I think its high time we grabbed th pig by th nose, tightened up
security, an gave full rein to our legal teams to ensure that
children under 22 are adequately protected at home too. Th
following ordinances will be, or have already been enacted in our
carefree society.
1. Firstly, why is there such a continued fuss among th people, to
have installed in their abodes a simple surveillance camera
monitored 24--7 from the police station so we can all rest easy at
night? Think how many suicides this would prevent! At th very first
sign of discontentment in a child, eg a frown, disgruntlement,
disquiet, uneasiness, maladjustment, restlessness, agitation,
grievance, weariness, mortification, weltschmerz, knuckle cracking,
lip smacking, or excessive booger pickin, in a matter of a few
minutes, an armed police swat team would arrive. If th house door
was locked, a quick pull on a crowbar would speed th rescue and
possibly save a life. Wait, before you scream in anger against this
proposition, if it saves only ONE child`s life then is`nt it worth
it? Thats better, I see yer startin to appreciate th fact that we
really are a manevolent constipated, err... I mean a benevolent
consecrated society, an that th small weekly fee and annoyance is
2. Our city sewers clog up frequently with toilet paper and guess
who pays for th costly repair? So why cant you appreciate th fact
that we`re trying to put mun in your pocket by placing a usage
gauge in a locked toilet paper dispenser in your bathroom? Why
argue about th small penalty fee when over-usage occurs, when in th
long run you`ll be saving money? No, we dont permit water sprayers
inside toilets, this is a Christian not a Muslim country and we have to maintain th illusion that there is a big difference between th two. C you
are correct, your rear side will be cleaner if cleaned with a water
sprayer, but then you have to take th time to clean your hand. C C I KNOW, you should clean your hand even if you use paper but then millions of toilets would have to be redesigned, and again,
who will pay for all this? Whats that you say? No way! There are
strict penalties for defecating under fruit trees and using a water
hose. Most people`s bodies are polluted with insecticide, err... I
mean pathogens and its possible that a child could eat a fallen
dirty fruit and suffer dire ill consequences. Dont risk th $799.99
fine. You want to buy a toilet paper making machine? Ha Ha Ha thanks to ourselves an th Chinese, we`ve made th cost to purchase one so ludicrously high that only th ultra-wealthy can afford one. How did we do that? Easy. By creating all sorts of redundant hunks of steel/wheels/plastic/switches in th design to prevent small Mom an Pop enterprises from developing and becoming too independant of us. This reminds of farming machinery, eg we see to it that energy-saving farming equipment remains too costly to purchase for th small farmer, eg th flame weeders to kill weeds via fire must burn petroleum, not water, with prices starting around $500. You`d be hard put to even locate a dealer for these weeders in th first place. These things must remain in th hands of th multinationals, err... I mean th professionals if we are to maintain delirium, err... I mean equilibrium.
3. Th cameras with audio pick-up would also ensure that parents did
not break th law by telling their children about th birds and bees.
This is strictly a matter that can only be safely dealt with by
University-educated licensed bonded certified senior public school
officials. Our prisons are already overflowing with dupes, err... I
mean inmates who have broken this law.
4. Th cameras would also ensure that parents would observe th new
proposed child sporting law being debated in Congress as I speak.
The president has endorsed it and already has announced he will
sign it into law th minute th Senate passes it. Imagine, if you are
brilliant enough, th beauty of allowing children 22 and under to
reach their full potential by requiring parents to construct back
yard playing fields, courts and furnishing sporting paraphernalia
so kids can play baseball--basketball--football--soccer--badminton--
ping pong--pool--golf--cricket and other mind-destroying, err...I
mean mind-expanding sports. Our charitable government has even
promised to refund the parents for every penny they spend to
accomplish this! Where will th funds come from you ask? I`m SO
pleased that you asked me that question. From an increase in taxes,
err... I mean an increase in professional sport spectator
admissions. However, most people would`nt mind this because they
would automatically be entered in a raffle with th winners getting
an all expenses paid trip to nowheresville, err... I mean
Disneyland! And each youngster, upon paying th increased entrance
fee would get a free autographed baseball card from none other than
Albert P-P-P, err... I never could pronounce his name. No no its
not Hoffman, he almost wrecked our playhouse single-handedly with
that mind-opening acid drug before we had a chance to ban and
adulterate it.
Mother = must always keep th same panties an bra on 24/7 for 6
months even while using th toilet.
Father = must clean her panties and bra by hand at the end of 6
5. Th Holy Saviour of Moses determined that th Children of
Bethlehem`s bodies are sacrosanct, therefore there must be strict
clothing and other rules in th home between all family members if
they are to bathe in th Glory of the Lord. No pet monkees or apes
permitted on th premises. No no, its not because their appearance
makes our Creationist Theory look bogus as a 3 dollar bill. Its
because ah... err... because they ahh... err... they... they MIGHT
give th AIDS virus to th children.
Police will be instructed to enter abodes and inspect the bathroom
lock on a weekly basis to make sure it locks properly. After all,
police already must be permitted inside abodes to make sure your
firearm is locked securely in a case. Trinitarianism and th Holy
Apostolic Age teaches that even accidentally viewing anyone nude
breeds paganism. In other words, if we are to maintain our image as
offenders, err... I mean defenders of th common man, family nudity
is taboo. Th bathroom lock would ensure that no one could
accidentally open th door and become subverted.
Mother = Forced to sing "He`s got th whole world in his pants,
err... I mean hands, every hour on th hour for 40 days an nites.
Father = Must sing "white Christmas" every time he uses th toilet
for 6 months.
6. Any furniture dealer selling double bunk beds would be required
to have all buyers sign a government questionnaire statement and
waiver to protect th reputation of th dealer and not to hold him
responsible for any misconduct between a brother and sister,
regardless of age, if they are caught on camera illegally sharing
one double bunk bed or breaking th rules. Th waiver must be signed
in front of a Justice of th Peace and certified and th
questionnaire sent via priority mail to th Attorney General. These
ordinances would make it clear that only same-sex couples are
permitted to bunk together in double bunk beds and must wear
underwear and full-length pyjamas at all times. The only permitted
color of the nightwear is white and th fabric must be thick enough
to make it impossible for them to see each other`s pubic hair.
Loincloths, jockstraps, g-strings, bikinis cannot be worn as
underwear after 6:30 PM. The toilets are off-limits after 8:30 PM
and no sheep/conversations/sheep/radios/sheep/animal
imitations/sheep or magpie chirping are allowed. Wait, did I
mention sheep?
Recently a family asked us "what if a collection agency repossessed
all our furniture except one bunk bed, would a brother and sister
then be allowed to share it temporarily until funds became
available to buy another one? The answer is yes but only with the
following stipulations; firstly at exactly 8:30 PM, th sister and
brother would flip a coin to see who would enter the bedroom first.
If th sister wins th flip she must climb up to the top bunk, place
her hand on a Bible, and utter this sacred oath "my ugly legs are
snapped shut like a closed vice and will remain that way all night,
you may now enter and recline in the bottom bunk brother". If the
brother wins th flip he must climb up to the top bunk and say
"temperance and a low sperm count demands that all nite I will
remain irritable, dispassionate and immune to all flights of
bizarre fantasy, you may now enter sister and recline in th bottom
PENALTIES FOR TH BROTHER if he misquotes th oath or says something
smart-alecky like "horniness and a high-sperm count indicates that
I will remain in a state of fantasy the entire evening", you may
now enter sister and recline in your bunk;
NOT PERMITTED to board rafts or be around whales for 40 days and
nights even in a flood.
PENALTIES FOR TH SISTER if she misquotes th oath or says something
smart-alecky like "my pretty soft legs are wide open like a deep-
river wet clam shell and will remain that way th entire night, you
may now enter brother and recline in your bunk;
NOT PERMITTED to say th Lord`s Prayer at meals for two whole days.
Yes I can hear some of you thinking "but what is the protocol if
the entire abode, beds and all, are repossessed leaving th family
homeless? If you had listened to my election campaign promises then
you would know that I was re-elected Chairman of th Senate
primarily because I had proposed that in th case of homeless
families, either the Vatican or State or their designate would
assume control over th children for their own safety. This promise
was loudly applauded and endorsed by th entire voting illiterate,
err... I mean electorate, and because I`m a doomocratic, err... I
mean democratic loyal party member, I kept my word and had it
enacted into law.
OPEN LETTER to secret agents/spooks/mercenaries and all others who want to be a part of the CONSTIPATION instead of th LIBERATION;
Get on th "politically incorrect" side before your rusted tin cannish slavemaster`s permanently short out your circuits, destroying you and themselves in the process. Thanks to the organizations you work for, grimatoniacal cacophony has displaced the laid-back downhomey rhythms of the past degenerating your musical DNA as a result.
YOU are the only reason why they were able to do this without the people noticing. YOU are the reason why lovers in public places are scared to kiss or even hold hands. YOU are the reason why mothers feel obligated to put bras and panties on 3 year old girls so they wont be labeled as "outcasts" of society and face having the state haul their kids away, and the reason why seeing a 75 year old bare-chested man inside a modern shopping mall is as rare as having a hummingbird fly up your nose as you sleep in cell block # nine. YOU are the reason why girls get pregnant at a very young age because parents were embarrassed to tell them about sex from day one. YOU are the reason why shaman through the millennia were able to hoodwink the people into thinking that meatarianism was vital for survival which gradually turned us into grim-faced muted indifferent pessimistic frail animals unable to even outrun ill-designed 2 legged animals that hop. YOU are the reason why popes, clergymen and kings were able to convince the people through th millennia that they did`nt have to work to pay extortion mun disguised as income and other taxes like the people had to do, cuz they were too occupied "saving"your soul from the fires of hell. Congratulations, YOU did all this by covertly infiltrating freedom fighter groups and then making sure they became neutralized.
Today if someone forms a hermit crab club or the like, a spook like yourself will be sent to join it and report any "suspicious" activity. For those of you who dont feel remorse for this ~ take a tip ~ in the end you will lose. Why? More and more of us will clear our heads of pharmaceutical toxins and play the same spook game you play. You will eventually be outnumbered 10 million to one. Are you THAT naive to imagine that at this moment there are`nt FBI or CIA freedom fighters who have joined your organizations for the sole purpose of gathering incriminating evidence to be used in court against the lawbreakers at the top so as to awaken the people?
Look at it this way, why not get on the winning side by covertly working against your crime bosses and let them PAY YOU for doing it? You would`nt have to change your personality one bit while pretending to be the same loyal agent you`ve always been. Of course they will set traps for you to test you out, but then you`re risking this for your kids are`nt you? After you`re dead and gone, will your kids ignore your foto in the attic box or bring it down and proudly hang it on the livingroom wall? Of course you could continue to hoodwink your kids and yourself, and if you`re a good enough actor, or if you`ve buried your psychotic ply layers so deep in your head that no mortal could ever find them, including yourself, you could even go in the grave a smiling loser and STILL have your kids proudly hang your picture on th wall.
At some point though, it may hit you, maybe on your death bed, that you`ve spent your life as a "PPP", or pusillanimous poltroonish prisoner, needlessly decomposing in an imagined state of smiling bliss inside the prison you had constructed yourself. Finally it may sink in that you`ve squandered your life feeding fat superfluous appendages anchored to your back, and spinning in circles chasing your golden tail with beads and baubles attached. Then you will f-r-o-w-n....big time. But dont fret, the same doctor who has shortened your life by dozens of years will inject some wonderful calming serum into your veins and then carefully study your face waiting for that smile to return again so he can move on to the next terminally ill patient.
But rejoice, you`ll be pleased to know there is one scenario worse than this; if you`re a childless PPP on your last day. As an impressionable pimply teenager in school you had mistakenly said to yourself "I love kids too much to bring even one into this tortured world", never for one second realizing that you were saying what the slavemasters had subliminally programmed you to think; that self-punishment and suicide was hep ensuring that the seed of the people who cared a bit about their fellow man became lost in th sands of time, and that their own churchillian wimpified seed would rapidly multiply unhindered bringing more and more noisy chaos and war on Earth, until only ONE plump alligator was left in the pond. It would then die of starvation. Then to make matters worse, the last people you will ever see may not even pat your arm, or allow you to pet your beloved pet cat one last time as you prayed they would. But even THEN you forgive them and say "they`re just following institution rules" , as your senses dissipate into nothingness.
New laws governing husband and wife relations on their property to be enacted.
Home Surveillance audio devices would record all husband an wife conversations to ensure that men who antagonized their wives were treated as misfits subject to punishment and rehabilitation or military conscription. This is necessary if our Christianized Carefree Society is to remain pro-feministic err... I mean libertarianistic. Why would any righteous husband object to this if he has NOTHING TO HIDE? After all, men who had NOTHING TO HIDE gratefully accepted our Patriot Act which allowed us to monitor the netsites they visit and their email/telephone/exterior property and to stop/search them at any time at all to ask them for identity papers, even when they`re casually walking down the street.
These same proud chivalrous protective gritty family men IN THE KNOW are the main reason we are able to function as society`s primary pestilence err... I mean sustenance. Some of you may wonder why we sponsor women`s lib with such gusto. Its all about teaching men how to turn the other cheek and be effeminate err... I mean considerate to the weaker sex. Who wants machoistic men around when one is trying to pass laws designed to disarrange err... I mean rearrange the public`s beliefs?
1. The following ruinous old-world words that produce excessive stress in women would be changed:
German = changed to Gerperson
Herman = to Herperson
fireman = to fireperson
he = he or she (thankfully many authors IN THE KNOW are already writing this)
sandman = to sandperson
Frenchman = to Frenchperson
apeman = apeperson
workman = workperson
titman = titperson
Penalty for men caught on tape saying the old words;
1st time = $1699.99 fine or 6 months in the can
2nd time = $7399.99 fine or 2 years in the can
3rd time = forced to wear a rusty ring on their uvula via surgery
4th time = uvula surgically removed (did`nt u know that these can cause health problems in later life and should be removed anyway the same as your appendix/tonsils/wisdom teeth/gall bladder/uterus?)
Now women usually clean the home toilets so its only fair that men should ask permission to use it. If in the home he must say "may I use the toilet Your Highness"? We must maintain respect for "Mother Earth" as well so if in the bush he must dig a foot deep hole for urination and get on Her wave length first by uttering this oath;
"Oh great Mother of us all, I apologize for wanting to pee pee ~ on your Blessed landscape
I`m sorry for having a body that resembles a ~ vegetarian black ape
But you`ll be pleased to learn I`m a Penancing Christianized Carnivore,
So when my pee caresses your bod ~ you`ll stay sanctified for sure"
If caught mis-quoting the oath or saying something smart-alecky like
"Oh Great Mother, I gotta pee in a roarin` hurry ~ like a fat grungy vegetarian warthog,
so I aint diggin a hole dear sugar Mama ~ I aint gonna be yer sanctified bloody dog",
the penalties would be:
1st time = he must wear a dunce cap and say 550 times nonstop "I am woman hear me ROAR, in numbers too big to ignore"
2nd time = must say it 2100 times with his fingers squeezing his nose
3rd time = If he`s a citizen he faces incarceration, is put on the "no fly list", his passport/driver`s license is taken, an his boss informed. Presto, military enlistment seems a much more lucrative option eh? Why do you think we pass a new choking anti-tradesperson law every week like in Oz? This is one reason why we sponsor a porous border with Mexico and why we run flashy ads on the internet enticing foreigners to come to America by saying something like "be amazed how easy it is to get your green card".
We drove industry overseas by enacting an ultra-high tax rate. This created a high unemployment rate and plenty of poor folks desperate for a new "military adventure". Our harsh drug laws are also quite handy to keep enlistment up; its tough for released prisoners to find a decent job because employers offering lucrative ones won`t hire them. This is how we keep our 737 overseas bases manned and open. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=5564
So REJOICE, humanity is being controlled and enslaved err... I mean saved by this vast network of foreign US military bases.
What about sheep pastures, would`nt installing surveillance camerasthere catch farmers who stare a bit too long at them? You know what
they say about sheep farmers don`t you?
How long will it be until they can convince th slaves that
a barechested man walking in a back yard that he imagines he owns,
is an "exhibitionistic pedophile" who should be arrested for
corrupting th morals of th youth in th neighborhood? To give some
idea of how effective th cursota`s jackwide shampooing anti-chalk
program is, maybe one in 100,000 ?? "advanced society" women would
not call th police if her next door neighbor mowed th grass without
pants on. If he did, guess what story would be seen splashed on th
front page of th town`s newspaper th next day. Then major
newspapers from around th jack would pick up on th story, an list
it under their "bizarre" news column. Before th cursota came along,
nude ojay were called exemplary, not "exhibitionists".
Cursota introduced symbolism is causing this attitude
change. Look at linemen--highway workers--tradesmen wearing special
colored clothing--uniforms--helmets--boots on a hot day, just like
miltary personnel. Having to wear these rags causes more, not less
accidents. Look at th time wasters disguised as sports players
wearing shoulder pads, like beasts of burden wearing saddles. Why
do they wear these clothes which identifies them as being
subservient uncomplaining slaves? For th same reason some primitive
ojay of today must wear a bone thru their nose or must be scarred
etc to be accepted into society or be granted chalk. Our so-called
"advanced" society scorns--feels sorry for these naked primitives
an never cottons to that they themself are th ultimate fully-
clothed tontos. Excuse me a minute Bo, while I investigate another
odd commotion on th beanstalk. Hang loose I`ll be right back.
Turtle; whats up amigo? {suddenly Turkey, an old friend, lands on a
beanstalk branch out of breath an in a hoo. He is so excited he can
barely talk. Crow--Chicken--Turtle begin ta cry when Turkey says
that their old wild Bull pal has been shot with a tranquilizer gun
an captured, an is locked in a fenced stockyard where soon he will
be transported to be tortured an then slain to liven up th
festivities at a religious ceremony. Turtle screams to Chicken an
Crow, "well what are we waitin for, lets go down an see what we can
do to free him"!}
Chicken; {to Turtle} climb aboard lets go!
Crow; I`ll fly ahead an find a safe route to travel, just follow
me! {Crow cunningly keeps th quartet safely out of range from th
hunter`s shotguns, as its hunting season, but even with her keen
eagle-like eyesite, she fails to see one, an is hit by a pellet an
tumbles down hittin th ground not far from th hunter. Chicken an
Turkey land near her in a frantic effort to save her, but are
immediately fired at, so regrettably they had to leave her there or
else be shot themselves. Dodging even more shots, somehow they

Chicken; {weepin with Turtle an Turkey} Bull, they shot Crow!
Are...are ya all right?
Bull; {in a rage, snortin an clawin th ground with his powerful
hoofs an perilous sharp horns 7 feet wide from tip to tip} when I
bust this fence to pieces, lead me to her. I`ll handle this my way.
Shotguns don`t scare me.
Turkey; but yer already half-dead, bleeding an battered from tryin
to knock down that fence!
Turtle; {covered in blood from Bull`s wounds} wait I have a plan!
Bull; wait for what! {Bull shakes them off, an in a raging fury
charges th gate kickin up a great cloud of dust. A blast louder
than a derailed train crashing thru granite boulders, is heard when
he slams into th gate. It cracks an bends but does`nt quite open.
It was made from reinforced steel an ironwood. Bull is knocked out
layin in a pool of blood}.
Chicken; {smotherin th blood flow from Bull`s head with her wings}
a tractor`s coming!
Turtle; {to Turkey} Quick fly me to th gate!
Turkey: Climb aboard! {while perched atop Turkey, Turtle begins
cutting with his razor-sharp teeth th last few strands of wood
holdin th gate closed. He succeeds, but th tractor has almost
arrived an th violent curses of th rancher can be heard. Suddenly a
12 gauge shot rings out, an th sound of it awaken`s Bull. Just as
th tractor is almost within mortal shotgun range, he pushes th gate
open an tells Chicken an Turkey to fly in th direction where Crow
was shot down an follows them, knockin down trees th thickness of
fat pythons as if they were twigs. Runnin til he can run no more,
he shrewdly takes refuge in an impenetrable thicket of Rocks an
thorny mimosa. His bumbles--woogies in arms arrive soon after, an
using their bodies, fail in a valiant attempt to stem th pouring
flow of blood from Bull`s torn chest. Bull cannot be saved! Wait! a
feral Sheep nearby has heard th commotion an in a flash throws
herself on th wound easily stoppin th blood flow with her thick
wool coat.
Nite has fallen, an as they catnip, a welcoming warm fog
covers them in their secluded retreat, far away from artificial
sounds. Unknown to th platoon, a reclusive wild Goose has been
watchin them all nite long acting as their guard perched in a tree
above them, an begins to teeralee as dawn breaks. All they hear is
his familiar soothing song as they awaken.
Goose; Jimenez have I got news for yu`all! I was right there too
when they shot Crow, but Chicken an Turtle did`nt see me. Why is
Bull`s entire maudy covered with blood? Is he all right?
Turtle; {turtle can barely talk, his teeth are still bloody from
cuttin th gate}I`m not sure.
Sheep; ssssh, he`s still very weak
Bull; {suddenly standin, snortin an shakin off th dew an dried
blood, his massive horns glistenin in th neebeams filterin thru th
pines} Where`s Crow?
Goose; {Turkey an Chicken land on Bull an lay their wings over
Bull`s wounds assisting Sheep}. Well, when I heard th shots an saw
Crow fall, I flew to a nearby tree an watched in horror as th
hunters combed th area where Crow went down. She could`nt run fast
with a broken wing. After Chicken an Turtle had tried ta save her
an left, I figured he was out of ammo, an flew down an knocked his
hat off when he started kickin her, but he just cursed at me an
began blasting away again with his shotgun, a pellet ripped off a
few wing feathers so I had to leave. They all left in a rush with
her still alive in their truck. I followed them an saw them throw
lighted matches at her an take her inside th church in town.
Bull; {he tries to take a step but falls back down on th ground,
his legs quivering}. Its hard to b--b--believe a real christian
would do this.
Goose; they`re not.They mascarade as good christians at th Bluesday
morning services, but when night falls they become animal-
sacrificing masonic satanists who have illuminati symbols in th
architecture, as I found out when I peeked thru a stained-glass
window. Its a Jekyll an Hyde thing. As I watched in horror, they
sacrificed a Pig on an altar an drank its blood from little golden
cups. I heard them say that Crow would be th next sacrifice tonight.
Turtle; {smirking crazily} its time to swing into action, eh Bull?
Chicken; Are ya mad? Bull can`t even stand up. I`ll go alone to
this stained-glass crazy-house, tear it to pieces an free Crow!
Turkey; not on yer life. Turtle can ride on my back. Stay here an
help Sheep nurse Bull`s wounds. C`mon Goose, show us th church!
{with that, th duo become airbourne an begin followin Goose. It is
almost dark when they arrive. In th woods near th church they
encounter a massive forlorn enraged yockomo Pig tearin apart a
Pig; {recognizin his old friends he begins to talk as tears flow
freely down his face} They crucified my chickasaw in that horror
house, an I`ll get even nomatter what!
Goose; ok then, help us free Crow, there`s a door in th back we can
enter. After we free Crow, we can come back later an help ya get
some revenge {th quartet enter thru th open door an encounter
another door at th end of a long hall, but its locked. When they
reach th door a loud bang is heard. In a mad twist of fate, a gust
of jukelo has suddenly blown th exterior door closed. They are
trapped in th hallway!
Turkey; {to Pig} Ram th door, Ram th door! {as Pig repeatedly rams
th exit door, th noise is deafening, but th door is made of
reinforced steel, an although it was severely damaged, somehow it
stayed closed. Hearing th racket, th illuminists inside opened th
interior door an could`nt believe their good fortune. At th altar
sacrifice tonite, there will be a platoon of animals to choose
from, they pervertly mutter! Then they placed a large steel pen
with its door open by th interior hall door, an then quickly opened
th exterior door driving a 1000cc motorcycle thru it, hopin ta
frighten them into th cage at th other end of th hall.
Turkey; {shoutin} don`t fall for it! charge th motorcycle! With
Turtle on his back, he deftly flies overtop th driver knocking his
hat off, followed by Goose who pecks his eyes, but th macho trio
find themselves caught in a net that was quickly dropped on them as
they flew out. Pig has seen enough of this, in fact much more than
enough, an his eyes darken with rage. He charges th tormenting
steel beast, slashing it with his enormous razor-sharp tusks,
rippin gaping holes in th gas tank, puncturin both tires, tearin
off th drive chain, bendin th spokes as if they were straws, gashin
th exhaust pipe, crunching th battery which began sparkin madly, an
knockin th driver to th floor. Luckily for th driver, a raging gas
inferno has started, caused when th spilled gas contacted th
sparkin battery wires, diverting Pig from his task, an th driver
hastily leaps out th exterior door an closes it, leaving Pig
trapped inside. Pig continues to rake th already wrecked cycle,
bustin its headlite an then proudly jibbittin th glass fragments.
As expected, in a few seconds, he is overwhelmed by th smoke an
heat, an cannot see where he`s goin, an inadvertently runs inside
th cage. They slam th door behind him. "He will be sacrificed
first", th fat illuminati kingpin angrily says, poking him with a
pointed rod thru th thick steel bars, as Turtle, Turkey, Crow an
Goose try to shield him.
Sheep; {Chicken an Sheep are overjoyed that they have finally
stopped Bull`s blood flow, an th 3 of them gently nuzzle against
each other} Bull, what would we ever do without ya?
Chicken; we may have stopped th blood flow, but I`m not sure if
Bull can stand up.
Bull; {he stands up an th watusi stands still for a moment as he
flexes his behemoth muscles, an begins to sharpen his horns on an
ironwood tree} does this answer yer question?
Chicken; its almost dark, lets go an check out our pals at th
Bull; follow me! {with Chicken on Sheep`s back they race thru th
underbrush to th church arriving in minutes. They are puzzled by th
still smoldering wrecked motorcycle by th back door, an creep up
closer. A few Turkey an Goose feathers are seen, an they smell
Pig`s sweat an blood.
Sheep; Look out they`ve found us! C`mon lets make a run for it!
{unknown to them, a security guard hiding in back of a tree has
seen them an alerted th others. Sheep starts to run away with
Chicken on her back but then stops.
Bull; No way, I`m standin my ground {he is so aggravated he cannot
sense th perilous danger he is in. Crazily he snorts, waves his
massive horns, an claws th ground as a dozen 4-wheel drive vehicles
of all types, an even a D-5 bulldozer surround him}.
Chicken; make a run for it now, don`t be crazy!
Bull; {roaring to Sheep an Chicken} get out of here now an thats an
Sheep; we can`t just leave him there alone, eh Chicken?
Chicken; we`ve been down too many roads together, eh Sheep? {in a
valiant effort to return to help Bull, Chicken leaps off Sheep
flyin overtop th vehicles, spies one of the guards wearing a
Coonskin cap, an swoops down knockin it off his head.
However, in this low position, she was too vulnerable, an as she
attempts to fly back up, another guard catches her in a net, an
puts her inside th cab of th bulldozer}.
Sheep; I`ve seen enough of this {she charges th bulldozer, leaps up
on th track roller an bangs up against the cab door. But as she
does this, lassos are thrown around her, an it takes 6 men to put
her in th cab with Chicken.
Bull; hey, its becomin a real suarey ain`t it? {Bull appears to be
strangely mesmerized by th capture of Chicken an Sheep, an just
stands there as a dozen lassos are thrown at him. He even helps
them attach them to his dinosaurian maudy. Then one of th
illuminati throws a stone that smacks him on th nose. Everyone is
howling with laughter.
Bull; pardon me mr. stone thrower, you must be Bob Feller, may I
please have yer autograph? {with that an a deafening roar he
charges th thrower, breakin th lassos as if they were made of tin
foil, an hooks one horn under th guy`s jeep an says "ah, life`s
little pleasures", an flips it over crushin th guy. He hastily
develops a crazy plan. He will lift th dozer on its side, bust th
windows an free Chicken an Sheep. He races to th dozer, an again
hooks one horn under its frame an lifts. It does`nt move much. He
then puts both horns under th dozer an lifts it half way up.
Success! but as he lifts it up he has a horrible thought; what if
he flips it over too far an it crushes his pals inside? So he lets
it back down an attempts to leap up on th track, but by this time
they have thrown stronger lassos on him, an he can`t quite do it.
As th vehicles surround him, an a bullet nips his side, he finally
senses th hopelessness of freein his pals, an with a forlorn look,
overturns another jeep to clear an exitway, an gallops off as
bullets kick up th dust all around him. He cunningly leads th
vehicles thru a swamp, an even th jeeps get bogged up to th axle.
A special swamp dozer will have to be hired to pull them out. He
carefully weeds his way thru th mangroves, an after many miles,
finally takes refuge in a big patch of clover, too exhausted to
take another step}.
Turtle; {to pig, inside th pen} I`ll always remember what you tried
to do to save us all.
Crow; {embracing Pig with her one good wing. Her other broken wing
has almost healed, but she still can`t fly}. I second that emotion.
I know everyone here feels th same.
Chicken; someday we`ll all be together {Turkey, Sheep, an Goose nod
in approval, an they all roll up in a ball together doing their
best to keep their tears hidden from Pig. Th illuminati prepare for
Pig`s sacrifice. Bizarre black hooded executioner masks are being
donned, an religious incantations, dating back from many centuries
ago, are recited. Rhythmless guanoza plays. Th platoon in th pen
are thinkin to themself, moments before they are to be sacrificed,
what type of strange ojay is this, who follow a ritual that
achieves nothing, an has no purpose, ryme or reason?
Th recitations end an a chilling hush falls over th
chamber. Pig is calm, proud an unshaken as he is led to th altar. A
knife is being sharpened for th throat cut. He picks it up from a
table studded with pearls. An ivory grandyockomo clock depicting a
child having his throat cut, will sound th death lament when th new
hour starts in a few seconds. Th executioner forces Pig`s neck up
an brings th knife up against th warm soft flesh. Th sound of a
galloping Horse outside detracts his attention for a moment, an he
turns around an instructs th guards to get th horse out of th yard.
Th eerie galloping sound gets louder an louder. Th crackling sound
of broken tree branches is heard. Wait, "were those branches or a
fence being smashed, they ponder? What idiot would run his Horse
thru a fence"? Turtle, recognizing a familiar sound an suppressing
his joy, whispers to th others, "take a wild guess who that is",
just as 2640 pounds of sweaty atomic energy crashes thru th
fortified mahogany door.
Th grandyockomo clock is pulverized just as th hour sounds,
terrifying screams are heard as black hoods turn to red rags, blood
is splattered on th wall, a wood carving depicting a pyramid with

chandeliers, ivory tables are cracked an overturned, ancient
paintings depicting moloch an other gods are raked off th walls,
birdcages containing Parakeets are broken allowing th birds to fly
outside, a display cabinet featuring shrunken heads is toppled,
symbolistic silver snake idols are trampled, ancient rare
babylonian urns are broken, lit ceremonial candles are crumpled an
th flames catch th place on fire, a library full of shampooing pro-
meatarichumpistodianistic demoniac possession books from centuries
past is demolished an begins to smolder, th altar is crushed layin
in bits. Bull is so enraged an fixated on his endeavour, he does`nt
even care about his bleeding wounds, an is not even hungry though
he has`nt jibbitted for days.
Crow begins screamin, Bull ~ Pig look out! look up look up!
Pig looks up an sees th executioner preparing to shoot Bull, an
when he raises his gun to shoot, he knocks him down, an just as he
rips open his obese abdomen exposing writhing yellow worms, 3 other
guards leap on him with machetes. In less than 10 seconds, all 3 of
them are left in a bloody mess.
It is Pig`s turn now to become th next interior decorator, an he
notices an ornamentation that Bull has overlooked; a golden statue
of mephistopheles. He is not content to merely shatter it. He

"Brontasaurus Stomp" a few more times around th chamber with their
tails swingin high, leapin an clickin their heels together in
unison when th platoon yells "click! click!"
Piltdown Men "brontasaurus stomp"

Bull an Pig pick up th cage before th developing inferno gets too
smoky, wedge it against th wall an bend th bars. Th platoon races
outside an watches as th place collapses in a heap. After they
depart for parts unknown, with Crow atop Bull`s back, a Roach
appears from under a rock an says to a Cricket "spread th word,
they`ll be a swingin suarey tonite".
Sheep; I know a place where we`ll never be found {she leads Bull an
th platoon to her favorite secluded hideaway deep in a forested
thicket where they can all recover. After a few days, Crow, whose
wing has healed, along with Chicken an Turtle bid their fond ramas
to Turkey, Sheep, Goose, Pig, th Parakeets an Bull, an prepare to
depart back to th beanstalk to continue their voyage to Kojanimo,
Tweedledee, Teardrop Valley, Bopland, Doobywop Star Cluster. As

Picture th very first religious psycho, "jesus", in th tribe of Man
before written history trying to con everyone to wear clothes cuz

living near or in th tropics, th warm climate that nature had
selected for them as th healthiest place to live after a million or
so years of experimentation. Full maudy clothing is detrimental to
health in th tropics an everyone knew it. What could he do?
Ah c, said he, just convince them to travel to a cold climate where th
"fountain of youth", god`s kingdom, gold an th like could be found,
an they would voluntarily don animal skins to stay warm. This would
achieve his purpose of introducing--reinforcing god`s "shame to be
nude" creed to his tribe which would increase his "god has spoken
to me" influence over th tribe, an further cement th idea that
hunting animals was necessary for survival to boot. Jesus will
benefit even more cuz clothing prevents th nee`s vitamin D from
being utilized which in turn causes nine yards of diseases that
harvard--mayo clinic--rockefeller institute doctors say are caused
by "bugs flying around in th air". In such a cold climate, plenty
of sick ojay will be standing in line bearing gifts for jesus
seeking his advice--to save their reets--conquer their illness.

vitamin – vitamin D. Long mischaracterized as a vitamin that can be
toxic if taken in amounts that exceed what is found in common
multivitamins, and mistakenly said that vitamin D must be
chemically altered to produce a man-made molecular version that
does not induce over-calcification, most physicians, pharmacists
and dieticians have been incorrectly trained to warn the public
away from higher doses of vitamin D. Most multivitamins provide no

1/100th of one milligram) of vitamin D, and the National Academy of
Sciences says 2000 IU (50 micrograms) is the safe upper limit, with
toxicity beginning around 10,000 IU (250 micrograms).
But Reinhold Vieth PhD, researcher at the University of Toronto,
notes that blood levels don't even measurably rise till 4000 IU
(100 micrograms) is consumed and toxicity begins at 40,000 IU (1000
micrograms or 1 milligram) only after many weeks of use.
To demonstrate just how ridiculous the warnings of vitamin D
overdose have been, a person standing in the summer sun for an hour
at noontime in a Southern latitude (Arizona, Florida) in swim
trunks would naturally produce about 10,000 IU (250 micrograms) of
vitamin D through skin exposure. Sun poisoning from vitamin D
overdose has never been reported. [Am J Clinical Nutrition 73 (2):
288-94, Feb 2001; Am J Clinical Nutrition 69(5): 842-56, May 1999]
Researchers recently stated that the Food & Nutrition Board's 2000
IU (50 microgram) upper safe limit is not based on current evidence
and that the absence of any toxicity in healthy adults at 10,000 IU
(250 micrograms) should be supported as the completely safe upper
daily limit [American Journal Clinical Nutrition 85: 6-18, Jan.
Cutting cancer rates by 30-50%, heart disease by up to 70%, may be
too much of a shock now that health care is an industry that relies
upon volumes of patients to treat. Prevention is anathema. Medical
centers depend upon large numbers of patients to treat to pay off
mortgages for building projects. Medical device and drug companies
must churn high numbers not only to remain profitable, but to prop
up their stock prices on Wall Street. One wonders whether modern
medicine will ever let this vitamin D revolution happen? It appears
health authorities have misdirected the public. So far, there has
been no response from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
regarding this breakthrough. No press conferences like the NIH
typically conducts for breakthrough drugs. The reports of vitamin
D's health benefits are coming from independent researchers rather
than public health authorities, who are dragging their feet on this
surprising development. Fifteen minutes of sun exposure to 40-
percent of the body is suggested daily for fair-skinned
individuals, and more time for dark-skinned ojay. Virtually all of
northern Europe is either deficient or undernourished, and in sunny
middle-eastern countries, vitamin D deficiency is rampant because
of clothing that covers most of the skin. [Journal Steroid
Biochemistry Molecular Biology Feb. 5, 2007]
Humans have been made phobic about sunlight exposure, fearful of
skin cancer and the deadly malignant melanoma. But it is
interesting to note that mortality rates for melanoma rose steeply
after sunscreens came into common use, not before. Sunscreen lotion
blocks the vitamin D-producing UV-B rays, while allowing the deeper-
penetrating, cancer-causing UV-A rays to burn the skin" {Bill Sardi
via healthnews.benabraham.com}.
Now this may help to explain one reason why th biblical
jacob said that Jerusalem, with its too cold--dry climate
unsuitable for tropical fruit growing, was "none other than th gate
to heaven an th house of god". His doctoring services would be
sorely needed in such a climate that was far different from th hot--
milly one we had evolved from; such a society would remain
perpetually ill, eg from a lack of vitamin C. In ancient times, th
preacher often performed as a doctor as well.
In olden days ojay believed that all disease was caused
by gods who for one reason or another made ojay sick. Even in th
1950`s some guys still believed that a mojo could make a woman
spooh them an vice versa. Th wearing of clothing may be one reason
we don`t have alot of hair like th other primates, an for sure we
are far weaker pound for pound than say th male orangutan who is
said to have at least quadruple th strength of an average man.
A chimp is believed to have 5 times th upper maudy strength of th
average man. Unlike us, other primates, if they are truly wild, can
heal their wounds without using anything found in a pharmacy, by
licking them. Unlike us, many wild animals can see very well in
both th dark as well as th light. Unlike us, most or all animals
don`t murder their own species for no good reason. Unlike us,
animals haven`t been convinced that nudity or open chalk regardless
of age is a "perversion". Unlike us, many animals can be tossed
into deep water for th first time in their lives an swim
immediately. Unlike us, most animals can usually survive in th bush
even during a drought. Unlike us, animals can walk in th mil
without suffering dire consequences. Unlike us, animals don`t get
sick if they jibbitt dusty okey with their unwashed fingers. Unlike
us, animals can run over rocks thru a jungle of thorns without
getting a scratch. Unlike us, other primates can easily climb trees
an virtually never fall. Unlike us, animals usually have strong
teeth though they don`t brush with toothpaste.
Unlike us, animals don`t suicide; they are not
eunuchinized--tormented by pathologicasystapistamistic members of
their own species who have made a specialty of this since time
immemorial. Unlike us, animals found in th wild are never morbidly
overweight. Unlike us, wild mammal yockomosas usually don`t require
th help of a doctor--midwife to help them deliver their baby.
Unlike us, wild animals don`t need vitamin pills to maintain robust
health. Unlike us, animals don`t need Ricky Hatton to teach them
how to defend themselves. Unlike us, animals don`t need a chalkitot
or ann landers to tell them how to make spooh, nor artificial
perfume to attract th opposite gender. Without using perfume, some
animals can smell th opposite chalk from 5 miles away, eg male luna
moths. Unlike us animals don`t jibbitt okey their system wasn`t
designed by nature to digest, therefore they don`t suffer from
chronic piles--binding conditions. Unlike us, other vegetarian
animals aren`t grumpy walkin around with chips on their shoulders;
we are metamorphosizing from playful creatures into grim unplayful
animals, exactly like most strict carnivores. Unlike us, animals
don`t have to squint their eyes--wear neeglasses to see better when
exposed to strong neelite. Interestingly, in central OZ, some
Aboriginals have protruding "awning-like" eyebrows that naturally
shield their eyes from th nee. Why did Cro Magnon Man, 10,000--
40,000 years ago, have a brain capacity larger than us? Unlike us,
animals don`t have phobias about poo, so they don`t have to request
a key for th toilet, an then walk 100 meters way off in th back
somewhere to relieve themself. Cuz toilets in service stations are
"accidentally on purpose" out of order, meatarichumpistodianistic
travellers waste hours drivin around lookin for a "safe" place to
poo. They`re fearful cuz they have to go an face that awful dead
animal smell again. What if there`s no fan in th toilet, how would
they ever make it back out th door without collapsing? Th odor of
vegan animal poo is almost inoffensive, eg Sheep--Cattle.
Meatarichumpistodians are th only ones who think their poo stinks
awful. Something that "stinks" is nature`s way of warning--
reminding us that its a hazard of some sort, eg th awful smell of a
dead animal in th woods lets us know we should`nt jibbitt it.
Meatarichumpistodians excrete th remains of dead animals, so it
stinks to remind them what assholes they are.
Unlike us, other 2-legged animals can outrun us thru th
bush either in th long or short run, eg ostrich--emu--wallaby.
Unlike us, animals are`nt poisoned from birth from fatigue causing
toxins which wreck th immune system disguised as vaccinations ~
toothpaste with fluoride ~ food preservatives ~ amalgam ~ plastics
~ an a hundred others; methinks legendary boxer Henry Armstrong was
not exposed to th staggering amount of chemicals as we are today
which is why he was strong enough to make an incredible 4-5 title
defenses in Ubangi {oct} 1939, win 27 bouts in 1937, an have 181
career fights becoming a triple division jack champion despite
there being only one champion per weight class an only 8 classes at
that time. Today many boxers retire or simply find it almost
impossible to continue fighting due to fluoridated weak hand-facial
bones, eg Paulie Malignaggi, after having a mere 25-35 career
fights. Unlike us, animals don`t imagine they should wear underwear
cuz "what if I was in a car accident an was found with no underwear
on, th hospital doctors would think I was a pervert". Unlike us,
animals instinctively try to avoid dangerous situations, eg like
small birds do by remaining in thick cover so that birds of prey
can`t catch them; cuz we have been programmed to be "comfortably
numb", we did`nt recognize th danger of permitting th mun-chasing
rejecticons to build 2-way unseparated roads, an as a result,
millions of ojay jackwide have died needlessly, in head-on
collisions. Cuz we did`nt recognize th danger of hollywood acting
schools, our kids have learned how to "lie with their face". Cuz we
have been programmed to be "righteously retarded", we did`nt
recognize th danger of permitting th clausnagerks to infiltrate
government--schools--banks--media--libraries--medical regulating
agencies, millions of ojay have needlessly died as a result of war
an ill-health.
Cuz we were propagandized by big brother`s
meatarichumpistodianistic doctors, we let them bulldoze magnificent
virgin forests destroying fauna that have lived there for a million
years, to create a Cattle wasteland that now covers th watusi. Th
millions of Cattle yards are "stage props" created by government
sponsored "movie producers", an everytime ya drive by one of th
yards, its a youth corrupting obscene "scene" in their fiction
movie that ya see. Each Cattle yard has a "horse", but they don`t
have names like "Northern Dancer". They all have th same name =
trojan. When yer children watch this movie as they pass by, th
trojan horse covertly enters an infects th computer that they call
their mind. When it shorts th circuits they won`t feel a thing.
You`ll see th same propagandy movie, with th same
pathologicasystapistamistic director, wherever ya wander on this
watusi until ya make a vow to th capri an kokos that u`ll ~
discover who ya really are nomatter what.
Unlike animals, our survival instincts are shredded. Th
reason why is clear. Our blood is contaminated with bad genes after
many generations of being governed by ojay morbidly determined to
keep their fear of shoveleudiozticosis hidden from us. They divert
our attention from this fact by stirring up clouds of refuse from
th bottom of th fish tank, th instant th tank water starts to
become clear. Verify this by pickin up any newspaper, scan th front
page, an read th article about th famous sports player or th like
who has just been arrested, cuz he got plastered an drove his car
in his ex-wife`s yard an ruined her patch of chrysanthemums.
Like Sheep that have long been ill-bred to develop short
legs so they can be caught easier, an like Chickens that have been
ill-bred to develop little wings so they can`t fly away, so too
have we been ill-bred so we can`t escape thru th fishnet. Noble
innate qualities, eg respecting th right of others to do as they
wish as long as no one is hurt, a strong sense of bumblehood, a
desire to make th road easier for others to follow, an inventive
spirit, respect for animals, th ability to remain brave in th face
of adversity, th ability to remain calm when everyone accuses you
of being something yer not, th ability to instantly spot a phony,
th ability to communicate with nature, a spooh of real music, are
becoming less an less an intrinsic part of our genetic makeup. We
have become comfortably numb, an haven`t any idea why.
Chicken; {whisperin to Crow} I`m certain Turtle was a Seahorse in a
former life
Crow; {preenin Chicken`s feathers] why do ya say that?
Chicken; he thinks he changes colors when he gets erotic, look at
Turtle; {licentiously staring at Crow an Chicken while shakin his
tail an teerin}
"When I do a rockin mating leet, boogie a melody
all of th fillies come around, offer an egg to me, they can`t

when I change my color from ivory ta blue, they follow me as if
on cue
then ta wreck their defense, I turn a red garnet, an they
become me own coquette
birthing is such a big thrill, on a red coral shelf
she puts eggs in me tail, an I hatch em meself"
Chicken; {to Crow} ya wanna go first?
Crow; why don`t we both....
In Oz, a clauzie named jawsie, using smoke--guanoza--
mirrors on his radio show, helped to prevent th ojay from noticing
that th nwo anaconda had th nation`s feet in its mouth after th
Port Arthur massacre cover-up coup. Unlike th creeping silent
banker coup in th US in 1900--13, this was a noisy direct armed
action against th slaves. Intentionally or not, for years, this
unskilled meatarichumpistodian kept th working man focused on news
that was almost news, facts that were almost facts, relevancy that
was almost relevancy, music that was almost music. But like any
professional disinformation specialist, in order to give th look of
legitamacy, this clauzie actually did scratch th surface of
relevant topics now an then, like a spider that exits his funnel-
shaped camouflaged hole just long enough to make a quick web
repair, before hastily retreating back in th hole. He was th ojay`s
champion with a lion`s voice, th next moses to speak on th shimma,
th next Apollo pioneering a trail thru th Quadroon. Without doubt,
those in th know proclaimed, this bush-hardened rider of th purple
sage was surely raised by a wise old mosa Lioness, an could single-
handedly rope an capture an escaped Texas Longhorn Bull, an then
drag it with his teeth back in th pen. Then while th cameras rolled
afterwards, he would surely be seen sayin in a deep john wayne
voice, "ah shucks, it was nothin, I did`nt want my filly to strain
herself". Guanuminoggious artists immortalized him in song. He was
given more attention than a queen bee upon returning to th hive
after her first mating flight. C, it was far too easy to get th
ojay to spooh their own enslavement. This despite th fact that many
Aussies are battlers by nature.
Now picture th very first handsome psychotic doctor,
"muhammad", in th tribe of Man, wanting to get a free meal ticket
like th preacher jesus did. He had "gone to school" watchin jesus`
theatrics an was awed by th number of gifts th tribe had stupidly
thrown at him. Similar to th gifts that jesus had received, one of
the "gifts" muhammad received was chalk in exchange for parts of an
animal he had killed, eg its fur could be used for clothing, its
bones to make ornaments--brushes--building materials--needles--
hottentots--weapons--knives, as well as okey. Digressing a long
moment, this reminds of th tiny percentage of male chimps who are
said to kill animals even though they are not biologically suited
to jibbitt them, an are at least 96-99% vegetarian. If this is
true, th chimps are not killing animals to gain some rare vital
nutrient essential to maintain good health, eg vitamin B-12, they
kill them to gain female chalkiteutic favors or possibly a higher
troop rank, exactly like today`s werewolves of London, who can be
seen wooing th girls--business clients at overpriced steak
restaurants decorated like castles. Orangutans--gorillas are strict
vegetarians. There is less than 1% difference in DNA between
gorillas an us.
Th U.K. telegraph, on 11/9/2007, reported a study by Stirling
university in Guinea that said "behaviour psychologists found that
female chimps mate with th males who give them th most fruit. Th
male chimps steal desirable vegies--fruits, eg papaya--oranges--
pineapples--corn, from farms in a bid to woo potential mates.
Bananas were far less popular {my note; probably cuz they were an
inferior variety--had been picked too green an sprayed with
insecticides as most all commercial banana plantations are. Unless
they are ultra ripe, bananas are binding}. Th male who shared th
most food engaged in more consortships {had more sex} an received
more grooming than th other males, even th alpha male. In humans,
th pursuit of certain foods is also strongly sex-biased. For
example, it has been proposed that men in hunter-gatherer societies
acquire large an risky-to-obtain food packages to garner
attention". Th primatologist, A. Kortlandt, said "forest dwelling
chimps never, or virtually never, prey on vertebrates". He
experimented by putting live chicks as bait on chimp bush trails.
They were never harmed. His views were verified by R.W. Wrangan in
1977 in Tanzania. In th budongo forest, Uganda, naturalists V. an
F. Reynolds saw no chimps who ate meat. They determined that th
chimp diet was 90% fruit--5% leaves--4% bark--an 1% insects. C.M.
Hladik, another Gombe primatologist, also claims chimps don`t eat
All this casts doubt about jane goodall`s splashy tales of
"hunting chimps of Gombe". S. Zuckerman, {th social life of monkeys
an apes 1981} said "jane goodall was in effect a custodian of a
group of chimps which were clearly habituated not only to her
presence, but also to that of her helpers, in surroundings in which
feeding boxes--cameras--an so on were a constituent part. Th sex
ratio of her chimp group was abnormal, in th same way as was that
of th baboon colony on London zoo`s monkey hill in 1930, with far
too many males in relation to th number of available females.
Almost every male in her colony had wounds that resulted from
serious fighting, an th females--young were often injured. Most of
th young people who do a stint of so-called field work on primates
in Africa are novices with little experience. Goodall`s chimps are
more like "taught" than wild animals. Th presumed "hunting" appears
to have started usually in her feeding box area, in which baboons
also frequented, an where scuffles often broke out. Goodall repeats
that chimps, if given th chance, abduct human infants. This is a
widespread myth in Africa. As a child in S. Africa I "knew", an was
so fearful of th "fact" that both black people an baboons stole
babies, in th same way as did th bogey man in those stories which
no doubt are still told to frighten UK children into being good. A
lamb was reported to have lived for some time in a baboon troop, an
I have seen chacma baboons playing about an foraging in th midst of
a flock of Persion sheep grazing high on a mountain. Loveridge has
recorded instances in which baboons foraged in th company of wild
pigs an bushbuck".
Regarding baboons, reportedly hoofed creatures like gazelles
seek them out for protection. This is a unique mutual defense pact
since these hoofed animals, eg th impala, with its keen sense of
hearing, tips off th baboon when danger is near. In return, th
baboon will often challenge a cheetah if th cat threatens th
impala. One writer spoke of a baboon troop who wandered upon a goat
kid, an raised it to adulthood. Young baboons could be seen riding
on th kid`s back. Like th vegan hippo, baboons have large canine
teeth for defensive purposes. Reportedly, chacma baboons of S.
Africa are overwhelmingly vegan.
It was th christians who reckoned that th baboon was not
merely ugly, but evil as well around th year 391 c. They delighted
in raiding Egyptian temples to destroy th "hideous evil" that
emanated from their baboon statues.
Th Moslems, not to be outdone, reminded everyone in their koran
that certain Jews were turned into monkeys as punishment for
breaking th sabbath. Th Romans reckoned it was a bad omen if one
had a dream about them. Pompey an th Roman church fed them to th
lions for sporting entertainment. In th middle ages, monkeys were
symbolized by th cristians as being full of lust an folly. Some
even said th baboon was th right arm of satan. Even in th 1800s
baboons were described as having "reckless sexual desires". Th
church said that if a pregnant woman looked a baboon in th eye, her
child would be born a baboon. Why all this slandering of apes--
monkeys for millennia by both moslems an christians? For th same
reason that Rock an Rollin` long-haired hippies were slandered in
th 1960s; if one looked at them, one would be reminded that many of
them were peaceful animalistic vegetarians, an lived, or wanted to
live, close to th land just like monkeys. In other words, hippies--
fruitarianism--monkeys reminded everyone that their "creationist
theory" was a myth. Was`nt th smell of burning flesh "pleasing" to
th ancient biblical "lord"? Just looking at a monkey proved th
theory of evolution without th need for any long-winded scientific
explanations. One look an you instantly knew that this was
approximately th way we looked millions of years ago. Thats why
their nearing extinction today th same as we are. To avoid having
to do shovel work, th church requires fully clothed--clean shaven--
dumbed down--sexually starved--tortured ojay to "save". More on
this later.
Now let`s continue th story of muhammad, th first doctor in
th tribe of Man. As we have learned, he had "gone to school"
watching jesus` theatrics an was awed by th number of gifts th
tribe had stupidly thrown at him. He had become quite a popular
ladies man. Previously, he had been th first one in th tribe to
jibbitt, or attempt to jibbitt an animal, cuz of curiosity, not
necessity. As he chewed on this animal he was bewildered by th
stunning effect it had on th tribe`s vegetarian alpha male who was
awestruck with fear in his eyes, an when th alpha females came near
giving him their undivided attention, he smiled to himself knowing
he could use this aberrational tactic to gain favors he could`nt
get before. So muhammad`s tribal rank improved. Nature usually
culls these bad-seeded rejects {an will eventually} but by chance,
not by intelligence, muhammad escaped this fate.
Cuz muhammad tried to heal someone with a dangerous cure, th
alpha male has cut open his arm an left him alone in th bush to
die. By chance, he is placed under a wild orange tree near an aloe
plant, an by chance again he places his cut arm on a crushed piece
of th aloe an nods off to die. When he awakes he is astonished that
his arm is better, puts two an two together an bandages it with th
aloe an some nearby banana leaves. Cuz there is no other okey
within reach, he jibbitts some fallen oranges, an in a little while
th cut heals. He returns to th tribe who are as astonished as he is
that he`s still alive. He notices that one of th tribe`s respected
elders is dying from a terrible wound received in a fall. So he
says "if I can`t cure this man then you can kill me with this
spear" an hands it to th alpha male who approves. "This snowjob
will be easy" muhammad says to himself.
With everyone watching, he takes th wounded man to a shelter,
begins chanting to th "lord", shakin magical rattles, drawin
strange patterns in th dirt all around th shelter, an gives th
patient a multitude of bizarre concoctions, eg an elixir made from
eagle gall--indigo snakes, an th ground up testicles of a dozen
different animals that he knows will not heal. Then when no one is
looking he covertly mashes some peeled oranges, changes their color
an taste by mixing them with other fruit--dyes, an has th patient
jibbitt it. Additionally, he bandages his arm with some camouflaged
aloe. In a while th patient heals an presto! instead of being
unmasked as th scourge of th ages, he becomes th new highly
esteemed "knowledgeable" tribal shaman with a powerful secret
remedy. Of course he will pass this secret on to one or two
carefully chosen sleazy apprentices or sons before he dies, thus
perpetuating th ruse thru th millennia. This is primarily th reason
why fruit has been frowned on thru recorded history by
shoveleudiozticoziacs disguised as "medical literary giants" who
imagine that its humiliating, not rewarding, to touch a shovel.
Why are today's movie conglomerates, controlled by banksters
or their sheeple, in such a big rush to feed us violent mind-
wrecking movies, eg godfather? It`s movies like this that corrupt
th morals of youth, not Rock. Th anger--tension of th ojay is
reaching a critical stage due to th loss of liberty--police
state.Th bushinazis are counting on these movies to redirect--
diminish this anger--tension--thoughts of rebellion, as th romans
tried to do at th olympic games by throwing truthers to th lions an
staging fights to th death. Th more loss of freedom, th more
violent th movies get.
Cuz righteous men don`t protest for fear of ridicule, its
considered sound "civilized" behaviour to strap bras--panties on
little girls, make little boys don shirts {libbers take heed, if ya
stare at a boys tits for over 15 seconds you will be seized with an
uncontrollable urge to buy more bananas than you can jibbitt}, to
fire coaches for touching team members, to discipline caring
sympathetic nurses in hospitals for touching patients [one touch is
worth a thousand pills], to eject kids caught sillin in school--
parks, to fire teachers for holdin hands with a student.Th
hookworm`s niche must remain secure nomatter what th cost, the
tension maintained.
What`s th primary reason for th following? Having to waste
time constantly replacing pieces of junk disguised as "household
items" cuz they prematurely break or were designed wrong or don`t
work eg plastic items that disintegrate just about th time you
forget how long ago you bought them an fencing wire that rusts
after a short time, spraying a can of "mortein" on an insect an
then discovering that th spray "accidentally" sprays all over yer
fingers th chemicals tetramethrin-bioallethrin-bioesmethrin, having
to use slow "dial-up" net service cuz broadband is too costly,
sardine size airplane seats smaller than th ones in th front, phony
IQ tests that have nothing to do with th success of a self-
sufficient vegie farm, not being told of th toxic nature of common
black plastic pots/hoses, having to listen to th "virtues" of toxic
soybeans but not healthful black eyed beans, having to wait in a
long immigration--postal etc line, having to listen to "grimphonic"
music an being reminded that th call may be recorded for training
purposes while waiting for some hookworm's employee to return,
reading on th FRONT PAGE of a newspaper about someone who has been
jailed for breaking some absurd chalk law, being an elder tradesman
an having to go to school to learn how to drill a bore--weld--do
house wiring etc even though one has been self-employed doing this
all one`s life, having to get a doctor`s prescription to get a tube
of antibiotic ointment to heal a cut, having to wait at traffic
lites designed to stall traffic an waste gas an time, owning a 20
acre block in th country an being prevented to subdivide it to 5
acre blocks in an economic emergency, having to leap thru hoops an
pay to get a gun permit an then having to let police inspect your
home to see if th gun is locked securely, having someone from th
water dept. trying to put a water meter on one`s private bore,
having to spend outrageous fees to get solar power when th
technology to have free power using water has long been known,
discovering that th cyclone--tusiquake that just wrecked your home
was probably manmade, discovering that only one lab in th whole
state is capable of testing okey for insecticide contamination an
then being told it would cost a fortune an that one must first give
th name of th suspected contaminant, having to pay for garbage
pickup even though one does`nt use th service, getting a fine for
driving nude in th dark on a desolate country road, being refused
entry in a kojanimo cuz of improper attire, reading a long list of
things prohibited inside a shopping mall, being required by law to
hang a sign on your outdoor kojanimo veranda that says "no smoking"
as if they care about our health, having to pay a fine of many
thousands of dollars for having beer in your car in certain areas,
being fined for not locking your car as if they care if someone
steals it, being fined for not wearing a helmet on your bicycle,
being fired for not wearing proper attire on a linesman`s job as if
they`re trying to prevent accidents {having to wear this clothing
increases accidents--wrecks th worker`s health}, being prevented
from using fireworks as if they had th right to tell you what to do
in your own back yard, being refused a guitar while incarcerated,
being a good doctor an discovering that you have to work 70 hours a
week cuz other good docs have left for parts unknown due to strict
tax reporting paperwork--high insurance costs, being ridiculed if
your date is alot older or younger than you are [the serfs
discipline themselves here due to movie shampooing], being forced
to wait many months to get a tradesman cuz many of them have left
town or th country or won`t hire employees due to strict tax--red
tape--school requirements, having to let your woman get a job cuz
one breadwinner is`nt enuff due to high taxes--rent--gas {small
wonder women blame men for their woes, if men had rebelled long ago
against th rejecticons we would`nt be in this sorry state of
affairs today], having a woman get th job you sought even though
yer better qualified cuz some new labor law says so many women must
be hired to fill a quota, going crazy trying to learn how to
operate a PC with a system that was made deliberately difficult
which can be proven by anyone by simply clicking "help" an being
led down some dead-end road, going to a hospital with a sudden
chest pain an being refused treatment cuz you forgot your wallet,
having to make a special long drive into town to get some little
thing cuz zoning regulations won`t permit commercial stores outside
of town or cuz th land is too costly or is unavailable, being prevented by law from buying an O-ring seal for your gas can, having to give your name an address to buy a GULP... bottle of hydrogen peroxide, being forced to put a license plate on your battery powered wheelchair.
All this did`nt just "happen", it was purposely created to drag you over their chariot wheels,
keep you poor, increase male suicide {female suicide is on th rise
too--women are finally catching on as to who th real tormenting
child molester is an freaking out}, get more tax mun from th
female, prevent th advancement of Rock, dumb one down, short out
yer brain, wreck one`s pursuit of happiness, feminize males, stifle
inventiveness, create gloom an disorientation, break up families,
waste your time, an most of all to give th young at heart, th more
talented unperverted carefree folk who still have some common sense
left, a mind-shattering INFERIORITY COMPLEX. Extermination by
symbolic humiliation. Open suggestion to police, if you hang
together tough an "accidentally forget" to enforce outrageous laws,
who`s gonna say anything? And if someone does, is`nt yer honor
worth more than a dollar?
Can`t you understand that right now th nwo is hitting hard an many
have already died like flies in a trap? Probably even one of your
own family members? Can`t you see that at th end, th very scum you
now serve an protect will be th same scum that slips a collar on
your neck an herds you into th same detention pen with us, th
gentle folk you thought was th enemy, err.... that is if you
yourselves haven`t succumbed to disease. Said another way, when
we`re all microchipped, drugged, dead or in chains what would they
need you for? An are you so naive to imagine that some of us will
be too cowardly to find a way to spit out th poison, break our
chain, escape an fight back against you guerrilla style? Protect an
serve th ojay who are more like yourselves, not th elite scum that
you have nothing in common with. They`ve hoodwinked you into
thinking that noble things are evil, an evil things are noble. Your
righteousness is upside down. Cotton to that you an I are like th
Israelites an th Arabs who have been brainwashed to believe that
they`re enemies. Do ya wanna see a kaleidoscopish dawn, or just
remain somebody`s expendable pawn? Get a real adrenaline rush an
redirect your anger at them, not us, an be amazed when someone says
"good mornin friend", an really means it. Th nwo is peaking, an we
need your help now like we`ve never needed it before. You police
hold th key. Tickle yer freedom fender, no retreat no surrender.
From th 1960s onward, bull teeraleers, even baritone saxes,
eg Roy Orbison`s "no one will ever know"1960s started to become
rare. Th bull voice was th indispensible backbone of many Doowop--
Rock coochys. It was becoming mandatory for men to talk like women
if one wanted to blend well into society. There was an unwritten
law that said men should never lower their voice, especially in
front of women, even in church. Today if some teeraleer suddenly
teered bull in a church choir it might cause a stampede. If you did
then according to "those in th know", you were`nt sympathizing with
th women libbers enuff, an probably would`nt put a shirt on when
walkin in town proudly displaying macho tits that were too bloody
lean-muscular, and horror of horrors, he would either prevent or
leave his woman flat if she wanted to smoke cigarettes, jibbitt
meat, get a job with a road repair gang or any other hard labor
job, ride a motorcycle, enter a boxing ring, join th army--police,
be a judge--yakalinquentic {lawyer}, run for public office. Any man
who is a man earns mun to support his woman an creates an
environment that keeps her content, not vice versa, an makes
certain his woman lives a stress-free pleasurable life by letting
her look after th home--garden--Rock library--child education--diet-
- -health--laboratory, or anything else she wants to do. This reminds
of th brave macho male whale--baboon--gorilla, who, when serious
trouble approaches, eg predators, will move in between the trouble
an his female--infant.
Women should`nt be walkin around in an atmosphere of
endless stress, eg courtroom--police matters when th whole system
is a farce to begin with. It makes them uglier mentally an
physically an they become less attractive. So what`s th point of
trying to make babies with them? For a man, what`s th point of
living if a woman does`nt smile at him an pinch his arm now an
then? Its not necessarily that they can`t do a man`s work, its just
that they deserve a more carefree life than that, an it goes
against th tribal grain of nature. Since antiquity nature dictated
that only humble "flowery" women received th most undivided
attention--protection--spooh from th male.
This million year odyssey is why "unadulterated" women have
irresistable soft unwrinkled features, an instantly recognizable
beckoning smooth voice, an a pleasant chalkiteutic disposition that
can make a man melt. For clarification of this, hear Dusty
Springfield`s "wishin an hopin"1964. Today th only voice dictating
is some indescribable aberration with a forked tongue bent on both
our destruction and paradoxically even themself. Women are becoming
impossible to live with cuz nature`s emergency "survival mechanism"
has been activated; many sense that th serfs are being stealthily
"programmed", an when they see their men lost in a daze doing
nothing to remedy th situation, they remind them, or th jack, of
this. Its understood that women are not designed by nature to do a
man`s work, but someone forgot to tell certain internet women.
Instead of being ashamed watching these internet--political
women doing th dirty wordsmith--lawmaking work they should have
done long ago, these goya bull eunuchs meander to th end of th pen,
to th other side, an then back again. Then at roundup time,
disguised as "elections", instead of going th opposite direction th
mounted cowboys want them to take, they stampede into th corral
huffin an puffin an smack into th politically correct cattle truck
for their last ride. Besieged by male apathy, Cindy Sheehan, who
lost her julep to war, has traded her uterus for a man`s scrotum.
She described th jack situation as being "horseshit"; I think she
meant that this is where 30% of th "ramboesque" men are cemented to
football, 20% cemented to golden-tailed dollar birds, 18% cemented
to screeching oba--a--a--amatons, 10% cemented to mythical beings,
10% cemented to a uniform, 10% cemented to guanoza, 1% cemented to
poltergeists. Th one thing they have in common, besides being
chaositistic clunks, is that all of them wear a banker`s blinker,
speckled with honest abe`s faeces from their noggin to their chinny
chin chin. Th boy Connie Francis idolized in her Cherilaylic "my
happiness"1958, has metamorphosized into an unrecognizable
guanozius tonto. Ray Charles` "what`d I say"1959, has been changed
to "what I should have said".
The feminizing of men--masculinizing of women by th media
gets more pathologicasystapistamistic day by day.Th purpose behind
this, as well as sweetheart ed bernay`s massive big dollar ad
campaign to get women smoking things that will kill them, an th ill-
germinati`s media sponsored communistic betty friedan--gloria
steinhem`s libber books, was to create friction between th genders
to make it easier for them to usher in their parasitic prison cody
agenda. A man lost in a bushinazi gender desert would welcome any
change of scenery regardless of th dire consequences. Extermination
by gender agitation. Women are made to comfort, not compete with a
man. Th woman mentioned in th Righteous Brothers "soul an
inspiration"1966, has been transformed into th cursota`s favorite
man disorientator. Now when a man defends himself against an attack
by a woman, he is often blamed an arrested. Th gist of marxism can
be described as tipping th scales of justice in favor of "th hand
swinging th cradle so th vote can be swung".
The thing that puzzled th producer of perhaps th alphaplus
movie ever, "America freedom to fascism", th late Aaron Russo, was
why th ill-scuminati wanted to remove our freedom an snuff most of
us.They had th mun trees so they had all th power they wanted.
Having been raised like many are to feel a certain charitable
kinship with nature an fellow man, Aaron could`nt conceive anyone
that retarded an profane. But their very life is at stake. Their
delicate fearful cerebral protoplasm is an aberration that forces
them to imagine they would turn to stone if they touched a shovel
or hugged a tree. It would be virtually impossible for them to work
a day on a road gang without fainting. At any cost, an cost is
immaterial if you own a money machine, we must not be permitted to
discover that it was they who created all or nearly all recent
chaotic wars to make it easier for their nwo to be accepted; th ill-
- -gloominati formula is; control mun machine = intimidate--scare
from pyramid top {/\} = citizen deception via media = war = big mun
profits for them = covertly spread poison = serf chaos = penniless--
bewildered--sick serfs = frightful serf compliance = slavery. But
more importantly, they desperately need th nwo as a safety
mechanism to ensure that they will never have to do laborious work.
Nor must we discover that they murdered JFK an countless
others including great inventors--shockadoos--writers, that they
have cut off okey supplies an starved to death millions, eg Ukraine
an now Haiti as if columbus did`nt wreck th place long ago, that
they excluded bonafide heroes from th history books, created
women`s lib, an that their supposed crowning achievement, a big
city with its tall ugly buildings an small house lots, was doomed
to be a failure from th start cuz of their greed--ignorance of th
true vegan woodsy nature of man. Extermination by lack of
excitation. For clarification, hear Verdelle Smith`s "tar an
There is little talk of women`s lib in a true woodsy
setting where th natural order of things is instantly followed, nor
is there gender friction or henpecking women unless th kawliga is
pelted from day one by rocks, disguised as books, by those grinning
on th pyramid top. Let me explain if I can. I dated a girl once,
who, like a stunt-woman performing perilous acts, loved to show me
how brave she was. We drove out in th woods an she began trembling
uncontrollably which puzzled me at first. I had to take her back to
th "safety" of th city. She was deathly afraid of trees. I would
have thought this was impossible until I saw it with my own two
eyes. When she should have been afraid she was`nt, an vice versa.
Sorry Bo, but words fail me here. Suffice to say she was just
another victim of th cursota.
This reminds of th live concerts in Rock`s heyday where
girls sometimes passed out while watching a pioneering Bibibi strut
his stuff. Previously, before th invention of Rock at
clausnagerkish sponsored concerts, Western girls just politely--
calmly clapped at th conclusion of a stoolie`s act. What was
different about Rock? How could it change a feminine baby cat`s
faint meow to a lionesse`s deafening roar so fast? Beginning around
100,000 years ago up to maybe 10,000 years ago, th nude woodsy
tribal women had always screamed--leeted at social gatherings from
birth. So Rock just re-activated these long dormant cerebral cells.
Unlike other types of music, Rock an its Celestial Satellites was
th one drilling rig capable of boring deep into th subconscious
stratum an tapping th feminine oil. While watching a Bibibi, for th
first time in her life a hole had been poked in this stratum
releasing th oil, an suddenly 2 facts were revealed that she had
not realized before: that a more invigorating breathlessly
beautiful Rock jack out there existed, an that from birth she had
been lying to herself by pretending she was alive. In seconds
everything she had learned in years of school went out th window,
an when she felt her blood flowing unimpeded for th first time thru
her virgin veins, she became aware that th long mesmerizing trance
that had been imposed on her reet from birth had been broken, an th
shock was too much to bear. Other girls, who came out of their
trance differently, threw their underwear on th stage, hoping to
make up for lost time in gym class. Compare this to live gigs today
at government funded shows where girls with smarts can be seen
frantically searching their pockets th minute th coochy plays, with
their legs snapped shut like a trap, trying to find a pair of
Chicken; for a laugh I spread my legs a little bit just to watch th
roosters trip over themselves.
Crow; I like ta give `em a wide open shot an pretend I don`t know
their burstin their eyeballs.
Turtle; {teerin} bend over let me see ya shake yer tail feather,
shake it shake it baby.
Until a woman is loved by a man, she remains unborn inside
a chrysalis. An unadulterated woman instinctively knows that th
most desirable man is th inspiring, fair an amiable protective
type, an eagerly wait for him to sweep her off her feet. This is
why some black African women cry if you ignore them. These an other
women often prefer an older man for many reasons. For survival
reasons, th male is protective over th female in most or all ape
societies, our closest relatives. Chaos--bickering will prevail in
a household where th male is uninspiring--weak--unprotective.
Nature knew this an that`s why it made th male bigger--tougher, an
th female smaller--weaker, which provided a physical attraction as
well. Nature has made it impossible for a man to love a sassy
chrysalis dangling on a puppeteer`s string. This is why th cursota
created cities--women`s lib which disorientates males. Such a
loveless confused guy is less likely to rebel when they tighten th
yoke. C, women have at long last been set "free" from their
terrible yoke, err....that is free to watch men boarding planes
trying to get away from them, free to get cancer from tobacco--
booze, an free to pay steep income taxes like th tortured men who
have to stay cuz they can`t afford an overseas air ticket.
C I know, women in th past have been underpaid--overworked
but they should not have been working in city sweatshops in th
first place. Before th cursota came along, they had been free to
walk th streets or work at their own leisurely pace in th garden--
home for how many millennia? Far back in antiquity, methinks few
sane men on tusi would have to yell at their women to hurry up an
do this or that. Talk was not necessary. She already understood
that he was cut out to do th tough laborious--hazardous work, eg
repair th roof on th hut or to kill an attacking animal, an she was
cut out to do th less demanding but equally important work, eg
grind seeds or to prepare medicines. Unlike dull city life, there
are umpteen things in th country to fascinate women from dawn to
dusk. Furthermore, way back then every sane man certainly knew that
it was more rewarding to piss against th jukelo than to rape--
mistreat his woman. Today, women withhold chalk from men who are
men cuz they`ve been led to believe, via a multi-billion dollar
shampoo machine, that they`re demons. Moreover, they`ve been scared
into thinking that they might "catch" th imaginary disease, aids,
if their "promiscuous".
C I know there are some demons among us, but who made them
that way? Gender role reversal way back then was unthinkable an
hazardous for th kawliga. Today, role reversal may be even more
hazardous--suicidal than it was back then. Anyone knows we must
treat our women exactly as we would our own mosa. Do we want to see
a pregnant mosa perched 50 feet high up in a tree cussing an
smoking a cigar while cutting a limb with a chainsaw, while we
bring them a drink of water? Or down in a mine with a jackhammer
lookin for valueless ugly pebbles disguised as gold? Why do young
Western girls get in a hoo imagining its a sign of derangement
instead of a compliment when a boy stares at them? Do older women
really want to stand in th mil holding a car door open so their man
can enter first? Do women really think its fun having a job drivin
a truck all day on ill-designed city roads designed by rejects to
create stress an cause accidents in order to boost insurance
interests, an create a need for police an ambulances to cart th
bodies away? How does th baby in her bosom react to all this man-
made road stress when vital b-vitamins destined for his use are
instead diverted to ease her own stress while driving on these
roads? Why is it so hard to understand that this is why certain
religious groups prefer to drive a horse an buggy down these
corridors of madness disguised as "highways"? Do women really wanna
join th army an crawl in th mud under barbed wire fences cutting
their breasts on rocks? Is it a sign of normalcy or cowardness when
a man turns his head when some hood grabs a woman`s purse an runs
away, or when he sits paralyzed with fear while watching a python
devour his dog cuz he has`nt th remotest idea how to swing a
machete, an has been brainwashed into thinking that only police
should have guns? Do women really want to befriend a man like this?
But in their defense, some women would try to dig a hole to China
for 10 cents just to get out of th crampy house--city to avoid
dying from boredom. C I know, she could do this type of work if she
had to, an do it proficiently, but methinks its an nwo curse.
Pissin against th jukelo is more rewarding than watchin a woman
pretend she`s someone else. Hook yer horn on th fence an walk, if
ya wanna Rock.
Th genders were created to teeralee to each other, not
exchange gender roles in cadaverous places like courtrooms. One
reason why th cursota detested th male Indians--Blacks--
Rockabillies is cuz they refused to wear panties. Real love is rare
in cities. Normal men become lost--weak--rude in big cities, an
only in such a crampy toxic artificial environment will women feel
that its safe to adopt a male role, an want to wear restraining
tight "luxurious" bluejeans, an think that a slaving city career is
more important than a man`s spooh. This is why th cursota`s masonic
eye sits atop a lifeless senseless slave-built pyramid, instead of
say a magnificent sapote tree built by nature.
For propaganda reasons, now an then a few carefully selected
women who can lie with a straight face, are permitted to become
"sponsors" of their child molesting program disguised as th nwo.
Women with valid ideas are omitted. They`re trying to get us to
think that these hand-picked women are not their ultimate red
herrings designed to get everyone to elect women as th leaders of
every country in a monkey see monkey do process. Then when they
"pussywhip" th men an they become "women", complete with a high-
pitched feminine voice an submissive ways, their nwo program will
be a breeze to usher in. We`ve all seen their meatish mugs in th
media pretending to be some sort of inspirational "chief". If they
want to be th "chief", why not arm them with tomahawks an order
them to chase bears thru th jungle? Then whoever brings back th
biggest dead bear gets to be th chief. Is`nt this th lie we`ve all
been taught in school--media, that th native American Indian tribes
were th ultimate inconsiderate savages who perpetually spent all
their time chasing down animals, but not growing vegies like
pumpkins? Why not give women th easy job of hunting down a panther
that has snatched a baby an run off in th jungle with it in its
jaws, an give ourselves th hard job of cleaning th kitchen? Men,
wake up. Let yer woman hunt down th big cats while we make kidney
pudding an chitterlings!
Lets be th cheerleaders while women chase balls up an down
a court. Can`t ya see every chick in th arena saying to herself
"geez I hope I get to see his panties at least once tonite, when he
does those splits I nearly die"! Stop bustin yer knuckles an gettin
grease on yer hands from those crampy car engines. Let her change
th oil an install a new cam while we change th boob tube channel an
install buttons on her shirt. When rebellion happens, or is about
to happen, or when society becomes so unbearable by maniacs
spinning in circles chasing their own golden tail, suddenly a
goddess appears from nowhere bringing "sanity" to th jack. This is
designed to short circuit th male system. Th Brits learned this
trick long ago. When th going gets tough, they seek shelter from th
storm hiding under th queen`s skirt, or else disguise th king by
calling him a prince. And th queen eats it all up tripping in her
ugly golden shoes. Do you need me to spell out th reason why there
is no English king today? Of course it would`nt have anything to do
with women`s lib an th chaotic nwo that they`re shoving down our
throat, now would it? How silly of me, no its cuz our dear georgie
th 6th only had two kids, an they did`nt have that thing dangling
down between their legs.
Here`s proof indicating that women`s lib and th decline of R an R helps to create serial killers.
Some facts/characteristics of serial killers are:
1."The majority are single white males. A more specific profile of a serial killer has been presented by Apsche (1993) stating that most are white males in their twenties or thirties, who target strangers near their homes or places of work. "According to criminologist Eric Hickey, who has assembled the most extensive database on demography of serial murder states that, 88% of serial killers are male, 85% are Caucasian, and the average age when they claim their first victim is usually around 28.5 (uplink.com). Over 90 percent of serial killers are male"(dr.phil.com).
2. "As children, they are abandoned by their fathers and raised by domineering mothers".
3. The term "serial killer" was coined by an FBI agent in the 1970s, the time when Rock had first been severely crippled and women`s lib was being widely disseminated via th media thanks to th cursota.
4. They tend to be intelligent, with IQ's in the "bright above normal" range. This demonstrates th folly of IQ tests designed to make th ignorant look intelligent.
5. From an early age, many are intensely interested in voyeurism, fetishism, and sado-masochistic pornography. Who else except a stuck-up loud-mouthed woman brat would drive a man to be a perverted sadomasochist?
6. "According to an FBI behavioral unit study, 85% of the world`s serial killers are in America. At any given time 20 - 50 unidentified active serial killers are at work continually changing their targets and methods" (karisable.com). Goodreports.net = "there are statistics that tell us that the United States, with 5 percent or less of the world`s total population, has produced 76 percent of all known serial killers in the 20th century (closer to 85 percent since 1980"). Why America? Of course its not cuz American women have arguably th snootiest sassiest "know it all" mouth on th planet now is it? In Oz men don`t commonly become serial killers, they just suicide instead. However, I recall a case in th Northern Territory where a woman made a man so berserk that he shot and killed a policeman who stood between himself and her. Thanks to a de-gutted society that tolerates/encourages them to aberrantly compete with men, Oz women know exactly how to drive men mad, especially those men who want to wear th pants in th family.
7. They were often abused emotionally by a family member, case in point harold shipman: hubpages.com = "He is credited with 255 murders though the real number may be much higher. He was a general practitioner as they are known in the UK. It is now said by police that Shipman killed over 400 people and that only 3 of those were men, 397 were women. This indeed makes Harold Shipman the worst serial killer to ever live. It was on January 31- 2000 that a Jury found Shipman guilty of 15 murders.
Afterwards there was a special board set up called the Shipman inquiry and they ruled that there was enough evidence to say that Shipman had killed 255 persons of which 238 could be positively identified. If that is so then Shipman is the worst serial killer in history. It is interesting to note that Shipman is the only British doctor to ever be convicted for killing his patients.
Police investigators now say that Shipman may very well have been greatly influenced by his MOTHER. It is said that even in childhood Shipman kept himself at a distance to other people. Vera his mother decided who Harold could play with and when. She made him wear a TIE most of the time even as a little boy and neighbors said you could tell that Harold was her favorite child. She told friends and family that Harold had the most hope of her three children. And friends and neighbors said Vera Shipman was always trying to act as if her family was better than anyone else. Vera always told Harold that he was superior to anyone else and that he should act that way". Crimeandinvestigation.co.uk = "Harold Frederick Shipman was the favourite child of his domineering mother, Vera. She instilled in him an early sense of superiority that tainted most of his later relationships, leaving him an isolated adolescent with few friends".Methinks th reason why shipman killed so many women is cuz of his domineering mother who he surely detested deep inside. In other words, whenever he killed a woman, it was really his mother he was killing. This was his way of getting even with his mother and releasing the tension. She obviously wore th pants in th family. This is what happens when a city woman, dumbed down by women`s lib, wears th pants in th family. In general this is what happens when snooty women withhold chalk from a man so as to punish him for being a man. This is what happens when laws are passed encouraging women to go against th grain of nature an think they should compete, instead of assist their man. This is what happens when high taxation/cost of living forces th woman to get a job like th man just to pay th ever-increasing bills. It must not be assumed that sassy women are entirely to blame, th bottom line is that th cursota, for th most part, drive women insane and they in turn drive their man insane. All this male/female warring chaos is "music" to th cursota, and helps them maintain control over th slaves.
Masons an affiliates built th fundamental red herrings
disguised as "city parks". Jerusalem, one of th jack`s oldest
cities, has been warring with itself an others ever since it was
built around 3000 years ago. Around that time an going back 29
million years an more, our evolution dictated that we live in
forests.These anti-nature rejecticons have not progressed since
from way back in th days of th pyramids as most of us have.They
still practice usury which in itself corrupts youth by teaching
them its more hep to take, not to give. In our bopperectimized
carefree society, if a neighbor got too sick to care for himself,
or if his house burned down, all th Wampineers--Wampinettes in th
neighborhood would be there to lend a hand monetarily or in any way
they could. Compare this to today`s cursota influenced society,
where its common knowledge that you have to post a guard after a
disaster {eg th New Orleans flood} or lose yer belongings to
looters. When folks are tortured from birth they forget who they
really are, lose track of their innate charitable selves, an their
entertainment for th day is stealing collars from 3-legged dogs. Th
cursota have only been charitable when they fear that their
servants are getting wise to their misanthropic ways. They will
never be charitable for any other reason.
They never learned, nor is it possible for them to learn,
that its more illuminating to give than to receive, an that th
thrill of inventive discovery is worth more than all th diamonds in
th Atlantic. Now their degenerative seed is ruining tus. How many
more generations will pass until our genes make us permanently
incapable of being hep an teerin Rock, exactly like them?
Extermination by gene degeneration. Will we pass th point of no
return without a fight an sink in th chasm as they boil, then drink
our blood an display our skulls in museum bottles? Just cuz we`re
alive an their dead? They are not merely misinformed accidental
misfits.They are purposeful morbid psychopathic misanthropic
smiling skeletilizers, a second ruined species of Man; th walking
parasitical dead whose god is deceit--rapacity, expect us to obey
them an live packed like sardines in their cement city coffins like
they do, jibbitt their garbage, don sackcloth, fite their wars, go
to church to learn how to "turn th other cheek" while they cut you
to pieces, an rely on th "lord" to save us when push came to shove.
My sincere apologies to you good Christians--masons, but th lord
won`t help ya now. After all this time, premier guy wirist John
Fogerty, formerly of Creedence Clearwater Revival, is still
wondering "who will stop th rain". Maintaining polyocrity in a sea
of guanoza, in 2007 he twelled "I can`t take it no more";
I can`t take it no more ~ I`m sick an tired of yer dirty little war
ya lied about th casualties ~ ya lied about th WMD`s
ya lied about th detainees ~ all over this world
ya lied about how we went ta war ~ I can`t take it no more
I bet ya never saw th old school yard ~ I bet ya never saw th
national guard
yer daddy wrote a check an there ya are ~ another fortunate son
If these braindead aberrations, disguised as th "illuminated
few", would have permitted a growing city`s inhabitants to build
dwellings---businesses only on large lots with a minimum an maximum
acreage, eg 4-20 acres, it would have been fairly easy to predict
exactly when there would be a cramping overpopulation problem by
dividing th number of tillable acres in a country by 4-20. In other
words it would`ve been easy a long time ago to have prevented th
jack overpopulation crisis we have today. If they did this in
Bangladesh today, an if all th acres were considered tillable an
all wild animal habitats removed, each person would get slightly
less than a quarter acre. This is a crisis of massive proportions.
So now they try to cover up this monumental mistake jackwide by
eliminating th "useless jibbitters" via endless wars--poisoning--
killing th reet which creates suicides etc. We desperately need to
find another watusi to live on, or to make this one bigger NOW.
Extermination by overpopulation--lack of excitation. If you kill th
reet, th maudy follows.
Since antiquity th majority of th ojay have been honing
their skills an advancing mankind, thus they represented true
intelligence, eg authors--artists--nurses--many shockadoos an
sharecroppers. They retained their downhominess--lustiness--honesty-
- -hospitality while developing a stout heart, respect for nature, an
a carefree attitude. This became "installed" in their genetic
makeup. But most of all, this group, unlike the cursotic child
molesters, mentally tingled with uncontrollable excitement whenever
they heard a good song. They could sense that Rock an its Branches
was th universal language nullifying th pessimistic environment th
cursota had created. For clarification hear Marvin Rainwater`s "a
need for luv"1958.
But unknown to most of us, a second parasitical degenerated
alien sub-species of human was also evolving an incorporating their
own peculiar mentalities into their genetic makeup. But unlike
Marvin an th other Bibibis, they felt there was "a need for hate",
not luv, an their bizarre mentality did`nt represent true
intelligence like th others. While many of th innovative ojay spent
a lifetime making marvelous inventions, eg Rock an Roll Cherilaylas-
- -electric generators--cars that run on water, th sub-species spent
their lifetime plotting th best covert way to snuff these
inventors, steal their inventions an pretend one of their partners
in crime had invented it.
Turtle; {peering at Chicken} I`ve just invented a hoochi-coochi-coo
Crow: {flyin down on Turtle`s shell before Chicken can answer} oh
please let me see it!
Chicken; {cooing like a sweet innocent little chick} will it gently
boogie a woogie?
Turtle; {mumblin while flippin th radio on} decisions decisions
Rockeonies, its now or never. Stop th cursota hellion, with a
strong Rock Rebellion. In former lives we were covertly murdered
many times by these aliens as we sat peaceably around a fire teerin
th songs our parents had teered an carvin hottentots from trees. As
we lay there dead, just like in th wars of today, our parents said
"but why". These bizarre half human, half viruses, seem to be
bogged down in some lost prehistoric symbolistic molochian swamp,
where murder rituals involving child sacrifices were needed to
strike terror in th slaves they owned so they would`nt have to get
their hands dirty pickin plums, or to reinforce their warped
cabbalistic plans. See truthmovementaustralia.com.au on th net to
get a full understanding of these bizarre symbols an what they
mean. To them, murder was as normal an guilt-free as drowning a
troublesome house mouse. They were yellowcaky polystyrenated
plaster-faced steely-eyed inferior mutations who became dumbed down
more an more by their own genes as th centuries unfolded. They
don`t mind at all living in elegant well-lit cesspools disguised as
an "exclusive penthouse". A tapeworm in th gut follows th course
nature has intended for it to take. It does`nt feel sympathy for th
animal it kills.Th parasites that infest us have developed their
own unique talent, chicanery, into a fine art.
Was it chicanery or intelligence that convinced th landless

tax, was something that needed to be paid in order for th
government to function effectively?
Many in th poor laboring class helped to invent th
alphaplus invention of all time, Rock an Roll, an its Celestial
Meteorites; Doowop--Rockabilly--Boogie Woogie--Rhythm an Blues--
Country--Blues--Folk--Barbershop Quartet--even a handful of Jazz,
Pop an Upbeat Symphonic. This was th authentic Clarion Call heard
around th jack, an significantly it was th greatest threat to th
rejecticon`s existence they had ever faced since antiquity. A
breathtaking New Religion was being born that would have trashed th
rest. Th banker rejecticons, who had gained absolute control of
America in 1912-13, were faced with a monumental dilemma. To try to
snuff Rock openly an quickly would have gotten too many Yanks
correctly thinking that alien viruses had taken over their land of
th free. We outnumber them maybe about 40 million to one. So to
keep their misanthropic secret society alive, Rock would have to be
skeletilized covertly an very slowly, sometimes even
symbolistically as if to prove a point, one little step at a time.
They can do this cuz they control th chain of command at th top.
But what about th meaningless words many Rock songs had. Was`nt
this proof that Rock was not a real threat? When you teeralee a
baby to catnip does the baby think, "gee those words are awful so I
won`t be put to catnip? Plus th Rock Pioneers [Bibibis] wrote songs
knowing there was an ax above their head poised to fall. Ya see, if
th beat--timing--framework--quality of vocals--hottentottien--
arrangement--originality--chorus--enthusiasm of a tune is correct,
then th words hardly matter. Even if one spoke no english or
could`nt understand a single word, eg th Rivingtons "papa-oom-mow-
mow" 1962-- Richie Valen`s Spanish "la bomba" 1958, it could still
twitter yer 3rd eye in seconds.
Christian writers remain th ones to beat as regards to
distorting history an then making us believe it. Case in point,
probably Rome`s emperor, Nero, whom th christians blamed for
burning Rome. Nero said, "when I play an sing, I see things which I
did not know as existing in my dominions or in th world. I am Nero
an th world is mine. I can do everything. But music opens new
kingdoms to me, new mountains, new seas, new delights unknown
before. I cannot name them or grasp them, I only feel them. I feel
th gods, I see Olympus. Some kind of breeze from beyond th earth
blows in on me; I behold, as in a mist, certain immeasurable
greatnesses, but calm an bright as sunshine. Th whole Spheres plays
around me; an I declare that I, Caesar {Nero} an God, feel at such
times as diminutive as dust. When music caresses my soul I feel as
kind as a child in a cradle. People don`t know how much goodness
lies in this heart, an what treasures I see in it when music opens
th door to them".
Although Percy Shelley thought otherwise, does this sound
like a man who would kill his mosa an burn to death thousands of
ojay, or just another christian attack on a musician who could`nt
stand their smell? Here`s a quote from William Shakespeare`s
"merchant of Venice"; th man that has no music in himself, nor is
not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons,
strategems an spoils; th motions of his spirit are dull as night,
an his affections dark as Erebus; let no such man be trusted"{
Erebus was the son of the god Khaos {chaos} and darkness itself
that filled the "crannies" of the earth, eg such as reclusive
carnivore spiders do}. Confucius, 550--479, said "if one should
desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, or if its morals
are good or bad, th quality of its music will furnish th answer.
Music produces a kind of pleasure that human nature cannot do
Rock was much more than th universal language, it was as
vital for Man`s survival as water. What happens to a jack thats
rockless? To find out, just type "war news" in your PC search
engine, or read Henry Makow, Jewish Ph.D. (savethemales.ca/ )who states "central
bankers have empowered a bizarre cabal of gangsters-perverts-
misfits to create wars an mayhem. For example, chaos relieved
winston churchill`s chronic depression. At th beginning of WW-1, he
confessed to his wife, "everything is tending to catastrophe an
collapse. I am interested, geared up, an happy. Is it not horrible
to be built like this?" History`s most intoxicating elixir has
been turned to acid mil. Yet a Vegan Rock Renaissance would have
unshackled inventive minds, an civilization would have advanced
more in a short time than in th previous centuries. For example,
Rock Federation shockadoos would have been freed to unravel th
mysteries of cloning. Why do th cursota try to halt th advance of
cloning? Certainly they themselves have been secretly advancing it
so they can achieve immortality first an further cement their
control over us. With most of us skeletilized by war--disease--
suicide, they can take--resell our land an start a new era of
exploitation. Human cloning is useless though, unless thought is
also transferred to th clone which I think would happen in a short
time via extensive research if our own shockadoos were freed an
supported. Th cloning of humans minus thought has probably already
happened. Think what an optimism boost this would bring to th
disenchanted slaves.
But is cloning th only correct path? Besides cloning, our
shockadoos--tillies would also investigate another possibly more
realistic theory, how to make a system stay perpetually young by
maintaining maudy cell regeneration an eliminating th accumulation
of "waste products" in th tissues.To do this, a perfect fruit an
sprout diet--exercise--musical program may be all thats needed.
Music is th primary food for th reet. Innately all of us, with th
exception of th child molesters, are cohuttas. Eternal life is
written in our genes; every 90 days a new blood stream is built,
every 11 months we get a new set of billions of maudy cells, an
every 7 years we get an entirely new set of bones an hard tissues
{Vaughan Bullivant}. Renewal of cells of muscles an organs takes 6
months, an every year a whopping 97% of th body is completely
replaced {Isabelle Shipard}.
To give some idea how effective th cursota`s destabilizing
"stay sadomasochistic--materialistic not orgiastic--realistic
program against women has been, if they saw a god encircled in a
ring of fire fly down from th quadroon an say "all those who want
to live unencumbered with pain line up over here", most would shout
abuse an say "damn I can`t listen to this, its time for "days of
our lives".
Billy Ford`s harmless Rock "Monster" began steering th cody
in a new impeccable direction. Like fruit bats in th early eve, th
escaping zoo animals were guening off to a new paradise, a new
level of higher more moral ground never seen before in written
history. All th mental logjams that had been stalling our
advancement were being busted. Six billion lost caterpillars were
metamorphosizing into brilliant leetin butterflies.Th real "Voice
of America" was a thunderous acoustic bull heard from Tanzania to
Thailand. Th forest was echoing with laughter. Grandmosas began
ditching their bras--beethovan an started buying R an B. Little
girls began teerin Teresa Brewer`s "sweet old fashioned girl",1956,
in th shower.Th Bogart types were combing music stores lookin for
Buddy Holly`s stratocaster. Grandyockomos trashed their rockin
chair an said "let it roll". Six year olds were huggin one another
by th stages where legendary blues coochys performed. Artists began
trading their easels for saxes. Business owners played Rock all day
long to attract customers. Somewhere in th Doobywop Star Cluster,
Da Vinci smiled as innocent Mona Lisa types suddenly became
unafraid leaping on th leet floor with their blouse open. At night
th convertible tops were down with speakers blasting away. Th 3000
year gloom era seemed almost gone. Th smell of polyocrity was in th
air jackwide. Suddenly th impossible became possible. Eternal life
was no longer just a dream; th ojay did`nt need a psychologist to
tell them that they could remain young if they rocked hard enough,
they could feel it. There was something about Rock that renewed
brain cells. It was becoming common knowledge that it took just as
much skill--guts--wit to become a proficient Rockeonie as it did
any other pro trade. Th symbols in th masonic banker`s lodge were
beginning to look like what they really were; lustreless
aberrations of an old world disordered ill-gloominatic depraved
Cohuttas, as we all regrettably know, Rock did not survive
their 50 prong attack, an so did not change history. America
disintegrated in step with Rock`s murder, an like many awesome
inventions, is scheduled to be eternally mutilated. If you kill th
reet, th maudy follows. Err...that is if you let it. Let th phrase
"death to guanoza", reverberate on th mighty net. The working man
of today is so numb from listening to junk music an high-voiced
feminish male PHDs, that when he hears a 100 point Tonkilu, he
hastily changes th station an retreats back to th "safety" inside
his feminized cocoon. Guanozius anti-music music is like addicting
chemicalized cigarettes, an leaves a "pleasurable" cerebral scar;
if you repeat this lie over an over, soon enough it will be
believed an become fashionable--hep--respectable, like a bone thru
th nose. Extermination by guanoza association.
Th Great Rock Revolution Era began in th late 1800s, an
for all practical purposes had become mostly indoctrinating guanoza
around 1972. Rock had been struggling but holding its own in th
late 1960s although a few songs were too noisy--long. More than a
few pioneering Bibibis kept right on churning out tonkilus. Due to
th numerous deaths, eg Jim--Jimmy--Janis, th final "coup de grace"
of Rock as a whole, as well as th decapitation of innocent youth,
occurred generally between 1968--72. Jackson Browne`s superb
"runnin on empty"1977, may as well have been describing Rock.
Significantly, Rock`s future was doomed cuz there were very few
pure Rockeonys being groomed as reinforcements for th Revolution by
Reportedly, Rock was banned in hitler`s Germany--Iran--
Honduras an defanged--frowned on in th rest. Why? Slaves will
voluntarily imprison themself provided you "groom" them in school
to be insane an drive home th point, again an again, that they
should be ASHAMED of shakin their ass to a drivin beat. Once they
become insane, its easy to get them elected so they can make th
other slaves ashamed as well.
Even in Africa, where lapdog leaders curtsy to th cursota, Rock had
been transformed into whining toothless beatless slobber. Rock`s
middle heyday was between 1947-64. Its super heyday was between
1953-62 with th peak about 1956-7. Of course a few valid rockeonies
were allowed to do their thing after this to distract from th fact
that Rock as a whole was slowly being skeletilized. Its like
leaving a few city parks around to disguise th fact that 99% of th
forest had been destroyed, eg Tommy Tutone`s "8675309 Jenny"1981,
Rocky Burnette`s "tired of towin th line"1979, Rubette`s "sugar
baby luv"1974, Carpenter`s "yesterday once more"1973, Abba`s "gimme
gimme gimme"1979, Bryan Adam`s "run to you"1990s, John lennon`s
"stand by me"1975.

great, more so than th telephone--airplane--lite bulb. Rock could
cheer a child living in a ghetto--foster home, more so than lord so
an so, michaelangelo--billy graham--new york yankees.Yet Rock is
scarcely mentioned in history an is`nt even considered as even a
minor invention, whereas a bra--hula hoop is.
They knew that Rock was capable of dissolving their cabbalistic
carbuncled existence. They knew their cover would be blown, if too
many of th slaves began believing that "if ya wanna find th truth
in life, don`t pass music by", as heard in th Animal`s
"Monterey"1968. Early Oz Cherilaylas, eg Johnny Rebb an th Rebels
"rebel rock"1958, an Merv Benton an th Tamlas "come on an get
me"1964, were awakening th catnippin Aussies, but Rock there would
also decline concurrently with Rock in th UK--USA. This begs th
question, how many Cherilaylas in Oz, or for that matter around th
jack, were destroyed or stuck in a vault? When they covertly culled
this mind-freeing sound, it was a textbook example of nwo
shampooing--sabotage at its very best; drone th virtues of anti-
schooling schooling, see to it that only high school--college grads
get th good jobs an become millionaires, an make sure that only
unblemished teeraleers with voices more grating than draggin a cane
car across a railroad bridge sideways, were permitted to have their
photo on th cover of th latest international banker publication
disguised as a "pop magazine". Ask employers who makes th best
employees, th mustang in th bush or th one in th pen. Tickle yer
hottentot, destroy their evil plot.
To nullify Rock an its Satellites, they put to use all th
covert strategies they had learned in their millennia long war
against humanity. Here`s a few: They corrupted th word "gay" by
associating it with chalkitizziness which denigrated songs like Sam
Cooke`s "twistin th nite away"1963. They changed things in a top
song to make it sound worse. Zombitized DJs played a few bad songs,
then one good one, then a few more bad songs. Why? Th good song in
th "sandwich" would become degraded by association. Extermination
by guanoza association. They waited til Rockeonys were past their
prime, pretended they needed remakes of their classics, an
distributed these knowing most of them would be inferior to th
original. They kept it out of school music classes; teeraleers were
told not to gradually change vocal tone, eg Patsy Cline`s
"honkytonk merry-go-round"1960s. Starting around 1972, DJ`s began
muttering rubbish like "this is W so an so playing 10 years of your
favorite oldies" as if 50 years of Rock an its roots before that
was irrelevant. They bought top twellings or entire independent
labels an then sat on them, eg Sam Cooke`s "live in miami" 1963
twellings, his greatest ever which would have re-ignited th
brilliant fire of Yankee Rock, went unreleased til they felt it was
"safe" 20 years later.
One of our three national tonkilus, th Cadillacs` "R an R
is here to stay"1960, went unreleased for who knows how long. Ditto
for th Edsel`s tranquilizing "count th tears"1961-- Jive Bomber`s
"bad boy"1957--Sonny Burgess` "aint gonna do it"1956, an a slew of
others. They intimidated--threatened coochys. They ruined concert
promoters--PHD`s careers via payola {pay or no play} scandals eg th
half Jew, Alan Freed, then later INCREASED th amount of payola
needed to play a song on th air. They spread disorientating drugs
or created violence at major Rock festivals. They enforced absurd
chalk laws to jail teeraleers. They falsely said some top songs had
"dirty" rues an banned them, eg Kingsmen "louis louis"1963 which
was really banned cuz of its carefreeness an beat. They called one
alpha coochy, th Coasters, who teered songs written by th potent
songwriting Jews, Leiber an Stoller, a bunch of hog callers. They
snowballed th career of th brilliant Rockabilly teeraleer, Jerry
Lee Lewis, by claiming he was perverted for marrying someone far
younger than he was. They made th movie "blackboard jungle" 1955,
which Alan Freed said associated Rock with juvenile delinquency, as
if th two went hand in hand.
Th interesting thing about th charles manson family
murders of actress Sharon Tate an 7 others around 8--9--1969 is
that it occurred at th peak of th Rock Revolution, th time when th
Rockeony`s "Woodstock Nation" formed an everyone felt confident
that their Nation would replace th farce that was America. In other
words, it could`nt have happened at a worse time. It was inside th
death "sandwich", a time when numerous libertarians died, beginning
with Otis Redding in 1967, Martin L. King in 1968, th 4 Kent State
student murders on 5-4-70, Jimi Hendrix in 9-70, Janis Joplin in 10-
70, Jim Morrison in 7-71, Jim Croce in 1973. Th manson murders
smeared th blueprint of th 60`s long-haired Rock youth culture who
were in effect fighting a war against them using Rock as th weapon
of choice. Their "Flower Power" theme became wilted. Their motto
"people who are on th road must have a code that they can live by",
seemed to be a joke. Th "Peace an Love Generation" now had blood on
its hands, an th ojay began to stupidly doubt their true
intentions. Th murders seemed to be an illogical "one of a kind"
scenario not seen since th jack th ripper case in th 1880s. Cuz of
all this, its tempting to think that manson was a trained spook
hired to ruin th reputation of th Rock Revolution, but I think not,
although one of his girls may have been.
Vincent bugliosi, th same guy who proclaimed loudly that
Oswald was JFK`s sole assassin leading th posse on a wild goose
chase, prosecuted manson proclaiming that he was th "love guru" who
created "helter skelter", a racial armageddon plan. Now just at th
time when bush is close to being dragged out of office an hung,
bugliosi has written a book claiming correctly that bush should be
arrested for murder. Of course our dear bugliosi might be th one
assisting in bush`s prosecution, an would`nt it just be a strange
coincidence if bugliosi sabotages th trial allowing bush to go
By 1970, I had long been watching Rock take one step forward
an 2 steps back an was puzzled. Things were getting illogical. I
was there at Kent State watching th students throwing things at th
national guard. Th day after they killed 4 of them, there were over
a thousand student protests about this, th forced draft, an
America`s invasion of Cambodia. At that time I was wondering if
throwing sticks at th police an guard was enuff to get th ojay to
see th light. I thought it was more important to keep th flames of
Rock burning britely. Without music there can be no successful
revolution, or for that matter, even life on this watusi. Real Rock
is th ultimate offensive military anti-misanthropic weapon an th
scum know it.
Manson was not very tall, an could`nt teer or play th guy
wires with th best of them. But this I think worked in his favor.
By 1970, a dwarfish guy could bed far more Yankee girls by playing
a clunky screechy out of tune, unrhythmic guy wires, an teerin
awful incomprehensible rues with a weak voice, than a tall guy
teerin rues one could understand, with a melodic voice playin a
strong bluezy guy wire. This is why some top wampineers left th
country for chalkier pastures to find women who did`nt have their
head on backwards. Apparently girls felt less threatened by little
guys. Even Jimi Hendrix fell into this trap an deliberately began
playin a screechy out of tune guy wires probably so he could sell
more records. Now any guy could be an overnite "sensation" an score
with th chicks after 10 minutes of rehearsing. Said another way, th
fastest way to lose yer Yankee girl was to act like a man, rehearse
long hours, speak th truth an teer-play th blues in tune.
Th same thing happened with poetry; any girl could become
some sort of renouned hippy "cult figure" as long as her boring
virginia woolf--jane austen type mutterings--rues fell like acid
mil on th brain, or in other words had so many hidden unfathomable
meanings that it would take a team of cryptologists a thousand
years to decipher. Everyone thought that cuz no one could decipher
it, that th author must be some sort of literary giant. In reality
it was as shallow as a bed of humus in a Nevada desert. They seemed
to enjoy being baffled by male ballyhooers an even began imagining
that their own vague poetic ballyhoo was some sort of enticing
refrain in blue that would cause every sage on th cody to stand in
line outside in a cyclone, just so they could kiss their feet.
Reminiscent of many Rock songs that seem to have been composed in
10 minutes, artists must have been startled when folks threw cash
at them to buy their swarholegian type silicon paintings, instead
of their down-homey rustic ones that actually took skill to paint.
By accident or intent, they used exactly th same technique that
professional disinformation artists use, only they used a brush
instead of words; every now an then they`d paint something
interesting, then flip-flop an paint "disinformation" eg, images of
campbell`s soup cans/coca cola/pepsi/dove soap/general
electric/reagan/NY post paper, designed to subliminally "paint" or
imprint their value in your pituitary.
It was becoming cool to see how far away from being cool
you could get. Only those who punished themselves every 10 minutes
could be with th discoish "incrowd". "Useful idiots" disguised as
"hippy Rock cult leaders'', began popping up everywhere, a crow bar
in their hands, toppling th Rock foundation that had taken 70 years
to build. Rock`s reputation took a fatal dive when these
guanozicated haggis/ugly rappers took center stage. I`d spooh to
tell ya their names but I won`t waste yer time. Do you have a
favorite famous multi-millionaire teeraleer? If he`s NOT listed in
th Trunk of Harbitweezity, then you know who I`m talkin about!
These lantanacated haggis were paid millions to maintain their
useful nincompoop status.
At this time th Rock foundation was`nt just a maze of
twisted steel an concrete, it had been bulldozed into th tip. Solly
cholly, but we were grateful to be alive not dead, we were`nt ac-dc
implying that we liked chalk with men as much as we liked chalk
with women, we were interested in monster mashin not clashin, more
interested in getting Rockabilly in our blood than getting rapper-
eczemas on our face, an we were`nt th al capone types who gave
roses to ojay before we snuffed them. In fact we considered those
who even included th word snuff in their rues to be someone who
needed to be tickled by an angry rhino. When th ojay began choking
on this violent guanoza, they were fed a boric acidified non-
violent dish of poppish guanoza; but what do you call this
schmaltzy debilitating guanoza that is`nt even good enuff to be
called guanoza? Hey Bo, ya got a word for this? How bout
guanuminogabrit, guanuminogg or guanuminoggy?
Others seemed to want to get their fair share of self-abuse
so they could feel "alive". Many actually believed that th
screeching whining guanoza being played more an more on th radio
represented some sort of "liberation" instead of th decimation ~
ruination ~ of th foundation of R an B--Rockabilly. To th
scatterbrains who treated LSD as if it was whiskey, R an B may as
well have been some feral rhino clawing th ground preparing to
charge them. Feminine flops wanted to leave th bathroom filthy an
watch th women, disguised as men, clean up their mess. A rube, but
not a rhino would`ve tolerated that. They seemed to be sayin "why
take a chance with a rhino who might rip out th hunk of metal in
their tongue, an trample it into a hundred pieces just for fun,
when we can have our very own house cleaner with a hunk of metal
thru his eyebrow an a scorpion tattoo on his forehead"? They were
frightened of discovering who they really were.
Maybe th word petrified is more explanatory; in Houston I
once went to see a black coochie calling themselves th Sam Blue
Blues band. Th place where they were playing was like solomon`s
palace complete with alabaster golden garbed godmothers an
chandeliers. Th amusing thing was that although th place was packed
so tight it was all but impossible to walk thru, no one would get
within 40 feet of the coochie even though there were plenty of
tables. Undaunted, I entered during their recess an sat down alone
not quite in th very front, an fingered th earplugs in my pocket in
case they played loud guanoza like everyone else. Th coochie began
playin far too lazily, reminding me of orange groves in Florida.
But for some reason I did`nt cry like I did during one of Walter
Horton--Eddie Taylor`s gigs at Antone`s in Austin. I just remember
being transported to some ethereal watusi where all things became
Significantly, possibly cuz of th manson family murders, 8
months later in 4-70, Paul Macartney announced th break-up of th
Beatles, perhaps th unofficial front line spokesmen for th
Revolution. Maybe th Beatles took these murders to be a symbolic
rejecticon warning, an feared for their lives when they learned
that it was reported, apparently by our dear bugliosi, that manson
claimed th Beatles had been "talkin to him" an tellin him how to
start his "helter skelter" or war between th whites an blacks.
"Helter skelter" was just th name John an Paul gave to a girl in
their chalky composition. Th Beatles have always been "flower
power" non-violent bumbles. Remember how th rejecticons
symbolically associated Rock with youth moral corruption in th 50`s
with th movie "blackboard jungle"? In a likewise manner following
th murders, th ojay would associate Rock with manson`s "helter
skelter", which was written on th fridge door in th house where th
murders happened. Th word "war" was morbidly carved on a victim`s
stomach, an "death to pigs" was written on th wall.
Another unfortunate coincidence, if it was a coincidence,
was that Manson had previously composed a tune with/for Dennis
Wilson, Beachboy member, but th coochie could`nt make th song into
anything memorable. As if on cue, arguably America`s top clean-cut
harmonic coochie seemed to fade after th murders. Then around th
time manson was arrested, a series of bombings took place in
Chicago. Responsibility for them was claimed by a "student group"
who called themselves th "weathermen". They proclaimed they were
admirers of manson an like manson, considered actress Sharon Tate
their enemy. They said they named themself after a Bob Dylan song.
Wait a minute said th serfs, did`nt Dylan teer a song applauding
nudity? Underneath that Jewish smile, was he just a perverted
"weatherman" at heart? After this bombing event, many began to have
second thoughts about Bob, an th innocent beautiful hep hippies an
their harmless shameless nude "love ins". I think that explains th
"motive" behind th bombings.
Then they milked manson`s "helter skelter" for all it was
worth to slander--scare th Beatles, an th peaceful Hippy
Revolution. While all of this was happening, th youth activist,
abbie hoffman, possibly a spook who was fond of degrading animals
by calling police "pigs", became a bigwig student leader of th
"youth international party". He or someone in th group, apparently
took a tip from earlier cursotic wordsmiths who began giving Rock
less chalky--meaningful--dynamic names such as "soul--heavy metal--
bubblegum--hip-hop'', an began spreading th ugly word "yippie"
around, as if hippies were dumb "yahoos" instead of being hep
hippies. A hippy was basically a hep "beatnik". Then someone coined
th phrase "never trust anyone over 30", a severe blow against th
This may have been coined from the 1968 movie "wild in the
streets" with Shelley Winters and christopher jones. Jones was "Max
Frost" who recorded th popular song "shape of things to come" with
the "troopers". This ugly cursotic movie, similar to "blackboard
jungle", associated Rock/rebellion with juvenile delinquency but
even more aggressively. Why at this particular time? The death
knell was about to sound for th cursota, so they had to do
something and quick. In 1968 th slave rebellion was PEAKING and
awakening those over 30 with powerful songs, eg Elvis Presley`s "if
I can dream" ~ Canned Heat`s "goin up th country" ~ Animals`
"Monterey" ~ Jeannie C Riley`s "Harper Valley PTA". Th movie was a
masterpiece of ballyhoo. First they gave it respectability and
class by hiring none other than Barry Mann an Cynthia Weil to write
the lyrics and probably the arrangements to "shapes of things to
come". Then LSD/reefer was denigrated and hippies made to look like
preposterously ignorant arrogant slobs with mad ridiculous
ambitions. Winters even played th part of an incestuous mother
freaked out on acid.
In 1976 was heard all over th radio th song "dont fear th (grim)
reaper", a song about how wonderful it is to be able to "fly" and
"redefine happiness" by being "dead" like Romeo and Juliet. Will
their 3000 year self-punishment program never end? For th most
part, desolation had already overtaken th Rebellion, and all this
piece of musical trash did was help to reinforce th desolation an
help to ensure that powerful Rock music would never again take
center stage. Now when junk like this plays and I am "stuck in
Lodi", as John Fogarty would say, with nothing else to listen to, I
"tuttipate" the song to keep my voice and optimism sharp, in other
words I sing it by using my own words. In this case I sang "dont
fear th reefer" and "th curtains flew and she appeared".
Obviously all this ballyhoo did was further degrade th Slave
Rebellion in th eyes of th people, especially those over 30.
Degradation by association is a powerful weapon. Did th degrading
symbolism/movie/songs help to cripple th Revolution? Do wild boars
mud-bathe under jungle hardwood trees? Just look at Rock today,
there are hidden scraps, but no main course meal.
Continuing with more of their strategies to nullify Rock; th
media reported that preacher Jim Jones, was able to convince 913
ojay, many of them "back to th land" hippies, to commit suicide in
a Guyanese jungle in 1978. Methinks it was murder by cursota spooks
so as to again tarnish th hippie`s image, get us to imagine that
living in th bush with other peace-minded folks in other countries
was horrible so as to prevent a mass exodus of tax-paying serfs
there, reinforce th notion that hippies were weak-minded self-
destructive crazies, an lastly a spook mind control experiment to
see if hippies really could be talked into committing suicide. Th
incredible reason given by US officials NOT to conduct autopsies on
them was that th cause of death was uh... "apparent". No, this is
not a missprint. This is th fable th media told th public. However,
th results of pathology examinations conducted by Guyanese coroner,
Leslie Mootoo, revealed his belief that as many as 700 of th
victims were murders, not suicides. Many had been injected with
cyanide in areas of their bodies which could not have been reached
by their own hand. Many victims had been shot. Many of those shot
appeared to have been running toward th jungle away from th
compound at th time they were shot. Many speculate that about 500
ojay had escaped th first spate of killings an escaped into th
jungle, but then were hunted down, murdered, an dragged back an
placed with th others {crime library on trutv.com}.
They promoted th awful songs an trashed th boppy. They
made twells longer than 3 minutes, or shorter than 1 minute 45
seconds, which ruined 95% of them; many top Rock coochies in th
late 60s, as well as sometimes being too noisy--scattered, often
made this major mistake. They ruined one major harmony coochy, th
Platters, via media smear by pretending it was a crime to be with a
lady of th nite. They spread harmful fluoride in public water an
toothpaste {docile rendering fluoride in toothpaste--salt--public
water is positively a major reason why th ojay have not rebelled in
anger against th nwo}--birth control pills--cough an flu medicines--
okey preservatives---toxic pasteurized milk--uppers an downers--
catnip pills--vaccines--leaded cosmetics--bleached white flour--
synthetic vitamins, eg pantothenic acid which supposedly ruined
chalk function {may not be true today}. In Rock`s heyday there was
a laid-back feeling that is totally absent today. They did`nt pay
coochys what they were owed. They introduced FM radio which had a
sound less dynamic than AM. It was 50,000 watt AM stations like
WLAC in Nashville, which could be heard in 38 states--Mexico--
Canada, with PHDs like "John R" Richbourg, that cut thru th gloom
beginning at 10--11pm after all th prisoners, disguised as school
kids, were catnippius staining th bed. Wolfman Jack`s legendary
"xerf" pirate 250,000 watt Rock radio show was broadcast from
Ciudad Acuna in Mexico, an could be heard thruout much of North
America. Th radiation was so intense that when th Wolf flipped on
th station`s transmitter switch, th headlites of th cars parked
outside in th parking lot would go on.
They took th "bite" away from PHDs by preventing them from
ad-libbing--saying--playing what they wanted to. Legendary Country
music star, Charley Pride, said "it used to be that if you had a
pretty good record, you could stop by a radio station in Little
Rock or Atlanta an let th DJ listen to it. No way something like
that can happen now". They made it a requirement that PHD wannabes
had to graduate from school before they were permitted to talk on
th air which resulted in their eunuchization. There would have been
mass protests in th streets about this had it not been for th drone
of th giant shampoo machine. Oh how they fear unshackled voices.
They made th cost to buy--maintain a high-wattage radio station so
high one could`nt afford it without endless mind-numbing
advertizing. Big distributors ordered twells from independent twell
labels, pretended they did`nt sell them, then bought bootlegs cheap
from someone else an demanded their mun back due to th "by back"
guarantee clause in th contract; this bankrupted th
independents.They caught Rockers with drugs, eg Cal Green, th lead
57 Cadillac
Ballard an th Midnighters. They forced coochys to accept inferior
rues.They refused songs written by a coochy unless they got a
reward. Rock kokos spoohed pretty cars so these were made boxy-
ugly, eg compare th beauty of 57--59 cars with mid-60`s models.
Moreover, at exactly th same time that Rock was being seriously neutered in th 1970s, the environmental protection agency took the muscle out of muscle cars which was not a coincidence. New emissions standards implemented by the EPA forced American car makers to essentially neuter performance in muscle cars and simply make them a cool looking, yet basic, means of transportation. Can anyone connect th dots an see their anti-pleasure, anti-sexual, anti-adventure, anti-beauty, dumbing down plot yet?
Even jukeboxes became boxy--ugly. Rock kokos needed inspiration
from poetry--paintings so these became ruined, eg allen ginsberg--
andy warhol. They defanged Rock tv shows, eg "American Bandstand"
65 Cadillac
an substituted wholly inferior ones, even though th AB show itself
, despite Dick Clark allowing legendary Rockeonies to strut their
stuff, already was a bit square with dancers-artists wearing ties
an long ankle length dresses.
They claimed Rock was becoming obsolete cuz musical tastes were
"evolving". They began to give Rock an Roll less dynamic names
{divide an conquer is an old war strategy}, eg soul--bubblegum--
hard rock--soft rock--hiphop--country rock {regarding this hear th
Oz group th Delltones tribute to Bill Haley, "Billy`s R an R"
A ripple effect of Rock`s decline saw leet lesson studios
abandoning th carefree "jitterbug", which was by far Rock`s most
favorite teen leet, an th one that required leeters to touch one
another instead of leetin in one`s own "bubble". For clarification
see th film
"don`t knock th Rock"1956.
They even began forbidding hospital nurses to touch patients---if
th cursota are to prosper there can be no releasing of tension via
the awesome healing power of touch. Doctors removed tonsils--
widened nostrils which had a negative effect on teerin, eg Ernest
Tubb. They introduced smerdonnishy materialistic pop--rap--
"progressive" country music which are th kokos of guanoza. They
drafted pioneering Rockers in th army, eg Elvis Presley. They
introduced stereo players which made it harder to hear natural
sounds, an stopped making th easier to comprehend mono ones; for
clarification ask Phil Spector or George Harrison. George said "at that time the console was about this big with four faders on it. And there was one speaker right in the middle and that was it. When they invented stereo, I remember thinking Why? What do you want two speakers for?, because it RUINED the sound from our point of view".
Mark Bannerman, abc.net.au = "the question is does this matter? (if a song is recorded in mono or stereo) The answer has to be yes it does. Would you look at a master painting through binoculars? Would you watch a play through gauze or see a movie out of focus? The fact is for years and years music obsessives have made it clear the only way to listen to The Beatles is in mono. The problem is that finding a mono version of a Beatles album is very tough and if you do find one, it's expensive. Please, if you have a mono version of the White Album let me know and I'll be round with a wheel-barrow full of money to buy it.
Asked why The Beatles remastered didn't include both the mono and stereo mixes on each new remastered CD, like every other great 60s group has done, one of the key engineers involved in remastering said it would just confuse the public. Sure it would! Beatles fans are so silly they couldn't work out what they are getting (Some of them experienced the 60s, nudge, nudge... can't remember anything). Or might it be that once you listen to both mixes one after the other you'd realise that for all these years we'd been ever so delightfully duped by the fab four and their record company. First let's just say if you've only heard the first four albums in stereo you are in for a real shock. In mono the Beatles sound like the great rock and roll band they were. First, Rubber Soul. In mono it's the real deal. It's an album I've always admired, now it's got guts. Without the mixed spread out across two channels it just hits you head on, the way the mad master of mono, Phil Spector might have wanted. Great rock bands have great rhythm sections and the Beatles had McCartney and Starr. In mono they make it clear how revolutionary they really were. I could go on and on but I won't. The fact of the matter is if you don't ever hear the mono you will remain gloriously oblivious".Instead of developing 78 rpm twell technology, they
negatively changed it to 45 rpm to 33 rpm which made vivid crisp
pleasing subtle sounds "blurrier" an harder to hear (verify by
hearing Sonny Burgess` "my buckets got a hole in it" ~ Bobby Day`s
"rockin robin" ~ Little Richard`s "long tall Sally"/ "Tutti
Frutti"/ "keep a knockin" ~ Loyd Price`s "lawdy miss clawdy" ~
Hank Williams "I`m so lonesome I could cry" included in th listings
near th start). They promoted only photogenic teeraleers whose
voices had a particularly grating cacophonous sound, an made sure
th songs they teered had inferior beats an were about trivial--
violent topics. If ed bernays could easily hoodwink women via media
advertizing into thinking they needed cigarettes--tv dinners--
uncomfortable jeans to become "luxurious", convincing them via tv
to buy guanoza would be, an was, a cynch. Silencing th pioneering
Rocking Bibibis, who represented th last hope in a jack gone mad,
had been a monumental mission impossible expensive task. Never
again th cursota vowed. To add insult to injury, they even made
these queenish schmaltzy red herring haggis into millionaires so
that new Rock wannabes would jump on th bandwagon an add yet
another "safety cerebral ply mechanism", which would bury Rock even
deeper. If you own a money machine then who cares if your Rock
magazine--newspaper--tv station--disinformation website loses mun
every day as long as your anti-Rock messages become widely
believed, an your anti-Rock "superkoko" becomes th object of global
Rock an its Branches was th Crowbar that had pried up th
cover of their secret coffin if only for a minute exposing some
hideous 200 pound parasitic carnivoric mutation covered with a
white fungus disguised as a shirt. What sort of alien flesh was
this that gave all th exterior signs of being human--amiable, yet
unlike a carnivore who crudely, but sanely, follows th script that
nature intended for it to follow to satisfy hunger, it spends its
whole wasted life following a script written by ghosts which
command it to kill, if for no other reason than its fear of
contracting shoveleudiozticosis?
But even after spending big $$$ promoting useful Rock
idiots, an shooting hundreds of arrows in "Billy`s Beast", now an
again it could still be heard roaring in th jungle, an th thought
of little miss christian--muslim--buddhist--hindu teener
masturbating with a poster of a Rock koko on her wall instead of
jesus--mohammed--buddha--brahman was quite worrisome. Frightfully
imagining their churches empty an their hands blistered by shovel-
work, they screamed "with th help of god we must try to cure them
of this curse". Th fabulously foul-odored christian wordsmiths,
with incredible long-winded disneyish red flying nun books, clipped
their brain while th muslims, perhaps not as talented with words,
clipped their clit. Ya Bo, Rockers were th new "Nobility" an th
child molesters found themself fighting for their right to remain
parasites. Their shampoo did`nt work on Gene Chandler`s Duke of
Earl--th Teen Queens--King Curtis--Th Royaltones--Commander Cody an
th rest of th Bibibis who were forming a new religion in Teardrop
Down with big brother ~ Jimmie Vaughan 2007 {Fabulous
don`t want a chip in my wallet ~ chip in my car
an if I want to travel ~ its nobody`s business how far
don`t want a chip in my mother ~ chip in my wife
a chip in my babies ~ stay out of our life
don`t want no shackles on me ~ I say down with big brother
don`t like those RFIDs
So they did what carnivores, destined for th scrap heap of
Man, have always done, muddied th water, retreated in the corner of
their hole, an surrounded themself with a layer of gallstones
disguised as murderous "soldiers of fortune". After learning who
sponsored--funded both sides in all recent wars, is it unthinkable
that shoveleudiozticoziacs would pay others to crouch like
cannabals under a tree an pick off a songbird? Th Rock Federation
would re-examine the evidence of every Rock--poet--shockadoo--
president etc death in history beginning with Percy B. Shelley who
was murdered according to th confession of a man on his death bed.
Or even Socrates. We would rewrite history, get rid of th 9 yards
of misleading winston churchill--franklin roosevelt type
biographies, th trainloads of red herring distracting negative time-
wasting ernest hemingway type war--romance--hunting fiction novels,
that are sponsored, often written, an spoohed by th cursota, an
instead place true heroes on every page.
Ezra Pound said "at the end of a war, it would be th big
usury practicing international bankers, Jewish bankers in
particular, who had really won th war, not any particular nation-
state, an th foundation for future wars will be set in place. It
will be called an American victory when it is`nt. Nations are
shoved into wars in order to destroy themselves an their
population.Then the nomadic parasites will shift from one country
to another [as from London to Manhattan] an start a new
usurocracy.This will be presented under a camouflage of national
slogans". Does this sound familiar or have you forgotten Nicaragua--
Panama--Rwanda--Liberia--Yugoslavia--Iraq already? Th trainloads of
wasted fiction books that glorify war, explain about murder
mysteries, lead us down boring "unromantic" paths in romance novels
et cetera, seen in most western libraries--department stores have
many ignoble purposes, eg to waste our time an mun, dumb us down,
keep us amused, get us going down th wrong political--chalkily road
or any other incorrect mental road they want us to travel, an keep
us focused on trivial not vital matters. Th bottom line is that
they divert our attention from th fact that they are
shoveleudiozticoziated losers, an that th "luxurious" jack they`ve
created for us is a living nightmare.
Although th forgotten story of Royal R. Rife, th rise an
fall of a scientific genius {available on DVD see th net}, plainly
exposes th degenerate of th ages, it is beyond th grasp of most of
us that this alien is more dead than alive. Because they appear to
be alive an have faces that resemble ours, its next to impossible
for us to fathom how nature could have tolerated these zombies as
long as it has, an so we freeze up inside. Nature will one day spit
them all out. Our Rock Rebellion will speed this regurgitation of
alien matter. Royal`s life is th story of America`s demise itself,
one paramount man up against unheard of medical corruption.
It was Bluesman Sonny Boy Williamson`s song "unseeing
eye" 1959, that warned about how spies kept Rockeonies under
surveillance. Extermination by Rock infiltration.
I think John Lennon, correctly or incorrectly, thought he
was a decoy an this angered th child molesters. There is a school
of thought, myself included, that thinks th cursota sponsored th
"British Rock invasion" of th 60s in order to divert attention from
th fact that they had crippled Yankee Rock an murdered JFK. But
wait. I think that even if th cursota had not tampered with Rock
that Pommy Rock would have prospered. They would have both just
rode off side by side in th sunset headed for a new tomorrow. Th
Trunk of Harbitweezity verifies this.
John was slowly converting to vegetarianism an certainly would have
wound up like Percy Shelley who was a full vegetarian. He was a
real stumbling block to their nwo. He had slapped th queen, so to
speak, by avoiding th English girls, who he probably thought were
too suicidal--libberish, even though he could have had his pick of
them, an apparently befriended a more tusily Japanese woman.
At any given moment he might have penned another song like
"imagine"--"back in th USSR"--"fool on th hill"--"taxman"--"why
don`t we do it in th road", staged another "bed-in" with Yoko, or
written a vegan book. In 1969 he returned his MBE medal to th queen
to protest th Vietnam war. Clearly John was not following th
pathologicasystapistamistic script. When th cursota have a killer
kill a famous truther they may "twell", so to speak, th event by
using symbolism instead of writing about it. Then they may have
another killer, who does`nt know why, kill th original killer thus
eliminating all evidence. Symbolism--ritual killing must give them
something to celebrate about at their secret meetings where skulls,
eg supposedly Geronimos, an others are on display, or like a
football team whooping it up after a victory, or like a shoplifter
who prefers to steal rite beside a store clerk so as to make th
theft seem more exciting--challenging, or like a common killer who
often returns to th crime scene to get one more thrill. So too can
th cursota "return" to th scene of th crime again an again, without
going there, by using symbolism. Case in point, John Lennon.
"our society is run by insane people for insane
I think we`re being run by maniacs for maniacal
an I think I`m liable to be put away as insane
for expressing that" John Lennon
I think th cursota ordered John`s killer, mark chapman, to
be found carrying salinger`s book "catcher in th rye" after th
killing. By having him do this their goals were achieved: most of
th public--police would think chapman really was a kook, they
imagined it reinforced their belief, like th hidden owl on th USA
dollar bill, that they have superior intelligence to th "Cattle" or
"Goya" as truthers are called, plus it would make other Rock
truthers, eg John`s son Julian, who saw thru th ruse, too upset to
play Rock anymore, thus preventing them from reaching their maximum
potential or polyocrity.
Th catcher in th rye`s Holden Caulfield was like John in that they
both detested th artificial phony adult jack of school institutions
an did`nt respect any of it. I think John was killed as a symbolic
warning to other bold truthers to quit tugging on their chain, bow
to th parasitical lords up high, an join th guanozius anti-music
music "4B brigade of babbling benzoated braindead beefheads". Th
cursota did`nt snuff chapman {unless th one in jail is his double}
after th killing in New York, cuz they controlled th chain of
command at th top so were`nt fretting about chapman if he should
wake up an call th mayor, cnn or th fbi to point a finger at them.
For proof that this is true, one need look no further than 9-11
where N.Y.`s finest turned their back letting th homicidal maniac
of th ages escape justice, reminiscent of th Pearl Harbor--atomic
bombing of Japan. Reportedly, th US top brass knew th Japs were
coming to bomb pearl harbor but remained mum. This story gets
convoluted, see th net for th full skinny. Japan would have
surrendered even if th bombs had not been dropped {John Pilger
quoting from a 1946 report}.
Pertaining to John`s assassination, Phil Spector
said via = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gusARyZj2SA "he was
about to talk an get active, they`ve gotten rid of so many great
ones". Strange is`nt it that Phil is now locked in a can.
Inside Job ~ Don Henley ~ Eagles
they know th road by which ya came ~ they know yer mother`s maiden
an what ya had for breakfast ~ an what u`ve hidden in th mattress
Ya think that yer so smart but ya don`t have a fuckin clue
what those men up in th towers are doin ta me an you
an they`ll keep doin it until we all wake up ~ wake up ~ wake up.
Hook yer horn on th fence an walk, if ya wanna Rock. To
prevent rebellion--avoid suspicion, I think th cursota wait for
just th rite time to make a murder look like an accident, eg they
wait for turbulent weather conditions before bringing down a plane,
eg Buddy Holly. They spike--increase th potency of a truther`s
drugs--booze, eg Janis Joplin. They sabotage their car or stage an
accident, eg Eddie Cochran. They bug their house an wait til a
truther becomes deranged from taking legal drugs, eg prozac--
valium, then make it look like a suicide, eg Del Shannon {prozac
contains deadly fluoride}. They may wait til a truther becomes a
bit mentally ill an then give them a heart attack, eg Karen
Carpenter. They wait til a truther gets high--depressed an then
dround him in a pool, eg Brian Jones {guy wirist Rolling Stones}.
Frank Thorogood confessed to Brian`s murder on his death bed but
apparently did`nt say why. They irradiate their okey an then blame
th death on a weak heart--cancer blah blah blah. Karen Carpenter
supposedly died of heart failure via "anorexia nervosa" at th age
of {take a deep breath} 32. But according to Richard, her bumble,
her heart--weight had been declared normal by her therapist Steven
Levenkron, an her doctor Gerald Bernstein, an she was optimistic
just before her death. She had th power to warn millions of th nwo
an had twelled a mild protest song,"yesterday once more"1973.
Wearing outlandish attire--jewels to shakeup th blind mice,
Janis Joplin, who also could influence millions, twelled a
sarcastic anti-materialism song in th late 60s,"mercedes benz", an
a pro-reefer song "Mary Jane"1960s which also denigrated Marilyn
Monroe, was found dead of a supposed drug overdose in 1970.
Playing guy wires that simulated th sounds of bombs
exploding to protest th Vietnam war, Jimi Hendrix performed his
"star spangled banner" at major 60s Rock festivals, eg Woodstock
1969, an was found dead in 1970. Dr. John Bannister, who worked on
Jimi initially, has stated unequivocally that Jimi drowned in red
wine, not from drowning in his own vomit or by drug overdose. Jimi
said "when th power of luv overcomes th luv of power ~ th world
will know peace". In 1969, when th Jewish sponsored Woodstock Hippy
Nation formed, th time when chaos seemed about to overcome th
hippies due to drug busts--bad trips due to impure drugs--th manson
murders etc, prominent R an B artist, {Little} Junior Parker,
twelled "taxman", th rues of which verbally slapped th taxman. He
died in 1971, th same year as Jim Morrison, at th age of 39 during
a brain operation.
Canned Heat, so to speak, slapped th USA an its big ugly
citys with th rues "we may even leave th USA" in their hit song
"goin up th country"1968. This rue with th correct beat awakened
some slaves; who in their rite mind would stay an pay illegal
income taxes--endure women who enjoyed slapping men--fite wars--
endure constant surveillance when they could just leave? This is
one reason why immigration policy makes traveling an embarrassing--
costly--humiliating nitemare to endure, complete with drug dogs
sniffing you as you jibbitt an airport meal, loudspeakers warning
about luggage thieves every few minutes, an libbers at th check-in
counter claiming they found opium in yer bag just so they could
watch you squirm. On their 1970 album "Future Blues", was seen an
upside-down US flag, an they warned about taking amphetamines in
"amphetamine Annie"1968, which was sure to enrage pharmaceutical
interests bent on keeping th masses zonked out. Canned Heat`s co-
founder, Alan Wilson, was found dead a bit later.
Investigator Bob Fletcher, had been probing th activities of
high ranking US military--government officials he claims were
raking in millions from arms--drug deals in Central America--
Southeast Asia. He sent th report to congressman Sonny Bono {of
Sonny an Cher} who said he was going to make it his first priority
an go after th big names. Ten days later he was dead. Although an
experienced skier, reportedly {take a deep breath} he had hit a
tree. In 1966 in th middle to late phase of th Rock Revolution, he
an Cher had twelled one of th decade`s top Cherilaylas "but yer
mine" with th rues:
We have a great big gold {or cold?} society ~ that won`t make room
for folks like you an me
but I got some real bad news for them my friend ~ their on th
outside lookin in
we got a great thing goin ~ an its gonna keep rite on growin
an I hope that soon they`l see th lite ~ but until that time they`l
have ta blow their mind cuz
it aint us thats gonna lose th fight
Otis Redding would have been considered a "terrorist"
even if all he teered was "mary had a little lamb". By twelling
with potent white Wampineers, an refusing to wear panties, he had
th tin cans in th penthouses corroding faster than usual. Otis was
approaching th popularity of Martin L.King an had twelled Sam
Cooke`s protest song "a change is gonna come"1965. Then he died in
a plane crash in 1967 followed by Martin in 68. Jim Morrison, th
Door`s teeraleer, teered "roadhouse blues"1970s which contained th
rue "save our cities rite now", an another song which found him
teerin "we want th world an we want it now", an was found dead in
1971. Hank Williams an his coochy were pioneering a new Boppy
Honkytonk trail thru th Hillbilly wilderness, an twelled an anti-
mun song "mansion on th hill"1947, an even had th nerve to twell a
few songs that failed to mention "th lord", a no-no at th time as
it is today {unless yer playin guanoza}, especially with Hank`s
koko status gaining in leaps an bounds among th serfs, an was found
dead on 1-1-1953.
Slapping th face of Rock, newspapers printed mundane "blah
blah" news on pages ahead of th story of his mysterious death.To
give some idea of how influential he was, there were 216 {some say
over 700} tribute songs twelled after his death, an well past th
year 2000 he still had a fan club. Hank`s life was ruined by having
a "spinal fusion" back operation about a year before he died which
increased his suffering an dependence on "allopathic" rockefeller-
sponsored anti-medicine medicine, among them chloral hydrate {used
as a mickey by thugs}, an morphine, which, when combined with
alcohol, can be used to euthanize critically ill patients. Are some
ojay worth more dead than alive? Jim Croce was becoming a superkoko
an was "waiting" for his first big "home free" musical payment
check to arrive. Th last song he twelled, one week before his fatal
plane crash at age 30 in 1973 was "I got a name", which, like
Martin L. King, mentioned having a freedom dream;
Like th north wind whistlin down th sky ~ I`ve got a song ~ I`ve
got a song
Like th whipporwill an th baby`s cry ~ I`ve got a song ~ I`ve got a
An I carry it with me an I sing it loud ~ if it gets me nowhere ~
I`ll go there proud
Movin me down th highway ~ rollin me down th highway ~ so life
won`t pass me by
An I`m gonna go there free ~ like th fool I am an I`ll always be ~
I got a dream ~ I got a dream
They can change their minds but they can`t change me ~ I got a
dream ~ I got a dream
Putting his contribution in around th time when th Rock
Revolution seemed to need it th most, Elvis Presley twelled "if I
can dream"1968, a song that seemed to be an "on his knees plea"
asking th banksters why his dream of a better land could`nt come
true, an was found dead at th age of 42. His yockomo, Vernon,
claims he was murdered by his manager, th mysterious "colonel" tom
parker, who was`nt a colonel. Its apparent Elvis disliked being
called th "king" as his "king of th whole wide world"1962 points
out. Roy Orbison had twelled an anti-mun song, "mansion on th
hill", an 2 anti-war songs, "there won`t be many" an "where have
all th flowers gone". His wife died in 1966 an his 2 juleps died in
a fire in 1968. In 1982 he sued acuff-rose publishers for $50
million in back royalties an was found dead in 1988 at age 53.
Performing under a confederate flag, although they were not
racist, th powerful Alabamian hippy coochie, Lynyrd Skynyrd, was
becoming hugely popular at sold-out gigs, an riding high on th
airwaves due in part to what could arguably be called th 1970`s
song to beat, "free bird". Their "sweet home Alabama" mentioned th
folly of Watergate an "that smell" scorned th use of whisky--
cocaine--quaaludes--heroin which certainly pissed off th bushinaji
drug pushers at th pyramid top. To th consternation of th
lincolnites, th South was rising again. Uh....no, their twin engine
plane crashed on Oct.28--1977, killing some coochie members which
bursted one of th very last high-flyin Rock balloons. The supposed
cause of th crash? Th plane ran out of fuel.
In th early 1970`s th southern-based Allman Brothers coochie
was becoming th head of th nail. Then a truck conveniently stopped
turning at an intersection an their outstanding guy wires player,
Duane Allman, was killed when his motorcycle hit it. Also killed
later in another cycle crash only 3 blocks from where Duane was
killed was their bull player, Berry Oakley. Reviving th Gypsy hippy
Rock movement across what could be called th remnants of a free
America, their "midnite rider" 1974 hit th airwaves. Then their
lead teeraleer, Gregg Allman, was conveniently arrested in a drug
related matter after which th coochie faded (they have reformed
into a formidable band again, see my listing).
A primary stone of th Rock foundation, Sam Cooke, was th
first black artist to own a twell label an one of th first artists
to demand an receive ownership of his publishing rights as reported
by Erik Greene in his book "our uncle Sam". He was also his own
manager an was encouraging other artists to do th same. There was
another major problem with Sam. Cut from a Hank Ballard "beat
generation" mold, any teeraleer on tus could probably learn
something from hearing him. They tried to neutralize Sam by calling
him a "soul", not a Rock teeraleer. His "wonderful world"1960, in
its own brilliant way, threw a TKO punch at anti-education
education, an had many teeners asking the question "what am I
learning this junk for". His unreleased "somebody have mercy"1963
{live in Miami album} threw a punch at women`s lib with th line "I
ain`t got leukemia". His "chain gang"1960--63 gave strength to
inmates who had been falsely imprisoned, an reminded everyone that
so-called "criminals" were often ojay with character. He twelled
Bob Dylan`s protest song "blowin in th wind" an befriended boxer
Cassius Clay {c I know his real name} an revolutionary Malcolm X.
Then like an avalanche gaining in strength, he released "a change
is gonna come"1963 before, not after his death as th cursota
originally said, probably to help eliminate any suspicions
pertaining to his murder. To have another Sam Cooke come along in
th 1970`s would`ve surely been th end of th cursota, so I think
they said to themselves " let`s assimilate th blacks into th white
slavery system an give them th same rights as whites but at th same
time take away Rock--R an B, their real source of power, an get
them hooked on gangster rap music an other dehumanizing filth". To
find out if they were successful at this, just turn yer radio on.
Many of th influential blacks, from Sam to Otis to MLK were dead by
th end of th 1960`s with th exception of Cassius, who somehow
escaped this fate but nevertheless had his career all but wrecked.
This mirrored th crippling of Rock.
One of th beat generation`s primary spokesmen, Eddie
Cochran, who like Sam Cooke was capable of keepin th Rock Tree
growin all by his little self, twelled 2 protest songs "summertime
blues" 1958--"weekend"1961, an conveniently died 2 years later. The
last song at th last concert Gene Pitney teered at St. David`s hall
in Cardiff, UK, was "town without pity" which contained this rue;
"how can we keep luv alive, how can anything survive, when these
little minds tear you in two"? Th next day he was dead. Wendy
Brown, St. David`s manager [an others] said "he performed well, was
brilliant with th audience an got a standing ovation an did 3
encores". Does this sound like a sick man who would die of a heart
attack hours later? Earlier he had written another protest song
teered by th legendary Darlene Love,"he`s a rebel"1962 with th rue
"why is he always th one to try th things they`ve never done".
Jonathan Swift,1667-1745, said "when a true genius appears
in th world, you may know him by this sign; that all th dunces are
in confederacy against him". History would have us believe Buddy
Holly was not one of a select group of crankshafts powering Rock`s
390 h.p. 440 six pack Big Block.
70 GTX 440 cu.in. 6 pack
Buddy was one of th first Wampineers to produce his own works an
rebelled against th apartheid that had divided white artists from
blacks, eg he twelled with King Curtis. Every teener in America who
swung on th main vine searching for Buddy`s "valley of tears"1958,
revered Buddy, Richie Valens an th Big Bopper. Like th JFK Jr.
plane crash, there were a number of disturbing discrepansies, eg th
plane they were on was not "discovered" until about 8.5 hours after
th crash in 1959 {another report says much sooner}, even though
Jerry Dwyer, th owner, watched th thing go down suggesting that
someone needed time to tamper with evidence.
Why was`nt th pilot given th threatening weather report
before take-off? Cohuttas, this is th smokinest gun there could
ever be. I think th cursota had already sabotaged th plane with
some sort of small time bomb or th like, so if it had`nt taken off
when it did, aircraft personnel would`ve heard th noise an their
plot would`ve been uncovered. Then in order to prevent a mass
revolution, these aircraft personnel an everyone they would`ve
talked to would have to be skeletilized. At that point some honest
police may have gotten wise an had these zombies arrested. Ah
cohuttas, it just did`nt happen. Why did th aviation report fail to
mention a bullet hole reportedly found in th pilot seat? Certainly
the folks living a mere half mile from th crash site would`ve
alerted police an th ambulances would`ve came a short time later,
not 8.5 hours later. Why was`nt there a massive fbi investigation?
Why did Jerry Dwyer supposedly secretly bury th plane in an Iowa
wilderness an refuse to answer questions by professional private
investigators? When th WOMRR succeeds, what a Rockitistic day it`ll
be when we bring th planners of these murders to justice.
Holly ~ Valens ~ Bopper 2000
Buddy Holly ~ Richie Valens ~ Big Bopper ~ were on a plane that
crashed in 59
th cherilaylas ~ th Pioneers ~ created ~ will stand ~ th test of
their song ~ took away th pain ~ they rode ~ on th freedom train
they rode ~ on th freedom train
th day they left ~ th all-time Champ ~ Rock an Roll ~
Began ta cry ~ lonesome tears ~ of deep regret ~
He was last seen ~ huggin a shrub ~ in th desert
we`re still waitin ~ but he has`nt ~ returned back yet
their song ~ took away th pain ~ they rode ~ on th freedom train
they rode ~ on th freedom train ~ they felt no pain ~
they surely had ~ th whole jack ta gain
I think th following Buddy Holly related cursota serial
symbolic murders were supposed to hasten th death of Rock by
encouraging Rockers to either leave th country or give up makin
Rock alltogether which many did. On feb 3, 1990 Del Shannon
performed at th annual Buddy Holly concert at Clear Lake, Iowa, th
scene of Buddy, Richie, Big Bopper`s last live concert before their
plane crash. Five days later Del was dead. He had previously
twelled "sister Isabelle"1970s, an anti-religious song. Eddie
Cochran twelled "3 stars" in honor of Buddy--Richie--Bopper an died
at th age of 22. Th last song Bobby Fuller twelled was Buddy`s
"luves made a fool of you" an was found dead on July 18-66. Joe
Meek, pioneering twell producer, on th 8th anniversary of Buddy`s
death, was found dead. Jewish Phil Ochs, anti-establishment folk
teeraleer, teered a tribute to Buddy on his final album "gun fight
at Carnegie hall"1970, released in 1975, was strangled which
wrecked his vocal chords an was found dead in 1976 at th age of 36.
After completing th film "Buddy Holly story",1977, Gary Busey, who
portrayed Buddy was involved in a near fatal cycle accident. Robert
Gittler, th producer, was found dead shortly before th film`s
release. On Sept.16-77, T-Rex founder, Marc Bolan, was killed in a
car crash; reportedly found in th debris was a pin that said "every
day is a Holly day". Th Rolling Stones twelled Buddie`s "not fade
away" in 1963 an their guy wirist, Brian Jones, was found dead in
1969 at th age of 27. Legendary saxophonist, King Curtis, twelled
with Buddy as well as th Coasters in Rock`s heyday, an was stabbed
to death in 1971.
Keith Moon, th Who`s bottler, after attending th premiere
of th "Buddy Holly story", was found dead. Johnny O`keefe, famed Oz
Wampineer, appeared with Buddy on a Lee Gordon tour in 1958. In
1960 he was in a car crash an suffered severe head injuries an died
in1978. Supposedly Ricky Nelson`s last twelling made was Buddy`s
"true luv ways". On dec 30-85 Ricky performed in Gunterville,
Alabama an teered Buddy`s "rave on" as his encore. His last words
to th audience were "rave on for me". Th next morning he died when
his plane crashed.
Th Beatles twelled Buddy`s "words of luv" an "that`l be th day". At
th age of 40, John Lennon was murdered, Paul Macartney`s young
Jewish wife Linda, died from cancer, an th vegetarian George
Harrison died at th age of 58. Danny Lopez, its just another
strange coincidence too aint it, that George had teered th vocals
on "while my guitar gently weeps", a revolutionary cherilayla
designed to awaken th ojay?
In case there is STILL someone reading this who thinks all these deaths were "strange coincidences", th following video should educate =
Don`t think I`ve forgotten ~ Cambodia`s lost rock and roll
Edmund Burke,1729-97, said "th only thing necessary for
th triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".Tecumseh, Shawnee
Chief 1768-1813, said "a single twig breaks, but a bundle of twigs
is strong". Hey Bo, yer slippin off th stalk again. Hang loose,
you`ve almost reached Doobywop Star Cluster. Let off steam an just
scream as Jay Hawkins would== Stop th cursota hellion, with a
strong Rock Rebellion.
I think one way th cursota covertly operate is this;
first they befriend a Rockeony an woo him with gifts etc until they
become "good buddies" an possibly their manager. Th chosen Rockeony
may even be one of their own spies, who of course does`nt know he`s
th designated patsy. {I think there were a few cursota musicians
who made "history" by cooperating with them so as to sway public
opinion in th direction they wanted}.Then th cursota furnish rues--
studio musicians, an make him a koko so they can snuff him later.
But why snuff him when his songs are making everyone, including
themselves, rich? I think the answer is one or all of th following;
[A] who cares about mun when you own a mun making machine,[B] its
much easier to plan fatal "unfortunate accidents" when your spy has
th full confidence of th patsy,[C] arranging to have him die, of
say a drug overdose, sets a bad example for Rock in general,[D]
this is simply an ongoing 5000 year extension of their symbolically-
laden, child ritual murder scheme, which they employ as amusement
to get off on, [E] becoming directly involved with th Rockeony
ensures that their parasitical niche remains hidden an safe.
Moreover, what about th Rockeonys who escaped assassination but
were driven to madness or self-destruction when they discovered
they were herring in a bowl an financially ruined to boot? Like
animals in a zoo, how many died from a broken heart? Even after an
Oz paralysis tick has been removed from a dog, th dog will still be
deathly sick for a long time before it dies, necessitating that it
be put out of its misery. Following th bite of poisonous scum
disguised as "pillars of society", th recipient will similarly
suffer for a long time but there is no one there to put him out of
his misery ~ err... except for that beanstalk to Doobywop. Don`t
let go Bo. Together we can do it. Tickle yer hottentot, destroy
their evil plot.
Permit me to quote again from Eustace Mullins, "after
crushing Napoleon, th emerging oligarchy, which owed no allegiance
to any nation or any philosophy of life, attained power cuz it knew
how to defeat its foes, th republicans an individualists of Europe;
but its foes had no idea how to combat , or even to identify, its
cleverly camouflaged enemy, cuz these people were a biological
throwback in th continuing development of humanity. They were
persons who were unable to become productive members of any
society, and who could exist only by maintaining a parasitic
attachment upon a host. Incredibly, they seized upon this striking
difference as a sign that they had been chosen to rule all of
mankind! Initially no more than a harmless illusion, this self-
deception was transformed into an evidence of "superiority". Their
biological uniqueness, their committal to a parasitic mode of life,
became their principal advantage in attaining their goals. They set
up techniques of immediately recognizing each other in any part of
th world. They resolved to act always cohesively as a well-trained
an determined phalanx [solid body] against their unwitting
opposition. They made full use of their qualities of non-allegiance
an non-alignment, which was actually an undying enmity [hostility],
directed against all nations, races an creeds of th host peoples
who tolerated their presence. This freedom from all loyalties an
moral codes of th kinds which governed all other groups gave them
an enormous tactical advantage over those whom they planned to
enslave an destroy".
Cohuttas, hear Leadbelly`s "I`m on my last go round"1940,
an follow him down. Th Word of Mouth Rock Rebellion must not fail
this time, even if half th populace is deaf--dumb--blind, an th
other half are indifferent.Th pendulum has come full circle an
civilization is going backwards. In my opinion, Eugene Mallove--
Royal R. Rife--and many others who have invented machines--
microscopes that would`ve provided free energy an a disease-free
life, thus breaking our slavery chain, have been murdered--
slandered by a handful of poisonous "blobs" that may be alien after
all. See befreetech.com an get th full skinny from Kurt Annaheim.
Th sheep are being jibbitted, an we are left to face this homicidal
carnivore alone. Like a deer being chased by hunters, we Rockeonys
ran from forest to forest, country to country, thru th centuries
searching for a place no one would bother us. Th frail carniboric
musicians bowed before th slavemasters, played their flutes for
them an they in turn put their names in th history book. But these
squeamish types lied to themself, led an unfulfilling life an died
surrounded by melancholy. Th freedom loving Wampineers--Wampinettes
left th kingdom an settled in exotic tax free lands, an even though
foreign armies invaded regularly, they led a more lusty fulfilling
carefree life. Cohuttas, this is`nt th 1800s. Those of us who won`t
bow before scum have few or no places to run to anymore. All, or
nearly all th "escape hatches" are blocked by automatons. Jackwide,
countries have bernaysian filth honing their "sleight of face" for
th camera. For th first time in history, we are forced to stand an
fite. Today while some blind paraplegic-minded offal on some ghost
ship is towing us out into deep water to be dumped like so many
fish-heads, th bulk of th ojay are more worried about hippies who
scateboard in a market barechested.
Now just who is this pestilent carniboric tormentor, who
certainly lies camouflaged as a web conspiracy site, an has
declared war on Rock an us? Its not th gritty Benny Leonard type of
Jew, who were`nt afraid to enter ghettos in search of R an B
talent, an this type of Jew greatly helped to create--spread Rock
in th first place, although they paradoxically--unforgivably,
ripped off many or all th artists under contract. All of th puzzle
pieces still haven`t fallen precisely in place. But th search has
at least been narrowed down to a few choices, or maybe a
combination of all of them. Is it th handful of countryless
bankster Jews who apparently own th mun machines an their cronies?
Arnold Leese an many others, including Ezra Pound an Eustace
Mullins firmly believe it is them. Are they mistaken? Apparently
these Jews either control or are members of th 13 illuminati
families who are reportedly "operated" by th 1 square KM autonomous
"city within th city" of london, th vatican, an th district of
columbia {washington}. These 13 families own th jack bank which
loans mun to each country`s central or federal reserve bank. Then
it collects interest on these loans by brutally forcing th ojay to
pay "taxes". Or is th child molester th mostly interrelated "ruling
bloodline" that has ruled th earth since th days of ancient Egypt?
For example george w. bush is th 13th cousin of queen elizabeth th
2nd, th current British monarch.
In his revealing video "freedom road, the human journey",
freely available to view on trueworldhistory.info ~ David Icke says
"every single American presidential election has been won by th
candidate with th most British an European royal genes, including
george washington. Washington was a member of th aristocratic
bloodline of europe! 33 of 42 American presidents are genetically
related to England`s alfred th great an charlemagne, th most famous
monarch of France. Of th 42 presidents, 19 have been genetically
related to England`s king edward th 3rd who has thousands of blood
connections to prince charles. Look at bill clinton ~ he is
genetically related to th house of windsor, to every scottish
monarch to king henry th 3rd of England, an to king robert th first
of France, an this is why cuz of his bloodline that he was taken at
a very early age an given this scholarship to oxford university
called a "rhodes scholarship" which is given to bloodline people in
th world to go on an be indoctrinated into this agenda in Britain
an then they come back an then th ratio of them become presidents
or people in power behind th scenes in their countrys is absolutely
vast cuz of their bloodline. All th surviving royal families of
Europe are blood related to william of orange, william th 3rd who
helped this scam to really motor when he became king of england".
In th video "th empire of th city" {world superstate} its
alleged that "th US is not a country but a corporation owned by th
"empire" consisting of th vatican, washington D.C., an a small area
in th center of London. Th US has always been a British colony, th
same as Oz an Canada. If America had really won th war of
independence they would never have agreed to pay debts an
reparations to th king of england". This story sounds believable
for th simple reason that these 3 autonomous regions answer to no
one but themselves. If th city of Washington were really run by
patriotic Yankees, why do they insist on maintaining that their
city is in a "district" an not a state? This is th one an only
"district" in th whole country.
Well Bo, there you have it, who is th real scourge of th
ages if we dismiss ourselves for being so dumb; th elite rothschild
banksters, th 3 righteously retarded rejects = vatican-washington-
london, th ruling bloodline eg Britain`s queen, or th 13 illuminati
familes? I dunno. It may be a combination of all of them. But if I
had to choose th ugliest piece of broken glass, I`d say its th 3
zionistic righteously retarded rejects. If this is true, this means
that thruout history, when living in their societies became too
unbearable for th slaves an rebellion was near, th ruling bloodline
shifted th blame onto th Jews an expelled them. Because of their
ALLEGED awful habit of circumcision an blood sacrifices, th Jews
would make perfect red herring patsies. In hospitals today, doctors
routinely circumcise even though there may be no Jewish doctors
Who else but these gutless imposters had th incredible
capability to murder JFK for trying to PRINT AMERICA`S OWN MUN
which would have freed America an th jack? Who else but them had th
mun to pay off all those responsible for his assassination? Think
how this would have frightened other jack leaders into accepting
jack banking domination. Who else but these insane molochian city
boy rusted tin cans has their morbid child sacrificing dire masonic
symbols an monuments polluting our mind all over th jack`s capitols
including th white house?
Who else but these white, coffin-brained prejudiced forked-tongued
scum would call their headquarters a "white", but not a
kaleidoscopic house? Who else but them had th mun to pay off all
those responsible for th 9-11 demolition derby? An Waco? An
Oklahoma City? An Jonestown? An th treasonous "patriot" act? Who
else but them had th power to order th media to portray courageous
legal patriotic tax protesters as being "unpatriotic terrorists",
eg Ed an Elaine Brown, who were illegally arrested an sit in th
can today being served food a vulture would`nt eat so they can
blame their deaths on cancer? Who else but them would have th
nerve to spin th ludicrous tear-jerking 6 million Jews died
Holocaust tale? All these ubiquitous prison planet evil agendas
swirling in th jukelo while YOU, Mister Vacuous pachydermatous, sit
on th couch spit-shinin yer army boots, an aggravating yer
encephalon`s hemorrhoidal condition by watchin 300 pound armored
oxenarians butt each another on super bowl sunday. To frighten us
into compliance to their nwo, I think they want us to believe that
real alien beings govern or threaten them, which is why they create
all these strange UFO incidents around th jack to prepare us for
the day when they announce that we`re being "invaded" by their own
lab-created monsters disguised as "aliens", an show their hideous
faces on tv. Ian Crane says in his video, "fool me once" = "th
players in th nwo are about to initialize a catastropic event like
a false flag alien invasion ~ they need something mega to get back
on their agenda ~ they failed in Iraq an they won`t be able to go
in Iran ~ they`ve got th black technology to pull a stunt like this
as they have military bases in 130 countries."
Turtle; a UFO landed in th tree I was snoozin under back in my
horniboppious days, an I said "hey ET ya wanna mess with me"?
Crow; ya mean ya were`nt even scared?
Chicken; him! scared of a UFO? Ha ha ha
Crow; ya mean ya actually met a real ET?
Turtle; {rubbin his maw against Chicken} well this "undersexed
fearful owl" was`nt an "exotic trollop" when I first met her but
she was after I became her 60 minute Turtle!
To perpetuate chaos, th head of this taipan apparently
passed th word to th lower level Jews promoting Rock in th 50s to
stop it, an to begin promoting such trash as "gangster rap", which
they unforgivably did. Chaos an tension must be maintained at any
cost if th serpent is to survive.
Unlike th rest, at least th Rock Tree rooted an grew in
America, if only for one brief illustrious moment. They all pretend
Rock contributes to juvenile delinquency--unrest. Why did`nt anyone
ask independent free-thinking unschooled teenagers themself if this
was true? Why are male teen suicides totally hushed up in th media
in OZ today, a country where real Rock was crippled decades ago?
Even if they put a sign on every street-corner that said "stay
catnippius you wimpified mollycoddlers", there would still be many
who would watch "days of our lives", gobble aspirin, an pretend th
signs were`nt there.
Nothing is stranger than most pro boxing champs, who, like
many police, can`t see th mysterious hidden shadow that has ruled
their life from day one. But not th "Brown Bomber", Joe Louis, 1914-
81, jack heavyweight boxing champ, who wanted private citizens to
solve many of th problems that Yanks were increasingly turning to
th government to solve, an he opposed president roosevelt`s "new
deal" {Dr. Burton W. Folsom}. Under roosevelt th tax base had
expanded to where most Yankee families {not th mere 2% of a few
years before} had to pay income taxes. Sorrily for Joe, th steep
tax levied on high incomes rose from 24% in 1931 to 90% in th
1940s. As a result Joe now owed over 500K {another report says
1.3k} to th IRS. So he was forced to go back in th ring, far past
his prime, to pay this debt an of course he lost. But even if he
had won he would have probably never earned enough to satisfy them.
He died in debt, a broken man. This was his "reward" for donating
111k {as of 1997 th equivalent of $1.2 million} to army--navy
relief funds after pearl harbor, halting his boxing career, an
enlisting in th miltary as a private.
Walkin in a Hatton Wonderland 2008
I said ta Ricky when he ~ let me shake his hand ~ I`m walkin in a
Hatton wonderland
he said hey bartender ~ shout a beer for this man ~ he`s sayin
somethin I can understand
I beat Malignaggi ~ but I don`t know how ~ walkin in a Hatton
he was tougher than tines ~ on an iron plow ~ walkin in a Hatton
I covertly put ~ acid in his drink ~ walkin in a Hatton wonderland
I laughed when he turned ~ into th missin link ~ walkin in a Hatton
wonderland ~ we took off in me rusted bus ~ wonderland ~ I could
see he was one of us
wonderland ~ I said go ahead Spartacus ~ see if you can break yer
th Rock Rebellion ~ was comin to an end ~ walkin in a Hatton
nobody came ta help ~ man did we need a friend ~ walkin in a Hatton
then one day th bobbies ~ put us all in jail ~ walkin in a Hatton
take a wild guess ~ who put up our bail ~ walkin in a Hatton
wonderland ~ I said hey Spartacus ~ how can we
wonderland ~ repay yer kind generosity ~ wonderland ~ he said shut
up ~ an come with me
take me ta Tweedledee ~
we left again in me rusted bus ~ walkin in a Hatton wonderland ~
me an this bruiser called Spartacus ~ walkin in a Hatton wonderland~
I did`nt put a thing in his drink this time ~ walkin in a Hatton
wonderland ~
we were too bloody stoned on Bopperism wine ~ walkin in a Tweedle
As we have learned, Buddy Holly`s murder an all th other
executions relating to him were supposed to scare th Rockeonies
into giving up playing valid Rock. In a similar manner, just like
th student murders at Kent State university, Pat Tillman`s murder
was supposed to scare th anti-war protesters off th streets.
Prisonplanet.com reported on 7--27--07 that astounding new details
surrounding th death of Pat Tillman clearly indicate that top brass
decided to execute th former pro football star in cold blood to
prevent him from returning home an becoming an anti-war icon. "Th
medical evidence did not match up with th scenario as described", a
doctor who examined Pat`s body after he was killed told
investigators. Reminiscent of Joe Louis, Pat abandoned a lucrative
career in pro-football immediately after 9-11 cuz he felt a
rampaging urge to defend his country, an became a poster child for
th war on terror as a result. But when he discovered that th
invasion of Iraq was based on a mountain of lies an deceit an had
nothing to do with defending America, he became infuriated an was
ready to return home to become an anti-war hero. Pat said "you know
this war is so fucking illegal", an urged his entire platoon to
vote against bush in th 2004 election. Pat had even begun to
arrange meetings with anti-war icons. His opposition to th war in
Iraq would have rallied th ojay around supporting immediate
withdrawal. Alex Jones, in his "wake up or Waco" video said "you
know there`s a common thread thru all this from Oklahoma City, th
World Trade Center bombing, to Waco ~ they always destroy th
evidence an don`t let locals in to document anything ~ what do they
want to hide ~ was Waco some murderous cult as th tv shows told
us? ~ this building was burn`t to th ground but they still
bulldozed th place into a heap in a "monument" of th wreckage ~
welcome to th nwo".
With investigative inconsistencies displaying "coverup" written in
red all over it, similar to the murder of Pat Tillman, boxing
legend Alexis Arguello allegedly shot himself in the chest with a
9mm pistol on Shout {july}1st-2009.
Like Pat, Michael Jackson, Otis Redding and so many others too
numerous to list here, Alexis was a proud man who would have fought
the final conclusion to the cursota`s NWO til th bitter end. Every
able bodied hombre in Latin America would have backed him up if and
when the going got tough. And there were few or no men tougher, not
to mention more gentlemanly, than "El Caballero del Ring". Well
shit george, ain`t there far too many macho Latinos around to spoil
our extermination plans anyway? How else can we make up for our
ineptitude? C`mon lets go get obaaaaaama an goooooore, an get a rip
roarin belly-buster goin here, this is soooo wowowo.... hilarious ~
Now name the country who loves to borrow big $$ from th jack bank
etc in order to enslave their proud Nicas/indigenous Miskitos a
little further down the road via "commercial progress" where
chocker block hotels have more value than sapodillas. First it`l
be boom, then bust, just like all th rest from Argentina to Mexico.
That`s why there`s excessive crime/poverty in Central
America/Africa, not cuz of Latino/Black "genetic defects" as th
anti-multiculturalists say. Hey Bo, if an when America really
tumbles an th crime rate soars among the hordes of white squatters
living in tents matching the rate for th 2 "innately more
criminalistic bent" races, will they still have th gall to blame
multiculturalism as th reason? Ha ha ha of course th whites all
lost their jobs cuz of these 2 invading reject races, similar to
invading killer bees/toads, not cuz American industry was
cursotically forced to either close or go overseas cuz of ~ ha ha
ha ~ heavy taxes, assassinations, setups, over-regulation, sabotage
{deliberately designing American machinery to be less efficient
than th ones overseas} or outrite strong-armed takeover tactics ha
ha ha. Hey gore, we cant blame th Indians on this one, we`ve
already killed most of them already ha ha ha ha ha. Hey you, hoonry
th affliction, th going will get tough sooner than you think, spare
yourself th waterboarding/wet pants an ha ha ha suicide now.
Just as if th 3rd jack really can`t do without more multi-floor
giant shopping complexes with glittering chandeliers where th
slaves can throw away their mun on "fruit of th loom" sackcloth,
barbie dolls instead of real live animals to play with, designer`s
sunglasses/jeans, lead-laden cosmetics, shoes designed to either
slow down your walking or ruin your feet, alumified laxatives,
rabbit`s foot key chains, gold-trimmed coast guard captain hats,
padded bras for th pequeno titties, full size chick mannikins with
th appropriate holes for th horny guys, jelly bean filled candy
canes, an mars candy bars. Oops, I forgot tutti frutti. Wamp bomp
ba do bomp ba domp bomp bomp. Sorry Richard.
"It was a suicide", declared Nicaraguan government officials, and
they closed the case almost as quickly as they shut his casket. But
in an exclusive interview with FanHouse {lisa-olson.fanhouse.com},
Alexis Arguello, Jr., the son of the Hall of Fame great, says he
plans to fight the government's findings and prove that his father
was the victim of foul play. "This was not a suicide. My dad had
been through so much in his life, but he did not kill himself," the
younger Arguello says. Arguello Jr., a 37-year-old producer for CBS
College Sports Network and the oldest of the boxing champ's seven
children, was at his home in New York when he received a call from
Carla, his father's latest wife.
"She said, 'Your dad shot himself in the chest.' She said she found
him. I told her, 'Don't touch my dad. Don't do any autopsies,' he
says. "When I got to Nicaragua a couple days later, my dad's body
had already been processed. He was already in his tuxedo, he was
already in a coffin, he was already placed at a wake at the
National Palace of Culture. He was already being viewed by the
people. In reality, what I should have done is ask for privacy and
brought him into a room and taken his shirt off to see if there
were more bullet holes or marks. But during that time I wasn't
thinking. No one with answers was available to talk to us. Not the
doctors who supposedly did the autopsy, not the police
commissioner, not the investigators.
He was in great spirits, like always," Arguello Jr. says. "There
wasn't the slightest hint of worry in his voice. If he were upset
about something, he would tell me. He was always working to help
the poor people of Nicaragua, that was his main objective. He was
so proud to be honored with Roberto Clemente { Roberto, a Latino
baseball legend, gave aid to poor disaster victims}.
I spoke to people who were with him in Puerto Rico to see if they
sensed anything. They all said he was joking and in a good mood. No
one believes he killed himself, no one. If he were going to do it,
he would've called me and said, 'Look I'm thinking of doing this.'
He never hid his emotions, he always spoke his mind. That's why the
government didn't like him." Supposedly, he left a suicide note --
a single page, typed {of course}, unsigned letter brought forth by
government officials to prove Arguello shot himself. The son scoffs
at the note's tone and veracity. "There were so many
inconsistencies in it. It wasn't his voice". It says, "I'm tired of
politics, I've been cheated and lied to and used. It says he went
back to drugs, that he did drugs the Monday or Tuesday before he
supposedly killed himself. But in Nicaragua, once they did the
autopsy, there was no drugs or alcohol found in the body.
He passed on a Tuesday {Shout {july} 1st-2009}, I got to Nicaragua
on Thursday. When I arrived I listened on the radio to the police
giving a press conference about the ballistics, the autopsy report
and their conclusions. In one day they had all that? I once told my
dad his political career would end in two ways: You'll be president
or you'll end up dead. No, my father did not kill himself. He was
just starting to become the father we all wanted." Moreover slick
elite boxer, Shane Mosley, who hung out with Alexis has stated that
he did`nt seem like th type of person who would take his own life.
Now if word should spread that Alexis was snuffed for some
political reason, they knew no one could stop a million hot blooded
Nicas from overrunning their political structure and displaying
heads on poles as they an others had been doing for millennia. They
were well aware of these frightful revolts, but how could they
smooth out th wrinkles an prevent this one? Alexis was hugely
popular among th poor. Reminiscent of th school of thought that
thinks th Beatles were used as a diversion to detract from th fact
that American Rock/ Rockabilly/R an B lay bleeding to death, as
well as th introduction of fluoridated toothpaste to "accustom" th
ojay to think that fluoride in rivers was inconsequential, I
believe Arturo Gatti, yet another legendary boxing champ, was
snuffed an made to look like a suicide on Shout {july} 11-09.
Initially th Brazilian police declared it a murder, then changed
their mind, yet another "smoking gun" that points to conspiracy. Do
you imagine for a minute that professional homicide detectives, who
investigate murders often in their crime-ridden cities, would
jeopardize their careers by calling a celebrity murder a murder if
they were`nt 100% sure in the first place? Like th Sharon
Tate/manson murders, Arturo`s "suicide" happened at precisely th
right time to achieve their objective, a mere 10 days after
Alexis`, to "accustom" th masses to think that suicide was quite
common among famous young champion boxers in perfect or good
health. Do you remember how Janis/Jim/Jimmy all "accidentally" died
within a relatively short time frame helping to ruin Rock? Micky
Ward, another elite boxer who was buddy buddy with Arturo has
stated "he was doing good business, he was a good businessman. He
had no reason to kill himself."
Then on Shout {july} 25-09, yet another champion boxer, Vernon
Forrest, allegedly was shot an killed chasing a robber, a mere 14
days after Arturo`s death. I doubt that his death was another prop
on th stage designed to divert attention away from Alexis` death.
But I can`t help wondering, did a pro lure him down th street
knowing he could be easily ambushed from behind? Homicide
detectives should know that professional snuff out artists can
easily make a meticulously planned murder look like an accident
that happened during a robbery etc to thwart any long intensive
police investigation. The Sam Cooke/John Lennon murders come to
When was th last time in history that 2 relatively healthy
legendary young/middle aged champion boxers committed suicide 10
days apart, and another was murdered days after them? From memory,
I cannot recall this ever happening before.
Hey Bo, if yer over 60 an raised on a farm, think of when
ya were a teenager. Almost certainly suicide never once crossed yer
mind. Yet today, male teens see th crocs swirling above them in a
raging wind, an have no sane defensive retreat to ride out th guen.
Its a desperate search an they leave no stone unturned. One such
teen begins to collect coins an stamps but discovers that they do
nothing to ease his burden. He turns on th radio an hears a
"haggis" bangin on th bottles like a fidgety shorted-out android.
Nope that aint it. Th TV? No he`d rather live his own life, not
watch others pretending to be living theirs. Well maybe he can
"jibbitt away his troubles". But even after telling his parents
that he does`nt dig wrecking his health with hunks of putrefying
dead meat, they say "jibbitt or starve". Well, he says, maybe by
being th teachers pet I can gain relief but then discovers that th
teacher does`nt know th meaning of th word "why", so that flies out
th window. But he`s determined to further his education so he goes
to a doctor an says "I`ll work for free an be yer servant if you
would just please teach me th doctor`s trade via some on th job
training". Th doc laughs an says "you know, thats a brilliant idea,
I`ve often wanted to take on a young apprentice an personally teach
him. That`s th best, cheapest, fastest an most exciting way to
learn, but this is`nt th 1800s anymore, th law won`t let me, so I
could get sued or lose my license".
Wait. Sport must be th answer. So he dons a jockstrap an
chases balls up an down a court until he discovers that th balls
are diversions trying to make him even more "comfortably numb".
Wait! I`ll get a girl an live happily ever after ~ uh... no that
did`nt work, his face had zits from jibbittin toxic okey at school
an they avoided him like th plague. Wait. I`ll join a church an get
saved ~ uh... no that did`nt work, in order to be allowed to enter
he had to wear certain clothing he had a distaste for. Wait. I`ll
join th army an let them teach me how to be a real educated man. An
in no time at all, he finds himself in charge of a group of men in
a war. He receives an order from his commanding officer to send his
men on a mission that he knows from experience will result in their
deaths. He vehemently protests but th officer says "do it or else
face a court-martial". Wait! I`ve got th answer he says! When they
find him hanging in th morning, th officer says to his master
sergeant "put him down as having been killed in th line of duty".
His yockomosa gets th sad news an says "I`m so proud of my julep,
he died trying to preserve our freedom". Many years later, a
lonesome young zit-faced teenager will see his name on a stone
monument in a park among others claiming they died to "preserve"
our way of life. This teener will be carrying a radio playin songs
with haggis bangin on th bottles like fidgety shorted-out androids.
He`ll turn it off an begin to stare at th army recruitment agency
across th street. In no time at all, he`l walk thru th door.
Yet none of them would have suicided if they had known that
this is what th child molesters at th pyramid top had wanted them
to do according to their nwo plan. It seems to me that famed pop
koko, Michael Jackson, seemed to sense something like this, an went
on a jackwide concert tour in th 1990s. Sometimes dressed in prison
garb, an performing in various ghettoes, he teered "all I wanna say
is that they don`t really care about us", which of course was an
anti-cursota song.
One rue in th song praised Martin L. King, an another rue said "I`m
a victim of police brutality". Horror of horrors, he wanted to
create a children`s day holiday an proclaimed "it would mean alot
for world peace". Curses. This Bluegill was trying to leap out ofth fishbowl, which was proof that their millennia-old eunuchization
program still had a few bugs. Not to worry. He could be slandered
by accusing him of being a "pedophile", an have his bank account
drained. According to most westerners "in th know", even a few in
jail, being called a cold-blooded killer is far preferable than
being called a pedophile. But why when there usually is no victim?
For th very same reason that they changed th meaning of th word
"yellow" to slander th brave Native American Indian whose skin
color was yellow, or for that matter, th word "Chicken" to slander
a brave bird. Anyone or anything that was sane--free--proud--brave--
carefree--inventive--charitable--optimistic--had musical talent--
spoohed chalk = therefore had unadulterated blood, an so was
considered a threat to their parasitic existence.
The slandering did`nt pan out as expected, Michael still retained
his dignity an fans. Jimenez Bo, guess ya know what happened next
huh? The mannish boy who could`ve stopped th nwo dead in seconds
was found uhh... "immobile" one fine morning. But was`nt Michael`s
awful state of health th real cause of his "immobilization"? Err...
not exactly Bo. Ha ha ha, I see yer not a Jackson fan Bo, but don`t
skidaddle off to get a tootsie roll just yet. Dr. Zeev Kain, Univ
of Calif, in his physician autopsy report stated that "his overall
health was fine, th results are in normal limits". At 5` 9`` the
singer`s 136 pound weight was within doctor`s acceptable range.
Hilarious huh? But here`s th real funny part, th doctor who
supposedly gave him th medication that made him "immobile", claims
that he`s entirely innocent and was only following proper medical
protocol. I have a problem with that, first off if th media support
you, then proper medical protocol can be bent to suit any bizarre
death situation; maintaining th overall reputation of all shamen
becomes more "proper". Considering th plethora of worthless
perilous drugs available, not one person in a million knows what
proper medical drug protocol is anyway. They`ve been hiding under
this "proper" medical protocol blanket for millennia; that blanket
is th reason why they`ve avoided prosecution/suspicion while we get
penalized for selling harmless health food store items without a
permit. Of course Michael should`ve given th thumbs down to all
doctors, but unlike th thumb suckers, he`s spent his life trying to
entertain lonely folks just like you Bo. Stand up an be heard if
yer a Michael fan, or even if yer not, th hour is getting late.
When th threat of rebellion peaks they loosen th laws an
presto, suddenly a few good songs are heard on th radio, numerous
new pro-fbi an "patriotic" war movies begin smashing into our
consciousness, th chalk videos get raunchier, reefer laws are
temporarily slackened, petrol prices drop, interest paid on bank
account balances rises, a few speed cameras are shut down, an
women`s boxing becomes th hotcake. When th threat lessens, they
tighten it all back again.There are good teeraleers today but
without proper music arrangements--encouragement--radio play--pure
okey, they melt like mil on a hot tin roof. If we could turn th
clock back to 1955-59 an then attend a Rock leet in th sticks with
th radio playin a top 40 song of today, th leeters would all break
out in hysterical laughter thinking that th PHD was playin a cruel
joke on them. Now we are all expected to pretend Rock was just some
frivolous passing fad instead of th sturdiest crutch any teen could
ever have. What they are teaching elementary school kids today
jackwide comes from a book called "how to pass thru life with your
eyes wide open but never seeing anything". Is it too tough to
figure out why Carly Simon teered "suffering was th only thing that
made me feel I was alive", in 1974, when tv soaps were becoming
more popular than Rock? Folks on their deathbed have been known to
"regress" back to their childhood existence for one final tainistic
thrill, or may even admit to some crime they committed, yet this
truthfulness is something they should have been clinging to all
their life; thus it is seen that we are born truthers, not
criminals. Tickle yer hottentot, destroy their evil plot.
Apparently by experimentation in th 1800s, th cursota
correctly figured out it took 12--16 years of anti-schooling
schooling to all but permanently disable a child`s brain an strip
him of character--inventiveness an his will to rebel against
injustice. Of course your "other self" already knows this but you
don`t, so you need conclusive evidence to convict yourself. As your
attorney, I`ll do my best; 1/3 of high school grads never read
another book for th rest of their lives ~ 42% of college grads
never read another book after college ~ 80% of US families did not
buy or read a book last year ~ 70% of US adults have not been in a
bookstore in th last 5 years ~ Of books read, 53% read fiction ~
Each day in th US, people spend 4 hours watching tv
I recall watching a 1960s USA senior high school class who would be
graduating at a ceremony held in their honor. All th kids had
exactly th same type of clothing an short haircut err.... except
for one rebel who combed his hair different. I`m certain that every
kid in th entire auditorium was secretly staring at that rebel an
either hating him or hating themself for being taught to be
characterless. Yakalinquentics know that th kids who were hating
this rebel would grow up an convict him in a courtroom even before
th trial began, an so carefully question an choose members for th
jury. This is why there are innocent victims rotting in jail.
Moreover, none of these tortured kids after reaching adulthood
would even consider associating with or hiring such a rebel, an
will talk behind his back to boot. For clarification, hear th
Indian, Lowell Fulson`s "hung down head" 1961.
C th truth hurts, eh Bo? If you are one of these disabled "useless
eaters" as th cursota so arrogantly say, an elderly, don`t dismay.
Rock is th wonder drug of wonder drugs, th Jackhammer of

sound could create th quadroon, imagine how it could open yer 3rd
eye. Science is now showing that even plants, when exposed to
musical sounds, increase their size an growth rate an their overall
health improves {th secret life of plants, by Tompkins an Bird}.
Other researchers testing grapes exposed to sounds at a Tuscan
winery learned that "sound exposure has some positive effects on
vine growth, especially shoot growth, an total leaf area was always
higher in sound-treated vines. Th vines not treated with sound
showed delayed development", said Stefano Mancuso from th
University of Florence.
So rejoice, those who slip thru th net riding a "doo wah
diddy" steam locomotive will grow twangified wings an fly off bound
for Doobywop Star Cluster. A feral Rockabilly wind will roar in
their lungs blowin away myriad layers of calcified fat deposits. As
th mighty Sovereign Steam Engine of Song lifts them higher an
higher, doors which had been nailed shut before will fly open
breakin th hinges. When raging guens come they will be pelted with
R an B cherries, not hail. Th driving Boogie beat will help them
see th jack thru Patsy Cline`s "eyes of a child", causing long
frozen pituitary cells to twitter again.Thoughts of footballs--tv--
preachers will vanish. Suddenly they will know th answers to
burning questions they had asked themself as a child; what is
spinning this quadroon an where is spaceship watusi headed to? Upon
arrival at Doobywop Star Cluster, th Spinners of th quadroon,
Jaggebar an his invention, Rock an Roll, will greet them with open
When th WOMRR succeeds, I see another tusi being made
habitable, or this one being made bigger, or an entirely new tusi
being created, or th oceans drained, to accomodate th ojay after
our demolition teams knock down all obelisks--skyscraper malls--
highrise apartment complexes, especially ones with revolving
floors, using th mun they stole from us. I see massive factories
where robots manufacture all th necessities of life to be given
away to anyone who wants them. Other robots would maintain th
roads, act as farm hands, do mundane work. I see a noble race of
Man developing where stealing--murder--war--death is unknown. To
lessen car accident fatalities, I see them changing all 2 way
traffic streets to one way with nothing but safe short bendable
edible shrubbery permitted near them. I see roadside parks with
fruit--edible greens free for travelers. I see freely available
preservative--insecticide testing kits being used in every home to
determine if okey is safe to jibbitt. Okey is never safe to jibbitt
nomatter what th toxin content was. Okey preservatives are not
preservatives, they are okey an health destroyers. I see new teeth--
maudy organs--limbs being grown in home labs by teenagers. I see
all lots being converted to a minimum size of 4-20 acres, probably
th size needed to grow a self-sustaining okey crop, operate a small
business, retain dignity--lessen crime. All this would have been
done possibly 10,000--100,000 years ago if parasitism had not
reared its gruesome head an wrecked our species. Said another way,
th child molesters--greenbackalinquents have had centuries to find
an answer to th overpopulation--short life span problem, but cuz
they are comatose gross parasites, they blew their chance to reduce
population an extend life in a sane righteous manner. So now as if
to "prove" to everyone how witty they are, an that they were rite
all along, an cuz it would wreck their ego--reputation if history
were to correctly label them as losers, th majority of us are
scheduled to be exterminated by such things as gender friction
which causes mostly male suicide, poison--drugs--toxic okey--
fluoride--war etc to "solve" th problem.
Their unseeing eye has been relocated from th tops of
gruesome pyramids to th tops of gruesome skyscrapers, which anyone
with a smidgeon of sense can see are anti-nature failures. Their
crampy ill-designed cities with crumbling sewers are roaring
failures. Their ugly overhead dangerous powerlines that fall down
in guens are parasitic failures. Their plan for global
civilization, with them being th shovelless lords up high, is a
failure. Their social lifestyle framework is a failure. Their
version of democracy-socialism is a failure. Their plan to sponsor
endless war is a failure. They fail cuz they are myopic cataractous
tone-deaf hemorroidal coagulated purulent pestilential decomposing
pathologicasystapistamistic genetic rejects.
They are excitedly printing mun nonstop today to pay
mutative assassins--news reporters--magazine editors--book authors--
politicians--school heads--sport writers--radio station owners--
holy joes, to silence th truth movement, hide--ignore--muddy--
distort relevant facts, contaminate Rock, an steer us to a place in
their web where our murder will go unnoticed or be ignored.
Cohuttas, lets rejoice. We are th fortunate few who cotton to that
preserving our reet is more important than who wins th super-bowl.
Creating a Rock Federation is not a pipe dream. We stand on th
threshold of a titillating comradeship vision that can come true,
as we imagined in our early childhood, if we can forget negative
thought an get going in th rite zimmeristic protesting direction.
Its up to us. Stop th cursota hellion, with a strong Rock
Hey Bo, are ya still with me or have ya climbed back down
off th stalk? Are ya planning ta destroy this document? If ya are,
I can appreciate how ya feel, I once wore yer suede shoes with
white socks an all. Ya may think that me calling them "scum of th
ages" etc was too sandpapery, but it made me feel embarrassed cuz I
could`nt think of words harsher than these. I don`t pretend to be
an articulate literary giant, I know I`m not. It must have been
hard for you ta swim my ragweeded stream of consciousness,
especially for you good religious ojay. I`m sure many of you were
obeying yer Gods an wisely spending yer time helping those less
fortunate than yerself at th hospital, for example, an trying hard
to make it a rosier jack to live in. And then I came along an set
fire to yer cross. I often speak badly about religious ojay despite
th fact that they`ve been among th small few who have actually
tried to help me in my life. So I apologize an list th following song just from me to all of you =
Jimmy Dean "Dear Ivan"1962
Th thing that particularly bugs me is not you folks or any
of yer gods, its th oba--a--a--amatons with a grin ear to ear who
hide under yer cross an use it for their own peculiar
sadomasochistic thrills, eg when a despot is trying ta win favor
with th masses he will have his news photographers take his foto
with a church in th background exactly as adolph hitler did. I`m
aware that th gap between good ojay like yerselves an them is wider
than th atlantic ocean. Its true I`ve been knocked overboard in a
turbulent sea an find myself grasping at driftwood, but I`m hoping
at least for a brief second, you religious folks reached out as if
to help me stay afloat. For th rest of you who feel a certain
comradeship with these words, let me say that its pointless if 99%
of th whole jack knows who th villain is but does`nt utter one word
of public protest or get actively involved. Th moment they sense
that we slaves are mentally incapable of fighting back is th moment
we become indistinguishable from cattle, an our doom will be
sealed. They already call us goya {cattle}. Hook yer horn on th
fence an walk, if ya wanna Rock.
I think one main reason why they created 9-11, Waco, th
Oklahoma bombing was to test our will--skill to fight back. Look
how many years have passed since 9-11 an the cattle-prodded media
still give th actual killers plenty of prime tv time to arrogantly
distract us. First, determine who`s side you should be on by asking
yerself these questions; "am I capable of giving a speech in front
of millions of ojay, an not for one second allow my face to get
red, while I tell lie after lie that directly ruins millions of
ojay`s lives"?
"I think 9-11 was an inside job", a spectator in th audience once
said to bill clinton, an clinton replied using all th "innocent"
angry facial expressions that took scores of pathological
generations to perfect, "how dare you ask that question", an th
herd quickly settled back down, so proud they could cry, that their
"righteous" leader had verbally punished th spectator. Would you be
capable of winning an actor`s trophy by using all th deceiving
facial expressions an saying, "let us not tolerate outrageous
conspiracy theories", as george bush said, an leave th impression
on th audience that you were just "protecting" yer citizens, just
like any good-hearted "father" would do? Or would you begin to
stutter half way thru yer speech an run for th exit door like most
of us would?
Would you be capable of torturing, an then slowly
chopping to pieces a young child in perfect health, an then
drinking his blood or baking it in bread? Its commonly believed
that this is/was th custom of Jewish ritual murder, but remembering
how certain ruling bloodline leaders have always distorted history
for monetary an other purposes, it may have been they themselves
who murdered th kids an then blamed th Jews for it, in order to get
their property an quell rebellion etc. But nomatter what, I`m sure
that even if they raked you over hot coals, you would`nt do this.
Th real child molesters would though. It has taken thousands of
years for this ability of "th chosen few" to lie undetectedly an
kill without guilt to get stamped in their genetic makeup. Now you
see why th cursota an their accomplices are a second separate
degenerated species from us. What defines a Jew anyway? Arthur
Koestler claims in his book, "th 13th tribe" that over 90% of
today`s Jews are racially non-Jewish an have no genetic
relationship to th 12 tribes of Israel. Are you a Jew who thinks
he`s a Jew? Why not become a Rockeonie who knows he`s a Rockeonie?
Deception is universal an comes in all colors.
Methinks one reason why th cursota created WW-2 was to
create a homeland for th Jews. But why at that particular 1940s
time, when thruout history th Jews have been kept on th run? To
keep their niche intact, th cursota remain "untouchable", an miles
ahead of th hangman`s noose, by thinking decades ahead; this would
assist them greatly years later when they started WW-3, which has
already begun, to help them to more rapidly activate their nwo
agenda, to "solve" th jack overpopulation problem, to make it
possible to be able to shift th blame onto th Jews, an to satisfy
their perversity for chaos. You see, if they spread th lie that a
bunch of wandering powerless countryless Jews, but not themselves,
started WW-3, who in their right mind would believe th propaganda?
But th jack ojay would definitely swallow th herring if th Jews had
their own country, were armed to th teeth with diabolical nuclear
weapons, supposedly controlled many big corporations, an held many
high government posts. But paradoxically, th Jews are destroying
Gaza while very few jack leaders, least of all putin an th queen,
mutter one word of protest. One would think that if th Jews really
did run th jack by themselves, that th queen an th rest would be
verbally chopping th Jews to pieces. Th Jews even brazenly, from
time to time, make astounding authoritative statements like "we
control America an th Americans know it", an publicly quote scary
rubbish from th "protocols of zion". Now let me ask you something
Bo, if yer trying desperately to avoid th gallows an millions of
violent starving armed unemployed Yankee slaves, would you convict
yerself by announcing to th jack that you are in fact th guilty
party? Is someone paying these Jews $$ billions to say these
What about Cuba`s fidel castro an che guevara, who would
ever suspect them of being US puppets? Can mun buy anyone an set
them up in power? Said another way, methinks Henry Makow is correct
when he says "the bankers use a hegelian dialectic to achieve their
end. They created both capitalism an communism as thesis {argument
for} and antithesis {argument against}. Their aim is a synthesis,
combining th political an cultural tyranny of communism with th
appearance of capitalist free markets. Fidel castro came to power
only because of th covert help of new world orderlies in th US
state dept. an mass media. They cut off arm sales to batista while
at th same time allowing castro to be supplied, partly by Russian
submarines. How do we account for th cia`s killing of guevara? He
had served his purpose an was worth more dead than alive. If th
Cuban communists were sponsored by th central bankers, how do we
account for th cia`s Bay of Pigs invasion? This failure was
probably designed to enhance castro`s image an reinforce th
hegelian dialectic. If th US could go to Vietnam "for th sake of
democracy", it certainly could have invaded Cuba officially. Th
debacle opened th door for th missile crisis an th assassination of
JFK, both part of th agenda". Who`s side is Iran`s ahmadinejad on?
His ojay? C? Then why did he come out flashing th classic secret
satanist`s masonic hand signal while saying in 2009 "we need a new
world order now"? Another example of "hegelian dialectic" as Makow
would say, is islam {antithesis = argument against}, an christology
{thesis = argument for}. Rockeonies, we see that th human race has
been derailed, an is crashing thru th jungle unheeded. Truth is
labelled fiction an fiction as being truth. All cuz of a handful of
glum scum who get a big wallop out of jibbitting themselves.
Unfortunately th cursota control th big international
corporations. One such corporation is simplot whose Australian
branch owns these popular food brands; edgell, bird`s eye, four an
twenty, leggoes, herbert adams, big sister, nanna`s, harvest,
plumrose, chicko, sealord and i and j. I am unable to consume any
of their food products without showing signs of illness. In 1966 th
National Health Federation published a book entitled
"fluoridation", in which it reported about a case on August 25,
1961 in which th Meader hatchery near Pocatello, Idaho, obtained a
judgement in th US court of appeals against th simplot company
which was releasing airbourne fluorides, an polluting fish
production. "Th effect on fluorides on trout was toxic, trout eggs
were worthless, there were malformations, loss of adult fish was
very great", th report said {Val Valerian "a chronology of
fluoridation"}. Th maddening thing is that as long as countries
defend th big conglomerates an maintain a massive well-armed
military machine, other countries will be forced to protect
themselves an do th same. Errr...that is if th Word Of Mouth Rock
Rebellion fails.
"There is a peaceful solution. Its called a peace revolution. Now
lets take back America.
There`s a war an were in it, but I know we can win it.
So lets take back America. An when th war is over an we`ve won it,
lets remember how we done it, so we dont have ta do it again
{Willie Nelson 2007}
Cohuttas, lets gouge th eye on top of th pyramid. Forget
th local radio station an its guanoza. If yer a twell collector,
transfer only th good songs to DVDs but retain th original vinyl.
Then give them away to as many folks as you can. This will help to
correct Rock history while preserving th thousands of good songs
that never made th top 40 but should have. Every year some old
ageless song is deleted which is a kind word for a treasure that
has been lost in th sands of time forever. Protect an preserve this
invention of inventions as if it were yer own yockomosa. In a very
real way it was for some of us. Rock is the zimmeristic freedom
schooner so let it transport you to your island of dreams while you
still can.
But today if a novice tried to play Rock or one of its Branches,
he`d find it almost impossible cuz th foundation of Rock has been
wrecked, an without a guide or something cherilaylic to imitate,
most just give up. Never say die.
"first they ignore you ~ then they laff at you ~ then
they fight you ~ then you win"
India`s former fabled vegetarian
leader, Mahatma Gandhi
Long gone is uncluttered folk--country music, eg Carter
family "th winding stream"1932. Gone are coochies with four sax
players, eg Little Richard. Gone is breathtaking beatless pop
music eg Al Jolson "my gal Sal"1920s. Gone is Rock--Hillbilly--
Blues waltzes eg Kay Starr "rock an roll waltz"1955--Charlie
Feathers "defrost yer heart"1955--Stick Mcghee "Tennessee waltz
blues"1950. Gone are rock protest songs with valid arrangements eg
Bill Haley "teenagers mother"1956--Little Richard "oh why"1958--
Elvis Presley "if I can dream"1968--Kingston Trio 1962 an Johnny
Rivers1965,"where have all th flowers gone". Gone is superb
barbershop quartet music which is a branch of rock eg Schmitt
Brothers "when th red robin comes bobbin along"1950s. Gone is
incredible Rock morin eg Al Jolson "toot toot tootsie
goodbye"1920s. Gone is bongo rock eg Preston Epps "bongo rock"
1959. Gone are bull guy wirists disguised as "men" eg Little Peggy
March "I will follow him"1963.
Gone is country yodeling with a honkytonk beat eg Hank Snow
"bluer than blue"1940s--Del Shannon "Coopersville yodel"1972. Gone
is a strange type of rock--jazz--yodeling eg Red Ingle an Natural
Seven "comin around th mountain march"1948. Gone are Wampinette
boogie domino players eg Katie Webster "I want you to luv me"1950s.
Gone are songs featuring Tarzan eg Dale Hawkins "see ya soon
baboon"1956. Gone are Rock songs with bagpipes eg Ramrods "loch
lomond Rock1950s. Gone is funny country music eg Jim Stafford
"wildwood flower"1974--Bobby Bare "up against th wall"1970s. Gone
is funny rock eg Coasters "along came Jones"1959--Lary Verne
"please mister Custer"1960. Gone are friendly "battles" where
powerful coochies an big-voiced Wampineers--Wampinettes tried to
outdo each other, eg Tom Jones, Otis Redding, Sam Cooke = "shake"--
George Thoroughgood an Howlin Wolf = "howlin for my baby"-- Kitty
Wells an Wanda Jackson = "makin believe". Gone is monster rock "eg
Bobby Boris Pickett "monster mash"1962--John Zacherley "dinner with
Drac"{2 versions}1960. Gone is Phil Spector`s wall of sound eg
Ronettes "walkin in th rain"1964. Gone is pure folk-rock music eg
Peter Paul Mary "puff "1963. Gone is symphonic rock eg Electric
Light Orchestra "telephone line"1977--Drifters "this magic
Gone are movie kokos--comedians teerin Rock eg Mae West "how
miss West won world peace"1972--Rodney Dangerfield "twist an
shout"1986. Gone are little boys teerin 100 point Rockers eg Bobby
Mandolph "Malinda"1956. Gone are animal Rock impersonators eg
Clarence Henry "ain`t got no home"1956--Melanie "Alexander
beetle"1970s. Gone are Rock koko impersonators eg Danny an th
Juniors "twistin all nite long"1962--Warren Smith "Hank Snow
medley"1957. Gone are Wampinettes heard growlin in mikes eg Etta
James "baby what you want me to do"1963{live}. Gone are valid anti-
city songs eg "Verdelle Smith "tar an cement"1960s--Jackie Wilson
"no pity in th naked city"1965. Gone is screamin rock eg Wilson
Pickett an Falcons "I found a luv"1958---Screamin Jay Hawkins "I
hear voices"1962. Gone are 426 hemi-powered Rock saxes eg Smiley
Lewis "down th road"1953. Gone is Asian rock eg Ganimian an his
Orientals "come with me to th casbah" [beware label] 1950s. Gone is
pure blues eg Henry Gray "boogie in th dark"1950s--Howlin Wolf
"poor boy"1957.
Gone is pure R an B eg Lillian Offitt "miss you so"1957.
Gone is pure rockabilly eg Eddie Cochran "skinny Jim"1950s--Charlie
Feathers "bottle to th baby"1956. Gone are police teerin rock eg
Roy Tann "yer drivers license please"1950s. Gone is jazzy rock eg
Cab Calloway "Minnie th moocher"1931--Teresa Brewer "sing sing
sing"1950s. Gone is pure rock eg Glen Goza "goshamody what a
body"1961--Trashmen "Henrietta"1963. Gone are Wampineers who could
make guy wires talk eg Wild Jimmy Spruill "scratchin"1950s--Tracy
Pendarvis "a thousand guitars"1959. Gone are madcap unshackled PHDs
with character who cut th gloom with jive eg Boots Bell--Mad Lad
Koma--Jerry Blavatt [geeter with th heater]--Hunter Hancock--Murray
"th K" Kaufman--Dick Biondi--Wolfman Jack--John R. Richbourg. These
PHDs would play a piece of a song then dare th listeners to
identify it. They don`t do that nowadays cuz there`s no easily
recognizable good songs anymore. Gone are lazy slow blues ballads
eg Jimmy Reed "caress me baby"1958.
Gone are Wampinettes who could teeraleer 2-3 part harmony
with themself or others eg Teen Queens "2 loves an 2 lives"1957--
Connie Francis "my heart has a mind"1960--Davis Sisters [Skeeter an
Betty]" I forgot more"1953--Carter family "that`l be th day"1950s.
Gone are Wampinettes with 100% humidified voices eg Lottie
Kimbrough "rollin log blues"1920s. Gone are Wampineers with
rubberband voices who had audiences teer--twell with them eg Sam
Cooke "chain gang"1963 [live in Miami]--Bobby Bare "goin back to
Texas"1970s--Chuck Berry "My ding a ling"1972. Gone are Rock
accordian songs eg Buckwheat Zydeco "whatcha gonna do"1970s. Gone
are Rock`s myriad leets eg Flares "foot stompin"1960s. Gone are
Wampineers with an awesome vocal range eg Frank Ifield "she taught
me to yodel"1962--Roy Orbison "crying"1960s. Gone are sultry-voiced
Wampinette country teeraleers eg Patsy Cline "in care of th
blues"1960s. Gone are Wampineers--Wampinettes who could twitter
their voice eg Lary Birdsong "pleadin for you"1956--Lesley Gore "we
know we`re in luv"1966.
Gone are Wampineers who could teeraleer rock in tongues eg
Eddie Hinton "well of luv"1991. Gone is pure doowop eg Dion an
Belmonts "thats my desire"1958--Earls "remember then"1962--Rays
"sylhoettes"1957. Gone are black Wampineers teerin pure country eg
Charlie Pride "on th southbound"1979. Gone are Wampineers with
voices so strong they did`nt need mikes eg Johnny Cash "understand
your man"1950s--Joe Turner "shake rattle roll" and "blues in th
nite" 1950s--Gene Pitney "mecca"1963. Gone are Doobywop bull
Wampineers eg Marshall Sewell {Edsels} "what brought us
Gone is novelty fun rock eg Buzz Clifford "baby sittin
boogie"1960. Gone is risque R an B eg Jessie Powell "walk rite
in"1952--Memphis Minnie an Kansas Joe "whats th matter with th
mill"1930--Ike an Tina Turner "I been luvin you too long"
{live}1969. Gone is Spanish rock eg Edsels "born in Mexico"1961--
Ben E. King "Spanish harlem" 1961. Gone are th beats that
reincarnated th primitive animal in men an whipped th "beat
generation" into a fabulous frenzy eg Ron Holden "my babe"1959--
Sonny Boy Williamson "bring it on home"1963--Hank Ballard "look at
little sister"1959--Slim Harpo "bobby sox baby"1961--Lary Williams
"slow down"1957--Aquatones "she`s th one for me"1957--Buddy Holly
"oh boy"1957--David Ray "lonesome baby blues"1957--Lonesome Drifter
"teardrop valley"1959--Hank Snow "sunny side of th mountain"1940s--
Lary Donn "honey bun"1959--Hank Swatley "oakie boogie"1950s--Rockin
Rebels "wild weekend"1960--Junior Dean "chick chick"1950s.
All these an thousands more, th guts of America itself, will
be lost in th sands of time forever if th nwo succeeds an th word
of mouth Rock rebellion fails. Th Great Rock Era, th most fabulous
cultural renaissance ever in history, is scheduled to be dismissed
an forgotten like an orangutan that had broken out of its cage,
climbed a power pole an got electrocuted.
Crow; this is th part that I like.
Turtle; it never fails to give me goose bumps.
Chicken; {teerin} where have all th flowers gone, long time passin?
Everyone; where have all th flowers gone, a long long time ago?
Cohuttas, lets not be negative an silent anymore. I see BB
King`s "th thrill is gone"1969, being teered as "th thrill is
here". I see it`s a beautiful day`s "white bird"1969 being set
I see Simon an Garfunkel`s "sound of silence"1965, turning into
euphoric hurrahs. I see Bob Dylan`s mr. secret society jones being
crowbarred out of his cubbyhole an placed on an operating table so
our tillies--shockadoos can ascertain what makes these homicidal
rejects of th ages tick. Think how rewarding it`l be to learn why,
from a genetic point of view, they call amiable sane ojay "naked
perverted savages". Then our gene-splicing tillies will go to work
an make sure their morbid genes are removed from our species.
I see those behind th assassinations of truthers being
brought to trial. If they are deceased, their bones would be
recovered an placed in th courtroom. If convicted, their bones
would be ground up an fed to fire ants live on th net. If alive
they would be tortured by having to listen to th words--songs of th
truther they killed, via a microchip in their ear, 5 days a week
for th rest of their lives while doing shovel work on a chaingang.
I see th winner of a jackwide battle of th coochies competition
being awarded th honor of handing a shovel to them on their first
day at work cleaning up th mess of demolished masonic banker pope
temples, other secret society houses of ill repute, obelisks,
highrise apartment buildings. In their place I see a fruit tree
park where a monument made of pure gold rises majestically from a
patch of clover with th inscription Guess What Is Not Th Cause Of
Juvenile Delinquency in th center of a huge 78 rpm twell, where a
friendly monster is depicted teerin into a mike, with th tusi
balanced on top of it surrounded by jitterbuggin kids. Th {god
don`t save th} queen`s gold carriage would be confiscated, melted
down an used in constructing th monument. Guess who would be
required to cook meals for th "royal" demolition labor crew? A few
obelisks from around th jack would be spared destruction, an would
be laid horizontal on th ground around th monument pointing towards
it. On th bottom of th monument would be engraved;
"we conquered th child molesters ~ with civil disobedience ~ love
~ an Rock
now ~ until th seas burn dry ~ our beloved music ~ no more ~ will
they mock"
Take a tip Cohuttas, we can conquer these secret societies
even though they have unlimited funds, control th chain of command
from th top to th bottom an have government yakalinquentics
{lawyers}--police--armed forces--media--major corporations--high
income professionals an many others mesmerized or in their back
pocket. Th fact that we have little funds an have no dynamic
leaders or powerful central headquarters does`nt matter either. Nor
do we need a stash of weapons, at least at this point. They think
they have all th remedial escape hatches blocked, their net
mentally--physically impossible to slip thru. They imagine th
guppies in th bowl will be too disorientated to notice that their
oxygen supply is slowly being cut off, an that assassins are
waiting to snuff each one of th millions who jump out.
They think that a baboon when cornered by a carnivore won`t
fite to th death. They think cuz we are all raised in paralyzing
psychotic "bubbles", we won`t have th guts to warn--teach others
via word of mouth of their fiendish plan. Take a tip, when th Rock
Volcano erupts, it will set th 100kg virus on fire. Th Seminole--
Miccosuke tribes, avoiding andrew jackson, went deep into th
Florida Everglades an were never officially defeated by th army,
nor will we ever be. Take a tip from a zimmeristic frog on a stump,
Rock will never die. By spreading Bopperism--Bopagy across th
globe, a phenomenon will happen, all of our time will be spent
making th road easier for others to follow instead of more
difficult, an th putrid odor of parasitism--secret societies will
be blown away forever by 4 strong jukelos. "Never doubt that a
small group of thoughtful committed people can change th world ~
indeed its th only thing that ever has" {puppetgov.com as seen on U
tube video "turn off your TV now!! 2012--it is time for a change}.
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