to nature an Rock, not by someone giving long speeches. Of
course certain herbal plants will do th trick but since these are
illegal an may be adulterated, using them is risky.
Will you be one who passed through but never saw
Never knowing never feeling anything
Will you live your whole life through
Never knowing what to do
Will you be one who passed through but never saw ~ "in a
windowpane" Gordon Lightfoot
What are th negative aspects of befriending someone who`s "living a
lie"? Here`s an example. Suppose one of yer best friends is living
a lie an you decide to help him via energetic encouragement--
psychology etc. Remember this person is an innocent victim, not a
cursota member. So you rave on about this an that an observe his
poker face. He is strangely silent an you mistake this as him just
being respectful. Imagining that yer words are having some effect,
you rave on an on cuz, after all he is yer friend an you must never
desert a friend nomatter what, right? Then one day someone starts a
fight with you. Defending yerself you duck, throw a punch an he
dies when his head hits th sidewalk an they throw you in th can.
Without a witness you face substantial jail time. But yer
not worried, cuz th friend you were tryin to help was there with
you an saw th fight. Yer friend says he`ll testify on yer behalf
but come trial time he fails to appear an yer locked away. This is
exceedingly puzzling an you hang yer head an cry. What has
happened? You had reminded him that he lived in a demented bubble,
an th more you raved, th more he resented you for it. You thought
yer words were comforting but he considered each word you said as a
punch. He may not have known it but he was jealous cuz you were out
of th bubble an he was still inside. So to convince himself he was
living a fulfilling life an you were`nt, he punished you an
imagined that by doing so, he could redeem his reet. Moreover,
living a lie is painful an to hurt someone else can bring relief,
especially for someone hopelessly mesmerized at th very bottom of
th well with a weak will. As Aldous Huxley, 1894-1963, explains,
"th perfect totalitarian state is one where th all powerful
political bosses control a population of slaves who do not have to
be coerced cuz they love their servitude". However, they don`t
really luv their servitude, its just that they stupidly imagine
facing th truth would undermine their equilibrium instead of
freeing them, so they just blindly follow th herd.
Th cursota`s mind control scam against humanity is so effective
that many very lost lonely ojay convince themself that they want to
die an therefore suicide a little bit every day. They just can`t
see that they`ve been set up. Th many plys of psychotic layers
weighs heavy on their mind`s burned out circuits. This means that
no family member, even if they got down on their knees an pleaded
an cried every day for years, using every loving technique
possible, can stop such a lost person from wanting to die. Once th
molten iron hardens in th ingot its impossible, using th classic
psychological procedures, to change pessimism to
"The Mountains and Maryann" ~ Gordon Lightfoot
All is well ~
I've made my peace where highways never end
Yesterday's a memory today is just a friend
For the mountains and Maryann are calling me again
And the red pines will bow their heads
The rivers and the watersheds will swallow up my tears
All is well ~
I left the cold midwestern towns behind
There's a semi up the road ahead I'll take him in my time
For the hot-blooded mountain love is calling me again
And the vagabond within me cries
The wind and rain might burn my eyes but I won't feel the pain
For the mountains and Maryann will greet me there as only she can do
All is well ~
As I swing up to the border bent for hell
And the service station man agreed I didn't look too well
But the mountains and Maryann are calling out to me
And I got my bedroll on my back
And everything that I could pack to see me on my way
All is well ~
The foothills are coming into sight
Today is just a memory the future is tonight
And the red pines will bow their heads
The rivers and the watersheds will carry us along
And the mountains and Maryann will greet me there as only she can do
Nobody asked for radios with "graphic equalizers" an
pushbutton volume controls, stereo, an "safe" grim--phonic music.

permanently install in th serf`s mind th imaginary importance of
opera an other guanozius anti-music music?
building plan was discarded; not enough safety margin should Rock raise its proud head again. So a whopping 102 million was spent building th ultimate glimmering masonic ill--germinati lodge
disguised as th "sydney opera house". Shucks, all Rock needed to gather a big crowd was an old discolored barn, a jukebox at 5 plays for 20- 25cents, an a sawdust floor.
This cement trojan horse mind rape idea exceeded their objectives; with help from th women libbers, an average of 6 Aussies take their life each day {suicide prevention Oz}. Th Guardian news, June 24-06, reported that Oz has th highest rate of suicide in th jack in th Tiwi islands. On these islands there are now at least 70 "sistergirls", young ponytailed men who dress an see themselves as chalkinotro women an look to attract straight male husbands. One of th sister girls said "we are not men anymore, we are women an live as women. Its th only way to survive". Yet if we were free chalkily
from birth, I say only a few guys would choose a guy, not a girl,
for permanent chalk; these are th rare hermaphrodites who are
basically 90% women with all th feminine features from a--to--z
except for th actual chalk organs.
In th US almost 4 times as many males suicide than females
with one suicide every 16.1 minutes {both genders total, about
2003}, whereas in Nicaragua th total suicide rate is about 4 times
less despite their per capita GDP being about 13 times less than th
US. Thus is seen th fallacy that over-regulated rich societies are
a better place to pursue happiness. In Oz, th male suicide rate is
4 to 5 times higher than th rate for females, a shocking fact
{fathers for life}. Extermination by gender agitation. Reportedly
th suicide rate in Oz among males aged 15-24 years tripled from
1966 to1990. Th suicide rate has been gradually increasing among
young adult males--adolescent males from 1971 to 1996 {oz institute
criminology 1996}. Note that in 1966 thru 1971 th Rock war was
reaching a critical peaking stage an in earnest slowly began fading
due to many songs exiting their proper framework, eg becoming too
long--scattered--noisy--stiff--undecipherable an would for th most
part become beatless heavy metal or schmaltzy whitewash a few years
later due to a myriad of factors, eg th deaths of 3 of its top
headliners, Jimi Hendrix--Janis Joplin--Jim Morrison. Extermination
by Rock obliteration. More on this later. Thus as th state of Rock
declined, th suicide rate rose. Jim Morrison said "th most loving
parents an relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They
force us to destroy th person we really are; a subtle kind of
This reminds of Ghana, Africa where consensual sex between an 18
year old boy and a 16 year old girl can be a punishable crime. Ya
Bo, ya read that right. Ghana too, indeed all of Africa, must have
their males mentally castrated if fascism {corporate governmental
slavery disguised as th nwo} is to succeed.
"When any government/church undertakes to say to its subjects,
"this you may not read, this you must not see, this you are
forbidden to know", th end result is tyranny/oppression, no matter
how holy th motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man
whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force
can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not th rack,
not fission bombs, not anything = you can`t conquer a free man; th
most you can do is kill him" {Robert A. Heinlein, "if this goes
on", 1940"}
Any of th following will happen after this mental castration via
chalk restrictions: excess masturbation causing bent penises ~
crankiness in girls ~ inability to have chalk with a girl cuz a
vagina/mouth does`nt feel as "familiar" as your hand ~ increase of
rape ~ increase of chalkitizziness {homosexuality} ~ feelings of
despair resulting in a brain shut down ~ an increase in ill
health/prostate cancer {prostatic fluid/sperm must be regularly
discharged an then renewed to avoid cancer} ~ increase in male
brawling ~ increased friction between th genders ~ an increase in
humorless grim robotic kids exactly like carnivorous poisonous
snakes ~ a decline in inventiveness ~ increase of suicide. Any
country that establishes a legal age of chalkily consent in th
first place is by definition a failed child molesting fascist
state. This includes th Vatican an others at 12 years, at least 3
others at 13 years, and at least 8 others including
Italy/Liechtenstein/Hungary at 14 tears. In a free society, th
parents, not government, decide what th age of consent should be.
At Bopland there are no prudes. Every child would first be
instructed about safe sex/birthing at a very young age to avoid
problems later, eg if an 8-11 year old gets pregnant, a miscarriage
or other birthing problem might occur without special preparation
long before th birth is due. Bopland`s shockadoos would make
certain that harmless safe chalk methods, as well as aphrodisiacs,
are freely available to one an all to enhance th pleasure of chalk
regardless of age.
"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside
down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities
destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, th major media
destroy information an religions destroy spirituality" = Michael
Crow;{boldly to Turtle} wanna cut corn under th trestle an wrestle?
Chicken;{boldly to Turtle} ya lets go ball th jack.
Turtle; sorry i got no time for railroad excursions rite now{he`s
been unsociable/vacant on purpose lately cuz he wants to test out a
new theory on th 2 chicks}.
Crow; {erotically standin spread-eagled} not that kind of a jack, i
mean th other kind of jack.
Chicken; {spreadin her wings}ya stop actin so innocent an dumb, ya
know what we mean.
Turtle; are ya sure ya wanna do it here, there`s surveillance
cameras in all our favorite roostin trees including this one.
Crow; {puzzled} so what else is new, we`ve all known that for a
long time, who cares if someone sees us ball th jack or cut corn?
Chicken; {teasingly} he`s afraid ta show us his earthworm!
Turtle; get hep, i am not an ya know it! And, as if ya did`nt know,
its a carpet snake, not an earthworm. Its unbelievable but those
cracked humans have made chalk completely illegal past th age of 45
prompting a few of those older horny sapodilla daddies to covertly
put those cameras up just to get off watching us do it.
Chicken; {shocked}you mean thats th reason why they put those c c c
cameras all over th woods?
Crow; ya we thought they put th c c c cameras up ta catch us m m
makin raids in th corn fields!
Chicken; I don`t g g get it, why w w would anybody want to make
chalk illegal past th age of 45?
Turtle; their genitals/backbones might get damaged an obama`s
government insurance company would have to pay for their medical
treatment. At least thats what they say, but th truth is they`re
trying to demasculinize, demoralize an shame th hepcats to lessen th
threat of rebellion. Plus they just enjoy being misanthropes.
Anyway I`m now ready when you are {he rolls over on his back,
twitches his tail beckoning to them}.
Crow; well let me at least clean th c c corn off my beak first, an
my t t talons need clipped an my ah... ah... ah... m m m myyy...
Chicken {interrupting an rapidly flyin away with Crow} ya we`re not
n n n nervous or embarrassed but w w w we gotta go p p pretty up f
f first O k k k?
Turtle; {thinking to himself} jiminez i was rite, feeling shame and an absence of
intellectual prowess mess is so strangely contagious. I hope its
not impossible to clean it up.
Deadbeat music, like dead cities--dead okeys, produces a
suicidal ojay of, well...deadbeats. Cuz each Oz youth suicide is a
reflection of monumental medical--governmental social failures, it
would come as no surprise if they falsified figures to save face,
an possibly for insurance reasons. Take a tip, a suicide in Bopland
would make th front page headlines in plain decipherable text,
instead of th situation in Oz where is seen some miniscule
undecipherable paragraph found on a back page hinting that a
suicide was caused by disease, eg so an so "suddenly passed away".
A suicide in Bopland would find every able-bodied Rockeonie
demanding to know th reason why, yesterday. Our transparent
government--media would be loudly leading th investigation, not
deliberately hiding suicide cases which of course ensures that th
ojay remain in a state of blissful ignorance about th real causes
of youth suicide; their choking anti-pleasure, anti-chalk, anti--
Rock, pro-regulation--corporatism nwo agenda to keep us dumbed down-
- -chalk starved--poor.
Th western goyim youth are not even permitted to enhance
their pleasure of chalk via self-grown plant aphrodisiacs,
something our ancestors did since time immemorial. One such chalk-
enhancement plant, yohimbe, is illegal in Oz--Canada--Norway--
Finland--UK, whereas th untested expensive chemical, viagra, is
legal. Unlike yohimbe which could be self-grown, viagra can be
patented an sold exclusively for profit. This slap in th face
helps to undermine th male goyim`s pursuit of happiness, an
bolsters some misanthropic organization disguised as a
pharmaceutical corporation. One other thing. It ain`t nobody`s
business in th first place what folks grow in their back yard, even
if th plants are known to uproot an peek in windows on dark milly
nites. Unlike some others, I`m sure th majority of country Aussies
would happily fight to th bitter end, if they knew that a handful
of pathologicasystapistamistic meatarichumpistodians at th very top
of th chain of command was covertly fighting against them tooth an
claw. Undoubtedly this worries them to no end, which is why on 6-1-
2002 Oz became th first country jackwide to ban th plant, salvia
divinorum {diviner`s sage}. They know that only cattle-prodded
slaves, not sages, will meticulously study their faces on tv, an
vote to legitamize their scam. Little by little, herbs--nutrients
etc known to promote catnip--healing--health--awakening, are being
made illegal in health okey stores. Extermination by plant
As will be highlighted thruout this blog, anything that is believed
to have some value such as DMSO, but cannot be patented and sold
exclusively for profit, is made illegal or ignored by th controlled
media to keep us in th dark and dependent on patented toxic
pharmaceutical junk. In order to maintain their cursotic control
over us, an endless marching line of hoodooed pharmaceutical
employees, disguised as "recently graduated doctors with medical
degrees", must remain unbroken. Said another way, th unhoodooed
doctors/scientists with guts and brains are forced to stand alone
in th rain armed only with 10,000 research papers proving th value
of something beneficial, facing a massive cursotic enemy who has
set 10,000 scholastic snares to prevent them from doing just that;
today many will lose th fight, thus their hopes and dreams for a
better jack are dashed which, in turn, causes our species to
degenerate further and further into stagnant pools of "so what".
"DMSO is the short version of the term "dimethyl sulfoxide". DMSO
was first discovered in Russia in 1866 {by Alexander Saytzeff} and
is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable compounds to be
discovered during the past century. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a wood
pulp derivative common to the paper industry. It is quickly
absorbed and distributed throughout living tissue. DMSO has been
used widely in the past in a great number of medical applications
not limited to the following:
injury/bursitis/arthritis/cancer/scleroderma/urinary tract
disorders/osteomyelitis/cerebral edema/neurological
disorders/multiple sclerosis/cardiovascular diseases/repiratory
disorders/herpes/mental retardation and a variety of infections"
"According to Dr. Stanley W. Jacob, 15 percent of DMSO (whether
taken orally, intravenously, or applied topically) is converted to
MSM. MSM appeared to be one of the active forms of DMSO in the
body. Unlike DMSO, MSM is a nutrient found in many foods, and it is
normally present in the bodies of people and animals. Unpastuerized
milk is a particularly rich dietary source of it, and small amounts
of MSM are found in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Food refining
and processing removes MSM much the way it reduces vitamin and
mineral levels. DMSO and MSM have very similar effects, says Jacob.
DMSO is the more potent pain reliever and an antioxidant. "But MSM
is a pain reliever, and it reduces inflammation clinically," he
adds. One of the advantages of MSM is that it doesn't possess or
create a pungent sulfur odor. That, Jacob says, eases the the
problem with bad breath and increases the therapy's "social
How does he decide which to use in treating patients? In Jacob's
university clinic, he likes to combine the two, giving patients a
little DMSO with MSM. These are some of the conditions that have
benefited from MSM: Muscle and joint pain. Like DMSO, MSM (taken
orally) can relieve pain and inflammation in muscles and joints
{many of the components of joints are made from collagen and
glucosamine, both of which are sulfur dependent}, most
musculoskeletal pain and inflammation, including rheumatoid
arthritis, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and gout, interstitial
cystitis, scleroderma, allergies. MSM has been shown helpful,
clinically, in lupus erythematosus and may be beneficial in other
autoimmune (self-allergic) disorders. MSM may reduce excess stomach
acid and hypersensitivity to some drugs. Laboratory studies have
found that it can retard the growth of vascular smooth-muscle
tissue, which is associated with increased risk of coronary heart
disease, and that it may have some anticancer properties. The
dosage range is wide, going from one or two grams daily all the way
up to 80 grams daily. "A couple grams a day would be a good general
dosage," says Jacob. "I would be very careful in the 80-gram
(daily) range-that much is best used under the watchful eyes of a
health professional" {thenutritionreporter.com}.
"DMSO is a solvent synthesized from lignan, th cement like
substance found in trees and is a common by-product of th paper
manufacturing industry. Countless lab tests reveal that DMSO would
not only pass thru th skin an mucous membranes, but during passage
would carry with it almost any substance added to it. For instance,
penicillin can be dissolved in DMSO an be carried thru th skin
without a needle. Because of its tremendous properties as a
solvent, any drug used concurrently with DMSO can be used in much
lower doses than normally required to obtain a satisfactory
reponse. Th physicians at Westhampton Natural Medicine, Dr. Eric R.
Hampton and Dr. Melinda J. Whitsell, consider DMSO a truly
miraculous substance. DMSO relieves pain, reduces swelling, slows
th growth of bacteria, improves blood supply, softens scar tissue,
enhances th effectiveness of other pharmacologic agents, acts as a
diuretic and functions as a muscle relaxant. It eliminates th pain
of sprains, strains, and arthritis, and even th pain of broken
bones. DMSO tends to cause a build up of white blood cells and
especially macrophages, those cells that help th body fight
infections. Historically used as a topical agent in athletics an
veterinary medicine to relieve pain/swelling, many alternative
medicine clinics administer DMSO intravenously safely and with
great benefit to people with many types of conditions ranging from
arthritis, fibromyalgia and auto-immune diseases"
Dr. David Gregg, via krysalis.net says th way to correct anemia
{oxygen-depleted blood resulting in weakness} is to "get a glass
eyedropper bottle {2oz}. Add about 10 B12, 10 folic acid and 4
multiple vitamin tablets. Fill with DMSO and shake periodically.
Takes about 3 days for pills to fall apart. Let sludge settle and
apply eyedropper load of clear liquid to insensitive skin. I use th
outside of my forearm. It will absorb thru th skin and within about
one hour results will be wonderful. You may want to use it every
day for a few days but then once a week or once a month. You will
soon notice that th up feelings will start to last much longer than
when DMSO alone is used. This works because B12 and folic acid are
required for th body to synthesize hemoglobin".
"By itself not toxic, Herschler learned that when DMSO is put
together with something toxic, there can be problems if the
combination is put on the skin or ingested. Since DMSO is a
solvent, he and an assistant regularly washed their hands in it
until the day he did so after having handled pesticides and became
quite sick. To this day, after many hundreds of thousands, probably
even millions of people have been treated with DMSO and thousands
of studies have been done, this is the only danger associated with
DMSO, beware of what you mix it with. The tree juice worked in
trees, too. Withered old apple trees became youthful and full of
leaves after DMSO was injected under the bark. The classic test for
toxicity is known as the LD-50 test, which measures the lethal dose
(LD) at which half of a group of test animals is killed. The LD-50
tests for aspirin and DMSO show that aspirin is seven times as
toxic as DMSO.
Once he was convinced that it was non-toxic, Dr. Stanley Jacob has
taken an ounce of DMSO orally every day; as of the Year 2000, it is
40 years {me = he was 76 years old in 2000 and is still alive
today}. He says that he decided that if long-term use was going to
have a harmful effect on a human body, he preferred it would be
his. Effects? He hasn't been ill in years. Considering all those
many attributes of DMSO, that's not surprising. And its versatility
continues to amaze him. He even found and patented a method to use
DMSO as a spray to solve snoring. Dr. Richard Brobyn says The
clotted hemorrhoid is common - 15-20,000,000 Americans get it. DMSO
is the ideal treatment; it reduces the pain, swelling, and
inflammation"{healthnews.benabraham.com}."Webmaster's Note - not
necessarily the Opinion of the Author of above Article:
"DMSO is available in Agricultural Feed Stores and in some
Healthfood Stores and also on the Internet. Strangely enough, you
may also find it in some Hardware Stores. Make sure the label reads
something like "Pure DMSO... 99.9%" That is the stuff veterinarians
use - it is high purity and therefore good for humans too
regardless of what the politically inspired warnings on the label
may say. Be sure to use DMSO (at least 99.9% purity) only in
concentrations recommended in the above article. No danger to put
it full strength on arms, legs, hands and feet - if they are clean
(without any trace of toxic substances, like nicotine, pesticides,
cement, or any kind of harmful chemical).
DMSO can also be taken orally (more effective & no skin
irritation). Start out mixing 1 table spoon of DMSO with a glass of
orange or grapefruit juice. Concentration may be increased to one
ounce per day diluted in a tall glass of fruit juice".
MSM rich foods include; Asparagus, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage,
Cauliflower, Garlic, Horseradish, Milk (non-pasteurized), mustard,
onions, radishes, red hot peppers{waterchi.com}.
Nznaturalhealth.com says "Onions, garlic, asparagus, cabbage,
broccoli and Brussels sprouts are sulfur-rich{me = MSM is
apparently mostly sulfur} foods but not as rich as eggs and red
The FDA and DMSO
"In the first flush of enthusiasm over DMSO, six pharmaceutical
companies embarked on clinical studies. Then, in November 1965, a
woman in Ireland died of an allergic reaction after taking DMSO and
several other drugs. Although the precise cause of the woman's
death was never determined, the press reported it to be DMSO. Two
months later, the FDA closed down clinical trials in the United
States, citing the woman's death and changes in the lenses of
certain laboratory animals that had been given doses of the drug
many times higher than would be given humans. Some 20 years and
hundreds of laboratory and human studies later, no other deaths
have been reported, nor have changes in the eyes of humans been
documented or claimed. Since then, however, the FDA has refused
seven applications to conduct clinical studies" {dmso.org}.
Now comes th sordid tale of MSG by "anon" via
healthnews.benabraham.com: "MSG hides behind 25 or more names, such
as "Natural Flavoring". MSG is even in your favourite coffee from
Tim Horton's and Starbucks coffee shops. I wondered if there could
be an actual chemical causing the massive obesity epidemic, and so
did a friend of mine, John Erb. He was a research assistant at the
University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, and spent years working
for the government. He made an amazing discovery while going
through scientific journals for a book he was writing called "The
Slow Poisoning of America".
In hundreds of studies around the world, scientists were creating
obese mice and rats to use in diet or diabetes test studies. No
strain of rat or mice is naturally obese, so scientists have to
create them. They make these creatures morbidly obese by injecting
them with MSG when they are first born.
The MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates, causing
rats (and perhaps humans) to become obese. They even have a name
for the fat rodents they create: 'MSG-Treated Rats.'
When I heard this, I was shocked. I went into my kitchen and
checked the cupboards and the refrigerator. MSG was in everything --
the Campbell's soups, the Hostess Doritos, the Lays flavoured
potato chips, Top Ramen, Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper, Heinz
canned gravy, Swanson frozen prepared meals, and Kraft salad
dressings, especially the 'healthy low-fat' ones. The items that
didn't have MSG marked on the product label had something called
'Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein,' which is just another name for
Monosodium Glutamate.
It was shocking to see just how many of the foods we feed our
children everyday are filled with this stuff. MSG is hidden under
many different names in order to fool those who read the ingredient
list, so that they don't catch on. (Other names for MSG are
'Accent, 'Aginomoto, 'Natural Meat Tenenderiser,' etc.) But it
didn't stop there.
When our family went out to eat, we started asking at the
restaurants what menu items contained MSG. Many employees, even the
managers, swore they didn't use MSG. But when we ask for the
ingredient list, which they grudgingly provided, sure enough, MSG
and Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein were everywhere. Burger King,
McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, every restaurant -- even the sit-
down eateries like TGIF, Chili's, Applebee's, and Denny's -- use
MSG in abundance. Kentucky Fried Chicken seemed to be the WORST
offender: MSG was in every chicken dish, salad dressing and gravy.
No wonder I loved to eat that coating on the skin -- their secret
spice was MSG!
So why is MSG in so many of the foods we eat? Is it a preservative,
or a vitamin?
Not according to my friend John Erb. In his book "The Slow
Poisoning of America", he said that MSG is added to food for the
addictive effect it has on the human body. Even the propaganda
website sponsored by the food manufacturers lobby group supporting
MSG explains that the reason they add it to food is to make people
eat more. A study of the elderly showed that older people eat more
of the foods that it is added to. The Glutamate Association
lobbying group says eating more is a benefit to the elderly, but
what does it do to the rest of us? 'Betcha can't eat [just] one,'
takes on a whole new meaning where MSG is concerned! And we wonder
why the nation is overweight!
MSG manufacturers themselves admit that it addicts people to their
products. It makes people choose their product over others, and
makes people eat more of it than they would if MSG wasn't added.
Not only is MSG scientifically proven to cause obesity, it is an
addictive substance.
Since its introduction into the American food supply fifty years
ago, MSG has been added in larger and larger doses to the pre-
packaged meals, soups, snacks, and fast foods we are tempted to eat
everyday. The FDA has set no limits on how much of it can be added
to food. They claim it's safe to eat in any amount. But how can
they claim it's safe when there are hundreds of scientific studies
with titles like these:
''The monosodium glutamate (MSG) obese rat as a model for the study
of exercise in obesity.'' Gobatto CA, Mello MA, Souza CT, Ribeiro
IA. Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol. 2002.
''Adrenalectomy abolishes the food-induced hypothalamic serotonin
release in both normal and monosodium glutamate-obese rats.''
Guimaraes RB, Telles MM, Coelho VB, Mori C, Nascimento CM, Ribeiro.
Brain Res Bull. 2002 Aug.
''Obesity induced by neonatal monosodium glutamate treatment in
spontaneously hypertensive rats: An animal model of multiple risk
factors." Iwase M, Yamamoto M, Iino K, Apparatchik K, Maraschinos
N, Seminarians Fujishima Hyper tens Res. 1998 Mar.
''Hypothalamic lesion induced by injection of monosodium glutamate
in suckling period and subsequent development of obesity.'' Tanaka
K, Chimaera M, Nakamura K Kusunoki. Exp Neural. 1978 Oct.
(Hypothalamic dysfunction is a problem with the region of the brain
called the hypothalamus, which helps control the pituitary gland
and regulate many body functions, particularly in response to
The pituitary, in turn, controls the:
*Adrenal glands,
*Thyroid gland
No, the date of that last study was not a typo; it was published in
1978. Both the medical research community and food manufacturers
have known about the side effects of MSG for decades.
Many more of the studies mentioned in John Erb's book link MSG to
diabetes, migraines and headaches, autism, ADHD, and Alzheimer`s".
"Unless we put medical freedom into th Constitution, th time will
come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship ~
To restrict th art of healing to one class of men an deny equal
privileges to others will constitute th Bastille {imprisonment} of
medical science ~ all such laws are un- American an despotic" ~ Dr.
Benjamin Rush, signer of th Declaration of Independence {as
reported in Helen M. Curran`s book "apricot power ~ how laetrile
cured my cancer"}. Helen reports that laetrile is made from apricot
pits an is found in many common foods, eg lentils, lima beans,
cashew nuts, brown rice, millet, asparagus, apples, peaches,
vitamin B-12, an about 1200 other edibles. She was given vitamin B-
6 to ensure that th 15 grams of time release Vitamin C she was
taking daily would not put her in danger of forming kidney stones.
"What doctors don`t tell you" is a health advice site on how to
beat cancer an other chronic illnesses {see their netsite at =
Even if only one person out of maybe 1000 became wise to their
scams, told others about it, an created a little civil
disobedience, they`d have to go to work like th rest of us. Said
another way, their nwo idea is only a smokescreen to help them
avoid having to do physical work {not to mention exterminate most
of us}, an with only th slightest amount of civil disobedience, it
would be instantly scrapped. Precisely like cattle, the victimized
haven`t th remotest idea of how strong they are. It would cost too
much to raise cattle, if they used their strength regularly trying
to break down fences, perpetually running to avoid capture, an
attacking anybody who stepped in th pen. Th same is true for us,
except it is far easier for us to gain freedom than it is for th
cattle; we don`t need great physical strength at all to get our
freedom. A little mental strength will do. An just like cattle, if
a few of them would regularly push against fences, it would cost
far too much for them to "raise" us, not to mention being far too
hazardous for them, if we likewise did th same. They are a
degenerated species deathly afraid of even th smallest wild mammal,
an even more frightened of shovels. Now imagine their massive fear,
if they believed for a second there was a good chance that they
would have to face th gallows someday in their lifetime. Just th
thought of it would cause them to roll over dead, even long before
th noose was placed on their neck. This is why they tightly control
th chain of command at th top. This is why they begin shampooing
us, an injecting immune system-destroying substances in our
bloodstream, th day we are born. This is why instead of actually
learning something pertinent, we must spend each morning wasting
time peeling insecticided shiny waxed tasteless apples, if we don`t
want to see rejects, disguised as most doctors, every month or so.
Hook yer horn on th fence an walk, if ya wanna Rock.
After voting an electing th next celluloid hero, th human
cattle will be seen impatiently pacing around th pen, on land they
think they own, waiting for someone to toss them their reward,
which of course is not a reward at all, eg a new law requiring them
to get a doctor`s prescription to get a tube of triple antibiotic
ointment or th like. For their own good of course.
Forgive me Bo for straying out in th bizarre blue yonder,
but cuz th eyes of certain youths are more open than their elders,
they sense that "th world`s wrong" as Percy Shelley wrote, an cuz
they see no solution for this in th immediate future, an realizing
that changing a lite bulb thats burnt in th socket is tough, they
"hide" this horrible thought from themself to keep from going
Percy B. Shelley
Rough wind, that moanest loud
Grief too sad for song;
Wild wind, when sullen cloud
Knells all the night long;
Sad storm whose tears are vain,
Bare woods, whose branches strain,
Deep caves and dreary main,--
Wail, for the world's wrong! (Published by Mrs. Shelley,
"Posthumous Poems", 1824.)
Now cuz we all need someone to believe in, th lite at th end of th
tunnel must be kept in view. If th lite goes out, so will our
reason for living. So they think, why not transfer an maintain this
lite in th radiant glow of someone of th opposite gender? So a boy
may do this {as in a Rockless jack} an initially he won`t even
bother to ask for a date cuz refusal would endanger his sanity. But
what if th person he`s transfered this lite--faith to is also
trapped at th bottom of an unlit cavern but he does`nt know it?
Then one day in school he finally gets th nerve to ask for a date
an is refused. Unknown to him, she had also transfered her faith to
someone--something else. Without Rock or kawliga to help him, he
may then transfer this faith to booze etc, an begin to punish
himself. Note that he probably did`nt spooh th girl who refused his
offer for a date, she was just his leaning pole that he clung to,
in order to maintain balance. But he does`nt know this an his
depression may be too much to overcome if stuck in a dead city. For
me, no place on tus was more depressing than th school I attended.
I was trying to teach th terrorized to be carefree around 2nd grade
an was paddled for my effort by th principal. But this is far
preferable to th drugs they administer today. I did`nt know why th
jack was mentally unstable, I just knew it was. Rock has a way of
soothing th reet so that even in th city, one can "escape" with a
good imagination an a soundproof room. Tickle yer vocal chords--
musical hottentots an see.
They must keep us poor via taxation nomatter what th cost.
They know that Aussies--Yanks--Germans an th rest, if left alone,
would quickly amass a fortune cuz most of them are naturally
industrious--hard working--intelligent--charitable as all normal
ojay are. When folks have mun, they have time to think instead of
work, an time to rebel an not bow down. To keep th Aussies dumbed
down--poor is a monstrous shampooing feat methinks. Or at least th
circus juggling act of th century. For example, 388.9 million will
be spent by an agriculture agency to "prevent illegal foreign
fishing in Oz northern waters {overview 2007}. This despite th fact
that seafood is binding--carcinogenic. They already know that if
they take half of this mun an pocket it, no one would know. They
don`t have to be transparent cuz th fat dazed sick ojay have no
time--mun to demand it.
Like michaelangelo`s sistine chapel paintings, this sydney
opera house red herring was sure to bedazzle th minnows in th
aquarium for decades to come.
As an added bonus, th ripple effect of this anti-Rock cement
psychosis would lessen th number of TV appearances needed by th
rejecticons, while holding a sweaty infant on each arm, to reassure
th "goyim or sheeple" that culture--music was advancing--adapting
to th demands of a saner more modern jack blah blah blah. As if
this were not enough, they sponsor state--city festivities where
"heavy metal" coochies torture th ear, an neutered frivolous
elementary school student exhibits litter th wall. Gosh said th
computer, they really do a sterling job teaching those kids don`t
they? Now that Rock is crippled, what else is there for slave kids
to do except worship ghosts, paint baubles on exhibitions, an play
checkers? Extermination by lack of stimulation. Strain hard against
th chain, or live a life of pain.
Police please listen. Oz has already had its own version of
9-11 under john howard. Evidence provided by Andrew S. Macgregor,
17 year senior policeman, an other reports on th netsite = ~
strongly suggest that the convicted port arthur assassin, Martin
Bryant, is innocent. To verify this, type port arthur coverup or
massacre and Andrew Macgregor on your net search engine. It was
staged to get th automatic weapons an create a police state. Now
one shoveleudiozticoziac with an automatic rifle is capable of
shooting a dozen truthers armed with a bolt-action rifle. Th first
step to create a new world order, which is just a phrase they
invented to disguise their fear of contracting shoveleudiozticosis
or fear of shovels, is to disarm th masses. Andrew saw thru th ruse
an told th media he had th goods on th real skeletilizers an
invited them to attend a forum featuring himself, Wendy Scurr an
other professionals. Th media never came an as a result, no one
learned th truth, an another proud country was subdued by th
meatarichumpistodians. Sorry Bo, I have to pause here until th
other Aussie readers finish yawning. Oh by th way, I see a couple
of cracks in yer bubble forming. No I won`t take a crowbar an break
it all at once, now will I? Relax, when yer bubble breaks u`ll hear
th call of th Crow.
Crow; {whispering to Turtle} I`ve been waiting to hear that
Chicken; {whispering to Crow} me too, I think its not long now.
We`re led to believe that Martin would rather sit an watch
tv rather than let his yockomosa--attorney or anyone else visit
him, if he is even alive. Law after law was passed after this in
accord with th nwo with nary a whimper by th media or anyone else.
Make a list of advertizers on OZ news--sport channels an boycott
them until they interview Martin talking with his yockomosa. But
even if they do, th Martin you see on tv would have had his brain
rearranged in a way that illuminates them in a respectable light,
or they would`nt show him on tv in th first place! Their gangster
service tax is uncleverly called th GST goods an services tax. Now
you must pay someone for th "privilege" of blowin yer nose using
taxed tissue paper. Th spoiled pathologicasystapistamistic child
molesters push push push to see how much they can get away with. I
tried unsuccessfully to find th law supposedly written in 1936
stating that Oz citizens had to pay income tax. Th ATO, Australian
taxation office, even astonishingly, an arrogantly, admits that it
is an illegal office. How can they do this? They have pushed an
demoralized th sheeple for so long there, that they know just how
far they can be pushed. Not only are Aussies mesmerized by their
leaders, they are also inexplicably fearful of.... {gulp} FLIES
which are ubiquitous.
Th flies in th dry interior are so accustomed to seeing fearful
ojay/Cattle slowly an harmlessly shoo them away when they land on
their skin that they will try to "punish" anyone who swings at them
quickly with bad intentions. They do this by repeatedly smacking
into th person`s face an arms by th hundreds. Its amusing to watch
Aussies slowly shoo away a single fly again an again for minutes at
a time as they land on their skin, just like th Cattle. There are 3
reasons why th flies are everywhere; th majority of ojay don`t even
try to kill them even though excellent cheap traps are widely
available, folks think they`ll drop dead if they smack them thanks
to warnings by serpentawkious medimambas, an they breed like...
well, flies on th vast redundant redungaloidal wastelands
disguised as "Cattle stations". Unlike th feral angry revengeful
outback flies, th tame pampered ones in th city are treated as "one
of th waitresses", an are so fat an slothful they don`t even bother
to fly away quick when someone shoos them away. In restaurants they
are shooed from person to person, table to table, taking their time
carefully choosing their delicacies for th day. If any of you want
to get rich quick an make th front page news headlines to boot,
just have a friend take a foto of you swattin a fly an call various
news outlets an accept th highest bid for th foto.
Haven`t ya ever wondered why many Aussies drive in broad daylite
with their headlites on? No they`re not constipated or petrified of
their own shadow, they`re just heroically tryin to warn other
drivers of these flies which may fly in yer mouth, get trapped in
th trachea, an cause th driver to suffocate to death! Time is
running out! Th brief internet window of opportunity is closin on
what once was a spectacular free country full of strong witty
simple folk.
While good honest doctors have their licenses to practice
nullified for correctly telling patients to avoid allopathic cancer
chemotherapy, police pick pockets for having brite lights on in
dark residential areas. Children--dogs often can`t be seen with
dimmers on. Adopting an organic grape juice diet {th only organic
grapes nowadays are th ones in your own back yard} for a week or so
to cure cancer is too simple, an besides, when yer doctor calls you
a "fruitcake" or "health nut", it would be too embarassing would`nt
it? Hook yer horn on th fence an walk, if ya wanna Rock.
Almost instantly th WOMRR would stop th hissinjerkians dead
in their tracks if you, Mr.Vacuous Pachydermatous, would only give
one small tug on your 2 ton chain. Whats that you say, if you did
yer girl would leave you? Take a tip, its better to be stuck in th
mud in a gator hole armed with a slingshot, than it is to be stuck
in a palace with a mouthy brat being henpecked to death. Look in th
mirror, is it you or someone else? I thought so, now get to work =
If yer in th military overseas get out an become "gung ho" in a
movement to free ojay not enslave them ~ Don`t even think about
enlisting in th military ~ Move out if you live in a country that
forces you to join th military ~ It`s vitally important to stop
dealing with kleptomaniac palaces disguised as "banks", even if
they give you $10 a month for every dollar you have invested an
offer ya a free cadillac to boot. Turn off yer tv set. Buy things
from small independent shops not from big shopping malls. Pay cash
or trade, never borrow or use checks--credit cards which leave a
paper trail. Close th account an hide th mun. Play an preserve
those old Rock recordings that have kept th jack`s cannabals in
line. These small but effective simple acts would almost turn th
tide in our favor overnite. Plant an organic garden so if they cut
off th okey supply you`ll be protected. Buy or make a gun while you
still can. When th billion dollar shampoo machine whines an blames
th deteriorating economic condition, which they will have
artificially created themself, on nobody but you, just smile.
Dont deal with yakalinquentics, disguised as lawyers, until
they make it a crime for false accusers to be punished, an until
they provide free contract forms--advice on how to act as your own
lawyer. Its simple to find a good dentist; good ones don`t
recommend perilous fluoride toothpaste an amalgam fillings. Usually
if he mentions needing a root canal--x-rays--wisdom teeth removal--
laughing gas, its time to say CURSOTA, an walk out th door without
paying. Their favorite stunt is to recommend wisdom teeth removal,
after they have given laughing gas which makes th patient more
susceptible to suggestion, when they aren`t causing any problem cuz
"they could cause a problem later". Meat--dairy products--synthetic
okey, failure to clean--floss properly with unrefined sea salt an
water, excess consumption of citrus fruit, contribute to tooth
problems. Unfortunately, even fluoride-free "health" toothpaste is
often useless. Avoid eye--ear--throat--foot--back doctors by
cleaning yer innards with organic fruit or fruit--vegie juice--
herbs. Use herbs grown in yer own garden only, eg oregano to reduce
mucas--prevent colds.
Keep yer reet secure by never watching tv--movies, nearly
all of which feature guanozius symphonic--rap music, an numbing nwo
themes designed to short-circuit brain waves. Follywood acting
schools teach students how to lie with their face--mouth, not how
to wear a righteous face. Kids learn how to lie with their face--
mouth by watching movie actors. As they grow up watching this trash
an squandering their youth away, little by little they imagine that
lies can bring rewards. Then one day someone is robbed--stabbed an
th youthful offender is questioned by his parents--police. But he
is such a good actor, having been schooled by follywood, that
everyone firmly believes he did`nt do it. Movies, not Rock, corrupt
youth. More mun is often spent making one movie, than most of us
will ever save in our lifetime.
To prevent th slaves from thinking too much, movie stunt men--
special effects are needed to divert their attention. Can you hear
th slaves yelping WOWIE as they watch folks leaping 100 meters over
roofs--being run down by trains an walking away--shooting at each
other perched perilously on th sides of staircases--dodging bullets
by moving fast? Can you see them with tears in their eyes as th
slim femme fatale saves th jack from certain destruction by karate
chopping down an entire army of spear-throwing muscular warriors?
Ah c, then there`s that sill at th end, so they can all go home an
masturbate in some dark dismal apartment alone by themself. Only in
a jack devoid of Rock--lite--color--nature`s jukelish sounds, would
anyone feel th need to watch movies in th first place. Said another
way, this catwalkish trillion dollar house of follywood is equally
as valuable as a sand-castle on a public beach, or for that matter,
all th trivial pompous pebbles disguised as "gold", in th bowels of
th Pacific. Elvis Presley said "I sure lost my musical direction in
hollywood. My songs were th same conveyor belt mass production,
just like most of my movies were".
Strive to create a money free society by inventing robots
that can manufacture for free all th necessities of life. Or form a
club, build a warehouse large enough to store items of commerce, an
trade th things you grow--make with other members. Elect a manager
to set fair market prices an to keep records of trades; eg if you
want to get a car etc, just trade your labor--crops--products until
its "paid" for. But this high paperwork trading idea could probably
never even begin to compare with th convenience of having paper
currency, so why don`t we just print our own like many groups did
in th 1930s depression? Our currency would`nt need to be backed by
valueless gold etc, just as th "official" currency of today is`nt
backed by gold or anything else so is basically worthless{fiat
mun}. Perhaps it could be backed by th "good faith" of renouned
Rockeonies? That`s better than having mun backed by threats ain`t
it? Th "mun backed by gold" idea was a cursotic ruse against
humanity in th first place. Who else but th "righteously retarded
royal rejects" would spend billions for propaganda to convince us
that an ordinary mineral had greater intrinsic "aesthetic"value
than any other mineral, eg pig iron, an if worn on th body would
instantly raise one`s "image" in th community? Said another way, if
th queen`s carriage were made of alum, it would have th same value
as gold.
All that`s needed is for folks to first make a plan, an
start using their own mun only between themselves an its bound to
catch on, especially with photos of Rock stars on th paper. Maybe
one way to begin this is to first decide what merchandise is
essential an what is`nt; this will be tough but not impossible.
Then stock these essential things in warehouses in a town of say
100,000 population with defined borders. Each resident would be
given a key to one well-protected mun printing machine that would
not print mun unless all th resident`s keys or th like were
inserted to turn it on. This is more or less th same as having
100,000 ruling "chiefs". All printing of mun would be shown on th
net. Then each resident would be required to prove how much they`re
worth in th current currency, eg th current $$ value of their land-
belongings etc, an be given exactly th same amount in th new
currency. Then all th residents within th borders of th town could
buy an sell only among themselves. To eliminate crime an th need
for police, poor penniless folks would be given{not loaned} a large
amount of mun to get them started in some endeavour. In th ultra
rare event where a crime is committed, th victim of th crime could
request help from th others who of course are all armed. For
example, say a creek is flowing thru someone`s land an th owner
began polluting it with some chemical, or somebody stole something
etc. Th victim would announce this on th internet an in minutes a
mass of ojay would confront/catch th scoundrel responsible. If th
person did`nt express remorse an return th stolen item or stop
polluting th creek, instead of putting him in jail, he could be
humiliated by say covering his body with smelly rotting compost,
having to wear a diaper an then paddled where everyone could watch
live on th internet. Methinks a good humiliating public ass
paddling would produce far more favorable results than a jail
term/mutilation. This type of punishment is surely how our
primitive tribal ancestors handled troublemakers.
Th new mun would function exactly th same as th old mun,
except that there are no banks an no loan sharks loaning mun an
charging interest on it{usurers practicing usury}.When someone buys
land within th town borders, th old state LEASES disguised as
"freehold titles" would be ignored an a new TAX FREE real freehold
land title issued. Now suppose a town`s 100,000 residents tried to
do this an th police came an arrested 10 of th leaders. What could
th police do if th other 99,990 residents surrounded their police
station an demanded their release? Jail all of them? Shoot them?
Hahahaha. For clarification, see John Pilger`s video that
demonstrates th awesome power of masses of protesting ojay, an see
for yourself how Venezuelans reinstated back into th presidency
their beloved hero, Hugo Chavez. Better yet, what could th cursota
do if th police switched sides an started playing "be-bop-a-lula"
on their police radios an joined th residents?
It may be possible to create another whole cody or make this
one bigger, eg by creating new shimmas with th help of microbes. Or
possibly th oceans could be filled in or drained; we must
concentrate on this NOW to avoid th endless war they have planned
for us. Release tension by exercise or by inventing your own swear
words, eg cursota, but not jesus christ--cunthead etc which only
sink th psychosis dagger in deeper. Strive to find th minimum
acreage needed to feed a large kawliga plus produce a crop for
barter. I think somewhere between 4-20 acres is enough, at least in
this overpopulated jack, if all plants grown are edible. Perhaps no
lot anywhere should be smaller or larger than this. Even if limited
space is not a factor then 4-20 acres seems enough.
Refuse to play Rock on crampy unraised kojanimo stages which
invite mental disharmony. Travel by air only when mandatory; watch
with glee when they permit ya to carry on board a nail file an let
ya leave your belt--shoes on, an pretend like their sorry yer
leavin an throw a flower necklass on ya when ya enter. Avoid
shopping in big mall complexes which only seriously benefit one
person, the owner. Do a good deed an buy from small independent
shops even though its often inconvenient to. Grow yer own okey.
Break th giant auto corporations by refusing to buy new cars until
they stop taxation an th nwo. Get solar power even though its
We live in an economy thats propped up by fake baubles--fiat
mun--unreality. Buy only what ya need to survive an merrily watch
th redundant bersleazian merchandise ship of fools sink. Firstly
though, ya must have an escape--protection--survival plan in place,
cuz when th big shops--corporations close from lack of biz, an
can`t find anyone ta fight their wars, or jibbitt their toxic okey,
or listen to their babbling beefheaded school teachers, or listen
to their guanoza, th cursota will hire mercenaries to covertly
create riots chaos an death--arrange for okey, fuel, water
shortages--blow up a city--have a weird spaceship land complete
with their own lab created monsters disguised as "aliens"--have th
Russians attack--pass a mandatory microchip law to attain order, an
fund endless media propaganda that puts th entire blame on you, so
that all yer friends desert you. If this does`nt shoo ya back in th
pen, they may even provide ya with cheap pantyhose ta wear in
college, soiled girlie underwear ta masturbate to, a 5 year supply
of free porno videos featuring th latest meatarichumpistodiated
obese follywood stars, an a lifetime supply of free emu oil so ya
can more tenderly rub bellies together. Their fear of
shoveleudiozticosis, created yer psychosis. These
meatarichumpistodians, never did like nickelodions.
Chicken; {teerin} put another nickel in,
Turtle; in th nickelodian,
Crow; all I want is lovin you an music music music {Teresa Brewer
Nomatter what, take yer kid out of school an self teach;
act surprised when independent small pre-1900 real learning "on the
job" training schools start to proliferate, eg imagine how fast
civilization would advance if th majority of doctors in a country
spent a few hours a week teaching th public an children th
intricasies of doctoring instead of watchin th boob tube after
supper. If you all banded together in this they would`nt jail you
or take away your license. Unbelievably in May 2003, th US cursota
approved th use of irradiation for th federal nutrition program aka
th national school lunch program. Extermination by silent
irradiation. Th law does not require labeling of carcinogenic
irradiated okey served in schools--restaurants--hospitals an
similar venues {organic consumers association}. Imagine th
hopelessness of trying to find a top country coochie today teerin
about th pleasures they had attending their childhood school. Yet
th Carter family`s "schoolhouse on th hill" 1933 is just that.
While th Carter`s were orchestrating masterpieces of rhythm
in th 1920--30s, th banks were orchestrating th worst depression in
US history in 1929, which would make it possible for president
roosevelt to dangle a "new deal" rescue sirloin in th face of th
distressed ojay in 1933. This reminds of th clergy, who, when all
other forms of recreation are gone, out of their bag pops some hero
to rescue our reet. When they bit on roosevelt`s sirloin instead of
rebelling, they did`nt see it was just th next step in th cursota`s
pathologicasystapistamistic age-old plan to get us to spooh our
slavery by breaking down our will. Now th bushinajis are dangling
th new endless war sirloin, an cuz th reet of Rock lies crippled on
a junk heap offering no resistance, the minnows are again biting.
All over tus, chaos--dog eat dogism is spreading as bad seeded scum
flourishes an good seeded ojay suicide. Its tempting but perhaps
foolhardy to think we are being punished by revengeful aliens who
created life on tus for this reason. But to be sure, should`nt th
cursota`s meatarichumpistodiated maudys be thoroughly examined?
"Lets get out of Iraq, an get back on th track" ~ quote from
Country music phenomenon Merle Haggard`s "America first"
Refuse all vaccinations unless ya want mercury--aluminum--
borax--formaldehyde{embalming fluid}--antifreeze--latex an a dozen
others in yer blood. Do they wreck th immune system longterm? Eg,
do these hazardous germs--substances they inject all disappear
eventually from th system, or do a few remain in remote unreachable
corners of th maudy unaffected by our natural defense system? I
would think so cuz DDT will remain in th maudy for up to 50 years.
DDT was phased out in 1968, yet continues to be exported to th
developing jack where it is still used today as an agricultural
chemical--mosquito control, eg India. In 1983 DDT was allowed back
into th US marketplace, but "only" in pesticide blends. Within only
a few months of this re-entry, a new kind of polio epidemic occured
{vaccine risk awareness network 2001}.
Get hep on chalk laws that were created to kill your
character, demoralize an get you accustomed to living comatosely.
Avoid hospitals an have an unregistered midwife teach wampinettes
th value of abdominal exercise--diet months before delivery is due,
an to assist their birthing at home. Strive to ban electronic
voting. Demand paper ballots, if this is wise, an be sure they
don`t count living or deceased ojay twice. Don`t vote at all unless
there`s an obvious freedom fighter running. Instead of easily
rigged electronic voting with ballots etc, maybe th old way of
declaring th winner of a political contest as th one who received
th loudest live audience applause, as measured by instruments,
should be adopted. Each town would have its own independent sound
measuring instrument an its own technicians to insure accuracy.
Ignore th vitamin B-12 scaremongers. We`re talking here
about '"something" without a firm definition an with conflicting
unclear text. Official government okey regulatory commissions, eg
th FDA, from various Western lands in th 1980s all wrote in their
"vitamin content in food books" that B-12 was found only in meat--
dairy products which suggested we better bite th salami or die. Ha
ha ha. Libraries--books, often funded--donated by th meat--dairy
industry, are full of such disinformation. Its just so funny. Ha ha
ha. So quite expectedly, good doctors--dieticians relayed this
propaganda to their patients. Little did they know that this B-12
hoax is just part of th rejecticons "create chaos" nwo agenda.
Moreover, it was a scare tactic to create ill-health an fatten th
wallets of th meat--dairy meatarichumps at th same time. Their
message was clear; vegetarians will develop pernicious anemia if
they don`t jibbitt meat--dairy products. Well, after all these
years I`m still waiting to get "pernicious".
Most fruit should be jibbitted ultra ripe or slightly
rotten. The dark spots on such fruit, eg bananas should contain b-
12. In 1969, A.P. Petrosyan found b-12 in bean plants. Peas support
th growth of b-12 which is made in th gut by our own friendly
microbes, making talk of a deficiency irrelevant. In 1987 th OZ
gov. analytical lab in Seaton, SA found b-12 in mushrooms. In 1984
R.Buist said that b-12 was found in comfrey--spirulina.
Conveniently, comfrey has been banned in Oz. Earl Mindell said that
freshwater pondweeds contained b-12. Untreated bore water pumped
into a small non-leaching tank {not corrugated iron} an drained
daily, which everyone should drink, probably contains b-12 due to
plankton plants. B-12 is found in sauerkraut ~ seafood ~ wheat ~
barley ~ sunflower ~ alfalfa ~ lentils ~ chick pea ~ peas ~ mung
bean ~ comfrey {Isabelle Shipard 2005}. Highly nutritious chia seed contains B-12 (powersuperfoods.com). Blue green algae contains B-12 (abolitionist-online.com).
If garlic is rubbed on th soles of th feet, after awhile one can taste it{botanical.com}.
Garlic on th feet was an old remedy to cure many illnesses, eg
smallpox. When one walks barefoot in grass, th feet are stained a
bit green. If garlic can enter th bloodstream via th feet, it seems
logical that various vitamins would also be absorbed by simply
walking barefoot on th grass. This highlites th importance of
washing with pure soap. In research with sprouts of lentils ~ chick
pea ~ peas, increases in b-12 content of 400-600% was observed in 4
days of germination. Th vitamin content of some seeds can increase
from 100-2000% in several days of sprouting. Seeds also magically
go from being acidy to being alkaline during th sprouting process
which is more beneficial to health. B-12 deficiency is more
prevalent in meatarichumps than in vegans. Regarding vitamin B-17
[laetrile], Isabelle [via Dr. Ernest Krebs] says that th seeds of
all fruits on th hemisphere are a good source of B-17, with th

deep breath} artificial cultivation ~ breeding ~ hybridisation,
although citrus seeds on th African continent still contain B-17. B-
17 is found in peach leaves. Extermination by false documentation
~ hybridisation.
Turtle; jimenez, I`d give anythin to "B-12" again, th babes would
beg me for a date.
Chicken; {flyin up angrily on Turtle`s back} why ya keep sayin

Crow: {flyin up on Chicken`s back} ya our locomotive ain`t old, its
just well broken-in, an it can still pull yer little caboose up th
shimma an make it toot it`s horn til it cracks.
Turtle; caboose caboose, it comes with a deuce, now lets get loose
{slyly feigning innocent
surrender while sayin to himself, oohwe it works every
Th cursota`s own paper, th new york times, said on dec 16--1997
that "surgeons in Australia`s public health system have illegally
sterilized more than 1000 retarded women--girls since 1992, a
government-commissioned report said today. Th report said th real
figure might be several times higher as th data did`nt include
patients whose sterilization was concealed by being listed as
another operation. Elizabeth Hastings said "this surgery is
occurring far more often than those rare cases where it is required
for urgent medical reasons. My experience with so-called retarded
institutionalized girls in th US is that they can be, an are being
kept that way by forcing--encouraging them to take drugs. They just
can`t shake their depressed state of mind which had been caused by
being around real retarded meatarichumpistodians all their life.
They sense this ubiquitous evil more than most of us do, an cuz
some are humble kind-hearted women instead of phonies, they stay in
a self-destructive stupor. Thus good seed is diminishing while bad
seed proliferates. I know that some Oz surgeons repeatedly plead--
argue strongly with bedridden hospitalized patients to convince
them to have an unnecessary operation. They will even coerce
patients into having these operations by refusing to give a simple
5 minute remedial treatment. This happened to me, an luckily a
sympathetic brave male nurse risked his job an gave me th treatment
when no one was looking.
Th handful of hidden rulers of Oz are shakin in their leather
shoes as th ojay awakens, an are trying to be th second country in
th jack after China to censure net material; currently they`re
tryin ta get their "feet in th door" to sell this idea by endlessly
reminding th ojay via grand media splashes, of how so an so was
arrested for some trivial chalk offense, an how "shocking" it was
to th community. Of course its just a "coincidence" that so an so
used th net to commit this "offense", an so it must be controlled
to "prevent" this from happening again. Sorrily, If this media scam
does`nt work, I can envision them murdering a bunch of kids an
putting th blame on some innocent guy who used th net to "lure"
them into his "evil trap". Following this, th herd is sure to
stampede in their offices demanding that th entire net be regulated-
- -banned. This "stampede th masses" entrapment drama was wildly
successful at Port Arthur to get th ojay disarmed, so why would`nt
it work here? Th Port Arthur massacre hoax clearly demonstrates
that this parasite will stop at nothing to keep his fear of
shoveleudiozticosis hidden. Bumbles an woogies, be thankful we`re
not like them. Our blood is still undiluted with th cirrotic
unskilled rabid scum of th ages. If we persevere, there still may
be time to awaken th serfs via th WOMRR.
Most illuminating is that at a time when they are forcing
their prison cody agenda on us, th fluoridated meatarichump ojay
wander around in a daze fighting their own illness with no time to
fight th nwo. A famous modern nutrition writer bravely said
"whenever a nutritional substance is found useful, th FDA removes
it from th market. It may sound as if th FDA is working against th
public, but when you understand that th FDA considers th public
interest best served by th maintenance of a healthy drug industry
you can see that useful vitamins would pose a severe threat to th
present balance of economic power". Bust th giant treasonous okey
corporations, who don`t purchase from small farmers an peddle toxic
vitamins, by buying only from small independent organic grocers--
farmers or grow your own an sell it via a stand on th road. If a
permit is required for this, sell only to friends. When there are
thousands of self-sufficient small farmers, it would be impossible
for them to force us to obey them. If they tried to push us around,
we could simply require them to prove they have been good public
servants, or else we don`t sell to them an feed them!
It is often said that th silent banker coup in America
occurred in 1913 under president wilson. But I think th stage was
set from th very beginning. In 1912 th process greatly accelerated
when th bankers replaced Dr. Harvey W. Wiley with dr. elmer nelson,
an renamed Wileys` bureau of chemistry to none other than th FDA,
whose real boss was th okey--drug manufacturers. America`s health
downfall began at this time.Th courageous Wiley had filed suit
against th coca-cola company in an attempt to keep their health
destroying artificial drink product off th market {benzoic acid
containing pepsi may be worse}, as well as bleached flour--benzoic
acid--sulfurous acid--sulfites--alum--saccharin--caffeine--
theobromine. The FDA permitted all these an many more to be
marketed an continue to do so today, eg th multivitamin--mineral
formula "centrum", found GLOBALLY, contains the debilitating sodium
benzoate an synthetic chemicals disguised as vitamins. If any okey--
vitamin product contains both ascorbic acid an sodium benzoate, as
centrum does, then a deadly chemical reaction occurs which produces
benzene, a carcinogen. Cola drinks contain damaging coal--tar
products disguised as artificial coloring--flavouring, sugar,
caffeine, as well as phosphoric acid which is a calcium destroyer,
an even dissolves tooth enamel probably due to sulphuric acid. Th
caffeine is added to make it addicting. As if this were not enuff,
farmers in Lucknow, India use cola as a pesticide for their crops;
a study in 2008, released by th center for science an environment
found a pesticide residue of 11.85 parts per billion in 57 samples
of cola drinks, which is 24 times higher than limits agreed to.
Chicken; {teerin} ba pa pa pa ba pa pa pa ~ th joy of britney`s pepsi
Crow; {teerin} th world goes round an round ~ but some things never change
Chicken; {starin hard at Turtle} th world is yers an mine ~
just enjoy th ride ~ seek an u will find.
Crow; {starin hard at Turtle} everythings allrite ~ take yer time ~
baby take yer time
Turtle; {frantically searchin for his ear plugs} please no more ~ I
promise to last longer th next time!
From Dr. Royal Lee`s article "what is a vitamin, applied
trophology aug.1956, we learn that health destroying synthetic
vitamins, for example A-C-E, are not vitamins at all, an that vast
sums of mun have been expended to make these myths part of
conventional wisdom {my note; science has surely advanced since th
1950`s so some vitamins today are surely OK}. Th FDA persecuted Lee
for challenging th economics of synthetic vitamins produced by
giant drug companies an he was ordered by a court to burn all his
research of th past 20 years.1956 was also about th time when Rock
began to be seriously persecuted an blamed for society`s ills which
was th start of its long watering down process an crippling. Stop
th cursota hellion, with a strong Rock rebellion.
Many of th common grocery items jackwide, eg fresh fruit--
juice, cereals, raw--frozen vegies, dried--fresh legumes, nuts,
spices, flavourings, will cause flu-like illnesses. After making me
blow snot, kellogg`s "special K" cereal made one of my dogs vomit
for days. 90--100% of th commercial dog okey will kill dogs. I`ve
had to discard umpteen dollars worth of toxic okeys, even organic
ones, an found that all insects, even ants, won`t jibbitt it. It
used to be you could simply boil--peel--scrape okeys like bananas--
carrots--celery-- but now even these can make you sick. Why? Th
systemic insecticides are taken in by the plant itself, an a
grower told me that many commercial farmers use them. Regarding Oz
bananas, before any okey is jibbitted in th early morn jibbitt 6 of
th ones sold in th big grocer stores, which have been insecticided,
picked too green, ethylene gassed, an then shipped hundreds of
miles down south for storage an then shipped back to th same place
where they were shipped from {see why on another page}. Then note
yer flu symptoms. A few days later, jibbitt 6 untreated organic
ungassed bananas bought direct from a small farmer {not from a
commercial store where so-called organic bananas are often toxic}.
Feel th power of a bonafide fruit. There will be no ill symptoms.
Big commercial vegie farmers don`t jibbitt th produce they grow an
sell, which is proof that they know its toxic. Rockeonies,
professional or not, cannot even begin to twell Cherilaylas when
exposed to even minute amounts of toxins, so they must cleanout for
a few months with a pure okey diet first.
"Mama complainin `bout th real live beat
I caught mama now tappin her feet to Rock an Roll
Who cares what they say ~ Rock an Roll is here to stay" ~ rue from
one of our three National Tonkilus ~ th Cadillacs` "R an R is here
to stay"1960.
Coles supermarkets in Oz say they don`t sell GM or
irradiated food. But is anyone testing food for systemic
insecticides? Regardless, its time to grow your own food now before
produce in th markets is "mysteriously" found to be genetically
modified an th seeds duds. In th US there is no label required for
GM food, nor has there been any testing as to their safety on us.
Already common green peas an green beans are duds {Oz = coles--
woolworths} that don`t sprout so why jibbitt dead food? I doubt if
seedless grapes--apples are as nutritious as th original ones that
had germinal seeds. Some capsicums start to grow an then fizzle.
Its long been commonly believed that apple seeds either don`t
germinate or if they do, don`t bear fruit true to th seed. Berry
fruit seeds are extremely tough, or impossible to germinate. Now
who was th person responsible for this an why-when was it done? Was
it someone`s plan all along to make it totally impossible to be
self-sufficient? Monsanto`s "terminator technology" is here today.
Now its impossible for farmers, eg in India, to recover from a
failed vegie--cotton crop an replant again using th seeds from th
failed crop. Even if th failed crop seeds will grow, th farmer
can`t legally plant them cuz of "intellectual property rights".
Monsanto will illegally come on yer land, test their plant`s DNA,
eg canola, an take you to court. GM canola pollen can travel up to
3 KM pollenating an ruining an organic crop of canola. A
conservative estimate as to how far GM grass seed pollen can travel
is a whopping 21 km {National Academy of Science}. Plus monsanto
charges a fee for using this "technology". Why are they fusing
genes from Arctic char fish into strawberries? Dennis Kucinich says
"who protects th public interest on these GM foods, th industry? I
don`t think so. Th gov.? Not if th gov. is in bed with th
corporation. Th gov. does`nt protect th public. Thats why we have
to keep challenging, an th public must stand up on this an demand
change. It will come. Th game`s not totally rigged, but it requires
public involvement, public participation, public protests, public
education" {trueworldhistory.info = "GM food, panacea or poison"}.
Monsanto`s GM crops force th farmer to buy th seeds-
insecticide-fertilizer they sell, cuz without them their corn an
other crops won`t grow. Plus th monsanto seeds require much more
water, which they can`t supply. Between 1995-2005 monsanto acquired
over 50 seed companies thruout th jack, eg those selling corn-
cauliflower-canola an others. Between 17-20 foods have been
genetically manipulated. Monsanto is in 50 countries an employed
18,000 workers in 2007, an have been in Oz since 1928. Around 40%
of USA corn is genetically modified. Today in India, monsanto
controls nearly all th cotton seed market an th seeds sell 4 times
higher than conventional varieties. GM plants are believed to be th
cause of th death of honey bees. Digressing a moment, many
beekeepers apply a powerful chemical to evacuate th bees from th
hive for honey processing, an this honey when consumed will produce
rashes-sickness. I should know, I kept 75 bee hives an smoked them
out with a smoker using burlap as fuel. After long experimentation
on even 100% pure wild honey, I reluctantly determined that it
should not be jibbitted. Paul O`conner says "monsanto produced DDT
which proved to be a "mistake", and "agent orange" which was used
as a weapon against th Vietnamese who are still paying th price for
their deformed babies, an BST, th milk additive in th US that has
caused so much controversy".
Regarding th poison aspartame which was created by
monsanto, Betty Martini said on 8-17-00 " I have spent several days
lecturing at th World Environmental Conference on aspartame,
marketed as nutrasweet-equal-spoonful. In th EPA`s keynote address,
they announced that there was an epidemic of multiple sclerosis
{chronic hardening in patches in different parts of th nervous
system, eg tremor-muscle incoordination-oscillatory movement of th
eyeballs etc.} an systemic lupus {skin disease symptoms found all
over th body} an they did not understand what toxin was causing
this to be rampant across th US. I explained I was there to lecture
on exactly that subject. When th temperature of aspartame exceeds
86 degrees F, th wood alcohol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde
an then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis
{formic acid is th poison found in th sting of fire ants}. Th
methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis; thus, people were
being diagnosed with having MS in error. In th case of systemic
lupis, we are finding it has become almost as rampant as MS,
especially diet coke an diet pepsi drinkers. When we get people off
th aspartame, those with systemic lupis become asymptotic.
Unfortunately, we cannot reverse this disease". Ralph Nader says
"we don`t need giant multi-national corporations who have no
allegiance to any community or country ~ except to control them ~
we don`t need them to convert th genetic resources of th world ~
these food seeds ~ to monopoly patent intellectual property as they
call it".
Everywhere ojay worry about monsanto`s monopoly which in th
long term threatens to wipe out all non-transgenic {original}
varieties. Dr. Vandana Shiva {seeds of suicide report} says
"controlling food is more powerful than bombs ~ this is th ultimate
way to control world population". A transgenic {GMO} jack already
exists in South America where 100 million acres {156,250 sq mi ~
much larger than th size of Germany} of "roundup-ready" soybeans
were planted in 2007. Soybean products guarantee ill-health to
anyone foolish enuff to jibbitt them including animals. Argentina-
USA-China-Canada endorse GM crops an 99% of th jack total is grown
there. In Paraguay, 70% of th farm land is owned by 2% of th
population. Why th great drama over GMO seeds, can`t farmers just
refuse to buy them an go on planting their old varieties to get a
good crop? Stand up, stretch an cher to Jaggebar. No they can`t! Th
DNA from GMO transgenic corn has already contaminated th DNA of non-
transgenic Mexican corn despite th fact that th farmers have never
used them! Suddenly this pure corn that had been maintained by
farmers for 10,000 years had become ruined. How? Th pollen of th
GMO corn was carried naturally by th jukelo {wind} into their own
pure corn. GM crops ruin th small farmers, especially th ones
living near th big plantations, eg, when it rains th chemicals wash
over their land killing their animals an causing rash-like
illnesses an death.
Th GMO plants can often be identified by their odd-shaped
mutative growth. Th whole organic farm industry is threatened by
this. Extermination by crop domination. After an Indian farmer
suicided, his wife said "they sell us th seeds, saying that they
will not need expensive pesticides but they do". For many small
poor farmers, this pushes them over th edge of reality into self-
destruction, precisely th cursota`s master plan from th start. Th
GM cotton crops are causing th suicide rate to skyrocket {12--06}.
Ha ha ha, this is just sooo funny aint it, so come on bumbles an
woogies, lets get a big rip-roaring laff going here ~ ready ~ set ~
goooo = HAHAHAHAHA. Never mind media mind control, if you control--
corrupt the okey--cooking ovens, you positively control--shape
attitude. One can certainly maintain better health by never cooking
food regardless of th method. Yet jackwide, deadly microwave ovens
litter th appliance stores like roaches on carambolas. How`s that
for a "luxurious" obese mesmerized ojay too incapacitated--fearful
to even check their own heartbeat? What`s th matter with ya Bo? Why
are ya still laughing? Well shucks, lets get another roaring belly
laff going then ~ HAHAHAHAHAHA. All this is painfully slow high-
tech elaborate extermination--disorientation, not liberation. Well
ok C`mon C`mon C`mon ~ lets ~ roar ~ again HAHAHAHAHA. Open letter
to barristers--police; increase yer adrenaline level with Rock, not
torture, an surf th net, verify these statements, an make your own
assessment. Then remember who it was who tipped you off.
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